Strays (Part II)

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The girls stiffen and their eyes widening in shock, no doubt not expecting me to have any knowledge about the supernatural world. I can understand since it's not common knowledge that the Age of the Gods hasn't ended yet in this world compared to [Type-Moon].


"I'm not going to question why members of the Vatican decided to side with the Grigori, since it's none of my business. I just wanted to confirm something." I said before the blonde could finish her sentence "But I have info that might interest you ladies, if you want to hear about it. If not, then I'll take my leave."

Argento and Hyōdō looking at each other for a few seconds, like those talking with your friend or lover through eye contact alone, before the latter turning towards me with a slight cautious expression on her face "We would like to hear what you have to say... Um..." Hyōdō trailed off when she remembered that she doesn't know my name.

"Raiga Kōjiro." I introduced myself, the first step of building trust between two or more people.

"Isane Hyōdō." The brunette introduced herself with a slight nod.

"I'm Asia Argento." Argento said with a smile on her face before doing a slight bow... So Hyōdō taught her a bit of Japanese culture, that's a bit unexpected "Its nice to meet you."

I nodded before turning around and looked towards Raynare "You can go ahead to school, I'll catch up later."

Raynare nodded before walking away from the area, and when I was sure that she wasn't near us anymore, I thought about my next move. How can I bring Argento and Hyōdō away from the Church, where Raynare's ragtag group is chilling out?


...Maybe I can convince them that the Fallen Angels in Kuoh are after their [Sacred Gears]? I remember that the Grigori had a device that allows them to extract a [Sacred Gear] from a [Sacred Gear] wielder. I'll inform them while we're heading towards the church in order to make myself less suspicious, since Hyōdō here once lived here and might still remember where the Church was located if she went to a mass before, or asked someone in town for directions.

"Follow me, I'll lead you to the Church in Kuoh while we talk." I said with a gesture to follow me before walking towards the direction of the Church.

And so we ended up on our way to the base of the Fallen Angels and their servants, the Nuns following beside me.

"So, is this info about the Fallen Angels?" Hyōdō asked with a look of curiosity and I can feel that she's cautious around me. It's understandable since I'm just a stranger that suddenly talked to them, and now leading them to a place that they probably didn't know... She has a good head in her shoulders, definitely much smarter then Raynare.

"Yes." I nodded towards the brunette "Have you heard that the Governor of the Grigori, Azazel, is rumoured of having an addiction for studying [Sacred Gear]?" I asked, getting head shakes from the duo. Looks like even the Church doesn't know off Azazel's obsession with [Sacred Gear] "Well, there are rumours centring around other [Sacred Gear] wielders having gone missing

"I see..." Hyōdō muttered to herself before looking back at me with a questioning look on her face "But that's not related to the Church in this town. So what's the point of that info?"

"I was about to get to that important part." I said, placing my left hand into my pocket "You see, in order to-"


The sound of a young boy crying interrupted me. So I stopped and turned towards the source to see the kid holding a slightly scraped knee and I wasn't surprise when Argento began walking towards the boy, crouching down in front of him with a kind expression on her face. This is who is she, someone that wouldn't be able to harm a bird even if she has the power to do so.

"You okay?" Argento asked "A boy should not cry over little things like this." She gently patted the boy on the head before bringing her hands to the injured knee and then a green light orb suddenly appeared from her palms and flashed onto the boy's knee.

[Twilight Healing], a none combat [Sacred Gear] that can heal any kind wounds with the exception of lost limbs. The [Sacred Gear] is the reason why Raynare allowed the blonde in her group, in order to steal it for herself... No odd sensation going through me, just another indication that I have no [Sacred Gear]. Newbie [Sacred Gear] wielders feel an odd feeling when someone else uses [Sacred Gear] in front of them, in the case of the canon male Hyōdō feeling something in his left arm when seeing Argento use [Twilight Healing] while he was still a new born Devil.

The blonde Nun patted the boy on the head again "Here. Your wounds healed. The pain should be gone now."

"Yoshi-kun, where did you go?!" A woman who was no doubt the boy's mother ran over to him.

The boy happily ran over to his mother, pointing at Argenyo and smiling as if he had never been injured "Ah, that Onee-chan over there! She healed my injury!"

Argento smiled at the mother "It looked like he fall, so I helped him."

Rather than say any thanks, the mother pulled the boy away and started walking away. Over her shoulder, I saw her shoot the Nun a dirty look "You shouldn't talk to strange people. Let's go."

What an ungrateful bitch. I know that people can be assholes at times, but what really pisses me off is when they'll give you a dirty look even after you've done a good deed or a favour for them. I know that prideful beings like Devils, Fallen Angels and the Vampires in this world can be even worse then her, probably would start shouting at the person for trying to help them as they take it as an insult that implies they can't do this or that... Honestly, what a bunch of idiots.

"...Is this a normal occurrence to her?" I asked Hyōdō, who was looking at Argento with a sad expression on her face... While I can already guess that's the answer, I just couldn't help but be a bit curious if things were a bit different since Hyōdō was in the Vatican along side Argento "Performing a good deed, yet all she gets in return is anything but a thank you?"

"...Yeah, this is a normal occurrence to her after an incident happened." Hyōdō replied while I saw his grip the handle of the bag tighten... If I remember correctly, Argento was exorcised from the Vatican because she was able to heal a Devil (Diodora Asaroth) and then she become 1 of Gremory's servants after a single encounter with a perverted Devil. But that was in the original time line where I don't exist and Hyōdō never moved to Italy (which I assume since that's the country where Argento originated and where they might have becomes friends... Which begs the question, why did she and her family moved to Italy?) "Back then, she was praised because of her ability to heal many wounds, a gift from God as many people, including myself, called it. Some even referred to her as a living Saint... Until an encounter happened that caused others to shun her."

"You don't have to say anything else if it's uncomfortable for you to explain." I said, looking at her blonde friend with a solemn on my face. While I can't really relate to her since I don't have much friends, I know what it's like seeing a love one suffer and then loose them "Some people hate to talk about horrible events that happened to them."

"Thank you, Onee-chan!" I heard the boy call out to Argento, so I looked at him to see the kid waving cheerfully to the Nun, who seemed to smile as she waved back... At least the boy knows some manners, unlike his mother.

Argento walked back to where Hyōdō and I stood before she turned to me and tapped herself on the head, sticking out her tongue "Sorry. I get meddlesome sometimes."

"I'm have no problem with that, you do what you want to do since it's your own choice... But I didn't expect to see 1 of the rare people that has [Twilight Healing]." I lied, expecting Argento to appear here because of her past "As I was saying earlier before getting interrupted, Azazel has an addiction with studying [Sacred Gears], which is the reason why he gathers so many [Sacred Gear] wielders in his organisation." I said to them, like a teacher explaining something to a young student "The Grigori had a device that allows to extract a [Sacred Gear] from a someone, but that causes the person to die in the end, so it was dismantled... But I could be wrong." I said, getting shocked expressions from the duo.

"...H-How do they extract a [Sacred Gear] from someone?" Argento asked after a few seconds of silence, a hit of worry and fear within her voice.

"Do you girl really want to know?" I answered back with a question of my own with a eerie voice behind it. I saw that the duo gulped nervously before they nodded, the signal to go on "Well, the device is ironically in the shape of a cross. They bound the person on it like how Jesus was crucified before they began the extraction." I then looked at Argento specifically "Your friend commented that your power is a gift from God, correct? You can say that the extraction is the opposite, where God not only takes the gift back in a very painful way but takes your life along with it..."

"I-It can not be..." Argento gasped in shock and disbelief.

"To put it in laymen's terms... The Fallen Angels in that Church wants to take the [Sacred Gears] inside us with the device." Hyōdō summarised the entire info that I gave to them with a harden expression on her face "I thought that it was a crazy to get help from Fallen Angels... But looks like I was right."

"So, do both of you still want to go to the Church?" I asked the Nuns, just to make sure that she still wants to arrive at her initial destination.

Before the duo could answer my question, a slight manic cackle filled the air, so the Nuns and I turned at the source to see a man with white hair appear... Why did it had to be this guy?

"Lookie what I found here, the Nuns and a silver-eyed cattle-" Zelzan started, but I appeared in front of him with a boost from [Mana Burst] and cut him off by punching him in the face, before sending himself flying with the help of [Mana Burst]. While killing him would be beneficial to many people in the world, the girls would probably become distrustful towards me if I killed someone in front of them.

"...Looks like they've started to hunt both of you down, if that guy was any indication." I started off while turning towards Argento and Hyōdō, who looked at me with surprised expressions on their faces. I walked back to them, took their bags before jogging towards Kuoh Acamedy "Follow me, I'll bring you girls to an area that they can't reach you."

"Wait a sec!" Hyōdo shouted, no doubt being forced to follow me since I have their stuff in my hands. This might cause them to be more wary of me, but now is not the time to care to about a person's perspective of you when their lives are in danger "Were are we going!?"

"To the Devil stronghold in this town, the only place where the Fallen Angels and their Stray Exorcists wouldn't dare to enter unless they want to fight." I said back without looking at the duo's direction, but I have a hunch that they have shocked expressions on their faces "All I can say is that the stronghold is a place you would hardly expect where Devils chill out."

I didn't say anything else, as my mind went to how did Zelzan found us near the park. While I know that random encounters do happen in games, with [The Gamer] manga taking it to the extreme where an entire area can become a pseudo-dungeon, its kinda weird for a Stray Exorcist to be walking around the streets in broad daylight since he wouldn't gain anything... Unless he was told by a higher up to find something, or in this case, to find two people.

I have a hunch who was the person that told him, and possibly the other Stray Exorcists, to go and capture Argento and Hyōdō. The only person that saw them other then myself.

It didn't take us too long to arrive in front of the campus, with many students looking at the Nuns near me with curiosity and leering (from the obvious culprits) eyes.

"This... This is where the Devils in Kuoh are staying?" Argento asked quietly after a few seconds of looking at Kuoh Academy from where we stood "A very big school?"

"It might be strange, but they're mostly around the same age as us and they choice to study in the human world. Hence the reason why they made the school their home base." I said before enter the campus, still carrying on the duo's luggage. I know that I'm creating a scene since the other students are looking at the Nuns behind me, which is something that I usually do do since I'm not really a fan of attention, but now is hardly the time for such things "I'll bring you girls to 1 of the groups, which is lead by the most logical leader of the two."

- a few minutes later -

"...So, may I ask why did you brought 2 Nuns here, Kōjiro-san?" Sitri-san asked, looking at Argento, Hyōdō and I (mostly towards me) with narrowed eyes. Even if I don't know her that much personally, it's obvious that she's not pleased with me right now. Well, I would be too if I was in her shoes, when if someone suddenly barged into my room with 2 strangers that are associated with 1 of the enemy factions of my race. Hell, I would say that she would be furious at me if I did just that if I'm serving under her as a member of her peerage "If you want these 2 to be enrolled into the school then you're pushing your luck with me. Let me remind you that I only let a Fallen Angel in because of the deal that we agreed on, nothing else-"

"Look, I really don't care if your pissed at me because I dragged 2 Nuns into the school, and especially into your room without your permission." I rudely cutoff Sitri-san from her little rant, getting a glare in response to my disrespect from not only to the bespectacled girl but from her peerages members are well "Also, no, that's not the reason why I brought them here. I did that because they were being hunted down by Stray Exorcists."

"...Why exactly?" The president of the Student Council asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at Argento and Hyōdō for a second before looking back at me.

"I don't know why they're been hunted down, and the main reason why I brought them here is because I felt like being a Good Sumerian for once in my young teenage life so I brought them to a slightly safer place." I said, being a bit honest but not telling the whole truth. I don't want them finding out that Argento and Hyōdō have [Sacred Gears], especially the latter since she's the current Hakuryūkō. All I got from Sitri-san was a calculating expression, the kind that's trying to see if I'm lying or not... This 1 of the reasons why Sitri-san is much smart then Gremory, always trying to see underneath the underneath of things before deciding on anything "Anyways, can you watch over them? I got some work to do."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Hyōdō and Sitri-san asked at the same time, with the latter looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to get rid off the Stray Exorcists and the Fallen Angels, simple as that." I said before turning around and began walking towards, before looking back at Sitri-san over my shoulder "I'll doing you lot a favour, so I'll ask for something in return when I got back."

"You know that there's a high chance of you dying because of this stupid plan of yours." Sitri-san said, but I still continued on with my way to door "Besides, what exactly do you gain from killing them? Nothing. While it would great for Rias and I since you did the dirty by getting rid of them by yourself, that doesn't mean you'll be rewarded by us since it wasn't anything special."

"Well, I can ditch school this way." I said casually, opening the door when I was in front of it before closing it when I got out of the room. I quickly run off after reinforcing my legs just in case Sitri-san wanted to stop me by sending 1 of her servants.

Have some preparations to do before heading to the Church, like creating swords for Lancelot for [Knight of Owner]. I know that's it's possible for me to get that Noble Phantasm and [For Someone's Glory] if I seal away [Arondight]. I don't want to expose myself as an old fashioned warrior carrying a black claymore, that would attract too much attention. It's a good thing that [For Someone's Glory] allows me to change my appearance, despite limited to otheir Heroic Spirits with various military exploits.

...Now then, which weapon should I pick and who should I imitate?

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