Author's Note

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Wow, this book is finally done. What an awesome rollercoaster. I started this at the beginning of COVID and finished it in pretty good time.

I was inspired by a play that I learned isn't actually by who I said it was so sorry about that and decided to put it in this story.

I also thought of all those times I've complained about annoying kids of the male race and my parents or teachers saying "it's because he likes you." I mean, I gagged a lot when they did say that, but I, imagining that most likely why Kai have Isla so much extra annoying attention.

I could hardly believe I was almost done and it really hit me when I was at Chapter 18. I had fun coming up with reasons that Isla hated Kai for each and every chapter. This is one of my favourite books I've worked on because of how much comedic content it has. I love some good comedy.

Anyway, that's all I have for now, I may out in bonus chapters on special occasions so stay tuned! If you really want I can post a part listing all the reasons Isla hates Kai but at the moment I don't have the time today since its Father's Day. Oh, right, Happy Father's Day!

Special thanks to all my amazing readers, my friend and family, and my father!

Another thanks to skiepuppy because I totally freaked out with excitement when I got asked to update. Sorry if that's weird but as a girl who writes fanfictions that's pretty nice to hear.

Anyway, you can check out my other Lego Ninjago Fanfictions that are actually connected to this one. I have one of Lloyd called Forgive Forget, another for Cole called Musically Me, another for Zane called When Water Turns to Ice and another that I just started for Jay called Out of Balance.

Stay tuned for my next book coming out soon!

You Made Us Whole

Oh! And if you're interested in other good fanfictions please take a look at my good friend Dee_Dee_Mclee 's multifandom story The FANDOMS.

And since I'm guessing you're all Ninjago fans I also have a contest newly named The Ninjago Awards on my second account TheOtherBug . I would love some new submissions! My first version of this contest is on this account though and I'm still accepting applicants. So please go check it out!

Any Graphic designers so go look at my other accounts new graphic contests The Flair Awards!

Anyway, thank you all again!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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