Can't give up:

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Can't Give Up:

The word love itself can't describe how much I love you, your like the breeze that sent chills down my spine when the wind blew on the night you told me you loved me and I said that I was in love with you, you're like the sunshine on a cool summer day,
sometimes your like the red stain left on a pop sickle stick when the sun melts it away, your the pink in my cheeks when I blush, your the smile on my face when I get enough courage to finnaly say hi to my crush, through thick and thin I knew I'll always have you as my lover and friend, I'm like a pool of love and you dipped in it and now we're swimming in it without a care in the world, I love it when you introduce me as your girl, I love how you don't blind me with fake jewelry and pearls, you give me somethin real, you give my heart something to feel, your the real deal, your the ideal of what girls should look for in a guy, your what the girls would call fine, your soul, spirt and voice sends chills down my spine again and again you spin in my head, I can never get any rest cause I'm always thinkin' about you, I'm always thinkin' about the first time we met then and now and how you knew that we'd be together, as kids we grew together, you always told me not to worry about the girls that came around because like gel and hair you'll always hold me down, like the lover and friend you are you'll pick me up whenever I fall down, and whether we're broken up and not together you'll still stick around, if ever In need of a homie cause I feel lonely you'll be there, if I ever needed a shoulder to lean on you'll be there and to think I thought you didn't care cause people would talk and I would get all riled up, which led us to scream, fight then fuss til we broke up, but we fought through it, we found our way out of the phase we were in, and like normal couples we would talk then talkin would always end up to us arguing and fightin but we'd still got through it, despite our bad past we can still make what we have last, We can't ever give up, cause no matter what, they always gon poke holes in the light that's shining on us


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