Everything Will Be Okay:

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Everything Will Be Okay:

In the streets of Chicago, a man walks to a telephone post to try and get a hold of his daughter. As it rings he over hears two teenagers talking,

"Did you hear about that stripper that came up missing a few weeks ago", a teen with curly hair and light brown eyes said ,"Yea dude, that's why I don't go to that club anymore, those chicks are crazy and desperate" ,the guy right next to him says, "Yea man, she probably got what she deserved", "yea or she got a train ran on her and couldn't take the fame and humility", they both start laughing hysterically.
The man hangs up the phone because she didn't answer and walks over to the two teens, "Hey!" The man yells to them,  "Don't You kids got somewhere to be, it's 12:00 on a Monday", He says to them. "I could ask you the same", one of the kids says to him with a smart mouth. "I know your momma, get to school now." They look at him with scared faces and hurry off. The man then walked into a hospital and up to the front desk. "Um excuse me, I'm here for Mrs.brown, my wife", he says
"she's on level 4 in room 165" ,she says as she raps a green wristband around his wrist. He walks to the elevator nervously and then gets on. As he's going up he can only think of how things are going to go if they go through with the operation. His wife needs a kidney transplant but he doesn't have enough money and he doesn't know where his daughter is. As he gets off and heads to his sick wife. He then slowly opens the door and sees her laying on the hospital bed, "baby you made it, I'm so glad to see you", she smiles as she sees him, he walks over to her hospital bed  and sits after giving her a warm hug, "yea I had to come check up on you, y'know", he said sadly
" baby what's wrong....I thought you'd be happy to see me", she says as her smile disappears and she starts tearing up, he turns to her and puts her small hands in his huge ones and looks to her in her deep maroon eyes, "baby I am excited to see you, it's just...", she takes one hand and caresses his face, "just what baby?" , "I'm just worried about our daughter...and you, y'know like what if we don't have enough money to get that kidney and you-y'know", she sits up and kisses his lips tenderly, "shhh..don't talk like that and don't worry baby, I'll be fine, and our daughter said that she will get the money", "yea but how is she gonna come up 20 thousand dollars in 2 weeks all by herself and I don't even know where she runs off to, you know she came home at 7 in the morning the other night?", "shes a teenager Derrick, what do you expect", she's says as she holds his hands, "um I have to tell you something", he says as he lets her hands go and scratches the back of his head, "well what is it?", she said cautiously, "I-I uh don't know where she is", he says as he looks away from her", she turns his head back towards her, "what do mean you don't know where She is", she demanded, "she's been missing for about...a...week", she gasps and slaps him, "ow!, I've been trying to get a hold of her, I'm doing everything thing I can...I'm so sorry baby", "oh just stop talking, I just hope she's ok", she says sadly as she starts crying, derrick holds both of her hands and wipes her tears away, "she'll be home soon, she can't miss her graduation", he says as he raps his arms around his dying wife, "how long do you have...until y'know", he said as he looked deeply into his wife's eyes, "the doctor said about a few months if I don't get this kidney but I'll be okay baby", "I---" , before he could speak a nurse walked in interrupting them,  "Mr and Mrs Brown someone by the name is Diamond brown wanted to drop off this flash drive off, she says it's urgent and you need to see it", the doctor said quickly and then walked out, "oh my god baby hand me my backpack, I have a computer in there", Gaby his wife says, he runs over to the chair, grabs the backpack and grabs the laptop and then jogs back to the hospital bed. Gaby opens the laptop and hooks the flash drive up to it and a video pops up on the screen, "oh my god baby it's our daughter", Gaby says as she grasps onto derricks shirt. He then clicks the play button and sternly watches the screen.

"Hi mom and dad, I uh hope your not mad at me after watching this video but here goes nothing", she says as she puts her long curly brown hair up in a ponytail

"So I Just slept with a man to save your life, even tho I know it ain't right but the hospital price is to high,
And I didn't know any other way,
I was caught between a rock and a hard place, what could I say,
I was in a situation that I could no longer face, and meet eye to eye or I'd just give up,
Suddenly trying to find a decent job just wasn't good enough,
No jobs wanted me except the club,
There was no other ways I could think of, so to the club I go,
Sliding up and down a nasty old pole,
Puttin' on wigs, used clothes and dressing up like a hoe,
Wearing bright bras and sparkling stilettos, doing 100 dollars for a dance and 200 for a show, but if its for you then I'll do it everyday, I'm getting you out no matter what price I have to pay, and selling my body is one way, but selling dope is another, flipping bricks, and on drugs, while still trying to hold my life together, but I can't give up, because saving you is a must, and I'm committed, after all you've done for me I feel like I owe it ya', you've been saving me all throughout my life, you don took many knifes for me, and all I did was say thank you as I watched you bleed and get on your knees and do things that little me was not supposed to see, but now I've put myself in that same type of position, I've made a few mistakes and poor life decisions that I would never forgive myself for doing, I know you'd be mad about this type of job I'm pursuing, because I know you wanted more for me, I didn't know this was in store for me, this was not my plan but everything got outta hand and I was left with this lifestyle, but it only has to go on for just a little while and then I'll be done, so in the end we can say we won and this phase I'm in will pass, and all we'll do is look back at this and laugh but now I gotta go, I met a guy name ti-do who can get me all the money I need, but it kinda involves selling weed and doing things but I'll be okay, I'll be back in a few days so don't wait, and tell dad I said not to worry and hi, I love you both..bye"

Gaby then reaches over and slaps derrick a lot of times while crying, "how could you let her out of your sight", she sobs onto his his shirt, he then starts letting a few tears flow as well, "I didn't know she was doing this type of stuff and If I did you know I wouldn't let her", he pleads, "I didn't need the money that bad", Gaby says quietly as she lays back on her bed and her eyes close and her body stops moving, "it's ok I'll find a way to get you that kidn--" his words were cut off by the sight of her body slightly dangling off the hospital bed, "GABY, WHAT THE HELL, WAKE UP BABY!", he yells as he shakes her body. Then doctors walk in and and tries to excuse him from the room, "sir you have to leave", one of the doctors insisted,
"hell no, I'm not going anywhere", he said as he stayed next to his wife, a few more doctors came in and grabbed him off of her body and shoved him out of the room. "Starting compressions...*pump* ,clear the doctor says as she shocks the body. Derrick goes to the waiting room and sobs quietly with his head down. "This evening, a girl by the name of Diamond brown was shot and found in an alley by these two young men", (she pointed to a teen with curly hair with light brown eyes and another teen standing next to him)", a reporter on the television says, derricks ears perk up and he turns his head slowly towards the tv in the corner of the waiting room. "Can't be", he says to himself as he stands up and walks towards the tv with his hands on his head. He then faints after seeing the picture of her on the television confirming in his mind that it is his daughter...

Wassup GalaxyGang🤘
I hope you guys liked it🙈
Part 2🙊🙊? Next Tuesday😌
Until Next
Btw the picture at the top is not mines I'm just using it for this chapter☺️

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