The Control Freak:

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The Control Freak:

Malarie's POV~

As I parked my car I contemplate on whether or not what I'm about to do is a good decision. I grip the steering wheel and close my eyes as I make the final decision in my head. As I step out my car I glance at the name of the building. I then remind myself that all I'm here to do is just drop off a letter. I don't wanna see him, feel his presence, or talk to him. Me and my ex boyfriend was dating for a year and I was waiting for things to change but change has only gotten me the psychiatric facility ready to give him a letter. As I walk to open the big doors a memory flashes in my head...


"Nobody's perfect baby and it's ok to be a little different. I swear I'd never judge you or hurt you like your mother did...I love you", I say to him as he's breaking down on the bathroom floor. "I don't believe you, your gonna be just like every other sucker out there, you don't care about me Mal, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!",  he yells at me in frustration. As we're both crying I don't know what to say so I say nothing and we sit in silence as I wrap my arms around his backside while we're on the floor. "Just Get out", he says. "What", I say with confusion , "just Get out of here and get me something to eat and then come straight home. If you love me so much then why are you letting me starve Mal?", he says to me with a deep voice. I sit there with a blank expression on my face as I've realized that there's no hope for him nor is there  for us. "Go now b*tch!" ,he yells. I didn't wanna upset him even more so I did as he told me to do. I wanna make things work so bad with him for his sake even if it's not healthy for me. I then walk out the door and call his psychiatrist to tell him that nothing's getting better only worse. The next morning men in white nurse outfits came quietly in our home to take him so he can get better. They take out sleep needles and slowly inject him in the arm while he was already asleep. As they take him I just think about how crazy he's probably gonna act when he awakes from the medicine injected in him. As the men exit, I get on my knees and pray that things will get better for him.

End Of Flashback~

As I walk in I notice how all of the nurses are wearing white uniforms. i walk up to the front desk. "I'm here to deliver something for Christopher Walker", I say to the lady at the desk. "And who's delivering", she questions, "his...(I contemplate for a second and then I speak) ex girlfriend Malarie. "Ok", is all she says as I hand the letter to her. As I'm about to walk out and never come back I hear yelling and I couldn't help but turn around and notice someone being taken down by a lot of nurses and a bunch of needles being injected into them. "Malarie",  he slurs and then falls fast asleep. I stand there wide eyed as one of the nurses snaps me out of it. "Hello. Miss!, we are now closed ,you have to leave now". He quickly shoves me out the big doors. I then walk to my car and let out a huge sigh of relief and never look back.

The Next Day

Christopher's POV~

As I slowly awaken the first thing I remember seeing is Malarie. She's the first thing on my mind everyday and (I know it was her I seen yesterday) I thought to myself. Just then interrupting my thoughts came in the delivery nurse. The delivery nurses only comes to deliver stuff like letters and messages but I've never gotten one since these last past few weeks I've been here in this hell hole until today. "I'm leaving tomorrow so you can just throw that away", I tell the nurse before she leaves ,"excuse me", she says ," Can't you hear! I said I'm leaving tomorrow, I have things to do that doesn't involve me staying here at this dumb facility." ,"Mr.Walker, your doctor informed me that your supposed to be here for at least another year, I don't know where your getting this information from but it's not true". I sit there with a blank expression on my face and then something just takes over me as I get really mad "GET OUT" , I yelled at her and as I was about to jump over to where she is and knock her cold out she quickly exited with fear in her walk as she noticed my change in behavior.

2 hours later~

After deciding whether or not I should read the note sitting by the door just taunting me not knowing who it was from I slowly walk over and pick it up. I then began to glance over it at first and then I rapidly rip it open when I notice on the bottom corner of the envelope it says From Malarie....I then began to read the long letter in my hands.

From Malarie~

I couldn't bare the excruciating feeling I felt that feels so intense, It make me yelp and I should've asked for help before I let you in
And when I look back at our memories I suddenly get the urge to cringe and think, how could a guy like you end up with a girl like me, how could I be so naive and not see the blood pouring from the scars of my heart when you cut in deep, and not physically but mentally, all I heard was your melody, the melody that was so smooth, light and delicately low, but now when you speak it could make the wind scared to blow, it used to feel like you'd keep me in chains and wouldn't let me go, I was like a flower that you just wouldn't let grow, or like a valuable possession that you couldn't hold so you let it fall and it broke, or maybe a carton on a hill that carried to much love so you just let it roll, you could make a smart kid forget everything they know and only answer to you, they can't say this or wear that unless you approve, you act like your some sort of god man as if you can do everything god can do so your confused because your not god, when your around people you make them feel odd, and even as a child you'd treat people like dirt, someone cut you so deep and made you hurt so now you turn all that hurt into anger and you vowed to never let yourself feel for another stranger, you just became so heartless and so cold, your words were slanted but written in bold, you put on a front when we first met but then you showed your true colors, your mind was corrupted and disturbed of torture, and silly me so naive I thought I could change that, I thought maybe you'd feel less lonely if someone had your back, obviously I was wrong but I took to long and everything we once had is gone, now I can't help but reminisce on the night I fell in love with you after we shared that kiss but then soon after you stopped seeing you psychiatrist and things got crazy, you weren't acting the same, you'd call me names and it'll feel like you were keeping me on chains some days, and nothing changed and I figured that something was wrong with your brain as you brought me much unnecessary pain, you started telling me things like you owned me and that I belonged to you, and if I'd get outta line you'd lose your mind and I'd get punished for that too but I stayed around anyways as things got worse day by day as if it were a curse, but I understand why you act the way you do, because if I had a childhood like yours I think I'd be crazy and controlling too, you couldn't even have a romantic first kiss, cause it was stolen by an old women whom was perverted, old, and sick, if I could give you better I would no doubt but considering the circumstances we're in there's no way I can get you out, so let those people help you, and one day if you get out then we can be together if you still want to, but until then you need to learn to be less controlling and find yourself and keep growing as a person, and I'll try not to let my heart drown with the rest of the broken hearts in the lost sea

To my ex boy-friend...The Control Freak

It feels like a hundred knifes was injected in me as I dropped the cold letter onto the hard floor. I had no idea someone was hurting her like This. I must get out and kill the person that did this to her this..this...Control Freak guy who hurt my Mal. "LET ME OUT OF HERE" ,I yell as I bang my fist as hard as I could on the cold metal doors.

No Ones POV~

As he repeatedly banged his fist on the door for what seemed to be almost half an hour, 10 nurses barged in the room and tried to pin Chris down on the floor. "GET OFF ME, GET AWAY FROM ME OR........SOMEBODY'S GONNA GET HURT", he whispered that last part sinisterly. As two of the nurses went in to grab him he punched one of the nurses knocking him out cold then he kicked the other one and tried to make a run for it but then a bunch nurses grabbed a hold of him and pinned him down as they were injecting needles in him a doctor walked in, to be specific it was his doctor who walked in. Christopher's vision was hazy and he was laid on his bed by the nurses. His doctor walked up to him and picked up the letter on the floor by his bed. After he glanced over it he looked back at Chris and spoke to him. "Chris can your hear the sound of my voice", Chris nods his head slowly as his mind is still hazy. "Why are you behaving in such way", Dr.Evans questions, "s-s-som-someone h-hurt m-my g-girl-girlfriend", he slurs.  Dr.Evans let his head down as he pinches the bridge between his nose. He then lifts his head back up to speak "Chris are you referring to this letter", he says as he holds up the letter in his hand. "Y-y-yesss, he slurs "Chris this letter is written for you and about you, You hurt this poor girl and you need to own up to it" "w-w-wha----" , he then falls fast asleep. Dr.Evans takes that note with him as he walks out of the room leaving Chris to sleep peacefully. About 8 hours later Dr.Evans goes back to Christopher's room and tells him that the letter is about him and Chris denies it. Everyday Chris remains still in denial and plans his revenge on the guy that broke his ex girlfriends heart.

Wassup Galaxy Gang🤘
Have you ever dated a psycho? Well if you have you can talk about it in the comment section
And we can all share our experiences even if they're not as cray-cray as Christopher. Btw I'm gonna be writing moe of my chapters like this but not all of them so be ready guys😝Until next time...✌️#GalaxyGang💙💜💙💜

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