You'll See Her:

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You'll See Her:

You'll see her in a crowd of which she doesn't belong in
You'll see her silently trying to break through out of her skin
She's a lost soul trying to find her way, just wanting to get a glimpse of her purpose in life, and she looks for it everyday despite the fact that it's no where in sight

You'll see her wearing wigs and tight cloths and whatever is the new trend,
She'll almost find herself, fight the demon's, and kiss the scars on her skin but she gets caught up in the hype and wanting to look tight so she ends up doing it all over again
Following trend after trend

You'll see her insecurities hiding behind her true self, she'll be oblivious to the fact that she needs help, she's to caught up in trying to be everyone else but herself

You'll see her in a face full of make-up trying to make up what she doesn't have, the big lips, perfect face, and a badge that says i'm beautiful, but by doing this she's putting a stain on her heart that's unremovable

You'll see her idolizing Barbie dolls as the epitome of what she thinks is beauty, for her being pretty is an occupation and her duty
She sees plastic surgery as an opportunity for more attention
She wears jewelry that makes those fake contacts in her eyes glisten
She's wearing a mask that is built for destruction if not used with the genuine instructions
The mask is like a volcano and the need to be greedy and want the perfect life, perfect body, money, and perfect husband is only the start of the biggest eruption

You'll see her being everything that she's not
And if you look close enough you'll see her starting to rot
Long fake nails, fake hair, and a fake personality is all she's got
Now you'll see her run, running away from what she's become, running away with a confused mind a heart that's numb, but now you'll see her destined to be someone awesome...herself...
After a long journey................

You'll see her finally being herself.

Wassup GalaxyGang✌️💙💜
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Until Next Time....💙💜

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