I'm Acting

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I am an actress, I put on my stage makeup and my fake eyelashes.

I go on stage carrying props, things that make my character happy.

I sing heartfelt duets and epic ballads.

I dance my heart out, spinning in fancy ballgowns, jamming in workout clothes. 

I am an actor, I hide behind words and underneath lights.

I go on stage knowing what I am supposed to say, what I am supposed to do.

I interact with the extras and my friends are the secondary characters.

I move about the set pieces, going from place to place, never lingering after blackouts and set changes.

We are acting, moving on stage as we've been told.

We are acting, until an eyelash falls off.

We are acting, until a line is forgotten.

We are acting, until a dance move is messed up.

We are acting, until a cue is missed.

We were acting, until our masks fell off.

We were acting, until our scripts were lost.

We were acting, until we did what we weren't supposed to do.

We were acting, until we descended from the cloud everyone thought we deserved.

We were acting, until we came down to Earth.

We were acting, until, for that moment, secondary characters gathered around, 

Saying nothing is wrong,

Saying that surely the lead role has nothing to worry about,

Saying that we are perfect.

We are actors.

Our lives are a stage and our happiness is a costume.

We are actors.

We are not the perfect leads you think we are.

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