Chapter 10

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Ash and I arrive at the library. I find a computer and sit down, while Ash grabs a nearby chair and sits beside me.

"Looks like I have about 10 minutes to finish up my homework." I say while I look at the time.

"Alright." He replies.

I begin working.

"I thought you one of those people who always does their homework." Ash says.

"Well, I'm not like that all the time." I say.

"I can see that." He chuckles.

I playfully roll my eyes and continue working.

* * * * *

The morning quickly passed by. Sooner than I knew it, it was time for lunch. I managed to finish my homework earlier today, so I don't have anything to worry about anymore. Right now, I am sitting at a table in the cafeteria waiting for Dawn, Misty, May and Iris. I got here a lot earlier than usual, so I have to wait. I glance over at the table to the right of me. I look specifically at Ash. I find him admiring one of Clemont's new inventions. I keep looking at him for a while longer. What happened earlier... that was seriously the most awkward and embarrasing situation I've ever been in. I mean, not that I hated it or anything, I do like Ash, so it's normal for me to want more moments like that. But it just makes me feel slighty uncomfortable. This gets me thinking if I should tell him how I actually feel about him soon.

Suddenly, the sound of a tray full of food and drinks being placed onto the table startles me.

"Huh?!" I jump and quickly look away from Ash.

"I'm here!" Iris smiles and sits down.

"Took you long enough." I say.

"Yeah, sorry. I had trouble picking out what to get for lunch today." Iris sweatdrops.

Misty, May and Dawn arrive shortly after Iris.

"Oh man...finally lunch time. I'm already so done with today." Dawn sighs with exhaustion and puts her head on the table.

"Why, what's the matter?" May asks her.

"Math is so stressful. My teacher gives too much work, and expects us to finish it by the end of class." Dawn sighs.

"Did you get it finished?" I ask out of curiosity.

" hand hurts from all the writing." Dawn says.

"'s okay Dawn. It's high school, it's normal." Misty says.

Dawn doesn't reply, she just simply gives a small nod, showing Misty she knows.

"Does anyone have a tissue, napkin, hankerchief, anything? This burger is making a mess." Iris says.

Hearing Iris say that made me remember something. Ash's hankerchief. I need to tell them.

"Hey, um...I have something to tell you guys." I say, completely ignoring Iris' question.

"Hm? What is it?" May looks at me.

"So, you know back then when I told you I feel like I knew Ash?" I start.

"Yeah. What about it?" Misty says.

"I actually do know him." I say.

"What? What do you mean?" May looks at me a little confused.

"We met like, 8 years ago at a summer camp I went to." I say.

"Really? Wow. How?" Iris asks.

I take about 3 minutes to go over what happened at Professor Oak's Summer Camp.

I then reach into my backpack and pull out the hankerchief.

"This is Ash's hankerchief." I say as I place on the table.

"Oh my arceus. You still have it? You kept it?" Dawn says as she picks it up and examines it.

"Uh, yeah. I never did get the chance to give it back to him, and it's also um, really special to me." I say as I blush.

"I see." Dawn says and gives it back to me.

"Did you tell him about it yet?" Misty asks.

"No..." I say.

"Are you going to?" May says.

"O-of course. I just don't know when." I say.

"You have to tell him as soon as possible, Serena. I'm sure he'd be glad to find out you were a friend from 8 years ago." Iris smiles.

"Yeah! You guys are so perfect for eachother! Think about it, childhood friends brought back together by destiny! Then you guys would fall in adorable would that be?" Dawn jumps.

"Huh? D-dawn! Don't go too fast!" I nervously say as my cheeks turn red.

"Aww, look who is blushing." Misty teases.

I shyly turn around to cover my face.

"Come on, Serena. You know what we are saying is true." Dawn says.

"Just tell him soon. I garuntee everything will go well." May smiles.

"Okay..." I sigh.

We eat in silence for a while, until Misty breaks it.

"Oh, Serena! So...did you enjoy yourself this morning?" Misty asks me.

"What do you mean?" I give her a weird look.

"With him." Misty motions to Ash.

"Hm?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I saw what happened." She gives me an evil smile.

I have a short flashback of that moment when Ash fell on me.

"H-huh? Y-you saw?" I blush.

"Yup!" Misty giggles. "That was an interesting thing to watch."

"J-just pretend it didn't happen! That was nothing!" I say with embarrasment.

"Wait, what happened?" Dawn asks.

"Oh, nothing important." Misty continues giggling.

I glare at her, and try to ignore what she said.

* * * * *

Lunch time has ended, and the afternoon has started. Periods fifth, sixth and seventh went by pretty fast. Right now, I am making my way to eighth. I had already changed into my gym wear in the bathroom, so I don't have to change anymore once I get there.

I enter the gym, and find Dawn sitting on one of the benches with her phone in hand. I walk over to her.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi, Serena." She smiles.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Just waiting for Iris, May and Misty to finish changing. They are taking forever." Dawn sighs.

"Oh, okay." I say as I sit down beside her.

"By the way, our teacher said we will be starting class in about 10 minutes." Dawn says.

"Alright." I reply while looking at the time.

A few minutes later, we see Misty, May and Iris come out of the changing rooms. They walk over to us and sit down.

"Do you know what we are doing today?" Iris asks.

"Nope." Dawn replies. "But I hope it isn't soccer again."

"Like I said last time, soccer is really fun, Dawn." I say.

"Well, that is what you think. I say soccer sucks." Dawn replies.

"Alright! Gather around!" My teacher shouts.

We get up from the benches and walk over to our teacher.

"We are going to spend this period outside in the field." My teacher says. "C'mon."

We head to the field.

"Warm up! 10 laps around the field!" My teacher says.

"T-ten laps?" I hear Clemont gulp.

"Aw great. I can't even run one lap." May sighs.

"Let's go! What are y'all waiting for?" My teacher says.

We start running around the field. Three laps later I begin to feel tired. I start jogging at a slow pace. I feel like my legs are going to fall off.

"Agh, agh! I can't go any further..." Clemont falls.

I stop running and turn around. I sweatdrop to see Clemont flat on the ground. I walk over to him.

"Come on, Clemont. Get up." I say as I take his arm.

"I can' tired..." Clemont groans.

I look forward at Ash and Gary, who seemed to be just fine. They are running together at the same pace, and they don't seem tired, at all. They are so different from Clemont.

"Clemont, let's go! You are falling behind!" I yank his arm.

"Okay, I'm up..." Clemont sighs as he stands.

I start jogging again, with Clemont far behind.

About 30 minutes later, I manage to finish all ten laps, while Clemont is not even halfway done yet.

"Aw man..." May quickly sits down and lies on a patch of grass, panting like crazy.

"I can't feel my legs." I pant.

I lie down next to her, amd wipe my sweat.

"I can't breathe. I am dying here." May says.

"Y-you can say that again." I sigh.

Misty, Iris and Dawn had just finished their last lap shortly after us. They walk over to us. Once they get here, Dawn and Iris fall to the ground too.

"Finally! So tired..." Dawn says.

"Same here..." Iris adds.

"Really? It wasn't that bad." Misty says.

She was still standing, looking at the four of us, who were exhausted from running.

"Easy for you to are an athletic person, while we aren't." I groan.

"I guess so." Misty sweatdrops.

"What happened to you girls?" I hear a voice from behind.

I turn to see around to see Gary, Ash and Drew.

"All this running happened." Iris groans.

"Hmp. Those laps were nothing." Gary smirks.

"Oh, just shut up Gary." Dawn rolls her eyes.

"But still, class has only begun and you guys are already so tired." Gary says.

"Just leave them alone, Gary." Ash says.

"Don't tell me what to do, Ashy-boy." Gary replies.

Ash glares at Gary and rolls his eyes.

"C'mon, Clemont! You have 3 more laps!" I hear my teacher shout.

We all turn to Clemont, who was the only one not finished the laps yet

"I-I'm trying!" Clemont heavily pants.

"Clemont is still running?" Drew says.

"Yup. Running is not his specialty." Iris replies.

Five minutes later, the teacher decides to stop Clemont for his sake.

"Okay! That's enough! You may stop."

"Oh my...thank arceus." Clemont falls.

We all sweatdrop as we watch Clemont.

For the last hour of this period, my teacher made us play volleyball. Volleyball is one of my favourite sports, so I didn't have any problem playing it. My team ended winning, thanks to Misty, who scored a point for our team in the last few seconds of the game. Unlike last gym class when our team lost, it felt good to win this time. It was our turn to jump and cheer.

* * * * *

It is now time to go home. I make my way to my bus, and take a seat beside May.

"Finally...the day is over." May says as she leans her head back against the seat.

"I know. I'm exhausted." I say.

"Gym class was a little too much today." May sighs.

"Agreed." I say.

I hear Clemont coughing from his seat.

"Man, Clemont is going to make everyone on this bus sick." May says as she tries to find a way to block her mouth from Clemont's germs.

"Don't forget Barry. He is sick too." I say.

"Him too? Great. More germs." May sighs.

"I know. I have been sneezed on so many times today." I sweatdrop.

"Ew." May giggles.

"I just hope Ash and Gary don't catch it either." I say.

"Yeah..." May starts. "Speaking of Ash, what was Misty talking about during lunch?"

"H-huh? Oh, um nothing. It isn't anything important." I say nervously as my cheeks turn pink.

"Oh, really? Okay then." May says.

I sigh with relief that May didn't even bother to make me tell her.

We soon arrive at Vaniville. May was planning on coming over to my place to do homework, but it was cancelled because she forgot about her dentist appointment. It kind of sucks, because I was looking forward to some company. I enter my house and head to my room. I open up my backpack and place all my homework onto my desk and lastly, I place Ash's hankerchief on the top shelf.

I decide to do my homework early, and afterwards quickly eat dinner. I then take a quick shower. I just want to go to sleep, this day has been really tiring.

The next morning...

I wake up to a small headache.

"Fenn!" Fennekin taps my hand with her paw.

"Erg..." I slowly get up.

I feel slighty dizzy for some apparent reason.

"G-good morning Fennekin." I give a fake smile, trying to ignore the unpleasent feeling.

I get up and get dressed for the day. I am sure this headache will stop soon. It's not a big deal...I hope.
I make my way downstairs, and find my breakfast ready for me on the table.

"Morning mom." I say.

"Morning sweetie." My mom smiles.

I sit down and begin eating. I finish up my breakfast in ten minutes. Unfortunately, this stupid headache has not disapeared yet. I hope this goes away soon, because I have the tendancy to puke when I get headaches, due to the pain and dizzyness.

I head outside to the bus stop. I see that May, Gary, Clemont and Ash are already there.

"Morning Serena." Ash smiles.

"M-morning." I quietly say and blush.

Instead of my headache stopping, it gets worse. I can feel my head pounding.

"Fenn?" Fennekin looks at me in worry. She seems to have noticed me acting differently.

"Serena? Are you okay?" May looks at me.

"Umm, y-yeah. Why do you ask?" I say.

"You look a little pale." May says.

"Yeah, you do look pale." Gary adds.

"Huh? It's nothing. I'm fine." I reply.

It's alright. It will all go away by the time I get to school.

I look at Ash, who was giving me a weird look. I can tell that he knows I'm not telling the truth. All of a sudden, he puts his hand on my forehead. This makes my cheeks turn pink.

"Serena, you are burning up with a fever!" Ash says as he removes his hand.

"Really?" I gulp.

"Oh arceus. Was that caused by me? I'm so sorry." Clemont sighs.

"No, Clemont it's fine." I say.

"Serena you shouldn't be here. You should be at home, in your bed." May says.

"It's not that-"

"May is right, you need to stay home." Ash interupts me.

"Ash I am-"

Before I can finish, I feel Ash grab my hand. I look up at him and blush as red as a tomato. He pulls me over to the direction of my house.

"A-ash! What are you doing?!" I gasp.

"Taking you home." He replies.

Ash's P.O.V.

I can't believe Serena decided to come to school when she knows she is not well enough. Does she know that it's bad for her? Does she not know that you have to stay home when you are sick? I reach her house and knock on the door. I look at Serena, who has gotten quiet. Her mom opens the door quickly.

"Serena?" Her mom questions.

"Uh, hello Ms. Yvonne. Serena has caught a fever, and I think I'd be best for her to stay home." I say.

"Serena?! Why didn't you tell me?!" She shouts as she feels Serena's forehead.

"I didn't think it was that bad." Serena replies.

"Oh arceus Serena. You should've told me. You know I need to go to work, now I need to call my boss and cancel at the last minute." Her mom sighs.

I look at Serena, and decide to do something.

"I can stay with her, miss. You can go to work." I say.

I don't know why I am doing this. I feel Serena's grip on my hand tighten.

"What? No, it's fine. I can do it, I am her mother." She replies.

"But ma'am, work is important. I can take care of Serena. Don't worry." I smile.

She looks at me for a while and sighs.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Ash! What are you doing?!" I hear Serena say.

I look at her, and don't even bother to answer her.

"Very well. What is your name?" Her mom asks me.

"My name is Ash, ma'am." I reply.

"Okay, because you seem like a close friend to my daughter, I will allow this. I will trust you to take good care of her." She looks at me.

"I will." I smile.

"Thank you." She smiles back. "And call me Grace."

"Yes ma'am...I mean Grace." I sweatdrop.

"Serena, get well." Her mom kisses Serena's cheek, and leaves to work.

I pull Serena into her house and close the door.

"Where is your room?" I ask.

"Um, it's u-upstairs to the right." She says.

She guides me to her room.

"Okay, rest up." I say.

She sits on the corner of her bed and gives me a weird look.

"What is this? You can't skip school just to stay here with me." She says.

"I couldn't just let you stay home alone, Serena. Especially since you are sick." I reply.

"But still, Ash. I can stay home alone, I know how to take care of myself. Why are doing this?" She says.

"Because..." I pause for a while.

"Because what?" She looks at me.

"Because...I care for you, okay?" I say as I try to hide my face, which was noticably turning red.

She looks at me, and I can see her blushing.

"A-anyways..." I try to change the subject. "I'll go make some soup. I heard it helps when you are sick."

"O-okay...thank you." She gives a small smile.

"No prob." I smile back and leave the room.

I head to the kitchen and make some soup. My mom taught me how to cook this stuff, and it's pretty simple. 30 minutes later, I head up back to her room with the soup in hand. I open the door.

"Okay I got-"

I stop talking, because I find her asleep. I look at the soup in my hands, and back at her. I quietly move to her desk and place the bowl onto it. I then walk to her bed, and look at her. A thin strip of hair was hanging loosly on the side of her face. I gently tuck her hair behind her ear. I give a small smile, and walk back to her desk.

As I reach her desk, something catches my attention. A blue hankerchief was sitting on the top shelf. I know I shouldn't be going through her stuff, but I do it anyways. I pick it up in my hands and examine it. My eyes lit up as I recognize the hankerchief. I remember using it back at Summer Camp. Wait...what? I look at Serena then back at the hankerchief. My jaw drops.

"Oh arceus. Serena...was it you?" I say to myself, feeling shocked.

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