Chapter 31

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Serena's P.O.V.

"Fenn!" Fennekin motions to the time.

"Yeah, I know!" I run into the bathroom, still in my pajamas.

I stick my toothbrush into my mouth. I dash back to my room while brushing my teeth, to get my clothes ready.

"Cham!" Pancham takes my binders and places them into my bag.

I am running a little late today. Fletchling woke me up later then usual, and now I am 10 minutes late.

"Serena, what are you still doing here?!" My mom peeks into my room.

"Do you mind putting this away? Thanks!" I hand her my toothbrush, and take my clothes.

She sighs. "Hurry up, your bus will be here soon." She closes the door, and does what I asked her.

A lot has changed since last month. I, myself have gone through some changes.

I cut my hair up to my shoulders. It was kind of hard to chop off my hair, it took forever to grow out. But I think short looks pretty cute.

Oh yeah, I've also changed my everyday outfit. I now where a pink dress over a gray top, and a red vest. A blue ribbon on my chest holds my outfit together. My brown boots and pink fedora go really well with this outfit.

"Panch!" Pancham hands me my bag.

"Thank you!"

I run downstairs and head out. There is no time for breakfast now. I'll just ask Gary for something, that guy always carries food on him.

I get to the bus stop just in the time. The bus is arriving in about 3 minutes.

"Serena? What happened to you?" May asks.

"J-just ran a little late..." I pant.

Clemont hands me a device. "This invention can help cool you down."

"T-thank you." I reach out to take it, until it starts smoking up.

"Oh no..." He gulps.

"Get it away! It took me forever to do my hair!" May shouts.

Clemont nods. "R-right." He throws the device far enough away from us.

"Ow!" Gary groans from afar.

I sweat drop at what just happened. Looks like Clemont threw his device at Gary's head.

"What's this?" Ash picks it up.

I didn't even notice Ash there. He usually walks to school now, I did not expect him to be here.

Speaking of Ash, we haven't really talked to eachother since we broke up. We would sometimes, but it would get really awkward.

"Guys! Get away from that! It's-"

Before Clemont can finish, the device explodes in Ash's hand.

Ash coughs. "Why me..." He falls onto the ground.

"You should see how you look like right now." Gary laughs.

"Shut up!" Ash growls.

"Ash, why are you taking the bus today?" Clemont asks.

He scratches his head. "Well, I just don't feel like walking today, you know?"

I'm having mixed feelings. I have told myself I have gotten over Ash. But there are times when I feel like I'm not. I find myself thinking about him from time to time.

Maybe it's true. I'm not over him yet. But the thing is, ever since we broke up, he has been really happy lately. He doesn't seem to care that we broke up. It's like I don't exist in his life anymore.

Even worse, he has been hanging out with Miette a lot. And he seems to be enjoying it.

"Serena, are you okay?" May asks.

"Uh, y-yeah."

She must've noticed that it'd be really awkward for me now that Ash is here.

"I'm so sorry!" Clemont apoligizes to Ash.

"It's fine, that was nothing compared to Pikachu's thunderbolt." He replies.

"Pi!" Pikachu sticks it tongue out at Ash.

I look away from him. Now that my feelings for him are returning, it's only going to get a lot harder for me.

The bus finally comes a little later than usual. Looks like there was no point in all that rushing earlier.

I quickly jump on. I couldn't stand being out here any longer.

* * * * * * *

The bus ride to school took forever. With Ash and Gary yelling at eachother the entire way, there wasn't anything else I wanted but to get off that stupid bus.

"Serena! Do you need help carrying your books to your locker?" Calem reaches out for them.

"Yeah, sure. Thank you." I smile, and let him take my books.

I look behind me to see if Ash is still there. I find him with Miette, chatting away. I don't know what's going on between those two. They have been together all the time since we broke up.

Then there's me. I have gotten a lot closer to Calem. Dawn said hanging out with him should help me get over Ash easier, and it worked.

Though, let me say this. I do not have any feelings for him whatsoever. He's kind of like a brother, you know.

We reach my locker. I input my locker combination and pull it open.

"Can we go to my locker after this? Then we can head straight to class right after." Calem says as he places my books away.

"Yeah, sure." I nod.

His locker is not too far away from mines. In fact, it's just down the hall.

He opens it up and begins placing his books into his backpack.

I look around me. This is the spot, the exact same spot Ash dumped me over a month ago.

Calem and I tried looking for that boy who pushed him. We looked everywhere, but we couldn't find him.

There was actually no point of it anyways, since we didn't even know how the boy looked like.

But that was the past. I have gotten over that a long time ago. (kind of)

We make our way to class five minutes before the bell. Ms. Smith allowed us to change our seats, thankfully.

I now sit beside Misty, Calem sits beside Drew while Ash sits beside Clemont. These seats are a lot better than the last ones.

"Good morning!" Ms. Smith says. "Today you guys will be getting back the marks of your science project."

"It's about time." Misty mumbles.

I think back to the volcano Ash and I made. I hope we got a pretty decent mark.

"I will give the marks to one of the group members. Please share it with your partner." Ms. Smith says and begins handing it out.

I ended up not getting the paper with our marks, so that means Ash got it. I see everyone getting up to their partners to discuss their marks.

I see a piece of paper being held in front of me. I turn to see Ash.

"Uh, here. This is what we got." He hands it over to me.

I take the paper without saying anything. On the corner of the paper is our mark. We have gotten 90%. That's like, an A+.

"Oh my arceus, I didn't expect us to get that high." I say as I look at the mark again, to make sure it was true.

"Me neither. Looks like we did pretty good." He replies.

"Y-yeah..." I hand the paper back.

He takes it and scatches his head. "Well, see ya." He turns around and heads back to his desk.

That conversation didn't last long. He looked like he wanted it to end pretty fast. Maybe he's still angry about what happened.

Ms. Smith takes out her textbook. "Alright then. Now to begin our lesson."

* * * * * * * * * *

It is now the lunch hour. We are all eating at the cafeteria, minus Ash. He sometimes doesn't eat with us nowadays.

"Is it just me, or the food today tastes a little weird?" Kenny stares at the bitten hamburger on his plate.

"No, mines it just fine." Misty shrugs.

"Maybe it's only the hamburgers." I say.

Dawn takes her fork and sticks it into Kenny's mouth. "Here, you can have some of my pasta."

"Actually, my food tastes different too." Iris says.

"Aw, come on guys. Stop being babies and just eat your food." Gary shoves a breadstick into his mouth.

"Hey, where's Ash?" Barry asks. "He hasn't been eating with us for the past few days."

"Who cares?" Dawn rolls her eyes at the thought of Ash.

Dawn has a strong dislike for Ash now. Most likely because it really hurt me when we broke up, and she didn't like seeing me like that.

She's just looking out for me, she's being a best friend.

"Gary, do you know where he is? You are with him most of the time, right?" Drew says.

"Uh, y-yeah." He looks down.

"So where is he?" Paul asks.

He looks back at us, like he knows something we don't. "Um, I-I don't know where he is."

"I'll ask him later. I have the next class with him." Clemont says.

Gary looks at me. I swear he does know something. But he has a worried expression on his face, as if it has something to do with me.

He looks away, and stays quiet for the rest of the lunch hour.

I try to ignore him, because it's starting to scare me. I wonder what's wrong with him, I haven't seen him like this before.

* * * * * * * *

The day has come to an end. I got to say, today was not a great day. First, my feelings for Ash are returning. Then there's Gary, who really has been acting weird lately.

I got to admit, I prefer the loud, annoying side of him to this one. Being quiet and all doesn't suit him.

"Serena?" A voice behind me calls.

I turn around, surprised at the person. "Ash?"

"Uh, hey."

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask in confusion.

"To get things right between us."

"Hm?" I tilt my head.

He sighs. "Look, during science, I noticed how awkward, and uncomfortable we were towards to eachother. I don't want our relationship to stay like that...."

" what do you want to do?" I look down, trying to hide the blush that has begun forming on my cheeks.

"I want to be friends. It doesn't feel right to ignore eachother for the rest of the school year. So let's be friends."

Just friends? I do not know how I feel about that. might be for the best.

"Yeah, friends. Okay!" I try my best to fake a smile.

I know I am going to regret saying that.

"Hehe, great!" He gives me a goofy grin.

That smile, I have missed it. He hasn't given me one of those in forever. I never thought I'd see it again.

I spot Miette making her way towards us. Great. As if I haven't gone through enough today.

"There you are, babe!" Miette runs up to Ash.

"Oh, hey Miette!" He kisses her cheek.

Miette looks at me and gives me the most devlish smile ever. I stand there, to paralyzed to move, watching the horrible scene in front of me.

Miette and Ash...are dating?!


And why not end the chapter here!

Hehe, you guys are so gonna hate me for this! But don't worry, things will get better, I promise!

Oh yeah, and I am going to a cottage for an entire week, so unfortunately, the next chapter will be up in either 1 or 2 weeks.

I'm so sorry! But for now, just enjoy that insane cliffhanger!

Until next time!

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