Chapter 32

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Serena's P.O.V.

Ash and Miette are dating. I repeat, Ash and Miette are dating. They are DATING. What the hell?!

"Serena? Are you okay?" Ash waves his hand in front of me.

The most likely thing to do is cry, but I can't find it in me to cry. I feel angry. I'm pissed.

Looks like she did succeed, she is now dating Ash. This is all that stupid boy's fault. If he hadn't broken us up, this wouldn't have happened.

"Serena, why did you go all quiet all of a sudden?" Miette smirks at me.

The smile on Ash's face vanishes, and replaces it with a worried expression.

"Serena..." He says. He must've figured out what I'm feeling right now, that he is dating the worst possible person ever.

"I-I need to go." I turn around and quickly walk away.

Ash takes a step forward to try to stop me, before Miette takes a hold of his arm.

"Babe, just leave her." Miette says. "She's your past. You have me now."

Ash turns to face her. "Yeah, you're right. C'mon, let's go." He takes her hand, and walks away.

"Pika..." Pikachu looks to the ground.

"Hey buddy. We're going, come on." Ash calls.

He sighs and climbs onto Ash's shoulder. He doesn't like the fact that his trainer is dating Miette.

No one's P.O.V.

As Ash and Miette are walking back home, Pikachu is doing some of his own thinking. It was indeed upset about this.

Little did Ash know, he knew everything that has happened.


Pikachu was happily sitting on his trainer's shoulder as Ash types his reply to Serena after she had texted him to meet at Calem's locker.

Pikachu was constantly looking at everyone who passed by. From afar, he could see Serena and Calem chatting off, waiting for them to arrive.

Miette and a boy was also talking not too far away. He couldn't hear from where he was at, but he could tell what was happening.

Miette pointed to Calem, and the boy noded. The boy walked up to Calem and pushed him, triggering the kiss. Afterwards, the boy ran off while Miette hid behind a few lockers.

"Pika?!" Pikachu gasps, as it watches.

Hearing Pikachu causes Ash to look up from his phone. Ash didn't see the full scene, so he immidietely thought Calem kissed her.

Ash punched Calem. Pikachu tried to stop his trainer, but to no avail. He then saw the entire break up between Ash and Serena.

Pikachu wanted to stop them. He wanted to at least shock his trainer to get him to stop. He knows it was all done by Miette.

But he couldn't find it in him to go up and stop them. So instead, he just watched.

A day later, Serena had asked him to talk to Ash. Pikachu agreed to, since it knew Ash got the wrong idea of what happened.

He tried to talk to Ash that day.

"Pika pi!"

"Sorry, buddy. I just want to be alone for now."

"Pika pikachu!"

"What are you talking about? I saw it with my own eyes, they kissed."

Pikachu shakes it's head. "Pika! Pi-"

"Pikachu! I had a rough day! Please...just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Pikachu tried his best to talk to his trainer, but it never worked. As the days gone by, Ash would always change the subject when Pikachu would try to talk to him about Serena.

Eventually, Pikachu just gave up. Ash wouldn't listen, so there's no point.

But he didn't think his trainer would go this far. Ash started dating Miette, and it was the least thing Pikachu wanted to happen.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Serena's P.O.V.

"Serena! I'm having a few friends over! Want to come?" Dawn asks.

"I'm not in the mood, sorry." I walk past her, to the direction of Vaniville.

"Hm? What's the matter? You always come when I invite you over!" She pouts.

I keep walking past the gate, away from Lumiose City.

Of course, Dawn knows me a little too well. She runs up and stops me in my tracks.

"Okay, what's wrong this time?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"I-I don't want to talk about it..."

She frowns. "Come on. We can have girl talk. I already invited Misty and the others over, you can tell us."

Now that I think of it, talking it out with Dawn does help, just like last time.

"Okay..." I nod, agreeing to go.

"Good! Now let's go!" Dawn takes my wrists and pulls me over to her house.

Dawn and I are the first to make it to her house. We wait for a little while for the rest of the girls to get here.

"Let's watch a horror movie!" Misty goes through the disc covers scattered on Dawn's floor.

"H-horror movies? I don't know about that..." May brings her knees up to her chin.

"What? You scared?" Misty smirks.

"Yes, I am! And I'm not afraid to admit it!" May crosses her arms.

Dawn takes out her phone and holds it up in front of her. "Okay then. Why don't we prank call a few of the guys?"

"Yeah!" Iris jumps up. "That'd be hilarious!"

"I say we prank call Gary. Now that would be really funny." Misty says.

"Mhm! Are you going to do it with us, Serena?" Dawn turns her head over to me.

I shake my head. "It's okay, I'll just watch."

"Hmp. Don't be such a party pooper!" May says.

"What has been up with you today? You have been fine all morning, but when the school day ended, you seemed kind of down."

"It's nothing, Iris. Don't worry." I reply.

Dawn sits in front of me. "Talk. What's wrong?"

Looks like it's about time to tell her what had happened earlier.

"Okay then...i-It's Ash."

"Ash?" Iris repeats.

"I thought you guys were all good now." Misty says.

"Well...not really. I just found out he's dating Miette."

"WHAT?!" All four girls shout in unison.

I nod, telling them it's the truth.

"That's it! I'm going over to Ash house! Someone's getting beaten today!" Misty gets up.

"N-no! Misty it's fine!" I stop her.

"No, it's not okay!" She replies. "You can't let Ash play around with your feelings like that!"

I look down. "Ash and I have been done for over a month now, so he can date whoever he wants to."

"Serena..." Dawn looks at me in worry.

"I'll be okay."

Dawn looks away from me. She doesn't look like she believes me, but she doesn't bother to say anything else.

"Okay then...whatever you say." May shrugs. "Now where were we..."

"We were about the prank call Gary!"

"Yeah! So, are you in this, Serena?" Dawn asks.

Maybe it would be a good idea to get Ash out of my head for now.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" I reply and join the girls.

* * * * * * * *

The next day...

It is the lunch hour. I still haven't gotten over the fact that Ash and Miette are dating. Even worse, we are talking about it right now.

"Did you know Ash and Miette are dating?" Misty says.

"They are what?!" Clemont shouts.

"What the hell?! That's something new..." Drew says.

"Ash and Miette..." Calem says from beside me. "Are you going to be okay, Serena?"

"Y-yeah, Calem. Don't worry." I give him a small smile.

"So you guys finally found out, huh." Gary says.

We turn to Gary. I am a little surprised to be hearing him right now, since he has been so quiet lately.

"What do you mean?" I ask him in confusion.

"That you guys finally found out about those two. Took you long enough."

"What?" May says. "You've known all along?"

He nods. "Yeah..."

"G-gary...why didn't you tell us?" I ask.

"Yeah, why didn't you? Why were you hiding it?" Misty says.

"Ash told me not to." He takes a sip of his drink and continues. "He knew how you all feel about Miette, so he didn't want his relationship with you guys to get ruined because he's dating her."

Misty raises her eyebrow. "That's just stupid. We are his friends, he should know that we'll support him, no matter who he's dating." She says.

"Another reason why is because of you, Serena." Gary looks at me.


"Yeah. He didn't want to hurt you. He knows how you hate her, so he thought it'd be best not to tell you. He said he would tell you eventually, but now wouldn't be the best time."

"Did he really say all that..."

"Wow. Serena, he still cares about your feelings, even though you guys have broken up." Calem tells me.

I look up at Gary. "How long have they been dating?"

"Two weeks."

"I see. No wonder he hasn't been hanging with us too often. He has been with Miette this entire time." I mumble.

Suddenly, a tray of food slams onto the table. We all turn our heads to see Ash taking a seat.

"Hey guys! I'm going to eat here today!" He smiles.

"It's about time. You have been gone all week." Gary says.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was a little...busy." Ash nervously scratches his head.

An empty can of soda flies across the table, hitting Ash on the forehead.

"O-ow!" He groans.

"Asshole." Dawn growls.

"H-huh?! What the hell was that for?!" He brings his hand up to his forehead.

"Hmp." She crosses her arms.

Ash looks at the guys, asking what just happened. They just shrug, leaving him dumbfounded.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Thankfully, the end of the day has finally arrived. I just want to go home and be alone. I have had enough of today.

"Hey Serena! I can walk you home today if you want." Calem says.

"Oh, no! It's okay, I can go on my own." I reply.

"Are you sure? I heard rumours that team rocket escaped prison."

"R-really??" I shudder at the thought of the team rocket incident back at summer camp.

"I just want to make sure you get home safe."

I nod. "Well, in that case. Okay!"

We begin walking to my place. I catch a faint voice not too far away.

"So, how have you and Ash been doing?" Lisa asks.

I stop walking. Hearing this catches my attention.

"Ash and I are doing great! He's like, the best boyfriend a girl could have!" Miette says.

"Serena? What's wrong?" Calem stops walking as well.

He notices me listening to Miette's conversation. He sighs and begins to listen as well.

"I'm so happy you two finally got together. You are totes more better than that Serena girl." Mary says.

"Yeah, Serena didn't deserve Ash." Lisa adds.

I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I will make an exception in this case, especially since they are talking about me.

"And that Calem dude, such a loser. I can't believe he got knocked down so easily when Ash punched him on that day!" Mary laughs.

"Huh?!" Calem says from beside me. "What a bitch! No one talks about me like-"

"Shh!" I put my finger on his lips. "Be quiet, I'm listening!"

I remove my finger, and he rolls his eyes in return.

"I just can't believe it has been over a month since Ash and Serena broke up." Lisa says.

"I still remember that day like it was yesterday." Miette smirks. "Getting that boy to push Calem has indeed payed off."

"What?!" Calem almost shouts upon hearing this.

I swear I felt my heart stop just now. Everything that happened on that day. We finally found who did it.

I should have known. This was Miette's doing.

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