Chapter 1

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Three years.

That's how long it's been since Lillie left for Kanto. Ever since, I've felt like a part of me was missing. Sure, I've had the occasional crush on someone back when I lived in Kanto, but nobody has ever made me feel this way, as cheesy as that sounds.

I haven't forgotten anything about her. First meeting her, saving Nebby, protecting her from Team Skull and the Aether Foundation, going to Ultra Space.  But the most vivid memory is us protecting ourselves from the rain on Exeggutor Island. I had been so close to confessing my feelings, but I was too nervous. I miss her so much.

"Decidueye, spirit shackle!"

Decidueye drew an arrow into his wing, firing it with precise aim. The Emolga dropped, unable to fight anymore.

"Aw, I was so close..." the youngster said, hanging his head.

"Better luck next time, kid. You're improving," I said with a grin.

"Really?" He asked, his eyes full of excitement.

"Yeah! That was one of the closest battles I've had in a while." Walking over, I ruffled the youngster's hair.

"Cool! Thanks for the battle Mr. Champion!" He said excitedly.

"Please, call me Sun," I insisted.

"Ok! See you later, Mr. Sun!" He gave me a high five before heading back to the teleporter.

After he left, I heard the teleporter go off a second time, and footsteps climbing the stairs. The mystery trainer was revealed to be Hala as he got to the top.

"That everyone for today?" I asked.

"Yup, Tristan there was the last one," Hala said with a nod.

I stretched. "Cool. See you on Melemele?"

Hala nodded again. "See you later."

I stepped onto the teleporter behind the champion seat and was instantly teleported to the main room. The doors opened and I walked out.

I took it my ride pager and summoned Charizard. I patted his head before climbing on.

"Hau'oli City Marina," I whispered into his ear.

Charizard took off, flying directly towards Hau'oli City.

We arrived at the Marina, and I hopped off Charizard.

"Thanks, buddy," I said before I returned him to the ride pager. I walked to the edge of the Marina and sat down, dangling my legs over the side. Ever since Lillie left, I've come here almost every day.

"Thinking about Lillie again?" I heard a voice say. I looked over my shoulder to see Professor Kukui standing behind me.

"Well, I can't lie," I said. "I miss her."

Kukui shrugged. "We all do, but you seem to miss her even more than anyone else."

"I mean, she's closer to me than even Hau or Gladion. We made so many memories together. And, honestly, I think I have feelings for her."

Kukui laughed. "That's been obvious even before she left, Cousin."

I scratched the back of my head. "Oh really?" I said, awkwardly grinning, a blush crawling it's way into my cheeks.

"Clear as day. Well, when she comes back, you'll be one of the first to know, yeah?" He said with a wink.

"Thanks Kukui."

"Don't mention it, Cousin," Kukui said as he walked away.

I stood up and hopped on Tauros, riding towards home.

After waking up the next morning, I got dressed and fixed my hair. I went into the living room to eat some cereal when Hau knocked and walked in, as he tended to do. "Sun! Sun! Come on, it's urgent!"

I stood up. "What's up?"

Hau started saying things so fast he couldn't make a coherent sentence.

"Slow down, Hau," I said, raiding my eyebrows.

Hau took a deep breath. "Marina, boat, Lillie."

My eyes widened. "Wait, seriously? If you're messing with me-"

Hau cut me off. "Go see for yourself."

I rushed out the door and summoned Charizard. I hopped on and flew towards the Marina.

When I landed, I found Gladion and Kukui already there. People were already getting off the boat. Then I saw her. Lillie.

She was still in her "Z powered" clothes, with her white skirt and shirt and pink backpack, her blonde hair in a ponytail. She stepped down onto the doc and hugged Gladion and Kukui. Hau rushes past me and pretty much tackled her, surprising her. After that, she made eye contact with me as I walked forward. I waved and held my arms out. She ran over and wrapped her arms around me. I returned the hug.

"Hey, Lillie," I said.

"Hi, Sun."

We stood there for what felt like an eternity until we released our grip on each other.

Behind Lillie, I saw a long, blonde haired woman also step down onto the doc. I walked over to the others, with Lillie following. Lusamine looked over at me.

"Ah, Sun. There you are."

"That's me," I said.

"I would like to apologize for my actions regarding Ultra Space and the Aether Foundation. I am truly sorry for what I put you through." She said, bowing her head.

I shrugged. "It's fine. I mean, it's not like you could control yourself. Nihilego's toxins really messed your head up."

"Thank you for understanding," Lusamine said with a slight smile.

"No problem." I looked back at Lillie.

"So, how were things in Kanto?" Hau asked.

"It was amazing. All the different Pokémon running around, and the gyms are really different from the trials we have here," Lillie said.

"Oh! Speaking of Pokémon," I took out the quick ball that contained a certain creature. I tossed it on the floor, and a Solgaleo emerged. "There's someone who'd like to see you."

Lillie smiled. "Nebby," she said, extending out a hand to pet the majestic creature. Nebby nuzzled into her hand, delighted to see his original owner.

Everyone else was discussing things I didn't pay much attention to. Lillie was  back. That's all that mattered to me.

"Hey, Sun?" I heard Lusamine say. "I'd like to meet your mother, if you don't mind."

"No, not at all. Is everyone else going their separate ways?" I asked, scanning the group.

"Yeah, I promised Gramps that I'd battle him this morning. Also I think we should have a party to celebrate!" Hau said excitedly.

"You don't have to do that, Hau," Lillie said with a giggle.

"Of course I do! Besides, parties are the best!" We all laughed at Hau's antics.

"I got experimenting to do, yeah. I gotta get done with that before anything else," Kukui said, scratching they back of his neck.

"Im coming with you. I need to help Mother figure things out with the Aether Foundation after she talks with your mother," Gladion said, nodding to me.

"Ok then. Hau, Kukui, see you guys later!" I said.

"Woo! Party!" Hau said, riding away on Tauros.

"Later, Cousin!" Kukui said, walking towards his lab.

I looked to Lillie, Gladion and Lusamine. "Well, follow me."

And that's all for the first chapter of Shining Sun. I'd like to give a shoutout to TheLoneWanderer17 for inspiring me to write this. Go check him out. He writes a lot of Sun x Lillie, so if you like this, you'll love his stuff. Anyways, see yah guys later!

Edit: I just made several edits. It's not perfect, but it'll do the job, hopefully.

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