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Time was not a skill of Ash Ketchem. He forgot to send a letter responding to an invitation to a party until it was to late to send one. Misty Waterflower was one of the only people he'd hop regions for in the middle of a journey and of course he was going to be at her party however life planned things a little bit differently.

He missed his 9 o'clock plane getting a very special present in the form of the Kalos water type starter Pokemon and had to take the next plane which was in three hours.. and landed in Sinnoh. His original flight landed in Hoenn which is considerably closer. He has to take a blimp back to Kanto. He also needed to get to Pallet first so he could get ready and then to Cerulean. The flight from Kalos already took about four hours and the blimp is taking an hour and a half. He would get there, but he would be late.

However of course his flight got delayed an hour due to slight malfunctioning. He was pretty angry at the 'malfunctioning' as he was almost certain it wasn't dangerous but things weren't the same as when he was ten. Now eggs had to be hatched with Nurses and cities were way bigger and way more industrialised. Ash remembered the dangerous blimp he went on with his friends and that was considered normal and adventurous but now, everything is a lot more cautioned and safe when it shouldn't have to be. Maybe cancelling dangerous blimp rides were acceptable but stressing over tiny little things to provide a 'safer' experience is pointless. It made Ash sad in a way and he hopes the problems that Kalos and Unova hold won't translate to Kanto.

By the time he finally got to Sinnoh, it was quarter to five and he has never been so happy to get off that stuffy plane. Sinnoh is also better then Kalos. It's not home but it's alright.

He got to Pallet at 7:40 to get ready and thankfully his mother wasn't home to nag him as she probably went to the party already. Although, he realized he didn't have a suit to wear. He just flew over to Cerulean and decided to buy one there.

When he finally got to Cerulean he saw the streets empty and music coming from the gym. He supposed Misty's sisters must have invited everyone and he knew Misty would upset about that. He had to get to the gym to talk to her.

He rushed inside this clothes store to buy a suit and eventually he found one that fit right so he bought it, ignoring the hefty price tag, he knew Misty would appreciate him caring about getting all nice for her party.

He changed in the store and soon walked out however, another store caught his eye. It was a jewellery store and something in the window caught his attention. It was a gold necklace with royal blue and aquamarine stones. He had to buy it. Again, the price was hefty but this time, imagining Misty's face when she sees it is payment enough.

He stopped in a flower shop to get some roses as Misty has a soft spot for some girly things and flowers are one of them. He had now four presents with him, two from Kanto and two from Kalos as he stopped to get some chocolate because she loves chocolate. You could say he was spoiling her but he loves this girl and each of these presents just worked. He knows she'll love all of them.

He slowly walked into the loud gym only to see May's furious face.

"Where were you Ash Ketchem! Misty has been waiting for you all night!"

Waiting for me?

"I missed my flight and got here as fast as I could-"

"Well that's not good enough mister and if Misty didn't like you so much then I would personally throw you on the street." May turned away after that while a familiar green haired boy came up behind her.

"Don't mind her Ash, she's a bit..upset. You should go talk to Misty though." Drew said as he whispered something in May's ear that made her calm down a little bit.

"Ash, please make Misty's night. She's upset with all the people her sisters invited and this party is not going to plan at all." May said after she calmed down a bit.

Ash nodded in response "where is she now?"

"I think in her room."

"Alright, thanks you two, I'll see you later with a cheered up Misty."

Ash walked away after that and ran into Misty's sisters, Lily and Violet.

"Like hey Ash! You've like came to join the party I see." Lily said energetically.

"You know Misty's all upset right that all of these people are here. She wanted a small party and it's her day."

"I like bet she's fine Ash. She like needs to like get used to it." Violet stated

"She's crying in her room because of it." Ok that was more of a lie. Misty was upset because of Ash but maybe this could get everyone out of here.

Lily and Violet looked a bit guilty now "is she like really?" Lily said quietly.

"Yea, she's pretty upset."

"How do we like fix it?"

"Get everyone out of here that she doesn't know personally or anyone that shouldn't be here."

"We can like do that Ash!" The two girls said enthusiastically.

"I'll go talk to Misty." Ash said as he ran upstairs. He noticed she wasn't in her room, giving him the opportunity to place his presents on her bed. Once he arranged them he went off to search for Misty.

He found her outside on a balcony that overlooked the city. Her heels were off, her hair was down and tangled, and her dress was fraying at the edges but she looked beautiful to Ash.

"Mist." He said as he stood by the entrance. She gasped and turned around. She stood frozen unable to move. Once he stepped closer though, Misty started to step back.

He started to get closer and the minute he got within Misty's reach, she slapped him. It was cold, hard and it pierced the air. Ash wasn't fazed however. He knew he deserved it. Misty just sank down to the floor however and started to cry again. Ash bent down to her eye level.

"I'm sorry" Is all Misty could muster out as Ash sat next to her. He hugged her for quite a while before Misty felt ready to speak again.

"You didn't deserve that." Misty said softly as she ran a hand over his red cheek. Ash internally hissed at the contact but was careful not to outwardly show it. "I did. I'm a crappy friend and I'm sorry for that." Ash said in response while turning away.

"You were late but, you're not a crappy friend. You showed us to my house in a suit that looks to be from the expensive place down the street and you of all people wouldn't waste your money on that if you didn't care. The most important thing however is that you still showed up. I was angry and sad before but now I'm just glad you're here." Misty ends with her face slightly red. She gives a sheepish but caring smile at Ash and he smiles back at her.

"I'm glad." Ash said as he stood up and helped her up. "I have presents back in your room if you want to see them."

"No" Misty said. "The best present I could get is you, no matter how cliche it sounds." Misty giggled.

"I like you." Ash blurted out to Misty's surprise. She didn't expect that and suddenly everything seemed to freeze. Slowly Misty leaned up to him and gave him the smallest little kiss on his lips. The little kiss was enough to send shivers through both of them. The kiss itself wasn't much but they both didn't feel a need to go any faster.

"Dance with me Mist." Ash said quietly while Misty giggled. "But there's no music."

"I don't care. I spent hours getting here. Now I just want to hold you." Ash said to her while she smiled.

They stayed there for a while before everyone started looking for them. Eventually they went back down to continue Misty's party. However, Misty and Ash's relationship would never be the same. They started a brand new chapter and it only will continue to grow.

And Ash may have been late, but Misty wouldn't have it any other way.

Hope you liked this one!

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