12 | so fucking homo

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"Are you sure it's okay..?" Josh asked. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable.." He said with a slight pout. He hated feeling like a burden.

"Of course I'm sure it's okay," Ryan-Ashley replied gently. "If this makes you happy, it doesn't bother me." She insisted, gently pushing Josh's shoulders. "Go ask him."

"But he's dating Mike-" Josh whined.

"And I spoke to Mike about this! He says it's just fine, Josh. Don't worry about it. Mike isn't actually monogamous." She replied.

Josh gave a slight pout, and Ryan-Ashley nudged him.

After a moment's hesitation, Josh started off in Ryan's direction. He was worried, of course; Ryan probably still thought Josh hated him.

Ryan was sitting under a rather dead looking maple tree, smoking a cigarette and talking to Ricky, who was sitting up in the tree a ways. Being so small, he didn't run any risk of snapping a branch on the frail thing.

"Oh-" Ryan said, "Hey, Josh," He said, looking up at Josh and stopping his conversation with Ricky.

"Hi.." Josh said softly, fussing with the hem of his t-shirt. "I um-.." He trailed off. "I wanted to ask you something.." He said shyly. It sounded more like a question than a statement.

Ryan glanced up at Ricky as a 'you don't mind, right?' And Ricky waved a hand.

"Sure thing." Ryan agreed.

Josh ducked his head, avoiding eye contact when he spoke finally. "I was um.. wondering if you maybe.. wanted to hang out sometime..?" He said, cheeks flushing a rosy pink. "L-Like a date, except not- u-unless you want it to be.." He mumbled.

Ryan blinked, smiling a little and talking over a puff of cigarette smoke. "Sure." He said. "Any specific time?"

"Maybe uh.. Friday..? Maybe..? Eight o'clock?" He asked, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek.

"Sounds great." Ryan smiled a bit, standing up and stretching a bit. "I'll see you then." He said, "And probably in between, but y'know." He chuckled, and Ricky hopped out of the tree, slipping his backpack on.

Ricky elbowed Ryan, 'awh'ing before lighting a cigarette.

Josh was blushing like hell, at that point. Smiling a bit, he gave Ryan a quick hug before practically running off like a shy middle school kid.

In all actuality, Ryan thought it was pretty cute.

The bell ringing snagged his attention, and he hurried off with Ricky in an attempt- that would prove to fail,- to run across the school and make it to gym class on time.

Being late for the third time that week, the gym teacher was far from happy, and, inevitably, Ricky and Ryan were damned to detention after school.

It was a good thing Ryan had opted to stay with Mike; his parents would kill him otherwise.

Ricky's parents just knew he hated gym class, so, they tended to stay off his case when he got detention for being late. After all, it was a frequent occurrence.

Regardless of getting landed in detention, Ryan was happy. Because he knew Josh didn't hate him now, and, he had a date. The whole 'polyamorous' thing was really working well. And Josh had to know Ryan and Mike were a thing; it was a rarity to see them apart.

That thought only made Ryan happier. Because- hopefully,- it meant that Josh didn't think it was weird or unusual or whatever.

Ryan was happier now being able to do whatever he wanted than he ever had been trying to hide the fact that he was gay from his parents for so long. Staying with Mike had it's perks as well.

The werewolf's mother and grandmother had gotten quite used to having Ryan around, and Mike was happy about that. It didn't matter that they could only fuck occasionally; Mike was actually quite cuddly, and that was good enough for Ryan.

Really, all that mattered to him was that he- and everyone else,- was happy.

A/N: Short chapter, oops. I unpublished a bunch of shit, so you know what that means; I'll probably start a bunch of shit. Yay! Probably going to start with an Angeless, because why the fuck not. Maybe Ghorror, but probably not; I've accepted the fact that I suck at writing Ghorror. RIP @ me.


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