13 | it doesn't get better; it gets worse

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For once, Angelo didn't hate his birthday. For once, it was actually pretty fun. That was what he thought, anyway.

There was really nothing better for Angelo than spending half the day alone with Chris, and the other half with everyone all at once. It wasn't anything major, just a bunch of friends hanging out and drinking.

It had been the perfect day, until everyone was heading home. Even then, things had seemed alright.

Being a fortune teller, Angelo should have known something bad was bound to happen. Then again, not everything was an open book. He was still young, and in spite of knowing a lot, he was still learning.

"Did you have a good time today?" Chris asked, swinging their hands as they walked down the street. The sun was dipping down, almost setting. It was only about seven o'clock.

Angelo smiled brightly. "Yeah, actually. It's the first good birthday I've had in a long time.." He admitted.

Chris grinned, kissing the top of Ange's head. "I'm glad to hear it. I tried to keep it sort of lowkey, because I know you're not a fan of being in the spotlight." He said, and Angelo giggled, rolling his eyes, which had switched back to blue.

"I love you." He said dreamily. Chris swept Angelo off his feet, carrying him up the porch steps. "I love you, too." He mused.

"Put me down, Chrissy," Angelo giggled, colour rising to his cheeks. "My mom is home, you goofball.." He said.

Pouting jokingly, Chris set Angelo back down and opened the door, walking his boyfriend in. "Your point?" He said with a hum.

Angelo was about to fire back with a response, but his mother cut him off, clearing her throat.

"Angelo, tenemos que hablar.." Angelo's mother said, frowning slightly.

Ange couldn't help the sinking feeling he was getting. "¿Mamá? Hay algo mal..?" He asked softly.

He wanted to tell her that anything she had to say, she could say in front of Chris. In English, anyway. But he knew it would be rude..

"Tengo un trabajo, Angelo. Nos estamos moviendo.." His mother replied.

Angelo deadpanned, seeming to Chris almost like a glass that would crack at the slightest touch. "No sabía que habías estado buscando un nuevo trabajo.. No podemos mover. Me gusta aquí.." He said, practically whispering it.

"Angelo, sé que gusta mucho aquí. Pero esta es una buena oportunidad para nosotros.." She replied.

Angelo's eyes were glassy with tears. "Pero- Mamá-"

His mother cut him off. "No hay debate, Angelo. Estamos dejando al final del mes.."

Angelo pursed his lips, and Chris frowned, leaning down a bit and keeping a quiet tone. "Angelo..? Baby, is something wrong..?" He asked. Of course there was, though.

Angelo looked up at Chris with teary eyes, then at his mother. He sniffled, speaking shakily. "Me limitaré a permanecer con Chris, a continuación.. No voy, Mamá.." He said with a huff.

He grabbed his boyfriend's hand, his own hand trembling as he tugged Chris out the door.

"Angelo- What's going on?" Chris questioned, walking with Angelo, who was trying his best to hold back tears.

"She says we're moving.." He sniffled in response, almost running at that point. Chris had no trouble keeping up, though.

"What did you tell her?" Chris asked sadly, not liking the idea at all. Angelo was devastated, and Chris didn't really understand what he was feeling. Being a demon, sadness wasn't very common for him.

"I told her I wasn't going. That I'd stay with you.." Angelo sniffled, sitting down on the curb. Chris sat beside him, pulling Angelo close.

"It'll work out.. My parents love you." Chris said, rubbing Angelo's shoulder. "They'll let you stay.."

"Promise? I don't want to leave you.." Angelo sniffled, pressing his face against Chris's chest and nuzzling him, shaking.

Chris wrapped his arms around the witch, trying to comfort him. "I promise," He said, tracing circles on Angelo's back. "It'll be just fine. And I'll get to see your pretty little face when I wake up in the morning.." He mused, trying to get a smile out of Angelo, who wasn't budging.

Chris kissed the top of Ange's head. "My parents are almost always gone..  We can do whatever. Take showers together.. Do cliche couple shit- make pancakes.." He said.

Being demons, Chris's parents spent ninety nine percent of their time in Hell or on jobs.

Angelo still wasn't budging.

Chris kissed his jaw lightly. "I'll get to smack your ass without getting all the dirty looks from parents," He said teasingly, and Angelo's smile was brief, but it was there.

"Come on," Chris said, tickling Angelo's sides lightly. "Let me see that adorable little smile.." He said.

Angelo giggled a bit, trying to bat Chris's hands away. "Stop it, Chrissy," He whined, and the demon grinned.

"Only if you kiss me," He chirped.

Maybe things would be okay after all, Angelo decided.

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