16 | the talk

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"Alright," Chris said, clapping his hands together once, loudly, to get the attention of his rowdy friends, who were talking amongst themselves.

Study halls were almost always spent camping out- hiding, really,- behind the school bleachers.

"What?" Kuza said in an annoyed tone. He had been talking to Vinny, who had managed to finally pull himself out of the Mono slump and get back to school. 

"Chill the fuck out. We've gotta talk. It's not bad, I'm just kinda curious on something." He said, which finally grabbed everyone's attention. "I've noticed some stuff lately.."

"Oh really?" Ricky remarked sarcastically. "I didn't know you noticed things! That's so weird." He teased lightheartedly. Chris flipped him off, rolling his eyes before speaking again.

"You two," He said, pointing to Ryan and Mike. "You two were dating like, what, last week? And you two," He said, pointing to Josh and Ryan. "You two hated each other last week. "But now you're all mushy-gushy with each other. I thought you and Ryan-Ashley were together, Josh," He said.

Ryan-Ashley gave a hum. "We are."

"And I never said me and Ryan broke up," Mike said.

Chris blinked. "How in fuck does that make any sense?" He asked, drawing scribbles in the air.

Ryan snickered, resting his head on Balz's shoulder. "I don't love Mike any less just because I've been 'mushy gushy' with Josh. He still likes Ryan-Ashley, but that doesn't mean he can't like me to. Mike likes Devin, Devin likes Mike. Devin likes Ricky, and Ricky likes you and me and Devin." He shrugged. "You've been living under a rock with Angelo. This shit has been going on for a looong time." He chuckled. "Even Vinny knew." He said, "He's got interests, too."

Vinny bit his lip and shrugged, blushing and hiding behind Devin just a bit.

"Clearly," Angelo squeaked, blushing bright red. "I didn't know you guys were into polygamy," He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're w fortune teller and a witch," Ryan-Ashley spoke up. "There's no way you didn't know." She said.

Mike smirked, closing his eyes and leaning back. "What are you afraid of, Parente? Tell us how you really feel, man, no one's gonna deck you for it."

Chris looked over at Angelo, then at the rest of his friends. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, shut up, Cerulli. You know what I mean." Kuza mumbled. "You've always had a thing for Ricky. Hell, you had a thing for me before you met Ange," He mused.

Chris glared. "Fuck off." He said. He didn't want Angelo to be upset..

Angelo bit his lip, sensing Chris's worry and looking up at him. "I'm not angry, Chrissy.." He said.

"I'm sure you feel the same way he does, maybe not the same people, but.." Devin said in a gentle tone.

"Is that true?" Chris asked softly, "I love you.. I don't wanna hide anything from you.." He said.

Ryan whistled. "Yeah. I mean, it's already one big mental orgy. Minus the two of you, that is.."

Devin gave a hum, putting one arm around Ricky and the other around Vinny. "He's got a point. I mean, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Not that there's anyone to beat in this case.."

"I-.." Angelo said, looking down. "So, I might kind of like Ryan.. maybe Mike.." He said, then looked up at Chris. "But I still love you, Chrissy, a lot.. More than anything. I promise.."

Chris grabbed his hands. "I love you two. And- I mean.. Now that everything's out in the open, if you wanna pursue any of that.. it's all okay. I promise I wont be angry if you wont be mad at me either.." He said.

"I wont be mad.." Angelo murmured, standing on his tip-toes to kiss Chris lightly.

Mike whistled, clapping obnoxiously loud. "There we go! Y'know, the beauty of all this is that you guys don't even have to break up." He chimed.

Ryan-Ashley smiled a bit. Josh was the only one she liked, but she was happy to see her friends all so happy as well.

"No more hiding stuff." Ricky stated. "Everyone knows everything now." He said, nodding a bit.

Devin nodded in agreement, resting his head against Vinny's. "Right." He said.

It was safe to say that after their chat, everyone felt a lot better. There was no more sneaking around or not knowing things- there never really was anyhow.

It was just.. better, now though.

A/N: Short update~

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