19 | who pissed in your cornflakes?

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Ricky slammed his locker shut, a scowl on his face. Sure, Vinny was his friend, but Devin had hardly been paying Ricky any mind all week- he'd spent most of the time with Vinny. Jealousy was normal, though.. right? Not that Ricky cared. As long as Devin was happy, Ricky decided to stay out of it.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes today, Olson?" Kuza said. Had he been standing there the whole time? "Jesus fuck-" Ricky blurted, shoving Mike's chest- not that it did much. Ricky was pint sized in comparison. "Don't fucking sneak up on me, assbag," Rick grumbled, clutching his wrist. Kuza snickered. "Someone's salty today." He teased. "I'm serious though. What's got you so pissy?" He asked, pinching Ricky's cheeks.

The gargoyle narrowed his blue eyes and glared up at the werewolf. "I'm this close to biting your goddamn fingers. Get your paws off of my face." He huffed. Mike snickered and dropped his hands back to his sides. "Moody much?" He asked.

Ricky just rolled his eyes and pushed past Mike, who was quick to follow along behind him. "If you don't tell me what's up," Mike said, "I'll drag you home by your thumbs and make you talk." He said. Ricky wouldn't have put it past him. So, he heaved a sigh. "Devin and Vinny have been hanging out a lot. Dev wont pay any attention to me. So yeah, I'm fucking moody." Ricky grumbled.

Mike smirked, sticking his thumbs in his pockets. "Jealous?" He asked. Ricky sighed and nodded wordlessly. Kuza bit his lip and walked along beside the smaller boy. "You should just ignore it." He said. "I mean, why let that weigh you down? Live a little." He said.

The bell rang, and Ricky groaned. "I've gotta go." He muttered. Kuza just chuckled. "How 'bout you meet me by the locker rooms at the end of the day?" He suggested. Ricky cocked an eyebrow. "Why?" He asked. Kuza shrugged. "You'll find out. Get to class, grumpypants," He said.

Rolling his eyes and sighing dramatically, Ricky slung his backpack over his shoulder and slumped off to Algebra, the bane of his existence. He didn't have anything better to do at the end of the day, so he figured hanging out with Mike might not be so bad.


"We should be in Biology right now, Ry, you know I don't like cutting classes.." Josh whined softly, holding Ryan's hand as they walked,- quiet as mice,- to one of the Janitor closets that never got used.

"Would you rather be dissecting a frog?" Ryan questioned, opening the door and pulling Josh in before closing it quietly and pulling the light bulb chain, waiting for it to flicker on.

"Well, no, but-" Josh started, cut off by Ryan kissing him lightly. "Don't worry about it. Okay?" He insisted, wrapping his arms around Josh, who did the same with him. "Fine, fine.." Josh said dramatically. The vampire smirked and rolled his eyes. "Drama queen.." "Shush.."

Josh smiled and kissed Ryan again, the other boy kissing back. When Ryan tilted his head, Josh did the same. After a few minutes of on-and-off kissing, Josh pulled away. "Your eyes, Ry," He noted, frowning. "Did you drink anything today..?"

"No.." Ryan said with a small frown. "I'm fine, though," He said. Josh stuck his lip out in a pout. "You're not. Just.. Hey," He said. "You can bite me.." He offered. Ryan shook his head. "I don't wanna hurt you.." He said. Josh rolled his eyes and kissed Ryan's jaw lightly. "I'll live. You need the blood, though." He said.

Ryan bit his lip. "Are you sure..? Because, I mean, I can wait.." He said rather awkwardly. Josh nodded a little. "Just do it, Ry, I'll be fine." He said and flashed a small smile. Ryan kissed Josh's cheek, resting his forehead against Josh's shoulder for a moment before leaning close and kissing his neck. "I'll only be a minute. Promise." He said before sinking his fangs into Josh's neck, as carefully as possible.


Ricky crept down the hallway, looking around for Kuza. "Mike?" He whisper shouted. Kuza, who had been standing by the locker rooms, reached a hand out and tugged Ricky down the hall. "Howdy," He snickered. Ricky rolled his eyes for the billionth time that day. "Why are we here?" He asked.

"I figured since you've been so pissy all day, you could use some fun." Mike said simply. Ricky looked up with narrowed eyes. "Define fun." He said. Mike chuckled and slid his hands down to Ricky's hips. "The naughty kind." He said.

Ricky's cheeks flushed pink. But, he sure wasn't going to turn the offer down..

A/N: You fucks wanted Kuza/Rickdick. You asked, I wrote.


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