2 | wall clocks never cease to irritate and aggravate

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The only sound Josh could hear was the obnoxious ticking of the clock.

It was practically taunting him, reminding him that he was going nowhere for another hour or so.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have a migraine vicious enough to make him want to gouge his eyes out with his thumbs.

Finally, something happened. The teacher stood up, saying, "I'll be right back. No talking." Before scowling with red eyes as he left the room.

Josh groaned, putting his head down on his desk.

Being a Tulpa was no easy task.

Tick.. tock. Tick.. tock. Tick-

"Fucking hell!" Josh whined loudly, clamping his hands over his ears and gritting his teeth.

Ryan-Ashley looked up from her drawing at that point, wrapping her left hand around the pendant she was wearing.

Josh finally relaxed a bit, the sound of that godawful clock fading.

It was almost like being under water, or something. He could still hear, just not small things like the clock.

Ryan-Ashley flashed a small smile before returning to her drawing.

Josh closed his eyes, resting his forehead against his desk. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for getting detention.

He had to be there, which ultimately meant that Ryan-Ashley had to be there.

Josh was, after all, her Tulpa. Meaning, they can't get too far apart.

Once Josh seemed calm enough, Ryan-Ashley took her hand off of the pendant. "Are you okay now?" She asked gently.

He nodded a bit, staying quiet.

One of Josh's greatest vices would be his anger problems. He never got too violent, of course, but Ryan-Ashley knew that Josh had a bit of a temper tantrum problem.

The solution was typically simple, of course. She could always either put him back in her pendant for awhile to collect himself, or calm him down by talking him out of it.

Or, of course, cover up the pendant so he couldn't hear obnoxious noises.

He was a bit sensitive. Small noises always seemed to find a way to irritate him.

Ryan-Ashley glanced out the window on the door to make sure the teacher wasn't coming back. "Come here, would you?"

Josh didn't budge. He was always stubborn after minor outbursts.

Sighing audibly, Ryan-Ashley locked her silver eyes on Josh, repeating her statement. "Come here.." She said. Her tone was stern, but still gentle.

Josh was someone else's creation; she had found the pendant in a river a few years back. She didn't know what sort of issues Josh's creator did have, but they had certainly taken their toll on him.

Josh always seemed to get skittish when people raised their voices in a harsh way.

He peered up slowly, icy blue eyes set on Ryan-Ashley. He glanced at the door, then sighed and stood up, walking over obediently.

Ryan-Ashley stood up as well, wrapping her arms around him. Stubborn and whiny or not, hugs always made Josh happy, and she knew that.

He seemed a lot better automatically, hugging back and nuzzling her jaw.

Ryan-Ashley gently rubbed his back. "It's just a clock, you know.. What upsets you so much about it?"

"It just.. keeps.. making noise.." Josh mumbled against the fabric of Ryan-Ashley's sweater. "It doesn't stop no matter how long I glare at it.. I just don't like the ticking.."

Ryan-Ashley nodded a bit, humming softly. "A few more hours and we'll go over to Ghost's place, if you like?" She suggested.

Josh seemed to light up at her words, nodding a little and hugging her a bit tighter. "Mhm.."

Ryan-Ashley nodded once. "Alright, then.. Sit down, the teacher's coming back.." She said gently, sending Josh back to his seat.

- - - - - -

"Where were you last night?" Ricky whined. "You were supposed to come to the movies with me and Chris and Ange." He said with a rather dramatic sigh.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "I told you guys I was gonna help Mike with his biology bullshit situation." He said, looking at the gargoyle.

Ricky deadpanned, then laughed. "Oh yeah. Oops," He said, swinging Ryan's hand as they walked. "So," He chuckled, "Anything interesting happen?" He asked innocently.

Ryan glanced at him. "No.." He said, narrowing his eyes.

"Really?" Ricky snorted.

The vampire scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with a huff.

Ricky was grinning, then. "You uh.. you smell like werewolf." He chirped.

Ryan's face flushed pink. "Is it that bad?" He squeaked. "For fucks sake," He groaned.

Giggling, Ricky took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit it, raising the coffin nail to his lips and taking a drag. "Did he fuck you?" He asked blatantly.

Ryan's jaw went slack. Was Ricky serious?

"No!" He blurted. "We didn't- What makes you think we-"

Ricky laughed, rolling his crystal blue eyes. "Oh come on," He said. "You aren't the only one who's thought about fucking their friend. We're all a little curious. I mean, we're teenagers. It's probably normal. Come on, tell me what happened," He said.

Ryan bit at his lip, and Ricky nudged him.

Giving in, Ryan heaved a sigh. "We were sorta play fighting, and I fell off my bed. He got on top of me, and we kissed. That's all.." He said.

There was a brief silence.

"Was it good?" Ricky asked, seeming genuinely curious.

Ryan glanced at him, his blush deepening. "Well.. yeah. Duh." He mumbled, making Ricky grin.

Ryan bit his lip again. "You uh.. mentioned everyone being curious. What do you think about then, Olson?" He asked teasingly.

Shamelessly, the gargoyle answered. "You. Ghost, Chris.." He said.

Ryan snickered. "Mind elaborating a little?"

Ricky sneered.

"I'm serious," Ryan chuckled.

Ricky grinned and shook his head and took a drag. "I like to think about what it would be like to get fucked." He shrugged. "By you, or Chris. I'd fuck Devin, though." He said.

Ryan whistled. "Dirty boy."

Ricky just winked and crossed his arms. "Says the vamp who wants a werewolf's dick up his ass. You're damn right I'm a dirty boy; but so are you." He smirked and blew a ring of cigarette smoke at Ryan.

The vampire stole the other teen's cigarette, taking a drag.

"Well," he said with a hum. "You're not wrong."

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