21 | happy together

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A/N: so just in case anyone is interested, i have another account for fics. they'll be updated less, but it'll also serve as a sort of testing grounds for shit i've not done here. i'm working on an angeless, but right now i have a joker/harley inspired ryangelo fic started. so there's that~! it's called 'black and blue,' and if anyone's interested, that's over on @570jpg if you wanna read it~ on to this shitty chapter~
. . .

Ghost wrapped his arms around the angel, their chests pressed together as well as their lips. Blushing cherry red, Vinny tangled his fingers in Ghost's hair. "Mh- I oughta take you out on a date sometime.." He mumbled, gently pushing Ghost down on the couch.

"Mmh, yeah, you oughta. Angels are supposed to be gentlemen, but you sure aren't," Teased the other. "Already trying to get in my pants," He said sweetly, pulling Vinny into another kiss.

"That," Vinny mumbled against Ghost's lips. "Is a lie. You're the one try'na get in my pants.." He snickered, his wings blocking out the dull, flickering light overhead.

Ghost smirked a bit, stifling a moan when he felt Vinny's lips on his neck. "Mmh, and they try to tell you angels are innocent.. such bullshit.." He mused.

"I've never done this before.." Vinny said softly, fumbling with the button on Ghost's jeans. Mocking a pout, Ghost spoke again. "Where'd that confidence go? Cocks don't bite, you know. I will though, if you want,"

The angel was blushing impossibly deeper at that point. "Shut up, you're not helping my case," He mumbled. His confidence didn't really come back, especially after he got Ghost's jeans and boxers down.

Vinny stared for a moment, mocha eyes obviously filled with nervousness. "There's no reason to be scared," Ghost chuckled as he pulled Vinny into another brief kiss.

The angel flashed a shy grin before sliding off of the couch onto his knees, determination being a decent enough replacement for confidence.

x x x

Angelo sang softly to himself, flipping the egg in the frying pan he held with ease. He had been cooking for as long as he could remember.

Chris was quite the chef himself, but he just couldn't seem to flip things as easily as Angelo, in spite of all the practice.

"What do you want with your eggs, babe?" Angelo asked in a somewhat sleepy voice, humming. "Just toast," Chris replied. "What do you want in your pancakes tomorrow morning?" He asked sweetly. "Blueberries would be great," Angelo replied cheerfully, popping a few pieces of bread into the toaster and swaying his hips.

Chris slid his arms around his boyfriend's waist, resting his chin on the smaller boy's shoulder and kissing at his jaw lightly. "My pretty little baby," He said softly, "My little angel.."

"I'm vicious," Angelo teased, kissing Chris's cheek lightly before going back to cooking and singing softly, Chris turning the radio up.

"Imagine me and you, I do. I think about you day and night, it's only right, to think about the girl you love, and hold her tight, so happy together.."

x x x

Josh ran a hand through Ryan's hair, fingertips trailing down to trace little patterns on the sleeping vampire's bare chest.

The tulpa couldn't help but smile a bit as he watched Ryan's chest rise and fall.

He glanced up at the door when he heard it open, Mike yawning as he shuffled through the doorway. He only glanced at the couple on the bed before cracking his knuckles and tugging his hoodie off, being quiet so not to wake Ryan, who typically had difficulty sleeping.

"M'gonna take the couch," Kuza mumbled as he grabbed some clean clothes from his dresser, probably planning on a shower. He looked like sex, Josh decided.

The tulpa smiled a bit, letting hid blue eyes slip shut as he fell asleep gradually, exhausted.

A/N: this is really short. but it's better than nothing, is it not?

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