22 | it's been awhile, hasn't it? that's alright.

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Josh had gone home awhile ago. Ryan knew he would eventually, because he did miss his Ryan-Ashley. Kuza was happy about that, of course. He had missed his little vampire.

"Mike? Can you grab the-" Ryan started, because even standing on his tiptoes, he couldn't reach the cinnamon on the top shelf of the cupboard. "The, uh.." He trailed off, swallowing thickly as he tried to remember just exactly what he had been thinking. He had gotten a bit distracted, but his boyfriend smacked his ass and grabbed the tin can of cinnamon off the shelf.

Kuza always knew what Ryan was looking for, because he knew his favourite things. Ryan had a habit of making cinnamon toast late at night. Which, Mike knew.

"Anything else?" Mike asked, biting back a mischievous grin. He didn't want to be too pushy or forward, so he kept acting relatively normal. Aside from the all too obvious boner, Mike's actions were pretty regular. He almost always smacked Ryan's ass.

"Uh.." Ryan trailed off, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are your mom or your grandma home..?" Ryan mumbled awkwardly.

"Nope," Kuza smirked, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator and unscrewing the cap. "Why? Have something you wanted to do?" He asked.

Ryan leaned back against the kitchen counter, chewing at the inside of his lip. After a moment of silence, the vampire hooked his fingers through the loops of the other boy's jeans, standing on his tiptoes to kiss him.

"You know," Mike muttered as he swept Ryan off of his feet, kissing back and nipping at the smaller boy. "You're still mine." He half growled, moving his lips to Ryan's neck and biting lightly.

"Mmf," Ryan groaned, tangling his fingers in Kuza's hair. "Fucking hell.." He muttered. Kuza just grinned. "Mmhmm.. You know, I don't think you're going to be walking straight for a few days.. maybe the whole week.. I'm shooting for a week." He purred, making Ryan shiver. "Uh-huh.."

x x x

Angelo nuzzled Chris's neck, kissing lightly. "I love you," He said softly. He never really meant anything to be too sexual, but he wouldn't complain if it went that way.. Chris was, after all, a sexual creature. Fucking was like a job- but, they say that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. And the incubus definitely loved what he did..

"I love you too.." Chris said, tilting Angelo's chin up and kissing him. Angelo kissed back immediately, resting his hands on Chris's bare chest. The only thing separating their naked bodies were towels and the duvet, because neither of them had bothered to get dressed after their previous shower. "You smell like strawberries and mint.." Chris mumbled, lightly biting Angelo's lip.

Giggling softly, the fortune teller nipped back at his boyfriend, tracing circles on his chest. "Mhmm.." Angelo mused, and Chris glanced up at the light when it flickered before going out. It was stormy outside, and losing power was a pretty regular thing, so it didn't surprise him. "Looks like the lights are out.." Chris said, stating the obvious.

"Who says that's a problem, Chrissy?" Angelo asked cheerfully, his tone quiet. Chris had candles scattered around on the shelves in his room, and for a witch like Angelo, lighting them all at once was easy. "Candles are more romantic anyway.." He said. Chris couldn't help but grin at how cute Angelo was when he did little things like lighting candles or making lights flicker, or anything else..

"You're right," Chris said, gently pushing Angelo to lay on his back. "They are." He said as he leaned over the other boy, their lips meeting in yet another gentle kiss. "It's been awhile since I've fucked you nice and slow.." He said lowly, moving to kiss Angelo's jaw lightly.

"It has." Angelo said, closing his eyes. He didn't mind when Chris was rough; he loved it, quite honestly. But, once and awhile, it was nice to take it slow and just get lost in the intimacy of it all. It was the perfect time for that, and Angelo was more than willing to go along with it.

x x x

"Damn." Ricky frowned, glancing up at the light. He sighed, getting up and stretching his arms forward, cracking his knuckles slowly. He glanced down at the ball of fluff he called a cat on the floor, staring back up at him. "How 'bout that? Lights out.." He mumbled. He talked to his cat quite a lot..

"Candles or flashlight? I really wanted to read that book." He said. His beloved cat just stretched, nuzzling the carpet and staring up at the gargoyle. "And, you can't answer me. Right." He sighed. He smiled a bit sadly, tilting his head. "Flashlight it is.." He said, making his way down the dark
hallway, holding onto the railing and walking down the stairs. He was sure there had to be a flashlight somewhere..

"Wonder what everyone else is up to.." He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the kitchen to rummage through the junk drawer for a flashlight. "I've gotta be the only one all fucking alone." He sighed dramatically.

"Ryan's got Mike.. and Josh. Vinny's got Ghost.. Chris and Ange have each other.. But who've I got? My cat. Wait, that sounded wrong..-" He babbled to himself, squeaking at the sound of a book falling from somewhere across the room. He grabbed the flashlight from the drawer, flicked it on and pointed it toward the corner of the living room where the shelf was. "Hello?"

He was by himself. Aside from Dexter, anyway.. But last he checked, Dexter didn't talk. Frowning, he grabbed a few candles, a lighter, and headed back up to his room.

He lit the candles and set them down, then ducked under his bed and grabbed a box, pulling it out and taking out the only thing he figured would occupy his time for awhile; a ouija board.

Sighing, he aimed the flashlight at the board so he could see the letters. Dexter shot him a suspicious glare, and Ricky set the planchette on the board, placing his hands on it lightly.

"Is anyone here?" He asked, watching as his hands moved with the piece to 'hello' on the board. He spoke with spirits frequently, so, he settled on a casual start. "What's your name..? Can you spell it for me?"

'J.. A.. I.. M.. E.'

"Jaime, huh..? So.. did you push that book off the shelf downstairs..?"


"Cool.." Ricky nodded a bit and bit his lip. "You like Dexter, huh..?" He asked. He just guessed. Dexter always stared over his shoulder.. meowed.. acted like he was getting attention, even when he wasn't.


"Do you know me?" Ricky asked casually.

'R.. I.. C.. K.. Y. Y r u a..l..o..n..e'

Ricky shrugged. "Cause.. I like being by myself." He said.

Jaime didn't agree, because the planchette moved right to 'NO.'

Ricky chuckled dryly. "Yeah.. You're right.."

A/N: yo, sorry this is lame :b i'm starting a scary story series over on my other account. kind of like oneshots, but scary/creepy/whatever ones. does anyone have any ships they wanna see in that?

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