25 | it's halloween, and nothing can go right

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Ricky leaned back in the grass, feet hanging off the ledge of the rather steep slope he had been sitting at. Nikki leaned back as well, frowning. "Why are you all alone, again? It's still Halloween.. Is everyone really that busy..?" He asked.

The gargoyle heaved a sigh. "Uh-huh. Chris and Ange stayed home, Mike took Ryan out on- I dunno.. I think it was a date? Josh offered to hang out, but I'd feel bad stealing him for the night, cause Ryan-Ashley was home alone.. And Dev and Vinny went to some scary movie thing. They asked if I wanted to go and all, but just.. I didn't wanna be a third wheel, y'know?" He explained.

Nikki nodded a little, swinging an arm over and accidentally smacking Ricky in the face. Any other time, his arm would have just gone through the other boy. But, it was Halloween.

"Sorry-" Nikki blurted, sitting bolt upright and crossing his arms over his chest, embarrassed with having forgot that he was nearly solid for the night.

Ricky, who was quite literally 'made of stone,' barely seemed to mind. It didn't hurt, really. "It's fine," He stressed, sitting up and nudging Nikki's arm with his elbow. "You're fine. No worries." He said.

The spirit flashed a tiny smile, pale face flushed pink. "Thanks," He said, swinging an arm around Ricky's shoulders just for the sake of it. After all, being able to actually touch things was rare, because most of the time, his energy was too damn weak.

"No problem," Ricky said, draping an arm over Nikki's shoulder. There was silence, only for a moment, before Nikki spoke up again, his soft voice almost fading into the whispering of the late night wind.

"You're a gargoyle," He said obviously. "I forget that sometimes. You never really.." He trailed off, looking over the ledge.

"Look the part?" Ricky asked. "I know."

"Why..? I mean.. I dunno. I guess it's just.. if I were this.. super awesome stone statue creature of the night thing," He droned, "I'd be pretty proud of that. You're lucky, y'know? I'm just a ghost. No one cares about the dead. Because that's what they are- dead. I guess everyone dies, but creatures- like you.. like the guys and Ryan-Ashley.. you all last longer. I was a human. I just.. died. And you know what?"

"Hm?" Ricky asked, frowning a little. Nikki just seemed so.. different.. all of a sudden.

"I don't think there's anything." Nikki stated. "And if there is, I'm never gonna see it. I died. I don't know where my body is- no one does. But even if they did, they'd stick me in a box and bury me, and no one would ever remember me. No one's going to remember me, Rick. When you and the guys grow up and move on and leave me, no one's gonna remember, and-" He stopped, jerking his knees up to his chest and tugging Ricky close to him suddenly, "What's wrong with me?"

Ricky, unsure of what to do, hugged Nikki. But the spirit wasn't quite on the same page. Nikki pulled away, pushing Ricky backwards before leaning over the cliff-like ledge.

The gargoyle scowled, confused and almost uncomfortable with the sudden disheveled manner of his friend's actions. "Nikki, you're freaking me the fuck out.."

The spirit looked at the other over his shoulder, wide eyes filled with worry. "Why? I realize I'm.. whatever I am.. but why? Something's not right, I'm telling you, I-" He paused, hands flying up to his head, fingers tangled in his hair. "Stupid! Stupid of me. Idiot-" He babbled, getting up and backing away from the ledge. "It's Halloween. It's Halloween, Ricky, I-I shouldn't be here. No, not here. What if-"

"Nikki!" Ricky finally snapped as he got to his feet. "The fuck are you talking about?" He huffed impatiently.

Nikki scratched the back of his neck, his hand shaking. "Death." He stated.

"Rather vague, don't you think?"

"It's Halloween.. I-I never had to worry about it before, but- I-I've been here too long, and I shouldn't be.." Nikki rambled, cutting himself off to explain before Ricky could interrupt. "The afterlife can't be forever. Not for the ones like me. Ashley.. She can go to Heaven any time. She just.. chooses.. to haunt. It's the same with Nick and Jeremy. But me, no.. I.. I can't go anywhere, Rick, I'm stuck. And my time's almost up. When.. you die.. you get a few years. How long has it been..? Fifty-..? Sixty..? I.. dunno. But there's a limit. When you hit it, Death gets sick of waiting on your soul. I can't- I- M'never gonna find a Heaven or a Hell. There's nothing. My time's up, and it's just.. it's going to be fucking cat and mouse. I gotta go.." Nikki said shakily, beginning to scurry off.

Ricky didn't even have enough time to ask a question; Nikki was already halfway gone at that point, leaving Ricky confused and rather worried for the ghost's safety. Nikki was a friend, and Ricky didn't quite like the idea of anything bad happening to his friends- no matter who they were.

"Hey- Nikki, wai-" Ricky called, cut off by his lungs simply rejecting the air. Nikki was too far off to have heard the struggle by then.

A/N: shitty chapter. gonna try and get an update out on 'Isolate and Medicate' (chris\ryan, heheheh) ASAP. also; i hate this, but my wattpad doesn't show where comments are anymore?? like. you know how it used to have the little comment logo by certain paragraphs etc where people would comment specific shit? can't see that anymore. it's annoying as fuck.

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