29 | i miss you

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"Ryan?" Josh said with a small frown, playing with his fingers and glancing over at Ryan-Ashley, who was working on homework at the time. Josh was certain she had gotten work in every class, and she wouldn't walk into school the net day unless it was all done.

She was rather avid about finishing her work, not to mention her family was constantly ragging on her about needing to keep her grades up if she ever wanted a chance at the college she was looking to get in to. 

Ryan-Ashley wanted to work in the reaping business, and they didn't take just anyone- let alone people with awful grades. Chris was looking to get into the same school, but he hardly had to worry- he had spent almost the entirety of his time before his senior year reading up on the entrance exams and what to expect; he knew it all like the back of his hand. 

It wasn't that Ryan wasn't happy for him- because she knew he wanted to get in just as much as she did,- but he did have it easier. Natural born reapers are more likely to take in demons over witches. After all, demons would have a much easier time at reaping souls than witches would.. 

"Ryan.." Josh said again, worried. 

Sighing softly, Ryan-Ashley bit her lip and set her pencil down, glancing over her shoulder at Josh. "Yeah..?" She asked. She sounded so tired out. It was almost three in the morning, after all. 

"I miss you," Josh said quietly. 

Ryan-Ashley blinked, sending Josh a confused look. She was right there- and she had been for quite some time. Why ever was he saying that he missed her..? They were less than ten feet away from each other, after all. Being so tired, Josh couldn't blame her for not getting what he meant. 

"I'm right here, though," Ryan said solemnly. 

Josh nodded a little, not looking up much. "But I miss you. And it's late, and you're tired, and I'm worried about you.. Please, just get some rest. Tomorrow is Sunday! You have all day to finish stuff, please," He rambled. 

Ryan-Ashley frowned a little, rubbing her eyes and smudging her already butchered makeup. "Josh, I.. gotta get this stuff done.. Just five more minutes," She stressed. 

"Nuh-uh," Josh stated, getting up and shuffling over, hugging her tightly. "You're hurting yourself and you're hurting me." He said softly, nuzzling her neck. "Please go lay down? I-I can make you some tea or something, but please.. I don't like to see you so worked up.." 

Ryan-Ashley couldn't help but give in, wrapping her arms around Josh and hugging him. "I love you.. I guess you're right.. I wouldn't work well this tired anyway," She said softly, standing up slowly and kissing Josh's cheek gently. 

Josh managed a small smile. "Thank you.." He said softly, pulling away after a moment. "Go lay down. I'll make some tea, and you can just relax. Okay? You need it."

. . .

Mike wrapped his arms around Ryan, who was fast asleep. "I love you." He said in spite of Ryan being out like a light. It was just so much easier to say 'I love you' that way, he decided. It was going to suck after graduation.. For him, anyway. Because he was going to college, and Ryan wasn't. Ryan didn't have any interest in it, and he at least wanted to stick around for Ally's sake.. 

The werewolf supposed he could understand. He didn't grow up with any siblings, and living with his mother and grandmother hadn't exactly been the ideal way to grow up. He didn't get to have much fun like that. 

Ryan's parents were so damn strict, though, so it wasn't exactly unreasonable for Ryan to want to stay and be someone less strict and more understanding for his little sister. 

He was a great brother, after all. 

It wouldn't be so awful if Mike wasn't going to college all the way across the United fucking States.. Plane tickets weren't cheap. Mike could run fast, but he couldn't run across the entirety of America. 

He supposed it would be a bridge to be crossed when it came around. Long distance would have to do, because Ryan was the only person that Mike truly wanted to bother with romantically, and he was wholeheartedly willing to put the effort in for his little Dracula.

. . .

"I'll see you lots,"  Vinny said happily. College for him was quite a long ways away- in Heaven. But that wouldn't be an issue, because he could go back and fourth whenever he pleased. So neither he nor Devin were worried about distance effecting any relationship. "The guys'll be happy too, yeah?" He asked cheerfully, glancing up at Ghost as they walked down the street. 

Ghost nodded and flashed a grin. "Yep.." He chirped. 

"Where are you gonna go?" Vinny asked curiously, and Ghost shrugged. "Not too sure.. Maybe somewhere up in Massachusetts. I wanna see Salem.. feels like home, y'know?" 

"Isn't it technically home for you?" Vinny asked. 

Ghost shrugged. "More or less. California is home just as much as Salem is, but I'm a little bit of everywhere, y'know? I've been everywhere. I just.. don't remember." He stated. 

"Where'd Ange find you?" Vinny asked. Ghost snorted. "A goddamn ditch." He said. Vinny rolled his eyes. "Well, that's a story I'd like to hear someday. I don't think you ever told me." He said, and Ghost nudged him with his elbow. "I'll tell you someday." He said, and Vinny just grinned.

A/N: next chapter is gonna be the end,, this would be the end but i need this shit to end on an even number,,


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