4 | teenagers scare the living shit out of me

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Kuza was greeted by very unhappy mother and grandmother the moment he stepped through the front door of his home.

"Michael," His mother scowled, crossing her arms. "Where on earth were you? You were supposed to be home by five o'clock. It's eleven." She scolded, her pale yellow eyes locked on Kuza.

The teen pursed his lips, stuffing his thumbs in his pockets. "I was at Chris's place." He answered flatly with a shrug.

It wasn't completely a lie.

After spending nearly twenty minutes bargaining with Ryan's little sister, he had gone to Chris's house to take a shower.

Ryan had told him to shower before going home, not wanting Mike's parents to pick up the scent of vampire on him when he returned.

Chris was occupied with algebra homework, so he hardly noticed Mike was over.

Not a bad thing.

Besides, Chris's parents adored Mike in spite of how awful an influence he is. They don't tend to worry, as Chris is a role model for Mike if nothing else.

Mike's grandmother narrowed her eyes. "Michael, if you're lying, so help me," She trailed off.

Kuza's family tended to be brutal, and his grandma was tough as nails. He wasn't too sure arguing while she was holding a rolling pin was the best of ideas.

He opened his mouth to speak, but he was immediately cut off by his grandmother swatting his shoulder with the rolling pin. "How many times do I have to tell you, Michael, lying is not a good habit!" She snapped.

Mike whined, clamping a hand over his arm. "Nana, I'm not lying!" He insisted, but his grandmother didn't seem to buy it.

His mother scowled. "Michael," She said, heaving a sigh.

Before he could say anything, his grandmother tugged him off down the hallway by his wrist, shooing him into his room.

"It was that Sitkowski boy again," She said. "Now, wasn't it?" She said.

Kuza bit the inside of his lip and raised a hand, rubbing the back of his neck.

His grandmother once again swatted him with the rolling pin. "Michael!" She huffed.

"Hey!" He squeaked, crossing his arms. "Put the rolling pin down, you old bat," He grumbled.

His grandmother huffed, smacking the rolling pin down on his dresser and glowering up at him. "Now, I don't mind you seeing the boy," She started. "But your mother told you damn well that she doesn't want you to."

"But Nana, I-"

"No buts, Michael." She said. "It's out of my hands. I can't stop you from doing whatever it is you teenagers do," She grumbled, "But don't go being so reckless about it." She said.

Picking up the rolling pin again, she shook her head and bounded off down the hall.

Heaving a rather dramatic sigh, Mike threw himself down onto his bed, pressing his face to the pillow.

"Mike," He heard his mother say from the doorway.

He just groaned obnoxiously into the pillow, which only made his mother roll her eyes.

"Michael," She said a bit louder. Ms. Costanza tended to be a quiet woman. For a werewolf, anyhow, but nonetheless, she could get rather loud when she needed to.

Clearing her throat, she spoke again, only to tell Mike that he was grounded for the rest of the week, and that if he was hungry, there was lasagna in the fridge.

Typical mother chit chat.

His mother closed the door quietly as she walked off down the hall, leaving Mike to brood in the darkness that was his bedroom.

- - -

"Hold still, would you?" Ally scolded, trying to get the rubber band in the second braid she had done.

Ryan never really cared much if Ally wanted to braid his hair. It was pretty long, after all.

Besides, girls seem to love to annoy their older brothers.

"Sorry," Ryan huffed, scrunching his nose up.

Ally rolled her eyes. "All done." She stated, leaning back on her bed. "So," She said with a hum, stifling a snicker. "You and Mike, then?"

"Shut up." Ryan scowled. He didn't exactly fancy the idea of talking about the incident considering his twelve year old sister walked in on him with a dick in his mouth.

Oh well.

"I wanna know!" Ally said with a pout. "I'll cry. I can cry." She said.

Ryan frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. "Don't do that."

Alley stuck her lip out in a pout. She had acquired a talent for crying on cue, and so, her red eyes welled up.

"No, no-" Ryan said, waving his hands. "Don't do that. No- what do you wanna know?" He sighed.

Ally smiled sweetly and wiped the fake tears away, batting her eyelashes.

Ryan resisted the urge to chuck a book at his younger sister.

"Why do you get a cute boyfriend, and I don't?" She teased.

Ryan groaned and leaned back on the floor, covering his eyes. "Why. Why are you like this?" He grumbled.

Ally just giggled.

"It's my job to make your life a living Hell." She said, wiggling her fingers.

"Hey," Ryan said, pointing a finger at her. "Watch your fucking language."

"You just swore!" Ally scoffed.

"So? I'm allowed to-" Ryan started, cut off by the sound of his mother shouting that dinner was done.

He rolled his eyes, getting up and racing Ally down the stairs.

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