7 | the best part about being home alone

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"So," Ricky said, stealing Ryan's cigarette to take a long, grateful drag before passing it back to the vampire. "What do you thinks going on with Chris and Ange?" He asked.

Mike snorted at the comment. "They've gotta be together. Not like it's weird; we're all getting into stuff lately." He said, flashing Ryan a smirk and smacking his ass lightly.

"Hey," Ryan laughed, putting an arm around Ricky. "Virgin eyes!"

The gargoyle rolled his eyes. "You're a virgin, Ryan." He said.

"How do you know?" Ryan scoffed, blushing deeply. Ricky just wriggled his fingers. "Angelo's abilities are wearing off on me!" He teased. "I just know." He said, stubbing out his cigarette and pulling his keys from his pocket, cramming them in the lock and shoving the door open.

"What should we watch?" Ryan spoke up, following Ricky inside. Rick shrugged. "I've got a bunch of old shit. The Shining?" He suggested, closing the door behind Mike. "Boots off. I don't want you tracking mud and all that shit over the carpet." He stated.

"Buzzkill, much?" Mike teased as he slid his boots off, lifting Ricky out of his shoes. Caught off guard by being picked up, Ricky squeaked. Ryan giggled, sliding his shoes off. "Someone's skittish, huh?"

"Hey!" Ricky scowled. "I didn't know he was gonna do that, dickbag," He said. Flicking the TV on, he shrugged his hoodie off. It was hot outside, but it was fairly cool inside. "Ryan, put the movie in. I'll make popcorn," He chuckled.

"Want help?" Mike offered as Ryan walked off across the living room to the case where the movies were. He knew Ricky's home as well as he knew his own.

"Sure," Ricky agreed, walking to the kitchen with Mike. Ricky couldn't quite reach the shelf where the jar of popcorn kernels was, but luckily, Mike was damn tall enough.

"I got it, shortass," Mike said as he grabbed the jar, handing it over to Ricky, who grabbed a pot and turned the stove on.

"I'm not short, you're just a giant." He stated matter-of-factly. Kuza just rolled his eyes, smirking and shaking his head. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Ricky nodded, pouring some of the kernels into the pot and putting the lid on it. "Flirting with me, Costanza? Thought you had a boyfriend." He said, glancing out the kitchen door at Ryan, who was fussing with getting the movie going.

Kuza shrugged, an amused smile finding it's way to his face. "Ryan told me about how you think about him. Said you were pretty open that he wasn't the only one you liked. He knows he's not the only one I'd flirt with, and he's fine with it." He shrugged. "That right, Ry?" He called.

Ricky had almost forgotten Ryan's heightened sense of hearing.

"Uh-huh," Ryan called back.

Ricky chuckled. "Alright, then." He said with a nod, glancing back at the pot, which was making cracking and popping noises at that point. "Did you get that movie set up, Ry?" He asked, tilting his head a bit.

Ryan nodded. "Yep. Mike, can you get the popcorn?" He asked.

"Sure," Kuza replied with a hum, and before Ricky could register it, he was over Ryan's shoulder.

"Hey-" He laughed, "What is it with you two and picking me up today?" He asked. "It's fun, and you're teeny," Ryan teased in response as he carried Ricky into the living room, tossing him onto the couch and sitting beside him, Mike walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn after a moment.

"Cause, why not?" Ryan chuckled. Mike sat down, Ricky being in the middle.

"Exactly." Mike agreed.

Ryan un paused the movie, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Ricky put his legs over Ryan's, resting his head against Mike's shoulder.

The werewolf was so damn tall, even sitting down, Ricky was significantly shorter. It didn't bother him, of course.

Three sat quietly, watching the film and occasionally making remarks regarding already knowing what would happen.

"The twins always freaked me the fuck out." Ryan said, scrunching his nose up.

"Scared?" Ricky teased. "They are pretty creepy. I don't blame you." He said over the popcorn in his mouth.

Ryan whined. "Don't talk with your mouth full." He said.

Kuza rolled his eyes. "Spazz." He said with a hum. Ryan just raised his middle finger and grinned.

"Weirdos." Ricky tutted, shaking his head.

After a few giggles and eye rolls, the three of them fell silent again. Eventually, they lost interest in the movie, just talking over it.

"Hey," Ryan said. "Can I try something?" He questioned. Ricky quirked an eyebrow.

"Sure?" He agreed, a bit taken aback when Ryan leaned over and kissed him.

After a moment, Ryan pulled away slowly. "You um.. was that okay?" He asked, worry lacing his tone.

Ricky could feel his cheeks flush pink. "Well.. yeah.."

"It's cause you didn't kiss back, dummy. He was worried." Kuza chuckled, leaning down. "You're supposed to kiss back; it's a lot better that way, dumbass."

Ricky rolled his eyes, pulling Ryan in for another kiss. This time, it wasn't one-sided.

Ryan kissed back, and Ricky let a small moan slip when he felt Kuza's lips on his neck.

The best part of being home alone, was that no one was going to interrupt them.

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