The New Kid

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"Pete from what it sounds like you didn't get off on the wrong body part. I mean, you crushed a kid." Ned Lee casually plays off after Peter gives him the rundown of his first day.

"I know but I didn't mean to and he like totally freaked and I still don't know where I've seen him from." Peter rants while pacing back and forth around his room.

"Just look him up on Instagram."

"I don't know his last name."

"*Gasp* you had the nerve to hold a man down and not even know his last name!?" Ned spoke in an exasperated fashion.


Ned broke down into a fit of laughter. "Sorry dude but this is hilarious, but there's one thing I don't get." He said suddenly switching tones. "Why didn't you get off of him?"

"It felt like a flashbang hit me!!"

"After that."

"After what?"

"After you could see again. And didn't get up until you got pushed off, what took you so long Peter?"

"What are you insinuating, Ned?" He says looking back at him.

"Nothing, nothing." Ned says while texting away at his cellphone.

"So Pete, how you been getting over Liz? It has been more than a month since she's left." He said smugly.

"Dude, I'm not thinking about that. Turkeys coming in 2 weeks."

"Yeah Thanksgiving, time for family, friends, togetherness."

"That's Christmas."

"It's every holiday I want damn it!!" Ned shrieked.


"But anywho, how you been moving on?"

"Good, again, why are you asking this?"

"No reason. By the way you should start on your English essay, it's due tomorrow."


"What." He said leisurely.

"Why did you wait till now to remind me."

"Cause every other time you said and I quote, "I don't got time for that Ned, I'm dealing with that Spidey-life, Ned don't call I'm stopping a bank heist, Ned say anything more about that essay and I'll throw you off of a building." And that's a good enough reason to keep my mouth shut." Ned spoke while giving Peter that, you know you said all of that look.

"Oh my gosh."

"What dude?"

"Oh my gosh!!!! Where's my laptop, what's the topic? Where's the damn rubric, I need the rubric!!!!!!"

"Peter!!!" A suddenly worried Aunt called while the young Parker stopped in his tracks.

"Yes?" He calmly voiced.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Aunt May!!" He said still not moving a muscle.

"Okay then."

He fell to the floor sighing in relief.

"By the way did you finish your essay!?"

'Oh shit.' He thinks to himself

"Um, yeah Aunt May, totally, did that essay about....????" He motions to Ned.

"Night." Ned whispered back.

"Night!! Yeah it was a very impactful and uh..." Ned gives him a frowny face.

""Sad and mopey. But I finished that essay a week ago, it's fine."

"Oh that's great to hear Pete, I just wanted to know because I just finished it today but okay. I'm going out, be back at 10!!!"

He heard the door closing and was finally able to breath, and then it sunk in.

"Oh wait, damn!!." Then something gets thrown at his face. "What the." He lifts up said object to find that it's a book.

"Better get reading Pete."

"Damn." He whispered to himself; cracking open the long depressing book.

7:30 Tuesday, and Peter's overslept........

Beep, beep, beep...

Peter managed to get a quick glance at it assuming it said 6:30 like it normally does.

It didn't.

"Oh shit!!!" He shouted jumping up while barely managing to put clothes on running out the room.

Then coming back for deodorant.

7:59 A.M.

"Not going to make it, not going to make it, not going to make it!!!" Mr. Parker mumbles as he runs down the halls. He thinks to himself and for one moment he thinks he may just be on time.

*Crash* Turns out he was wrong.

He looks up to see a kid tumbling on the floor.


The other boy looks up at him.

"Those are some blue eyes" Peter thought.

"It's, Nathaniel." He says, picking up his books in the process.

Peter attempts to help him grabbing a few of his belongings and handing them back to him.

"Thanks." Nathaniel barely says.


That was the first period bell.

"Shit!" Peter says. He's late.

He watches Nathaniel as he walks away. Then watches Nathaniel as he turns around.

"What's your first period?" Nathaniel asks him.

"Um, physics." Peter replies.

"Room, 316?"


"Fine, write your name on my pass and just say you were showing me where the room was when you saw me wondering the halls." Nathaniel says while handing Peter a hall pass.

Peter's face begins to warm up.

"Um, thanks." He says, then they continue to walk to class.

"He's thick." Peter thinks to himself.

"Holdup, what!!" He continues to ponder.

But before he can question himself more he finds himself in the classroom and has to continue on with his day.

Later on

Peter was sitting with Michelle and Ned in the library catching up on some math homework. Except he had spent the last half hour staring at a wall instead of his book.

"Who's Pete in love with now?" Michelle asks.

"Wait what!" Peter whisper yells.

"It's a new kid. Peter met him at work." Ned says smiling.

"Oh, a boy. I see you Peter." Michelle smiles while taking a bite out of an apple.

"Hold on. I don't like him, I barely know him and I'm pretty sure he's mad at me still." Peter explains.

"What's his name?" Michelle asks.

"Nathaniel." Peter answers.

"Oh yeah, I ran into him. Nice hair, dresses snazzy, brown eyes." She replies.

"His eyes are blue." Peter mumbles while finally looking down at his math book.

Then he suddenly looks back up.


"Nope, we've caught you Pete. You have a crush on the new kid." Michelle says.

"Ned help me out here." Peter whispers.

"Sorry Pete, you've dug this hole yourself." Ned replies.

Peter groans and buries his head in his book.

"I'm gonna go guys, I gotta find out which way this guy swings." Michelle says as she notices Nathaniel walking through the door to the library. She hops up off of her chair and stalks her prey before approaching.

"Sup." She says.

He turns to her, looks her up and down until returning to meet her eyes.

"Hello." He says in an almost question like tone.

"Sorry for bothering you but a friend of mine thinks your eyes are adorable but wants to figure out which way you swing because they'd hate to assume." She explains.

"Can I ask the assumed gender of your friend, if they're binary that is." He retaliates.

"Um, they'd rather be anonymous."

"Well whoever they are tell them I'm not interested." He says while opening an A.P. Chem. book.

"Alright, but while I still have you how about joining the academic decathlon, you seem like a smart cookie." She asks.

He looks up at her, attempting to decide her motive.

"When's the first meeting?" He replies.

"Today, after school, in the library. You gonna show? People would like to see the whole red ensemble you go going on, and the vest isn't a bad touch."

You can almost see him smile for a second there.

"Hmm, fine. I'll cya there." He says while beginning to walk away.

Michelle darts back to Ned and Peter.

"Well Peter guess who you're going to see later today?" Michelle asks.

"Oh no, what did you do?"

"He's coming to the decathlon meeting today, look your best, he's cute."

"I don't like him." Peter mumbles.

"Op! Watch him walk away, he gotta know he thick, right?" Michelle mocks in a love sick tone.

"MJ, why are you so evil?" Peter asks.

"I just want what's best for you." She replies.

4 hours later.

"So to start this meeting Michelle said she had somebody to introduce to us." The teacher man said. (IDK his name)

"Um yeah, his name is Nathaniel, he's smart obviously and he's walking to this table right now." Michelle elaborates.

That's when Peter realized something, he was wearing a totally different pair of glasses. Does he seriously have a different pair of glasses to match his outfits? Could that be considered hot, he never considered somebody's attention to detail sexy, but there it was, his walking talking exception.

Then Nathaniel looks over to see Peter sitting at the table. He continues over despite this and sits down eyes never leaving the brown headed teen.


"Cya, Nathaniel. Damn that's a mouthful." Michelle says as they exit the building.

"Not really." He replies.

"So see anybody you like so far?" She inquires. Him and Peter hadn't said a word at the meeting, but they did look at each other for whatever amount of time that makes looking at a dude not straight.

"No, that kid with the lightning name is over zealous, that guy Ned is fine but would always look at m and smirk. Is he friends with Peter?"

"Peter who?" She asks.

"Parker. You obviously know him you sat with him in the library, and Ned sat next to him at the meeting along with the library which makes a friendship extremely plausible between the 3 of you." He explains.

"Ok, you're not oblivious. Yeah, they're like best buds or whatever little boys call their best friends."

"Then what does that make you?" He asks, they suddenly both stop in the hallway.

"The girl who he wants to be with in every concievable way." She says directly to him.

The both stare in silence, the tensions brews, until.

"Haaaaa!!!!" They both scream.

"Okay you can laugh." She comments.

"No one has ever been funny." He smiles.

"So I have to ask, where did you get those  eyes?" She asks.


"We'll look at you, if you wanted to could have anybody in this school." She commented.

"I thought we went over this, I don't need a date. And change that phrasing, I can't have somebody anyway, slavery's over with. And do you want to date me?" He said facing her.

A pause encapsulates​ them in that moment, before they laughed their asses off.

"No, so how'd you meet Peter anyway?"

"Shit, well that was subtle Michelle." She thought to herself. "Is Peter even interested in guys?" She ponders.

Nathaniel stared at the ground, seemingly contemplating an answer.

"Umm, work. We just met yesterday actually." He replies.

"And what happened yesterday?"

"Why do you ask."

"You both just look at each other like you need to talk about something. Like something happened that needs to be fixed or something. I'm just saying it looks like something happened." She inquires.

He sighs, just in that moment Ned and Peter catch up to them.

"Well cya." Michelle says.

"Goodbye." says Nathaniel.

Nathaniel looks at Peter for a brief moment, maybe they do need to talk.


"Dumb Flash, dumb school. You'll all see you'll all see. Now it's my turn to be the big guy." A young man, a young tormented boy promises on a dark day. They'll see who he really is soon enough. The real him, is in the vial his hands which glows greener than gamma Ray's, he's sure of it.

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