Ch 10 - I'm Carter Hall, I'm still alive

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Leibzig, Germany –

October 1975

There was a burning in his shoulders and an stabbing ache in his lower abdomen. There was a cold draft and he shivered as he realized that he was not wearing a shirt. Against his lower abdomen he could feel something, it was soft but wet.

Slowly he started opening his eyes. Everything was dark and blurry. Wherever he was being kept had only one dimly light source with cold light. Blinking he tried to get his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

The room he was trapped in was bare, with only a few tables standing around. Cold stone walls with pipes, a basement of some sorts he assumed. There were three steps leading up to a steel door, his way out. His hands were cuffed and he was hanging from the ceiling, bare feet touching the cold stone floor.

Next to him on a table laid several medical supplies, making him slightly squirm. He was not looking forward to what sick game Savage wants to play. But there was a sliver of curiosity in him, he hasn't yet regained any knowledge of what Savage had done to them before their deaths. All he ever saw when he remembered was Kendra's fear stuck face.

Kendra. By the gods, he hoped that she was save, that she got out of there in time. He remembered Elenor running into the room just moments before Savage stabbed him. Maybe she got his love out of there.

Carter jumped slightly as a pair of cold small hands started to unwrap the bandages around his torso. He was so caught up in thoughts that he missed someone coming in. Who was it?

He tried to look, but the pain from having his arms pulled up like this hindered him. The only indication he go from that someone were their hands and he didn't want to just assume, but they felt representing of a woman. Then there was also the humming, it was scary to say the least, uncomfortable.

Curly brown hair in a ponytail came into his view as the bandages fell. He sucked in a shocked breath, it was one of the two worst case scenarios. It was Elenor, or how this one was duped Chase, her Savage serving past self.

As assumed she looked worst for wear. Sara really did pull a number on her. There was already bruising on her face from how severe she was beaten and there was a nasty cut her present self wore as a scar over the bridge of her nose. He wondered why she wasn't wearing any bandages, it looked pretty bad.

She must have noticed his starting. Giggling slightly. "Your assassin is good. I hope to see her again one day. I'd love to give her payback for what she's done." Motioning to her face. She touched the cut slightly, wincing as it stung from the contact.

Her gaze found the wound on his abdomen again, she frowned. "It doesn't look that bad anymore. Hm. Shame, I wanted to work on you a bit more. Oh well, you can't have everything in life."

The way she was talking, was so different from the teams Elenor. Where Elenor's voice was very energetic sounding and got slightly more active when talking about certain thinks. This one was talking with more of a hushed and relaxed tone, a typical comforting voice. It was more unnerving than comforting right now.

"How long- how long was I out?" asked Carter. His voice was very dry right now, it was scratching at his throat.

"Good question," she smiled up at him, "Around two days. But who can blame you, princes need their beauty sleep just as much as princesses and everyone in between."

Taking a roll of bandages she slowly wrapped it around his abdomen. It was slow and methodical and it seemed like Chase was lost in thought.

"You're not a bad person Elenor. So why are you doing this?" Carter asked eventually.

"I'm not a bad person?" She looked at his face. "That's news to me. Everyone is bad in some way. No one is inherently good if you ask me. We all do thinks that we might see as good, were others see bad. Of course I get what you mean, but still. For why I'm doing this? Good question, I'd say ask your captain when you see him next, but you'll never see any of them again. So..." She trailed of at the end, leaving her sentence unfinished.

"Rip? Why would I ask him when you're here?"

She tilted her head to one side. An innocent bright eyed expression on her face, one you'd expect from a small child. "Because it's his fault."

Reaching up she unlocked the cuffs holding Carter up. It wasn't gentle and he just dropped to the floor, landing painfully on his shoulder. Grunting he turned to lay on his back. Chase kneeled next to him and helped him sit up, making him lean against the table.

"Listen, El. We're friends and friends help each other, so please, help me so I can help you."

"I'm not your friend, not yet at least. Maybe one day, in my future. But I serve my Master, and you are just a pawn."

"Why do you serve him?"

Chase shrugged. "Because where else is space for me to be? History doesn't care about me, other wise I wouldn't have been taken from my family when I was young. The only two people that cared about me left me to suffer on my own. There was no one there and no other place for me to go..."

For the first time there was a glimpse of actual emotion in her eyes. Where in the two times Carter had seen her, he didn't see any real emotion behind those eyes.

A tear rolled from her eye and she wiped it away. Looking at it with an empty look, detaching herself from the sadness.

"But you have us, the team now. There is a place in the timeline for you."

A small laugh escaped her, nothing was behind it. "Even if. That's far in the future. It doesn't bother me right now."

Carter looked down, he had to think about what to do next. He couldn't get through Savages mind manipulation, if that is the case, so he had to do something else.

If only he could reach his team somehow. He's sure they believe he's dead at this point. They need to know, he needs them to know. Kendra needs to know.

Kendra shouldn't suffer from the pain of his loss. He didn't want to think about her pain right now. Was someone comforting her? He hoped so.

They've been trying to take the next step in their relationship for a while now. Weird to think that after everything he might never see her again. Was she going to sell their apartment together and move back in with her old roommate? Was everything going back to before they met, just sadder? He should have never approached her that evening in the museum.

An idea popped into his head, it was dumb and he'd have to say something if things turn out right, but dumb is the way of the legends. So he looked up again. Ready to say something, ask something, but he looked past her towards the door.


Chase turned around, looking towards the door, ready to greet her boss, but no one was there. Confused she turned back to Carter. His hand shot out and slammed the side of her head against the cabinet of the table.

Moving quickly he grabbed a scalpel and moved them so she couldn't twist herself out of his hold. Despite the cold she was wearing a short sleeved shirt making it easier for him to do what he was about to do.

Chase was hitting against his back, pushing at him to pull her arm out. It became more frantic when the pain erupted from the first cut he delivered. The more he worked the bloodier the arm became. The red liquid covered his holding hand and her entire lower left arm.

After he was done he let go and pushed her away, breathing heavily, shaking slightly at what he's done.

Small painful cries came from Elenor as she cradled her arm against her chest, smearing the blood all over her shirt. Guilt spread inside him, he just claimed that he and Elenor are friends and now he had hurt her, badly.

He looked at the scalpel in his hand, it was covered with blood, before throwing it to the side.

"Shit. Elenor listen, I'm sorry. I had to, my friends need to know that I'm still alive. This was the only way I could think of how." He kneeled next to her, placing his hand onto her shoulder.

Too late did he notice that, she wasn't crying. Chase was laughing.

From the door someone clapped. Carter's head shot up. In the door stood none other than the man that ruined his and Kendra's life 206 times, Vandal Savage. He was clapping, applauding. For what?

Chase shrugged his hand of off her shoulder. Standing and moving next to Savage. She was still cradling her bloody arm, but there was no sign of severe pain one would feel in this situation. Just how desensitized was she?


"Do not worry old friend, you will see you're friends again soon. If they will take your message seriously and I'm sure they will. You lot are too predictable, always coming for to each others rescue," said Savage.

Together Savage and Chase went out the door. Chase looking over her shoulder one last time. Her gaze locked with Carter's and in an instance he was on his feet and hurrying towards the metal door. Just before he reached it Chase slammed the door shut.

"This is a trap," Carter said matter of fact.

"I was good wasn't I?" Chase looked at the injury and then back at him. She smiled one more time at him, gaze still empty, and went up the stairs after Savage.

All Carter could do was look after her. He played right into their hands, right into Savages hands. If his team is going to react to his message then they're going to run straight into a trap.

Honestly? I don't really like Episode 3. But writing this into my story? It's actually quite fun to mold the plot to fit my characters effect on the story.

Also, um, I'm writing an alterate prequel to my story focusing on Kendra and Carter's realtionship. I never liked how it was in canon so I'm changing it to fit my story. There was already some referece to it in here. But don't ask when tht is coming out, I don't know.

Also, also, this chapter might be the shortest out of all of them. Standing at 1705 words. But hey, I wanted to get this out today.

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