Ch 11 - Into the Gala we must Go

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// Ch 11 - Into the Gala we must Go \\

Leibzig, Germany –

October 1975

"So let me get this straight. You three believe that Carter is still alive, because of some message that was carved into El's arm?" asked Sara.

Elenor, Ray and Stein looked at each other, they hadn't really thought about what the situation meant. There was only one thought on their mind, Carter Hall is still alive. The hope that this would be the case was far too strong and the three smart minds didn't think twice.

"Yeah, that about sums it up," said Elenor.

After a moment of shock, the three made their way to the bridge. There they met Rip and Sara. The two talked about some gala that was going to take place later that evening. Talking about how to get their hands on something called the 'vessel'.

As the trio arrived at the bridge the duo turned to face them. Joining Sara and Rip at the middle console, Elenor began to tell what had happened. She showed the message, a bloody injury year ago and now just a slightly raised paler scar.

Sara only raised a brow, not convinced about the entire thing. "It sounds insane."

"Well, maybe it does, but if there is even a sliver of a chance that Carter is alive, then we should take that chance. He's part of our team, and we shouldn't leave anyone behind. Rip, wouldn't you agree?" Elenor looked expectantly at Rip. She wanted to know his point of view on whether he wanted to do something or not.

Until now he was silent, listening to the story. He was deep in thought, probably wondering what this situation would bring the troop. If what Elenor, Ray and Stein believe is true, then Carter is still alive. Rip want to believe Elenor. "If we go and save Mr. Hall – IF Elenor – then we need a plan. We can't just jump in there and get him out."

As much as Elenor hated to admit it, as much as she'd just want to teleport in wherever he is, they need a game plan. One problem was of the 'Where' kind. They didn't know where they're keeping their teammate.

Elenor wished she knew more. Wished that she could give more information, that she could somehow just reach that part of her mind that keeps the memories of working with Savage under lock and key. But she couldn't. Whatever happened, whatever prevent her from remembering, she hoped it wouldn't lead to big problems.

They couldn't risk losing anyone else.

"Do we have any leads about where he could be?" asked Elenor.

"Perhaps Mr. Blake could give us some directions. We keep him in a temporary holding cell," said Rip. Devolving into a short tale about how they tried to find and take Savages money, which didn't work out and they ended up kidnapping one of his followers.

Elenor glared slightly at Rip when he mentioned that they were going to take the money. It rubbed her wrong, who does Rip think he is, taking all that money, even if it wouldn't set them back.

Taken aback she slightly shook her head, trying to clear her mind of that weirdness. It send shivers down her spine. Looking around she noted that no one had noticed her reaction.

"Alright, so, we just need to find a way to get into the Greyhill Building and find where they're holding Carter." Ray looked at the holograph displayed on the console. He looked at Rip, "How do we do that?"

"Well," Rip was sounding a bit unsure as he continued, "we do have a way into the inside." He looked up and the others followed his gaze.

Turning around Elenor looked behind her, no one was there. She looked back at the others and pointed at herself. "Me?"

Rip nodded.

"You serious?" she asked.

He nodded again.

"Do I have a choice?"

"I'm not going to force you to accompany me inside, but we might have a better chance if you do," Rip explained.

"Us," said Sara. Rip only glanced at her, not happy with that mindset.

"I don't know Rip." Elenor really wanted to help Carter, but she was scared. Scared of herself that is, the other her was a truth she didn't want to face. Up until now she had tried her best to ignore that part of her life, after finding out about it like a day ago.

Wringing her hands, she considered for a moment. But what was there to consider. She wants to go and save her teammate. And if Rip has a plan on how to do it, then it might just be the best way.

"You know what. I'll do it."

"Perfect, I knew I could count on you. Now all we need to do is find a way to infiltrate the gala. Thankfully Mr. Blake has agreed to help us." Rip turned around and headed for the exit.

Quickly the four of them followed him as he explained his new formed plan. "Mr. Blake alone won't get us inside and even with the help of Ms. Chase's meta-human abilities we might not come far. If at any point we run into either Savage or his assistant then the entire rescue mission could be ruined. So, to ensure at least some advantage, we need to do one last thing."

Without any further delay the small group made their way into the German city. According to Blake, Savage had send someone to the bank to pick up a few things needed for the gala. So that's where the group was heading.


Once they had arrived at the bank again the group waited and hid. Awaiting their cues to act and rush Savages contact. Rip was adamant about everyone following every step exact as to not mess anything up. It was a simple kidnapping mission, they argued, how would they mess it up?

Rip reminded them that their previous mission was a simple break in and that turned out to be a disaster. It was the simple aspect that there was a surprise turn that they could very well not be aware of. So, they were supposed to proceed with caution.

The contact, as fate would have it, was none other than Chase herself. The moment she walked into the bank she was aware of the presence of Gareeb. That didn't matter they had a plan and needed to act on it.

In no time they managed to apprehend Chase. While Sara and Rip distracted her, Elenor opened a portal behind her so that Ray could push her through it. Now they had her locked in their detention cell.


"Well, this is weird." Elenor stared at Chase.

The other her was pacing back and forth in her holding cell. Looking around the cell she didn't appear bothered by her capture. Almost as if she wanted to be here.

"You know, it's been a really long time since I've been here." She stopped right in front of where Elenor stood, mirroring her. Chase looked her up and down, taking her in.

"You look well. What happened? Got a vacation?" She pressed her hands against the glass and got closer, nose almost touching the wall. "You wouldn't mind telling yourself what happened in my future to make my eyes glow like that, would you?"

"Gideon, could you please mute her?" asked Rip as he walked in. Ray and Sara following behind.

Chase wrinkled her nose and glared at Rip. She sat down on the bench at the back.

"What now? How does capturing Elenor 2 help us with getting into the gala?" asked Sara. Observing Chase's every move.

"Easy, Elenor is going to pretend to be her. Never thought I'd be grateful that someone on our team would be working for the enemy." Rip turned to the team. "We need to make some preparations before we head to the gala. Dr. Palmer, you and Professor Stein will be staying on the ship. In case things go sideways."

"Which they usually do," said Elenor to Sara as they left the detention cell, making the assassin laugh.


Elenor looked at herself in the mirror. The dress she was wearing was nice, she had to admit. All she was left to do is her make up. The start was easy, as it was just doing eyes and lips, but then she had to do some work on her injury. Chase has severe bruising on her face from Sara's assault. Sara helped her out with faking the bruising around her nose and eyes.

It was not a perfect job but better than nothing.

Now she pulled her hair back into a high ponytail, styling it in a similar manner as her other self.

One more thing she had to do was put on some contacts. Dark Brown to match her old eye color, it's been a long time since she saw them like that. She wasn't going to get emotional about it.

So far, she was done. Only one more thing was left. She looked down at her hands. Her left arm was already wrapped in with the bandages to cover the already healed injury, hiding it from others and mimicking the other her.

All that was left were the burn marks on her arms and hands. Back from when she had first gotten her meta-human abilities. At the very start, and without Cisco's tech, her powers burned her skin. Nowadays all there is, is a burning inside her whenever she uses them.

Elenor considered covering them up, but she tried that once before and that didn't work. She guessed that it would have to work like this. Maybe Savage wouldn't ask about them, at least she hoped so. The sleeves were long enough to hide them.

The one thing she would smuggle in was her watch. Professor Stein had brought it in earlier, he and Gideon finished upgrading it. To smuggle it in she hid it in the inside of the vest she was wearing, hiding it from view.

Elenor met the rest of the team in the cargo bay. From there she, Rip and Sara would accompany Blake to the gala. And they would try to find Carter, hopefully alive. Ray and Stein were to stay on the ship and look after Chase, ensuring that she would stay where she couldn't cause trouble.

"Once we found Carter, Elenor will get us out of there. Then well return to the ship and leave," Rip explained once more. The team nodded and went on their way.

"El wait a moment," Ray said.

Sara was already ushering Blake towards the car. Rip sent them a questioning look, but Elenor motioned for him to go ahead.

"What's up?"

"I think you should leave your necklace on the ship."

Elenor looked at him taken aback. Her hand moved to the ribbon around her neck, it held her most prized possession. Never had she taken it of since she had gotten in... she doesn't remember when, and how it found itself into her possession again, but it's been a while.

"I don't know Ray. I just, don't think I can."

"I'll keep it close, promised. You get it back the moment you step foot on the ship, promised."

She considered it for a moment. Ray could be trusted, she knew that. She took of the necklace, took Rays' hand in hers and placed it in it. Closing his hand over it she placed hers on it and squeezed slightly. Not once did she break eye contact with him. Then she left.


Rip drove the car as Sara and Blake sat in the back. Elenor sat in the passenger seat.

"Ah, Mr. Blake. Welcome," a guard said and looked over at Sara. "I take it Mrs. Blake is out of town?"

"That's a very pointed observation," Blake said.

The guard then looked in the front. He paled when he saw Elenor sitting there. "Oh, Ms. Chase. We were wondering where you went."

"Did you? Well, I'm here now and I'd appreciate if you would keep your mouth shut about this." Elenor didn't turn to look at him, keeping her eyes glued to the dashboard. She hoped that there was enough force behind her words as to not raise suspicion.

The guard let the car pass and Rip drove it into the parking garage.

Elenor relaxed into her seat again. Her heartbeat accelerating the slightest bit just now. This is nerve wracking, and she worries that she might blow their cover. Once they were in there she could run into Savage at any moment and then it is only a matter of when he realizes that she isn't his assistant.

She stepped out of the car. Catching Blake look over at her, she couldn't read his expression.

"Something is telling me that you know something we don't," she told him.

"I know where the vessel is," Blake turns to Rip, "you'll need my help finding it."

"No, I think we're quite good without it. Sara." Rip moves out of the way. Allowing Sara to punch Blake in the face, knocking him out cold.

He fell into the trunk. Rip threw his drivers hat inside and closed the lid. Together the three walked into the building.

They walked through the halls inconspicuous, managing to blend in with the other guests. Following the stream, they arrived at the main room.

Small round tables stood to the side leaving room in the middle for dancing. Waiters walked around with champagne and fancy party snacks.

Savage knows how to throw a fancy party, Elenor thought.

A waiter offered Sara and Rip a glass of champagne. To blend in they took it and nipped on it occasionally. The waiter looked at Elenor and acknowledged her with silent 'Ms. Chase' and left hurriedly.

To Elenor it looked like they were given orders to not offer her anything. She wondered why.

Sara looked around the room. "Maybe we should have had Blake show us around."

"Hm. Perhaps there's a less conspicuous way for us to do reconnaissance," Rip said. He put out his hand offering it to Sara. "May I?"

"I'm not much of a dancer," Sara tells him.

"I'll lead then."

"What am I supposed to do? I can't just stand around here and do nothing," said Elenor. She looked around, noting that some of the guards were looking towards her. Two were whispering to each other, she had a feeling she knew about what. "I have the feeling that I got to leave sooner or later. Not to mention that I hate big crowds."

Rip looked around; he must have spotted the guards looking too. "I believe that this is your que to go and look for Savage perhaps. Look if he can bring you to where Carter is, and we'll look for whatever that vessel thing is."

"What if one of us gets caught?" Elenor asks.

"We'll deal with that once we get to that." With that he turned and lead Sara towards the dance floor.

Elenor crossed her arms and looked around, catching the attention of a guard. He made his way over to her. For a moment she worried that she already blew it, but it turned out he came to ask her if she'd like to get away from the crowd.

She shook her head yes and he showed her the exit. The guard closed the door behind her and left her alone.

Now she was alone in the hallway. She wasn't sure what to do now. Should she just directly search for her missing teammate or should she to wait for Savage like Rip suggested?

As if on cue the man of the hour arrived.

"Ms. Chase! I was wondering when I would see you. As much as I hate to limit your freewill, you need to stop disappearing every once in a while." Savage had a slight warm smile on his face, that didn't distract from him being an immortal psychopath.

Play it cool El, she thought to herself. This had to work out better than the situation in Norway. At least he couldn't trick her, there's no way he actually knew that she wasn't the real deal and plant a trap for them.

"I try to think of it next time," she said, trying her best to keep calm.

She crossed her arms behind her back, her hands were getting sweaty. Was she really that panicky? It appeared so.

Savage stepped closer, they were alone. With one hand he gently grabbed her chin and lifted it a bit. Taking a closer look at her face.

Busted, Elenor thought, I should have let Sara punch me in the face instead. This close he might notice that her bruises weren't real.

Ahe shifted slightly, the close proximity making her uncomfortable.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity to Elenor, Savage let go and stepped back. Seemingly satisfied with whatever he was looking for.

"It appears that your injury is on its way to healing. Now, shall we go and prepare for the main event?"

Despite it being a question Elenor wasn't given a chance to answer. Savage guided her with a hand on her back towards a door at the end of the hallway.

He opened the door and lead her inside. The room was dark, but she could make out an altar like structure at the back. A figure was kneeling in front of it, dressed in a brown leather suit. Carter.

Carter looked up when the door shut behind Elenor. For a moment she panicked and thought that Savage had locked her inside because he found out, but the immortal walked past her.

He looked back for a moment and beckoned her to follow. She did so without thinking. Carter arms were tied to the alter above his head with chains.

Something about the scene in front of her made her fingers twitch in anticipation. She wanted to do something, something bad, but she knew she couldn't. It wasn't allowed.

"I need you to prepare him for later. You know how." He turned around again walking back to the door. "I'll be back in 20 minutes. Be done by then dear."

He left. The door falling shut.

Now they were alone. This was her chance to get Carter out of here. Afterwards she could get Sara and Rip.

She hurried up the steps of the altar. Carter was glaring at her. He looked like he wanted to attack.

"Don't fucking touch me," he spat.

"Carter, it's me." She kneeled in front of him, reaching for the chains.

Carter flinched back. Glaring at her. "I won't hesitate to fight you."

"Considering that you're kneeling, you might have some trouble with that."


"I'm here to save you Carter. Sara and Rip are here too. Hold on." Elenor pulled her watch from the inside vest pocket.

The future tech appeared to make Carter relax as he watched Elenor fasten it around her wrist.

"You're the real deal?" he asked.

"Yup." She pointed to her eyes. "In case you're wondering, contacts and no, they aren't fun to wear. Now let's get you out of here." She moved to his side. From there she had better access to his chains.

Carter watched her as she did so. She was struggling slightly with the chains, but she had an idea on how to get them off. There was a glow showing from beneath the contacts.

Her arms started to burn again. She had to leave her gloves on the ship. But for the sake of her friend, she ignored the pain.

"Did you change out of the dress you wore earlier?" Carter asked suddenly.

Elenor stopped. "No?"

The two looked at each other. Carter's eyes widen in realization.

"You need to get out of here."

"Not without you. I came here because you told me that you were alive, and I'm not leaving you here to die." She focused on the task at hand.

Carter looked at her with panic now. "That was a trap from Savage! He knew that you guys would try to save me!"

Elenor looked at him. If that was true than Savage knew that she wasn't his assistant. Maybe that's why he got so close, to see if she was the real deal or the 'fake'.

That would also mean that Chase had let herself get captured. But what would she get out of this? She's stuck on the Waverider in a cell. Unless of course she had a way to escape.

Elenor had to warn Ray and Stein.

"Elenor watch out!" warned Carter too late.

Something hit her on the back of the head, and she fell to the ground. The edge of her vision going black. Just as she lost consciousness a pair of black shoes walked into her vision.


"Hey, hey." Someone snapped their fingers in front of her face. "You gotta wake up princess. You're going to miss the big event."

Of course, it was Chase. Elenor wanted to do nothing more than to wipe that grin of her face.

"How did you get out?" Elenor asked. She was worried for Ray and Stein, more than before. Chase managed to hold herself against someone of Sara's level. Ray and Stein were nothing against her.

"That's for me to know. But now we must get to where the party is. Boys, would you help our guest?"

Chase stood and walked past her. She was wearing a gorgeous black dress that stopped a few inches above her ankles.

Elenor was pulled up by her upper arms. That's when she noticed that her hands were tied behind her back. She could barely move them, but she managed to reach her watch.

While the two guards pulled her along, she managed to send a signal to the Waverider with the new function she and Ray installed earlier.

She was led into a room with a red glow. A bunch of roped people stood around it, chanting. Sara and Rip were kneeling in the middle of the room, their hands tied behind their backs as well.

They didn't look back when the door opened, instead listening to what Blake (who seemed to have been freed from the car trunk) and another man (Caleb, Elenor believed to remember his name being).

When Chase walked past them, they didn't react, being under the impression that it was their Elenor. How they explained the change of dress she doesn't know, maybe they believe her to have a dress that matches the situation.

Once Elenor was pushed to her knees besides them, their expression changed. They looked back at Chase for a good long second.

Sara turned to her and whispered, "How did she get out?"

Elenor only shrugged.

Up on the altar Chase took her place on Savages right. Close to where Carter was chained.

"Glad you could make it my dear," Savage says turning around to face them.

"Hello, Gareeb," he addressed Rip. "How long has it been? 4,00 years? You look well. When you and your friends attacked my estate in St. Roch, I was afraid I wouldn't get the chance to meet you once again. Well, if there is something that I've learned in 4,00 years... it's patience. And this time I only had to wait two short days. You're probably wondering what my plans are with your friend. His life's essence is mine only, but his blood has it's uses as well."

"Hym nu seta, rash mun setta," the people started chanting again.

"Let me show you." Savage motioned for Chase.

Without a moment of hesitation, she pulled on the chains and hoisted Carter on the altar. It allowed Savage to reach for his throat. With no hesitation he cut it.

"Carter!" Elenor exclaimed panicked.

The blood trickled down and into a cup. Savage took the cup and drank from it. Elenor pulled a disgusted face and her stomach turned from it.

"Centuries ago, I discovered that although immortality is mine alone, I can share a taste... with my faithful. Help them live an extra hundred years or so," said Savage.

He passed the cup to Chase, and she drank from it. Elenor felt like throwing up at the prospect that she had once in her life drank the blood of someone to achieve an enhanced lifespan.

It made her wonder though, if Kendra's and Carter's blood gave them an extra hundred years to live, then how old was she exactly?

A guard pulled Rip to his feet and dragged him towards Savage.

"When we first met, I asked you who you were. Remember? That was the wrong question. I should have asked you, why? Why did you seek to kill me? What could I have possibly done to deserve that hatred I see burning in your eyes. Did I take something from you? Someone?"

Savage pulled something from Rip's coat pocket.

"Get your hands off that," growled Rip.

Savage looked at the picture. "Ah, your wife I take it. Oh, she is lovely. The boy has your eyes. I'll be sure to keep their picture close. I don't remember killing them... yet. It seems like I have a lot to look forward to."

"This is a perversion," Rip said.

"No, this is the power you have no hope of defeating," Savage told him. "Everyone here is sworn to live and die at my command. Why? Cause to them, I am God! I pity you. You have no idea what it's like to have people willing to follow you up to the gates of hell!"

Chase looked over at Elenor. In her mind she was wondering why she wasn't with Savage anymore. Why would she not serve him any longer, he has done nothing but treat her with respect and cared for her when no one else would.

"Actually, I have a little bit of an idea" Rip said.

Mick, Leonard and Jax burst through the door. Cold and Heat guns at the ready.

"Let's get this party started!" Mick yelled.

"Here's our invitation," Leonard said and shot at the cultist with an ice blast.

Chaos broke out as the fight began. Mick ran over to Sara and Elenor, untying their wrists. "Well, this is different. Didn't have him pegged as the 'Eyes Wide Shut' type."

Elenor removed the remaining rope from around her wrists and stood. Without thinking twice, she ran over to where Carter was still laying.

She ripped the sleeve from her dress and pressed it against the injury. With one hand she tried to stop the bleeding, while the other tried to remove the chains.

In the chaos she didn't notice someone sneaking up to her. When she did it was already to late and Chase slammed the butt of a dagger against her head.

Elenor stumbled back but had managed to free Carter from the chains. His hand moving to the fabric and pressing it against his throat. He pushed himself of off the altar and sank to the floor, leaning against it instead.

"I don't understand why you would do something like that for Gareeb," Chase said and paced back and forth. Twirling the dagger around. "Hasn't he done enough to hurt you?"

"I didn't do anything for Rip." Elenor walked backwards, trying to get Chase away from where Carter was sitting. "If we're being honest, then he did it more for me than anything. I was the one that asked him to do this. But I would rather know what you did with Ray and Professor Stein. How did you get out of that cell?"

Chase giggled. "A simple see-through cell like that won't hold me, and the old man and techy guy weren't a match against me. You don't need to worry about the old man, he's fine. It's the other you should worry about."

Elenor stopped. She just stared at herself. "What did you do?"

"Want me to show you?" With that Chase lunged forward, ready to stab her.

Just in time someone had intercepted and kicked Chase back. Kendra stood above her, wings spread wide.

Right, Elenor remembered, she was fixing the Jumpship with Jax earlier.

"Enough!" yelled Savage. Blue magic shot through the room. It source laid in Savages hand which held the Dagger.

Both the Legends as Savages followers sucked down to evade the magic. As the Magic shot through the room one could feel the heat it gave of.

"Get Carter out of here!" yelled Rip to the Team. He ran towards the altar to distract Savage.

In seconds Chase was back on her feet. She was relentless and was about to attack Kendra again with rapid successive movements. The one problem being, Kendra wasn't back on her feet yet.

Chase flipped the knife once and lunged at Kendra. But before she could inflict a fatal stab, Elenor managed to open a portal beneath Kendra through which she could fall. The knife anchored itself in the ground.

Kendra ended up next to her soulmate. She threw his arm around her shoulders and helped him up. A portal to the Sick-bay opened next to them and they escaped through it. Now the two Hawks were safe.

Savage hit the ground with great force and the magic threw everyone to the ground.

To protect herself from the deadly attack, Elenor did something stupid. She hoped it would work. If she wasn't wrong, then magic is just some type of energy.

She brought her hands in front of her to protect herself, infusing her powers into her hands. It was just like back then with Blackout, the energy shooting up her arms and biting through her powers.

The force of the attack threw her against the wall she was standing next to. She hit her back and fell to the ground. Her head started pounding from the attack. Past and present began to merge and she could no longer tell who was on her side and who was not. Or worse, whose side she was on.

Chaos reigned in her head. Everything was spinning. The desire to slit the throats of Gareeb and the fowl was great, but at the same time there was a desire to bring the legends back to the Waverider.

A voice pierced through the rushing in her ears, her own voice. The voice of Chase. "We'll meet again, I'm sure of that." Then she only heard walking footsteps. Chase appears to have left.

Elenor was shaking all over. She could barely move as she knelt on the floor and braced herself with her hands. She looked down, trying to reset her system.

Someone grabbed her arm and began to pull her to her feet. For a moment she thought it was one of Savage's men. Elenor's entire body tensed, should she now fight and defend herself, or just go along. The Energy Explosion has severely weakened her.

Luckily it wasn't one of Savage's men, it was Mick. He supported her and dragged Elenor with him. Now and then he used his heat gun. Arriving at the door, he didn't hesitate and put his oversized lighter in his holster. In a few seconds he held her in his arms and rushed back to the ship with the rest of the legends.


Essentially, the team made it on board the Waverider without much difficulty. Once there, Mick let her down again. Now on her feet, Elenor swayed a little. To stabilize herself a bit, she continued to hold on to Mick. Luckily for them, no one was in the hallway except for the three criminals.

Leonard studied her for a moment. From his look, Elenor could assume that something wasn't particularly pleasing to him. "It would be better if Gideon checked you out. Off to the sick-bay with you," he finally said.

"It's nothing. The attack only weakened me a little." That was a lie. Of course, it wasn't nothing. When Savage's Energy blasted through Elenor, it weakened her greatly. For a moment Elenor wondered how long it would take for it to disappear from her system, she hoped not for long.

If she remembered correctly, it took almost a week for her powers to fully recover after the blackout situation. She is still suffering from the effects of the attack to this day.

"If it's nothing, then we can head to the bridge." Leonard indicated that Elenor should go first. "After you."

Eleanor frowned. She knew exactly what his plan was, she wasn't going to fall for it. "Why should I go first?" She crossed her arms over her chest and looked straight at him. They stared at each other for a short while.

Leonard had his usual 'nothing-can-break-my-composure' look. Calculated and under control as always. The right corner of his mouth twitched up.

It was Elenor who broke eye contact first and looked away. She didn't see Leonard throwing a triumphant look at Mick.

With a snort, Elenor turned and headed for the bridge. Her steps weren't as sure as usual. She had to be careful not to trip over her own feet.

"What exactly is your plan here?" she could hear Mick saying.

"Patience Mick."

As if on cue, pain shot through her. The sharp pain made her sway and she almost fell backwards. But instead she fell straight into Leonard's arms. The ice-themed criminal caught up to her in the short time to catch her.

Elenor looked up at him over her shoulder. "Maybe you are right."

"When don't I."

With an eye roll from Elenor, the three criminals made their way to the infirmary. Mick was the one who made sure that she didn't trip over her feet again.

"Is there a party here, or what?" Mick asked when the three finally arrived.

Four members of the team were already in the room. It was obvious that three of them had been in the middle of a conversation before the three criminals arrived. Carter was lying on the chair and being treated by Gideon, with future the technology the wound healed very quickly.

Kendra stood next to him and spoke to the professor and Ray. Ray sat sideways on the chair. Two long cuts ran down his right arm, thanks to Gideon they were only light scars that will soon disappear. A cloth heavily stained with blood lay on a tray by the chair. There was an abrasion on his face.

"What? No, no party." Rays' gaze wandered to Elenor and he quickly looked away. Something weighed on him.

"If I may ask. What brings the three of you here?" Stein looked suspiciously at Mick and Leonard. Despite both being part of his team, he apparently couldn't fully trust either of them.

Mick ignored the professor and went to the chair Ray was sitting on. "Are you done, Haircut? Gideon needs to take a look at the kid."

"Did something happen?" Ray asked cautiously. He slid off the chair and stepped aside to make room for Elenor.

Elenor sat down on the chair and told what happened. Meanwhile, Gideon ran a scan. Not that she has to, Elenor knows that something is wrong. She can feel it. An unknown type of energy flows through her and her own powers try their best to annihilate the unknown energy. Sort of like white blood cells and bacteria.

"But more importantly," she turned to the Professor and Ray, "are you both okay? How did Chase escape?"

Professor Stein looked in Ray's direction. Nothing needed to be said, his look gave enough away, as did Ray's reaction. He looked at the tablet next to the chair he was sitting in and scratched his head. There was a scalpel smeared with blood.

That must be where the scars on the arm came from, Elenor thought. Putting two and two together she figured that Chase was responsible for the abrasion on his handsome face. Whatever led to this incident, Ray wouldn't have stood a chance against her past self. He's lucky to still be alive.

The rest of the team members in the room also turned to him. Carter rubs the spot that has just been healed, Kendra had one of her hands on his shoulder.

"Oh well. So-" before Ray could continue talking, the door opened. "What on earth are you all doing here? Are you having a party?" Rip asked in exasperation. Behind him, Sara and Jax walked into the room.

Elenor turned to him with a grin. "Not until a few seconds ago, but now that you're here."

"Raymond was about to tell us why Little Miss Chase was at the cult meeting and not in her cell on the ship." Leonard turned back to Ray.

Said person took a quick look around the room and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Well, I was keeping an eye on her and it was obvious she was in pain. Looking back, I wonder if it was just a ploy to escape, but she seems to have needed the help. So, I brought her here and yeah." He gestured to the injuries on his face and arms.

"You let her out?" Sara asked angrily.

"She was hurt, should I have just left her in her cell?"

"Yes. She's crazy." Sara quickly looked over at Elenor. "No offense."

Elenor shrugged. The situation was a little too crazy for her. And that's saying something, Elenor loves chaos. This often tempted her to leave a small-time anomaly. But it's different to see yourself alongside a Mad Immortal, and with a combative talent that Chase is displaying.

"We have to look at it that way, though," Carter said hoarsely. "It could well have been, that we changed the timeline even more. Who knows what would happen if Chase hadn't escaped. Not to mention, Chase appears to be a talented actress."

His gaze wandered briefly to Elenor's arm. A meaningful gesture, however small it may be. Elenor understood that Chase had tricked Carter, thereby trying to trap the team.

Ray looked down at the floor in embarrassment. But before anyone could say anything, Rip ordered the team to the bridge. The team exited the sickroom and made their way to the bridge in pairs.

Elenor was the last out of the room after Gideon explained that she still had to read the data.

"You're too nice for your own good, Haircut. You need someone to teach you to not give a fuck about everything." Elenor heard Mick say. He was walking next to Ray in the direction of the bridge.

Further ahead, Leonard briefly turned his head in Mick's direction, confusion was written on his otherwise calm face. He must have heard what Mick just said, but Elenor couldn't explain why he looked like that.

The team would soon be leaving for a new time, but before that there was still one thing to do. Aldus Boardman. The son of a past life of Kendra and Carter was still on board the Waverider, at least his body. He had to be brought back to St. Roch and buried.

It wasn't really necessary for all of them to be there. With the exception of Kendra and Carter, none of them had had a relationship with him. Half of the team hadn't even met him, it was more about moral support and team spirit. They just wanted to be there for Kendra and Carter.

Maybe because he had to bury his son himself, Rip was standing next to the two. After a few minutes, Rip and the Hawk duo rejoined the rest. But before the legends went back to the Waverider, Rip gave a short speech.

Elenor stood between Mick and Ray, only half listening to Rip. Her mind was too busy thinking about the funeral. A while back she had heard someone say on TV that the funeral would be the grand finale of once life. Now she was wondering what a proper burial means for the family.

A kind of peace with your own soul? The end of a common chapter?

Elenor couldn't answer it. How could she. She was never given the chance to say goodbye. Personal ties were strictly forbidden.

There was never a body to bury.

Someone carefully placed a hand on her shoulder. It was Ray. He smiled at her encouragingly. He probably thought Rip's speech had stirred something in her. She smiles at him calmly. After a moment of silence, the team headed back to the Waverider.

"Honestly," Elenor whispered to Mick and Leonard on the way back, "I almost forgot he's still on the ship." She paused and thought for a moment. "Is that insensitive?"

"Depends on you as a person," Leonard said coldly. Something happened in the short amount of time the group was apart. Together the team entered the ship and walked to the bridge.

"Gideon, ready us for takeoff." Rip walked past them in a hurry.

"Whoa, are we being chased or something?" Jax asked, hurrying after him to the bridge. After throwing each other a confused look, the other Legends followed.

"No, but I imagine that right about now, the museum has realized that their prized emerald is missing." Rip glanced over his shoulder at Leonard and walked around the center console.

Leonard rolled his eyes. "You want me to say sorry?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

Mick looked from his friend to Rip. „Sorry, I don't do sorry."

At that Elenor snorted a small laugh. Sitting in her chair, close to the captain's chair, she readjusted the straps of her gloves. Now once again on her arms she ensured that they don't move around too much.

"You are all owed the apology, Mr. Rory." Rip stood next to his chair and turned to the Team. The Legends stood around the center console, looking at him as he continued, "I should have told you all before, that this wasn't my first attempt to vanquish Vandal Savage, but the reason I failed before-"

"Was because you didn't have all of us," Ray said.

"And now that we got Carter back in our team, we're as strong as we can currently be," said Elenor with a smile.

"Quite true," agrees Rip looking around the room. "But there is no point in us continuing any further unless we are all, and myself included, committed to working in concert."

"You don't ditch us, we won't ditch you," Leonard said. "Deal?"

"Sir," started Gideon, "I've completed my review of the timeline."

Elenor looked at the center console. "What you got for us Gid?"

"I calculated a 98% likelihood that Savage reappears in 1986," finished the AI.

Rip was the first at his chair, everyone else moved to theirs as well and strapped themselves in. Elenor had sat down the moment they arrived on the bridge. Then Rip said, "Chart a course Gideon."

"Guess we're headed to the 80's," concluded Stein as he pulled his down.

"Better Break out your parachute pants," Ray said.

"What the hell are parachute pants?" Jax asked.

"Trust me when I say," Elenor started, "it was an odd fashion choice even back then." One thing she knows for certainty, never in her life did she wear them. Just not her style, no matter how much she likes to experiment with her style.

Pushing the gearshift forward the Waverider took of and entered the Time tunnel. Sending the Legends forwards a few years

I don't think it needs to be said, but: left is present Elenor (purple eyes) and right is Chase

Yes, when I have the chance I will draw the outfits Elenor is wearing for certain occasions.

Anyways, hi. It's been a hot minute since I last posted a chapter (What, like, 4 months?). And now 22 pages (or 7256 words) later, we're here again. And I actually managed to find a somewhat suitable chapter title! Hurray!

Writing this chapter was quite fun, and I actually love writing the interactions between Elenor and Chase, as they are technically the same person but with different morals.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room. The name of the story has changed. I've mentioned that on my wall. I'm happy with the new title I came up with, it fits better I think. So, from now on 'Not a Legend' is called 'Portal - Become a Legend'. But the original Title might show up again down the line.






No one:

My Brain: remember that one song from My Little Pony? Wouldn't that be the perfect Title?

Me: Genius!

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