Ch 8 - We just always pull the worst cards

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Mahnovski Mansion - Norway (I assume)

October 1975

It was dark and cold as the group of four stood in the bushes in the back of the mansion of that rich Russian douche. It was a nice looking building, but big. Fitting for a rich person. Maybe he used a bunch of space for displaying artifacts.

Sneaking onto the estate was uncomfortably easy. Even with Ray's security system fiasco, only two guards showed up. It's unnerving as you expect a place like this to have more security at the ready, there were armed guards walking around, but none came to deal with them.

Makes you wonder if perhaps there were more guards waiting on the inside, or the cops got informed. Worst case scenario, the owner of this place is an influential and dangerous individual. But Gideon would have researched this Sasha Mahnovski and told them if that would be the case.

Elenor's stomach churned with discomfort. It made her nervous, but she's also very excited it's been a while since she could actually participate in an actual break in. Things got complicated after she became friends with team Flash.

Sure, they told Rip that they wouldn't take anything else but the dagger, but hey, they're professional criminals. So what if one or two or a few more trinkets go home with them, who is it going to bother. Certainly not a rich asshole that can afford to replace all kinds of things.

The plan was simple. Get in, grab the dagger and all kinds of other artifacts you can and get out. The last part was going to be all Elenor, she felt charged enough to get them off of the property in no time. If they're lucky then maybe even directly to the ship.

Alternately, in case something of emergency (as in, the owner returns or more guards show up) Elenor would stay outside for patrol and get them out. They always did that in Central City. Emergency protocol 'Get Out'.

Without further ado, the three men went inside the house.

So she had to wait. Outside. In the cold. Not like she could just wait upstairs and get them out. But she had the feeling that the owner was going to come from the back door. This is where the alarm went off after all.

Elenor looked around. The garden looked beautiful, whoever lives here must take real pride in caring for it. What caught her eye were several bushes of Dahlias. Several different colors. She'd never seen such beautiful flowers. Like in the sense that they look so greatly taken care of.

Call her stupid for abandoning her post, but she had to take a closer look. She crouched down in front of them and took one of the flowers into her hand, not plucking it just holding it between her fingers.

Elenor loved Dahlias. Something about them just always called to her. They're alluring. Especially because she likes pretty things. Looking at them now makes her want to plant some of her own, something to take care of.

As if she doesn't have something like that somewhere already.

Way to cloud the mood, she thought. It's been a few years since she thought about that. No matter how much she tries to ignore those nagging thoughts, they never leave. But why should she want to ignore them? Because it would make things easier? Bullshit. It's always going to be hard.

She tries to shake away those thoughts, she couldn't let herself get distracted. It could endanger the mission.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

The voice just happened to belong to none other than Vandal Savage. Of course it did. The team can't get one break now can they?

"Ye- yeah, it is," she said, stumbling over her own words.

Keeping him distracted might be a good idea. Not like anything could go wrong, he's only an immortal psychopath that will take over the world in the far future. Additionally he was her former boss so to speak of.

Perhaps Elenor could play it like she is her psychotic past self, but that would only work as long as she doesn't turn around. Sometimes she really hates how this dark matter in her changed her fucking eye color to something so unnatural. It's less easy to blend in with people.

At least purple is her favorite color.

She could feel his gaze burning into her. Like he was trying to asses her for some reason. It's unnerving.

"I didn't expect you to be here. My personnel assured me that you would be out for at least a day."

Elenor had no idea what Savage was doing. But he sure as hell wasn't moving, unless he was good at moving quietly. This is bad, she can't asses his position, she can't do anything brash.

Another issue she realized was in fact, her past selves condition. Of course after Sara went bad shit on her she should be out of it. Completely out, like a light bulb. Not sneaking around in Savages garden.

She was quiet for a moment. There was nothing she could say to that. She was heavily banking on the owner being anyone other than the man it is.

"Well, guess they were wrong about that," she said. Play it cool, she thought.

Fake it, till you make it. And for a moment she stupidly believed that it worked, until she heard the click of a gun. It was pointed towards the back of her head. Guess that she fucked up good.

Without prompting from the man behind she stood up, slowly, any sudden moves could set him off and kill her. Hands held up in surrender. For a moment she considered manipulating the space around her, throw Savage back a few meters and run for it. Grab the others and get back to the ship.

She didn't believe that her powers could go that far yet. Heck, on some days she wondered if her powers were useful for anything besides screwing up. Especially if she doesn't know how much energy she has left of them.

"Tell me my dear, are your friends with you?" he said far to close to her ear. Cold metal pressed into underneath her jaw. His other arm held he in place, making it impossible for her to move away without struggle.

"Depends. Which friends are you talking about? I've got, surprisingly, a few. There is team A, team F, the JL, my sparky friend, my sandy friend, my screaming friend, my brother friends, my-"

Savage tightened his grip. "You know which I mean. Where are Chay-Ara and Khufu? Your time traveling friends," he hissed, an edge of danger in his voice. Elenor started to walk on thin ice.

"Oh, those friends. Depends, who's asking?"

"Stop playing with me."

"Then why are you letting me talk? Seriously not feeling the aster here." Elenor rolled her eyes jokingly. She tilted her head to the side to get a look at the immortal.

Savage smiled a toothy grin. "I see, you haven't lost your wits." He loosened his grip a slight bit. It was such an odd thing to do, especially for someone as methodical as him.

From the inside of the house an alarm sounded. Making Savage tighten his grip and them turning to look at the house. For a moment Savage had an unreadable expression on his face, perhaps it was bewilderment, before it lightened up in deranged glee.

Elenor felt her right eye twitch in slight irritation. Because now the group of four was genuinely fucked. Their main tool for escape was currently preoccupied with a gun to her head, and who knows what for security measures Savage has in place.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath.

Savage pulled her along by the back collar of her shirt and coat. Once inside he walked into a room, inside the office there was the alarm box. There were two doors to enter the room and the other door opened as well.

Mick walked around on the inside looking for the break box to turn off the alarm. As he rounded the corner he stopped suddenly, and stared.

From the look in his eyes Elenor could tell that he was angry, as usual, but this was different. This time around, she could tell, he was angry that he couldn't actually act upon his anger, that he didn't know what to do.

"So, I found out who the owner of this place is." Elenor looked slightly back at the immortal, then back to Mick. "Turns out we met before, and I don't like him."

"Kid. Don't try to-" Mick was cut off when the gun, previously pressed to Elenor's head, pointed at him. Mick knew his limits and was not in the mood to get shot.

"Now, now. How about you turn of the alarm first." Savage gestured to the box at the wall with the weapon.

Once the alarm was turned off, Savage made the two legends walk back to the artifact displays. There a giant cage stood around six pedestals, with six different artifacts, one of them being the Amon dagger they came for. Somehow it only got worse by Leonard and Ray being trapped inside the cage.

The two looked like they got into a fight, with each other. Look at them sitting on the floor having a weird heart-to-'heart' moment.

"We got a slight problem," Mick called to the others, "the owner just came home. You're not going to believe who it is."

"We meet again. Oh, I'm grateful for another opportunity to kill you," Savage says with an evil smile on his stupid face.

The four time travelers stayed quiet, much to Savage's dislike. He looked between them, expecting some form of reaction. His gaze lingered at Ray for a moment. Mick tried to use this moment to perhaps attack and get Elenor away from Savage.

But Savage was smarter than that and used the butt of the gun to hit Elenor in the back of the head, making her drop to her knees. Pressing the weapon at the back of her head. "Don't move. I've had 4000 years of training in every hold and pressure point known. But you already know that, don't you? That I'm immortal."

They continued to stay quiet. Not wanting to give Savage any satisfaction. The silence was seemingly bothering the immortal maniac as he continued to mutter a small understanding of the defiance and smacked the already downed Elenor into the back of her head, again.

Catching herself on her hands was the only thing keeping her face from smashing into the floor. She propped herself up on her elbow, lying on her side, glaring at the immortal.

Savage demanded that they'd call the rest of the team, or else he would start taking them apart one by one, piece by piece. So Leonard called the Waverider and informing them about the issue at hand.

Now they had to wait, for the team to arrive and rescue them.

The waiting took a while though and Savages patience seemed to wear thin. Everyone was getting restless. The legends wracking their brains on what to do.

Elenor was seriously considering to just use her powers to throw Savage across the room. Focusing for a moment on her energy, as much as she could, feeling it running through her body. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the feeling, but the closer it got to her hands the more difficult it got. The more it build up to escape her hands the more her mind seemed to spin. Actively keeping her from doing anything.

The blows to her head were hard. Disorienting.

"Your friends are cowards!" Savage snaped.

"They'll be here," insisted Ray, trying to stall and save his friend. But this wasn't going to work, not on Vandal Savage.

"They're taking too long. They need an incentive." Savage readied himself to pull the trigger.

"Wait, wait. Can't we work something out?" But Ray tried once more time. He was not going to let anything bad happen, so he was going to try and get Savage to stop.

Savage laughed. "You already brought me what I want, by calling your friends. There's nothing more that you could give me, Dr. Palmer." With that he went to pull the trigger.

The next things happened in an instant. Savage was hit by a fireball and recoiled back. Looking up they saw Firestorm standing with full confidence on the banister of the balcony.

"The burning man," sneered Savage.

"I don't just burn pal," Firestorm shot a blast at him and send him across the room, "I blast things too!"

With Savage out of the way for now Firestorm went over to the rest. Elenor had already pushed herself back onto her feet and used a fraction of her power to get Leonard and Ray out, her head having stopped spinning.

Snart handed the dagger over to Carter as the two Hawks landed next to them. As soon as they had the dagger they took off and went after their killer.

"Go get that son of a bitch," called Leonard after them.

And so the team headed back out ready to fight their way back out to the ship. In moments Ray had his suit on in seconds. Outside the chaos was immense, but it looked like the legends were having the upper hand.

"You get Kendra and Carter once they're done with Savage!" called Rip from beside her suddenly.

With a nod she went and headed back inside. Once there she watched as Savage plunged the dagger into Carters' lower abdomen. Savage told him something, but Elenor couldn't hear it, she was too far away.

Her attention turned to Kendra for a moment she saw her eyes flash a dangerous red as she cried out Carters' name. She rushed at Savage in an instant with such ferocity. Swiping at him with claw like nails. The immortal dodged with ease, 4000 years of practice most likely being the reason.

Swiping at Kendra with the dagger he landed a few good hits, eventually downing her as well. Savage stood over her ready to embed the dagger into her.

As he lifted the dagger and kneeled down to get a finishing blow to the downed Hawk. The burning hatred in Kendra's was still there and she didn't look away.

He plunged it down, but was stopped by seemingly nothing. The space around him wouldn't let him. Looking up they saw as Elenor had her hand stretched out, illuminated by an ominous purple glow. The same glow was holding Savage in place.

It was not an easy task on Elenor's part, she could feel the mental block creeping up on her again. Eobard Thawne really fucked her over with this, but it won't stop her from saving her friend. No matter how much her hand started to tremble or how much her mind started to fog up.

On the other hand, she also felt the energy starting to leave her body. If she was going to save Kendra, she'd have to act fast.

Using her other hand she opened a portal right behind herself, she was just going to grab Kendra and leave. She didn't want to leave Carter behind, dead or alive she couldn't tell, but she knew that her energy was going to leave her soon. Call her a bitch for it, but she rather uses the last few drops of energy she had to save the confirmed living, breathing Hawk.

Thankfully she doesn't need her other hand to keep the portal open, and as soon as she's out of energy it's going to close on its own.

Using her free hand she pulled Kendra towards her. Just in time as well, as her hold on Savage faltered and he was free. But that didn't matter, Kendra and her were already falling through the portal.

They landed on the outside close to the ship. And just in time as the rest of the legends arrived. Kendra had to be physically restrained by Mick and brought on board to not run back into the house. One after another the legends ran onto the ship.

Rip stayed back a few seconds to make sure that Firestorm and Ray are on their way on board.

Elenor was weakly getting back onto her feet, having blacked out for a moment. She pushed herself up and almost went down again, but Rip was there and helped her get onboard the Waverider.

"Gideon, get us underway as soon as Firestorm and the Atom are on board!" he ordered.

And so they did. Once the last two legends were on board the ship took of and entered the temporal zone ones again.

Finally there they could take a break. This was one eventful night to say the least.

The legends gathered on the bridge. Something hung in the air, and Elenor didn't have to think long about what it was. Carter wasn't here, and Elenor felt like that was on her.

It was her after all that made the decision to leave him behind. Behind with Savage. She wracked her brain to see if she could figure out what that maniac was going to do with his body. If she had to guess, Elenor would say that her past self must have been present at that point.

Nothing came of that and she decided to tune in with the conversation at hand. Something about them deciding what they want to do now. In the end they chose to pursue their mission. To avenge their fallen team mate, protect time and end Savage once and for all.

Sara crossed her arms and looked at Rip. "So, Captain. Where are we going next?"

This chapter gave me half a breakdown. Simply because it just up and disappeared like a father going out for milk and cigarettes. Turns out it was saved under another file name, meaning I have two versions of this.

Anyways, here it finally is! My least favorite child simply because of the half-breakdown. No, I actually like this chapter. Mainly because it means that I get to leave the two part pilot behind.

What's your favorite flower? Mine are Chrysanthemum flowers. Elenor's are as stated Dahlias.

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