Ch1 - Blind Passanger

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Central City Park – 2016

January 20th - 8:40 pm

Central City was a beautiful city, with the occasional meta-human attack. While those attacks could end in disaster and death, there are still people that take a nightly jog or late-night strolls. These people put their fate into the hands of the so called 'Fastest Man Alive', a funny title if you consider that there had been two people thus far that were faster than him.

(Those two are known as the, now defeated, Reverse Flash and, Earth-2 villain, Zoom.)

The other kind of people, that tend to walk around late at night, are individuals know as meta-humans. People with enhanced abilities and more often than not super powers. The quantity of metas in this radius is endless. Made of Vapor, electricity and telepathic mammals. While some are simply psychic. This often leaves Central City in a ton of shit, on a weekly basis.

But one of those individuals was 27-year-old Elenor Chase. She is a meta-human with teleportation powers. The name she gave herself is Portal. She was one of the known few morally good coded meta-humans.

Somewhere on the other side of the city, a robbery took place. Leonard Snart and Mick Rory were with no doubt in her mind involved. Still there were police sirens heard throughout the city. No one would ever admit it, but the criminal duo counts as one of the top 3 favorite criminals. A not so secret list from Central.

Elenor was friends with the two. She offered her help to them when she first showed up in Central City three years ago, and ever since she worked with them. They were a team, friends even.

Things got complicated after the particle accelerator explosion though.

After a failed job Elenor had to team up with the group known as team Flash. From that day on she worked both as a small time criminal and support for the city's residential hero. Those are longer stories, told for another time.

Today was one of those days. The meta-human criminal dubbed Turtle was just caught by them. The time manipulator had taken out a lot of her. She still wasn't used to that.

But ever since Farooq Gibran, her powers have been using up a lot more of her energy anyways. In addition Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash apparently had done something to weaken her as well. She's not going into detail, as she doesn't know any, but whatever it is he did, has caused her some aspects of her powers to be blocked. (Aspects she didn't even know about yet.)

The events from today left her with heavy arms and a pounding in her head beyond imaginable. She hated everything that had to do with time manipulation, or time travel in some cases.

The night time air was chilly and she pulled her long trench coat closed. Tying the belt in the front. It was a memento from her past, one of the only things she had kept. She couldn't bring herself to get rid of it and the memories attached to it.

She let herself drop on a park bench, looking over the river that, in an alternate Timeline, meant to destroy Central City. Elenor held the coffee she bought in her hand as she pulled out her phone. She searched through her news apps, looking for today's reports on the newest victory for Flash.

She arrived at the part about the chandelier falling when she was interrupted by an incoming call. The caller ID picture showed none other than her bestie Cisco. It was one he took himself just for her. His number was saved under the name 'Vibe'.

She smiled as she picked up the call. She might have only seen him a few hours ago, but it's always nice to hear from friends.

"What's the sitch?"

"I still think it's cool that you answer our calls like that you know."

"I know. You say that every time you call," they laughed, "so what's going on?"

"You remember Turtle?"

She rolled her eyes at his question. "You mean the guy, that could slow down time, kidnapped Patty and was captured by us a few hours ago?" Sarcasm was basically dripping from every word. "No. Never heard of him."

Still, both of them had to stifle their laughter. "Stupid question. Yeah I know."

His voice suddenly took on a more serious tone. "Well something happened, last night. And I think, we need you to come over."

"Why? What happened?"

Elenor threw her coffee cup into a trash can and opened a portal. Stepping through it she stood in the Cortex of, the most un-secure Lap in the world, S.T.A.R. Laps.

Team Flash stood with their backs to the entrance, looking at a screen that showed the security footage of Turtles cell. Once it was over, they re-wound it, yet it never changes. There was part of it missing, because it jumped from Turtle turning to look at something (or someone) off-screen, then jumped to his dead body in his cell.

Cisco was still on the phone with her. "We tell you when you're here," he hung up his phone, "She should be here any moment now." He bend down and started typing on the Laps computer. Looking if he can find the missing footage.

"Why exactly are we getting her help for this again?" asked Harry. He was typing at a different computer, doing who knows what.

"Because, she had done this before. Deleting footage that is. Also, I would have asked Felicity, but she's busy." Pressing the enter button he glanced at the screen, nothing happened. Groaning in frustration he turned around, and let out a startling scream. That got the attention of everyone.

The entire scene was basically: Attack mode activated.

Joe and Harry pulled out their guns, Barry flashed on his suit, and Jay, well Jay for a split second looked far more murderous than expected. Once they saw that it was only Elenor they relaxed.

Cisco put a hand over his heart. "El! Please. Don't do that!"

Elenor laughed at the accidental scare. "In all honesty, it wasn't intentional. But that that doesn't mean, that I won't do it again, given the chance," she said amused and crossed her arms over her chest.

She looked around before nodding at the screen. "Mind telling me why Turtle appears to be dead?" She walked closer to the screen to get a better look, standing next to Joe.

"We're trying to figure this out ourselves, but the footage is whipped clean."

"Felicity is busy currently so, she can't help. I can't find anything. So we hoped that you could find something, you're good with something like that," said Cisco appearing on her other side.

"OK," Elenor made her way over to the computer again, "I might be capable of finding something." With that she got to work.

"That's what we were hoping for," said Caitlin from where she stood.

"If we're lucky, the footage might still be recoverable. There must be a copy of it somewhere still. I might actually find it." Elenor could see the way Harrys' shoulders tensed at her statement. Jay too had a look in his eyes, that one she couldn't quite read.

Harry lifted his eyes from his screen and turned to look at her working. It bothered her a lot that he watched her. Yet she didn't say anything. Her intuition told her that he had something to do with it. Working on recovering the video made her feel a bit like Flash, she was fast with it.

And there it was. The lost footage. Elenor watched as the two Earth-2 inhabitants exchanged a quick look. With a small frustrated sigh she pressed the enter key, and removed any evidence of it ever existing. Something told her that, for whatever reason, it would be better to let it play out normally

"Sorry. Nothing." She leaned back in the chair.

"At least you tried," said Jay. He turned to the team again. "We should focus on finding a way to save Wells' daughter then." His sudden change of subject unnerved her a bit, but she choose to ignore it.

"Well, you guys do that," Elenor stood and stepped back, "I'm going home. After the capture of our, well, now dead prisoner, I need to replenish my energy levels." She said goodbye and started her way home. This time she took the main door, to save some of her energy.

Once she was further away from the cortex she stopped and waited for Harry to catch up. Her expression turned into one of judgment and she waited for an explanation. Arms crossed over her chest.

Seeing that she was waiting for him, he ran his hand through his hair. Looking unsure on what to say. Harry took a deep breath. "Look, I know that you saw what had happened. The only thing I can tell you is that as a parent I would do anything for my child," he fixed his glasses, "But I'm more interested in why you didn't tell the others."

Elenor looked away and scratched the back of her head. His words had an effect on her in ways she didn't thought would be possible. Bottled up emotions about things, people, that she had kept closed off. It took her years to keep them in check.

She shook her head, breaking out of her thoughts.

"Let's just say, you owe me something and leave it at that. Alright?" She held out her hand for the other to shake and he took it. "Surprisingly enough our earths fake Wells did a similar thing."

A worried look flashed in his eyes, but Elenor was gone before he could ask her anything .


A Central City Warehouse – 9:45 pm

The two criminals Elenor tends to hang around had a very interesting night, to say the least. Leonard Snart and Mick Rory walked into their hideout only with the rooftop conversation on their minds.

Leonard had let himself drop onto a sofa. He let the pros and cons run through his heads. In the end he came up with enough reasons to convince Mick to go on this job. He knew that Mick wouldn't really want to go, without an actual reason.

The silence became too much for Mick after a while. He knew what his best friend was thinking about, he didn't like it one bit. "I can't believe you're hooking up with the Englishman," he scoffed over the sound of the grinding machine.

Elenor sat up from where she laid on the other sofa. Up to that point her mind was pre occupied with locked up thoughts. Harry earlier had stirred those up. She was huging her trench coat close to her chest. Her mind drifting away from reality, making her disconnect from everything.

But that statement piqued her interest. She wasn't sure if 'the Englishman' was a potential hookup of Leonard, or Micks' phrasing was just a weird way of saying 'taking the job offer'.

"'Hooking up with the Englishman'. What does that mean?" she asked Leonard.

"It's a long story, but I'll make it short," Leonard sat up and turned to her, "An hour ago when we were escaping from our heist, we nearly crashed into this British trench coat wearing guy. He knocked us out with some flashy thing and somehow managed to drag us to some rooftop."

Before Leonard could continue Mick threw in his own thoughts, "Still not sure how he got of the way of our van. It should have crashed straight into him."

"I mean, we live in a world filled with superpowered freaks, anything is possible," commented Elenor. But something about this made her stomach flip. Englishman. Knock out flashy thing. Trench coat wearing British guy. There was something uncomfortably familiar about this to her.

Leonard didn't really care about that question. He had learned to accept weird stuff happening in his city. From guns that could freeze, burn and gold stuff and still be an easy to hand weapon, to people that can open portals, control and shoot lightning, manipulate sand, and are super-fast. Maybe that guy was just saved by some meta-human, possibly even Barry. (Or he had some future technology that saved him).

"As I was saying. He dragged us to some rooftop. There were also Stein and his other half, some puppy dog eyed Exo-suite wearing guy, those two bird people you've mentioned before, and some blonde assassin. No one impressive."

Mick lifted his arm and pointed at Leonard. "Now hold on there. I saw the way you were checking murder blondie out. And you can't lie to me, I've been your friend long enough to know that look." The corners of Micks mouth lifted in a not so crazy small smile at having caught his partner a bit of guard.

And going by the deep breath Leonard was tacking, Elenor knew it was the truth.

"Careful there Cap. I don't think daddy Lance would like a criminal with his daughter," she said jokingly. Yet she would never stand between them if it would ever come to it. She knows how it is not being allowed to love anyone, the only thing you were allowed to love was your job.

She leaned on the back of the couch, ignoring her thoughts, gesturing for him to continue.

"The Englishman mentioned that he was from east London and, as if it was an after-thought, mentioned from the Future.

Didn't believe him at first. Then he mentioned Vandal Savage. (And I clearly remember you telling us about him after your encounter with him). It got interesting from there." A smug smile crossed his face.

"He mentioned something about being tasked with assembling a team to defeat the guy," he said.

Vandal Savage. Two months ago the man had arrived in Central City and tried to kill the newest incarnation of Priestess Chay-Ara and Prince Khufu. (In this life known as Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall.)

"Sounds suspicious. If it turns out he lied about the mission I'll give both of you fifty," Elenor said.

"Only if we go. We're thieves. Crooks. Criminals. I have no desire to save the world. Especially a hundred years after I'm dead," growled Mick. He had a beer in his hand and was leaning against a concrete pillar.

If she had to be honest, Elenor agreed with Mick. Not because she doesn't have the money, but because she doesn't trust time travelers. Something told her that this specific time traveler someone she might want to punch in the face.

But the chance for big crimes was perfect. And she didn't wants to be the one that takes this opportunity away from them. So she stood up and started to walk away.

"Where the hell are you going kid?" asked Mick.

She turned around and smiled at them. "I think that this is something you two should discuss on your own. I wasn't there. But I think that this is an one in a life time opportunity." She closed the door on her way out. Mick and Leonard staring after her.

Outside she closed her eyes for a short moment and let the things she just found out sink in. When she left Mick had muttered something about a Rip Hunter, isn't that an interesting name. (Almost sounded like foreshadowing of some kind.)

She decided to go to Jitters. A coffee is what she needed right now. To process everything. At Jitters she sat down on one of the tables giving her order to one of the baristas.

She pulled out her phone and opened her chat history. She looked for some advice about this. She send of a quick text, knowing she'll get an answer in a few seconds. In person.

And just like she knew, someone sat down across from her. Shortly after her coffee arrived. The other ordered a coffee of her own.

"You got something for me?"

"An address," they slipped a note towards her, "Maybe you should ask them what they think about the situation. They should know too."

Elenor picked it up and studied the neat handwriting on it. (The complete opposite to her own Sauklaue.) On it stood a place and time. She smiled at the note and put it into her coat pocket.

"I guess you're right," Elenor checked her wrist watch, "maybe in an hour or so. I kinda want to spend time with you first my love."


Meeting point, Central City

January 21st - 8:30 am

Deciding to do this was easier than she thought. Otherwise Elenor wouldn't be here currently. Standing close to the entrance of the meeting point. The meeting is taking place on some form of parking lot looking space. This seems to actually be the place they're going to meet for their mission through time.

Earlier she had called Cisco to inform him that she won't be around for a bit. She couldn't give him an exact timeline. He said that he would take care of her things.

"Just out of curiosity, is someone joining you that I know?" he inquired. If he wouldn't get any information about how long, then maybe about who else.

"Well for once there are Kendra and Carter."

"Ugh. I can't stand that guy," Cisco cut in, "I mean I'm thankful that he showed up and explained everything to us and helped with Vandal Savage, but still, I don't like him."

A small smile played along Elenor's lips and she rolled her eyes playfully. The way Cisco got worked up about Carter was strangely funny to her.

She spotted Ray and Sara. Both of them arriving at the same time.

"Alright who else is with you?" asked Cisco. On his side of the phone Elenor could hear Caitlin and Harry argue with Barry about something. She could only imagine the way Jay was standing at the sideline, observing in the uncomfortably dark way she saw by Eobard Thawne.

"Ray Palmer, Sara Lance, Jax and the Professor..." As she checked who else had arrived she spotted Jax unconscious in the passenger seat, it honestly concerned her a bit. What had the Professor done this time?

"Shit," said Cisco suddenly. To Elenor it sounded like he was fumbling to open something.

"Sorry," he said his voice sounding like something is being pressed against his nose, "I just have these strange nosebleeds at the moment. Please continue."

A feel of unease spread in her gut, but Elenor continued. She then spotted Leonard and Mick. "Well to take your mind off of those nosebleeds, you're actually lucky. You don't have to worry about Len to freeze you, when flirting with Lisa. Both he and Mick appear to have also joined in."

"Wait are you serious? Captain Cold and Heatwave are going on a live changing field trip with heroes?"

"Yup. I bet with you that they're mostly in for the valuables though." She observed the group for a moment. Just then out of nowhere came a man with strawberry blond hair, that was also the moment one of the others needed something from Cisco and the two hung up.

The brown trench coat he wore had seen better days. Looking down at her own coat she had to admit, it didn't look any better. Considering that she had it for so long it went through a lot of things. And she could imagine that the new guy, Rip Hunter, had similar reason for the look of his coat, he was a time traveler after all.

After a few exchanges of words the group eyed the time traveler with skepticism. From the position she was currently at she couldn't hear what was said, lucky for her Rip was positioned in a way that let her see his stupid face.

As the man pulled out a remote from one of the many pockets on his coat he said something along the lines of, 'A Time Master's something, something no harm to something.' (She assumed he said Timeline, as it would make most sense. She really has to work on that skill.) He pressed a button on the remote and turned around.

If they said anything else she wouldn't know. Something disturbed the air and made it ripple to reveal a Millennium Falcon Enterprise love child of a ship.

A few seconds later Rip turned around again. 'Shall we?' he appeared to ask. He started walking towards the ship and the group followed him. Stein held Mick back for a moment and gestured to the knocked out Jax. Mick ended up carrying him to the ship. Rip stood outside, waiting for Mick to get on board.

For some reason, Elenor couldn't tell why, he turned towards the entrance. Elenor only had a split second to react and hide behind a poster on the fence. The fence was tall enough to hide her.

The time traveler shook his head and went on board of his time ship. After a few minutes it started to take off and Elenor had to act quickly. Closing her eyes for a moment picturing the cargo.

Purple energy was leaving the palm of her hands and a portal opened in front of her. Quickly she jumped through it. Turning around she could only watch with amazement as green rippled through the purple mist dissolving it into nothing ness. She'd never seen anything like that before.

The moment that happened a sense of nausea overcame her and she stumbled into a wall. For a terrible moment she thought she would have to throw up, lucky for her she didn't. Pushing herself off of the wall she stumbled her way through the halls of the ship.

After a bit of time the ship shook again and the previous feeling of nausea returned, just much worst this time. This time she felt bile building up at the back of her throat and she hurried into a room, it turned out to be the kitchen. She hurried over to the futuristic trashcan and threw up into it. She sat next to the trash can scrunching up her nose at the acidy taste in her mouth.

Something no one might ever know is that time traveling while standing isn't so fun. At least for a moment. There is a nice window of time in which nothing slams you into walls or shakes you around. Where you can just sit there and relax, before it happens again and you apparently suffer from vertigo. She leaned her head against the kitchen island waiting for the nausea to wear off. 

3693 Words and 12 pages later and I've finally finished Not a Legend V2 Chapter 1.

I was going to post this like one to two hours ago.

Now you my dear readers might be wondering. Buddy, why have you rewritten the first chapter of the story?

I tell you why friends. I was not happy with my writing from the first story. Younger me was an amature beginner writer, and I'm glad that they existed, otherwise I wouldn't have learned. I feel like that if I would have continued with the previous narrative I would have not gotten the story I want now. 

This is like my third time I had attempted to rewrite it. Attempt 2 was a failure and threw me into stopping my writing of this story until now.

Another thing, I will be deleating the original in like a IDK, I'm still debating with myself. If you want to make a quick comparison between the first episode back then and now, be my guesst.

I got a comparison between the OG and the current one: The OG had 3744 Words in Ch1. This one only 3693.

Now to the more important things. I got a few questions for you.

1. How did you like this chapter? Was it good? Better than the original?

2. If you still remember the OG one. (After like, what? 3 years? Oops) What do you remeber that was different?

3. You like my new writing style?

4. What do you believe could happen next chapter?

5. So what do you think about Elenor this far? Next chapter will be a ride.

6. What will Rip's reaction be to the unrecruited addition?

7. Any reactions on your part about this new version?

8. Anything else you'd like to say about this story?

I'm telling you guys now that once I'm finished with the Pilot:part1 I'm going to ask a few questions about Elenor. Just FYI.

Maybe don't talk to much about spoilers, for those that haven't read the original.

Also, I might create a look book for her. Because editing already published chapters is dumb. I wish I thought about that first. But alas, I didn't. Maybe in Pilot:part2.

I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow. As I've already finished the first episode.

Now one more thing, shout outs:

Niranju98 made the lovely former cover for this story. I think I already said it, but I really like it and you should check them out.

ladyawesome45321  one of my main inspirations for writing this. You should check her out, she is truly awesome. And read Sandstorm, it's really great.

sparkle123tt the main girl that is basically the reason I even started this. Her story and Clarity were a big factore in me wanting to do this myself. So check her and her Glitch series out. 

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