Ch6 - The Assistant pt.1

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Waverider – Norway, Fjords

October 1975

On the ship Rip was livid. It wasn't obvious if at himself, at the team, or at Elenor. Maybe at all of them. Yes including himself.

Elenor stared out of the window, not listening to the rant Rip was having. Too concerned with the situation at hand. Or at least with her screw up of not figuring out her memories quick enough. But it was like there was a blockade in her head.

The moment things turned sour for the team she had told them to leave immediately. It would have worked if the Professor wouldn't have accidentally called her past self by her name.

Rip was still surprisingly calm at that point. He didn't seem too worried about things. Sure he was angry that they now technically own a nuclear warhead, but that's just a small thing.

No his entire demeanor changed once Elenor, or her past self rather, mentioned the word, or name, Gareeb.

"They can fight their way out of there," said Elenor. "If not, then I'll get them out. Easy as that."

"That is not the problem Ms. Chase," Rip said loudly. He was griping his hair and paced around stressed. There wasn't an actual goal by walking up and down, as it seemed to only get him worked up more.

Elenor looked at him confused. "Then what is the problem?"

Rip stopped and looked at her. Trying to figure out what to say, to tell her. "It's a long story. I'll tell you in due time."

"The team, in due time, Rip. The team," Elenor said sternly. If the information has anything to do with the mission then she felt like everyone should know. Not just one person, all of them.

"Of course, the- the team," he corrected. He turned towards the middle console, ignoring the suspicious glare from Elenor. "Let's get them out of there."

The hologram of the warehouse appeared in front of them. Together they looked for the best place for Elenor to get them back onto the ship. They ended up agreeing on a place outside. It had a nice view of an little island and didn't look like anyone would choose this as an escape route.

They were discussing the fasts way for the team to get there without anyone getting in the way. But then, Sara called over the coms.

"Um, we got a nuclear bomb here!"

"I got this," they heard Ray.

"Ray! What did you do?" exclaimed Sara.

"I didn't- Sara watch out!"

From Sara's side of the coms it sounded as if the air was knocked out of her lungs. Then she groan. She muttered under her breath, "Oh you got to be shitting me."

"Ms. Lance?"

"Sara? What happened?" asked Elenor.

"El baby I apologize," Sara said. Neither off the (former) Time Master knew for what. "But I have to kick your ass. Well your past counterparts at least."

Rip and Elenor looked at each other for a moment. Neither knowing what to do next.

"Oh," said Elenor. "Well, have fun I guess."


Warehouse – Norway

October 1975

Ms. Chase had managed to watch the blonde of the group. Observing her every move. Analyzing her fighting style. League of Assassins. It was obvious, and after a certain time of living you just recognize it.

Blondie was talking to some guy in an Exo-suit. Trying to turn off the countdown. They were too focused on the warhead to notice her and once Exo-suit did, Blondie was already kicked off of the stage.

This was going to be fun, Chase thought. It has been a while since she had an actual opponent. One that was actually capable of fighting back, and be a decent match.

The fight moved quickly. Chase kicked Blondie into the stomach. Attacking with her knives Chase attacked swiping at the blonde, who barely managed to move out of the way.

The ferocity with which she attacked was surprising and unaccountable. Taking Blondie of guard.

Chase threw a knife at Blondie. Moving out of the way she took her eyes off of Chase for only a moment. Next thing Blondie knew she was slammed into the ground.

Blondie grabbed Chase's wrist, before she could plunge a knife right in between her eyes.

Chase was strong. But so was Blondie. The two were stuck in a battle of strength.

Something was starting to snap in Blondie, something murderous. She wanted to rip the woman straddling her apart.

In the distance something exploded. While the two had fought, the burning man had taken the warhead and got to an island far enough away from the warehouse.

The distraction was enough for Blondie to get the upper hand. She kicked Chase of and let this feeling take over. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have been able to resist.

She punched Chase in the face. Knocking her to the ground. And she didn't stop. She was going to kill her, that she was sure about.

Sara didn't care.

And neither did Chase seem to care either. She just laughed. Even as blood was smeared over her face. Dripping from her nose and spilling out of her mouth.

There was only one small problem.


On the Waverider, Elenor was writhing in pain. Crouching down and holding her head. It was such a sudden reaction that Rip didn't know what to do.

"Gideon what is happening?" he asked panicking. He rushed over to Elenor's side. Helping her up to get her to the med bay immediately.

Once there he immediately hooked her up to the system.

"It seems like Ms. Chase is being affected by a time alteration," Gideon answered. "I am capable of stabilizing her, but I suggest finding out what is causing the alteration. Perhaps someone on the team can offer an answer?"

Elenor was breathing heavily. Trying to catch her breath. She figured that the only upside of this is that she actually starts to recall the events of the black market, and the results following it.


Leonard had managed to pull Sara off of Chase just in time. Any longer and he was sure she was going to kill her.

He pushed Sara onto the ground before pointing his cold gun right at her. His face showing his infamous cold demeanor. Finger ready on the trigger. Sara might be on his team, but Elenor was for far longer, and is way more important to him than her.

And he might not know a lot about time travel, but if Back to the Future has taught him anything, then that this could erase her from the timeline. For good.

Both him and Mick have relied on her to get them out of dicey situations more than once. Heck she even saved their lives before. He wasn't going to let that be erased. That wasn't the only reason of course. Elenor was part of their family, and he won't let anything happen to her. Working for savage or not.

"What are you doing?" asked Sara. She was breathing heavily. Her eyes animalistic. She pushed herself off the ground, standing up.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Sara looked around. The fight was over, the team no where to be seen. Many of the bad guys lying on the floor, some managing to get up and limping to the exit. Others groaning on the floor in pain.

She looked back to Leonard. He was still unmoving, ready to freeze her if necessary. Her own hands felt weirdly wet and she looked at them. Blood. They were covered in it. She was also holding a silver knife in her right.

With the exception of the handle it was still surprisingly clean.


"I'm not going to let you kill one of mine," Leonard said coldly.

From behind them Chase laughed. She propped herself up on her elbow, lying on her side. Blood was dripping out of her mouth onto the floor. Coughing up more that had slipped down the wrong way.

"That, was, pathetic," Chase coughed. "And you call yourself an assassin? You can't even control your own blood lust, and I'm still alive." She grinned before eyes rolled back and she fainted.

Leonard looked over to Chase. Relief washing over him when he saw her chest still rising and falling.

Turning back to Sara he saw her eyes on Chase as well. He figured it was because of what she said. About the blood lust that is. Leonard knew about her being an assassin, but he didn't about the other thing. He conclude that it was something Sara didn't want to disclose. Something she never wanted anyone to know.

Before Sara could say anything he cut her off, "You don't need to tell me anything now, or any details, but you better give me a basic run down later." He put the safety back on and placed the gun back in its holster.

Sara nodded. Together the two hurried out of the warehouse. They turned around for a second, hearing movement behind them. It was Savage, he was back, alone, this could be their chance. But he was standing right above chase.

They watched as he crouched down, he was checking her pulse. He wiped some of the blood off of her face. Then scooped her up in his arms without problem. He was surprisingly gentle with Chase.

As Savage stood again his gaze found them staring. If looks could kill, and with him you would assume they did, then Leonard and Sara would be.

"I have the feeling that we will see each other again in the future," he said.

Sara and Leonard wouldn't tell the rest of the team, but they choose to leave. They wouldn't tell them about the encounter, unless it would be important later.

It's short yes, but you get a little treat remember.

This chapter is a bit chaotic, if I have to be honest. I only had a small plan on what I want to have happen in it, but that turned into a rather short and small part. Oh well, I actually don't have anything against this chapter. Suprisingly. Normaly chapters like this are some of less favored. Short chapter that I had no actuall plan of how to write.

Anyways. Look what I was working on back when I was working on chapter 5.

1975 Elenor Chase (Working under Vandal Savage)


Elenor Chase in her signature outfit

(And three little extras)

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