Arc One - Chapter One

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As a child, I grew up being told all sorts of stories by my father and his crew and I listened and adored every single one as they told talked of the world beyond our town. Those stories sparked a sense of wonder and emotion within me, filling my mind with images of vast and unknown land that I dreamt of seeing and visiting one day. The stories I heard spoke of devils who possessed the power to manipulate ice with ease, simply flicking their wrists to create icy landscapes. Alongside them, tales were woven about angels who could unleash powerful storms at the mere sound of a single cry. I remember eagerly anticipating each new story, hanging onto every word, and relishing in the vivid descriptions they painted. However, as time went on, the tales gradually ceased, and so did my father. 

The boisterous sound of laughter and cheers was heard throughout the small lively bub, filling the air with a joyful atmosphere. People maneuvered in and out of the establishment, their faces lighting up with smiles once hit with the warmth and company provided by the building. Navigating through the crowded pub with grace and efficient skill, the sight of a young girl was seen moving through the area with a tray of various plates in her hand. Her steps were smooth and confident, her manner of carrying herself exuding a sense of practiced ease. The young girl was seen with black hair that was tied back into braids which were pulled into a light ponytail, revealing her gentle almond-brown eyes and glowing light-brown skin. The warm golden lights of the restaurant accentuated her features, giving her an almost angelic aura or more of a look that would belong to an angel. 

Swiftly moving through the pub, she gracefully set down each plate, heading back toward the bar. Placing her emptied tray to the side, she paused patiently waiting for it to be filled again. Glancing out to the busy area, her eyes swept through the room, landing on the familiar sight of three kids who were seated at their usual table. With a charming smile on her face, the girl walked over to the table. Approaching the table, she pulled out her notepad from her black apron, prepared to take their order already having a clue at what they were going to order. Upon seeing her, the eyes of the children widened with excitement and anticipation. She spoke in a gentle voice, her eyes filled with a caring look, "What can I get started for you guys? The usual?"

"I wish," One of the children huffed, having short curly auburn hair and bored brown eyes. Seated beside him at the table, the sight of a girl with long brown hair was tied into two braids that showed her brown eyes and rosy cheeks. She had a serious look on her face that was formed into a glare as she listened to the boy speak, but deep down there was an affectionate gaze in her eyes. She rolled her eyes jabbing him in the side, "We have plans, idiot Luca."

"Plans, I hear? Where are the three musketeers going now?" She wondered. writing their usual on her notepad ignoring their words from earlier. On the opposite side of the girl, another boy was seated his head filled with messy black hair that framed a pair of sharp hazel eyes filled with a resolute yet gentle determination. He spoke a twinkle appearing in his eyes, "Word around town is that the Marines had brought in a devil with water abilities. Lithia and I want to go check it out and Luca is following us because he doesn't want to do chores."

"You know the rules, Koen, no one is allowed near the marine base," She grimaced, a gentle sigh leaving her lips as she scolded the three children. Koen frowned, his bottom lip jutting out, "We'll be careful, we haven't gotten caught the other times."

"That's because I saved your three butts," She vocalized, crossing her arms, "I mean it, stay away from that base it means no good." Slumping in their seats at her words, all of them sign at the light scolding from the girl, who couldn't help but find their childish behavior endearing. Throwing their mini tantrums with crossed arms, a hint of a smile appeared on her face as her gaze softened an idea forming in her head. She hummed, slipping the notepad into her apron, "Maybe after my shift, we can do something fun."

"You mean it?" Koen whispered, gasping at her words. She placed a hand on his head ruffling his black hair that was already a mess, "A hundred percent."

"Zira!" One of the cooks called, her tray now full of dishes that were in need to be taken out.  More tables began to become occupied, causing her to walk off tearing her gaze from the children knowing she had to head back to her job. Giving the kids a small nod, she turned and headed off toward the bar to grab her tray. Sticking the ticket on the line, she told the cooks with a joyful tone leaning against the wall. 

"A  usual for table four," Zira exclaimed. The cook nodded, "I thought I heard those rascals walking in, I'll get right on this." 

Nodding her head at his words, Zira turned and picked her tray up continuing her duties as she served the bustling restaurant. Placing food on their assigned tables, she set the last plate down when the sound of arguing was heard catching her attention. Glancing to the side, her eyes landed on the source of the disturbance catching sight of one of her colleagues. Her heart dropped at the sight of her pressed up against the wall, a clearly drunk man towering over her. 

Frowning at the sight, Zira observed the uneasy and frightened demeanor on her coworker's face as the man continued harassing her. It was clear to anyone around that she was trying to escape the unwanted presence of the intoxicated man, her efforts to create distance evident in her attempts to slip away. 

"Why don't you come have some fun with me girlie," The man jested, placing his hand on her side. Feeling her up, he gripped her side his hold tightening around her causing her to wince at the feeling. The girl gulped, "No thank you, sir."

"Awe I'll promise you a good time, darling," He stated, the smell of alcohol staining his breath. The man leaned in closer to the girl, a smirk playing on his lips that were chapped and filled with an awful stench. Moving closer, his advances were abruptly halted by the sudden appearance of a black circular tray in his path. He jerked backward, his gaze falling upon the tray held up before him like a barrier. He had a confused look, "What the..."

"She said no," Zira growled, holding the tray steady and covering his line of sight from the girl, "Didn't your momma teach you some manners?"

"Two pretty ladies, just my luck," He exclaimed, trying to look at the girl again. Zira frowned, pulling the girl away and behind her back, protecting her from the man, "Sorry but these girls aren't for sale. Now, I suggest you leave before things get complicated."

"Are you threatening me?" He questioned, stepping towards her and stumbling slightly. Zira scoffed, glaring daggers at him, "You're Mr. Jefferson from the shipyard, you make ships with your brothers. Does your wife know you're here? Or is she at home taking care of your newborn child?"

"How do ya..." He whispered, widening his eyes. Zira smirked, stepping closer and getting into his personal space, "I know everyone in this town and I know that your wife doesn't like you drinking, and for damn sure she wouldn't want to see her husband hitting on two girls who are twenty years younger than him."

"You little," He rasped, "You know nothing."

"I know everything, you're father is in severe debt and is selling the shipyard soon. Bet you didn't know that," Zira remarked, hands on her hips and a dangerous look in her eyes. He had an astonished look on his face from her words, "Who the hell are you?"

"Zira Hamilton, a pleasure to meet you but it seems our time here is done," Zira bitterly stated, "Get the fuck out."

"You got a sour mouth to you, let me fix it," He muttered, placing a hand on her shoulder and feeling her up. Zira stepping back from him, glanced back to her coworker, "Go get Blythe, blood is about to be spilled and it ain't mine." 

Widening her eyes at her words, she gasped before nodding her head and rushing into the kitchen to get ht older woman. Meanwhile, Zira stood in the center of the pub, everyone's eyes on her as they watched the fight take place. Feeling his hand slide down her side and the rest of her hip, she hissed in disgust. 

"Whatcha say girlie?" He snarled, leaning towards her getting in her face. Zira gagged, waving her hand to cover the smell he breathed, "Ever heard of a breath mint?"

"You little- You're asking for it," He snapped, gripping her shirt and yanking her forward. Shooting a stern look at the intoxicated man, the sound of cheers filled the air around them drawing her gaze toward the table where the three children sat. The kids were watching intently, their faces lit up with excitement and anticipation.  The blonde-haired boy cheered, "Kick his ass, Zira!"

"Damn kids," Zira mumbled, shaking her head with a smile. The drunken man attempted to yell back at the noisy children, only to be abruptly silenced by a swift kick to his face. Zira stumbled backward, momentarily off balance, as the unexpected occurrence unfolded before her. Zira signed, "Never take your eyes off of the enemy, that's like rule number one dude."

"You bitch!" He screamed anger laced into his voice as he cupped his bruising face. Lunging towards her in a drunken rage, Zira swiftly dodged the clumsy attack, causing him to lose his balance and crash into a nearby table. Food and dishes went flying, staining his clothing with bright colors as if he were a painting in a museum. Zira laughed, "You got something there, and there and everywhere else, might want to clean up."

"Shut up!" He barked, swinging his fist at her at a hurried pace. Not having any time to register his attack, Zira gasped as she dropped to the floor clutching her aching face. The pain shot through her nerves, the impact leaving her in a stunned state. Zira had a determined look as she leaped back to her feet, her gaze fixed on the man who had attacked her. As he prepared to attack again, Zira swiftly lashed out, kicking him square in the face, causing blood to trickle down his face. Zira scoffed, gaining her balance, You fucked up now." 

Fighting the man, Zira swung at him her punch landing a solid hit, sending the man reeling backward. He stumbled and fell onto a nearby table, using it to steady himself as blood streamed down his face, the result of their altercation. Standing in front of him, the man attempted to swing at her again, Zira was quick to react, catching his arm mid-motion. With a firm grip, she applied pressure, causing a sharp cry to escape his lips as he buckled and fell to the floor. 

Using all of her might, Zira exerted all of her strength and forcefully hurled the man to the floor throwing him over her shoulder. The tables around them trembled when he made contact the sound of plates rattling being heard. The impact of the fall had left the man momentarily dazed, his eyes fluttering open halfway catching the sight of Zira's foot descending beside his head. He let out a scream, at the sight, his eyes landing on the girl who hovered over him with a darkened look that sent chills down his spine. Zira spoke in a deadly tone, "Get the fuck out and never come back."

Nodding his head repeatedly, he stumbled up, rising to his feet with a humiliated look on his face as he hastily fled the pub. He cast one last glimpse at Zira, who stood in the middle of the room glaring back at him which caused goosebumps to form on everyone's arms. He disappeared through the door not wanting to cause any more confrontation with the girl. Cracking her knuckles, Zira reached up tracing the bruise that was forming on her face, grimacing at the blossoming injury. 

The sounds of applause were quick to be heard from all of the tables, effecting a smile to grow on her face as Zira bowed for all of the thankful customers. But the once calming moment changed, there was a shift a sense of unease suddenly pervaded the room, the atmosphere shifting abruptly. 

"Zira Hamilton?" Someone called. Zira spun around at the sound of her name being called, only to be met with the sight of numerous marines who had entered the building causing her to gulp. Their expressions were eerily and emotionless, their gazes fixed intently on her. Standing behind the marines, her eyes flickered up catching the sight of the drunken man who bore a sly grin on his face. Zira muttered understanding that the man had orchestrated this a sinister satisfaction in his eyes. Zira took a deep breath, "Yes, sir?"

"You're under arrest for assault and harassment," The marines exclaimed, surrounding her. Zira gasped, "Harrssment? He started it."

"Sir I don't know what she's talking about, she came at me, and when I told her I wasn't interested she attacked me," The man lied. Without hesitation, Zira lunged at the man, unleashing a powerful punch that landed flush on his face. Blood splattered across the floor, leaving a messy aftermath of her reaction. Zira growled, feeling the marines pulling her back, "I told you blood would be spilled."

"What's going on here?" A woman asked, running out from the back with a worried look. As the drunken man taunted her, the marines ignored his words along with the woman. Zira glanced back at the woman who stood a few feet away. She took in the woman's deep blue hair tied back, allowing her to see her worried, dark green eyes. Zira looked away catching sight of the kids in her peripheral vision as they took a step forward attempting to intervene. She met their eyes shaking her head subtly, silently telling them to not get involved not wanting more people to get in trouble for her actions. 

"Zira..." The boy whispered, pushing through the forming crowd and staring at his friend. Zira beamed, her gaze softened at his words not wanting to look weak in front of him, "Protect them for me, Koen."

The marines, who witnessed her recent display were quick to seize her arms restraining her to prevent any further attempts at retaliation. Meanwhile, the man sought assistance from the medic team, who appeared frustrated. With those words falling from her lips, the marines guided Zira out of the place she used to call her own, everyone's eyes on her following her every move. Fixed upon her departure, crowds began to gather, watching the scene unfold, their whispers and hushed voices blending in a murmur of curiosity and concern. 

In the distance, the sound of crying was heard echoing through the air, filled with despair and distress as she watched her loved one be taken away. Zira fluttered her almond brown eye shut, struggling to drown out the sounds her heart was heavy with the idea of how much pain she was causing all of those she cared about, especially the woman who had nurtured and cared for her. 

'I'm sorry...' Zira thought, walking past the marine base gates knowing what was about to come to her.

Strutting through the marine base, rows of marines stood on duty along the walls, their faces stoic and expressionless. Attempting to remain calm and composed, a chilling sensation seemed to run down their spines as she passed. Smirking at the sight of their strength crumbling, she paused in her steps, fixing her gaze out the window before her. She stared out at the vibrant sunset unfolding before her that was painted with blushing hues of pink and orange clouds, a canvas of warmth against the backdrop of the fading golden sunlight. A grin tugged at the corners of her mouth as she observed the spectacle her dimples being seen as she did so. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" She asked, one of the marines who flinched. Remaining still, the soft golden glow of the setting sun shone upon her lighting up her form. Her deep red eyes seemed to intensify, a bright light emanating from them. Behind her, the siight of her wings, deep black in color, their presence adding an element of mystiqye to her already captivating apperance. She grinned, running a hand through her raven black hair, "Such a beautiful day, such a shame it all has to end terribly."  

Turning with those word, she walked down the hall pushing throuhg the doors a sinnister laugh leaving her lips as she passed a small group of young cadets in training who were escorted by a stern marine admiral. The cadets focused on their training, hardly paying any attention to her, that was except for one. Lost in her thoughts, she glanced to the side, her crimison eyes locking onto a pair of emerald green ones, their briliant hue reminiscent of the gem. 

She grinned as she came to a stop, halting the passing cadet who stood motionless her eyes wide as she was apporoched by the devil. The devil nonchalantly reached out and traced the embroidery on the uniform, her touch lingering. The cadet's gulp was audible her nervousness apparent as she stared at the devil before her. 

"Your tie is wrong, I'd fix it before your marine office sees," She muttered, flicking the tie around her neck before walking forward. The tension hung in the air before the cadet cleared her throat, regaining her composure after the unexpected interaction with the devil. She shook her head and hastily followed after the rest of her peers dewtermined to carry on with her training, ignoring the strange encounter.

Continuing down the hall, the devil pushed throuhg another set of doors, her eyes drifting down tot he badge that pulled out her figers tracing the plaster surface. She held the badge in her hands, glancing back at the line of cadets who were walking away a sly grin tugging at her face. Watching the cadet she stopped, she shook her head holding the badge securly that she had taken from her. 

"Marine officer Morris huh," She muttered, holding the badge to the door and unlocking it. The devil carefully shoved the badge into her pocket, keeping it close to her not wanting to lose it. A knowing look crossed her face as she continued with her plan, the badge making things ten times easier. 

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