Chapter Five

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When I was younger my father taught me about devils and angels. He told me that there were so many close encounters with them that he was able to learn many secrets from them. One of the very first things he told me about devils is that they can't swim because when the water is on their wings it makes it hard to move. I don't know if I believe him because we live around a body of water and that would make it hard to get around. If it were true, how would one travel?

Looking up from the water, her eyes landed on the small ship that contained a devil with captivating ruby eyes that glimmered in the night. Zira widened her eyes meeting the devil's gaze feeling a shiver down her spine as she was compelled to them. The devil had a teasing voice a smirk lingering on her face, leaving her frozen on the wooden piece. She stared at the devil knowing her well having seen her wanted poster everywhere throughout her town being known as the infamous criminal known for being a bounty hunter. Zira muttered, "Bounty hunter Xandria."

"Don't know who the hell you are but good to know you know the name," Xandria smirked, leaning over the boat railing. She had a dangerous look to her, her eyes glowing a deep ruby red that was the only spot of color to be seen throughout the ocean. Zira glared, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm unfamiliar with this sort of area and the idiots over there don't know it either," Xandria stated, glancing back to the two figures who stood behind her. Widening her eyes, Zira noticed the two figures from before, their unwavering smiles meeting her gaze. The girl smiled, "Good to see you alive, where's your devil friend?"

"Home," Zira mumbled, a crack in her voice. Taking a deep breath, ZIra watched the ocean light up around them the three eyes widened at the sight. The ocean around them glowed a bright blue color illuminating the way as the waves remained steady. 

Humming at the sight, Xandria's gaze lingered on the tranquil sea, her head shaking with a grin appearing on her face as she held a look of amusement. The silent moment was broken by the gentle movement of the water and the soft breeze that blew their hair carrying a tinge of mystery. Xandria hummed, "Well I'll be damned, you really are special aren't ya kid?"

"You're like the same age as her, why do you keep calling her kid?" Ryuk grumbled a blank look on his face as he crossed his arms. Xandria scoffed, "Stop asking dumb questions and help her up. She's guiding us out of here." 

"Why do I have to help her up?" Ryuk frowned. Xandria growled, holding a dagger out at him, "Help her up, or I throw your ass overboard." Rolling his eyes at the sight of the blade, Ryuk moved forward and offered his hand to the girl helping her up onto the cramped ship. There was a sense of reluctance as he stared at the girl wondering where her friend had gone. The four individuals found themselves awkwardly sharing the small area mixed emotions on all of their faces. Zira hummed, "Where are you heading?"

"To Donomie island, my main ship is there and I have some friends I need to pick up," Xandria stated, staring out into the ocean and listening to the waves crash softly against the ship. Zira nodded, raising her hand up to feel the air, "You'll want to head north then."

"Haven't even been here for ten minutes and she's already doing more work than the two of you have," Xandria grinned, wrapping an arm around her. Ryuk mumbled, "Just drop me off at the next island we see."

"I knew I recognized you earlier, you're the sniper Ryuk Dark, you're known for your skill in guns and fighting. You have a bounty of about 50,000,000," Zira said, looking him up and down, "You disappeared a few years ago without a trace so the case was dropped." 

"I was stuck in that damn prison cell that's why," Ryuk muttered, cracking his neck, "Whoever collected that bounty better of used it to buy something nice or I'm going to kick their ass." 

Widening her eyes at his words, Xandria turned and stared out into the sea, her whistling echoing throughout the night sky. She moved around the ship, her steps deliberate and planned moving smoothly and confidently. Zira glanced over at the girl, "I don't know who you are though..."

"Darcie Elsher," She smiled, holding her hand out. Zira nodded, shaking it with a soft look on her face, that changed when she met the devil's gaze, "And the devil herself, Bounty Hunter Xandria."

"Drop the bounty hunter bullshit," Xandria grumbled, leaning on the railing again, "That's the shit the Marines call me."

"I was just going off wanted posters but your bounty doesn't exist," Zira remarked, "How does one have a wanted poster everywhere but no bounty to accumulate to it." 

"I pulled a few strings," Xandria stated, in a low tone. Ryuk leaned against the wall, eyeing the girl against the railing, "Be careful, we wouldn't want you falling over the railing. Who knows if we'll jump over and save you." 

"That shit is a myth," Xandria remarked, huffing at his words. Zira titled her head, "So devils can swim? I was told it was too hard with their wings and the feathers being too heavy when met with water."

"Whoever told you that is fucking stupid," Xandria growled. Zira laughed at her words, "Good to know."

"Enough talking and more directions, I want to reach Donomie Island as soon as we can," Xandria said in an annoyed tone. Barking orders, the group nodded in agreement moving around the ship and sailing it toward the island. Moving through the water, it sliced through the waves guiding them along with grace. As they neared the destination, a sense of anticipation filled the air, each of them seemingly caught up in their own thoughts as they sailed off. 

Stretching across the baby blue sky, the sight of the sun was seen with its golden fingers painting in the air. The ocean's surface transformed into a mesmerizing canvas containing soft blues and warm hues. The gentle waves of the sea glimmered in the early morning light, creating a stark contrast to the deep, navy tones that were there the night before. The soft sways of the seas shook the boat, rocking the four that remained within. 

Smiling at the sight, Zira stood leaning against the railing away from the others who were meant to be sleeping still. She admired the orange and pink colors that were seen as the sun rose haven't watched a sunrise in a while. Her mind went back to her hometown remembering the memories she held with them and the times she would take the kids out to catch the sun rising, while the sound of the sea train was heard passing by. 

Shaking out of her thoughts, the sound of footsteps was heard causing her head to turn and stare at the girl who had light steps, faint almost. Looking her up and down, Zira took note of her short brown hair that was tied back in a low ponytail, allowing her vibrant emerald eyes to be seen. Light-colored freckles were seen on her face painting over her tan skin and scattering all over her face. 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Darcie exclaimed, moving to stand next to her with a soft smile. Zira nodded, taking a deep breath, "I haven't seen one in a while."

"When I was younger my mother would make us help on the farm early in the morning and we would take a few minutes to watch the sunrise," Darcie revealed, leaning on the railing and staring at the beautiful sight. Zira hummed, "I didn't take you to be the type to live on a farm."

"It was a small farm back in my hometown," Darice mumbled, a saddened look in her eyes, "I haven't been there in a while since I started my travel on the sea."

"Why are you traveling the sea?" Zira asked, glancing over at the girl. Darcie shrugged, "There are islands out there that no one has ever seen or made documentation of. I want to be the first to do so, to create a map of the whole world including all of the angel and devil kingdoms."

"That's a big dream of yours," Zira grinned, a soft chuckle leaving her lips, "I hope everything goes well for you."

"Thanks but like you said it's a dream. I could never actually do something like that, at least not alone," Darcie frowned, resting her head into her palm. Zira scoffed, crossing her arms, "My father always says you can't do anything if you don't put your mind to it." 

Widening her eyes at Zira's words, Darcie was about to speak when the sound of the door slamming open was heard cutting her off. The sound caused the two to jump and shoot their heads around revealing the sight of the devil who had heavy steps. Zira's heart raced with curiosity and a touch of dread as she stared at the devil seeing the smirk that grew on her face. Xandria shouted, "We're here!"

Looking out over the sea, the two of them stared over the railing surveying the scene. Their eyes took in the sight of the small island that looked destroyed and decayed, much different from the other islands they'd seen that were always so full of life and passion. The buildings that stood on the islands were decrepit and crumbling, their once tall and proud structure were now reduced to rumbles and ruins. Garbage of all sorts littered the island showing volumes of the care and attention the island has received over time, creating an overall image of blight and desolation. 

Frowning at the sight of the ruined island, Zira felt her breath getting caught in her throat as a shiver ran down her spine. Darcie gasped, a hand covering her mouth as she stared at the sight not believing the state the island was in. Memories of its former beauty clashed through their minds clashing with the sight they were seeing now. The once vibrant place was now reduced to desolation causing the two to frown not believing what they were seeing, a wave of emotions crossing their faces. Zira muttered, unhappy with the sight she was seeing, "This is the place you wanted to go to?"

"I have some unfinished business to attend to here," Xandria stated, hopping on top of the railing and standing tall not bothered by the sight, "Everyone welcome to Donomie Island, the place of beauty and lost things."

Steering the ship to the broken wooden docks that were on the side of the islands, no other boats were seen around them. An uneasy feeling was felt in the three as they stepped off of the ship and onto the wooden docks following the devil. The devil had a sly grin on her face, sauntering around the place, every strike filled with confidence not bothered by the state of the island. On the other hand, Zira and Darcie followed behind their footsteps as they looked at the island, their faces holding a mixture of horror and grief. 

The contrast between the once beautiful haven and what lay before them was seen sending chills down their spines. Walking beside the two girls, Ryuk had a bored look on his face shoving his hands into his pants pockets and slouching as he walked behind them. Hissing out, the wooden board beneath him broke causing his foot to fall into the water and his pants to get stuck. Grumbling under his breath, Ryuk yanked his foot out stumbling after the girls an annoyed look on his face now as he moved with a soaked foot. Zira mumbled, "What happened here? It used to be so beautiful and filled with so many people." 

"A lot," Xandria stated, a hum being heard, "Devils took it over and drove the citizens out."

"Devils are here?" Darice exclaimed with widened eyes. Xandria laughed, "Yeah fire ones to be specific, I believe from the Kian tribe."

"Is it too late to turn back," Darcie muttered, clinging to the sniper beside her. Ryuk glared, shaking her off, "Get the hell off of me." Stomping off ahead of them, he caught up with the devil an annoyed look on his face wanting to just get out of there. Ryuk signed, running a hand through his messy hair that was falling out of his small ponytail, "This place got any food?"

"Not sure, let's head to the main building," Xandria remarked, pointing to the building that was ahead of them, "They might have some there." 

Leading the way, the devil walked through the ruined village, their steps becoming more cautious as they approached a large, eye-catching tent. It had crimson and yellow colors that stood out against all of the dark and gloomy scenery around them, drawing their attention. Clown drawings were seen all around them causing a shiver to move down their spines, an ominous feeling being felt within them. Darcie frowned, "What do those words mean?"

"It's devil language, don't worry about it," Xandria stated. Gulping at her words, the group carried forward their eyes landing on the people in front of them. Each of them contributed to the overall sense of terror that hung in the air, sending shivers down their spines. Ignoring the strange atmosphere, Xandria remained unfazed as she continued her journey, her steps steady and unperturbed. 

Moving to the entryway of the tent, Xandria stopped when a tall man stepped in front of her halting her movement. She grinned, a sinister look on her face when meeting the clown's face and seeing the red nose on his face. Xandria teased, "See you're still the same as every bing bong, how's the wife and kids? Mortuss?"

"You're not welcome here," He muttered, an accent being heard on his lips. Xandria grinned, "I'm here to speak to Prometheus, tell him I brought what he asked for." 

Growling at her words, the devil looked up his eyes landing on the people standing behind her all having confused looks on their faces. He looked back down at the devil who was grinning at him a delicious look in her eyes. Zira frowned, "I don't like the feeling of this."

"What's with all of the freaks," Ryuk stated, looking away from them and at the girl. Their eyes flickered up to the devil, seeing her now whispering to the tall devil that was taller than all of them. Ryuk mumbled, "What is she talking about?" 

"She's speaking devil language," Zira whispered, "I can make a few words out, but not much." 

"You know devil language?" Darcie asked. Zira shook her head, "A few words, my father taught them to me but I don't know everything plus with their accent it's hard to make things out."

"-Carta." Xandria said in her native tongue. Zira signed, "She said something about a map." 

Listening to the rest of their conversation, Zira was able to understand bits and pieces still unsure of what they were talking about. Trying to think what they could be talking about with the map, Darcie widened her eyes gasping causing the two to glance over and stare at her with confused looks. Darcie gulped, "She's selling the map!"

"What map?" Zira asked. Darcie shook her head, "The map to the celestial kingdom!"

"What?!" Zira snapped. Shooting their heads up to look at the devil, the three stared at the interaction taking place their eyes fixated on Xandria and the tall man who was blocking the path. Their gazes moved to the devil, whose ruby eyes flickered towards them a cunning look playing on her face, a smirk appeared showing her sharp canines that peeked from within her pink lips. Xandria signed, crossing her arms, "It was fun while it lasted, but our adventure ends here."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Zira growled, glaring at the girl with her almond-brown eyes. Xandria laughed, her eyes glowing a dangerous color that sent shivers down their spines, "You're being sold, idiots."

Those four words were uttered filled with amusement causing the three to widen their eyes the world freezing around them. Gasping, the feeling of unknown arms were felt grabbing onto them holding them still. Before they could react and fight back, brown bags were thrown over their heads, obscuring their vision and plunging them into a world of darkness. 

Widening their eyes, Zira attempted to fight back her ears being filled with Ryuk's shouting as he seemed to be fighting back as well. Her world began to spiral and her body tensed when a sharp pain was felt in her arm a winced scream escaped her lips, followed by the others. Slowly her body grew weaker from whatever was put in her making her unable to move or fight back. Feeling her body going limp, her mind was clouded slowly going dark as she struggled to keep her eyes open. 

Her last coherent thought was the haunting sound of the devil's voice that repeated in her mind, the words directed toward the creatures around her. Opening her mouth to shout at the devil, Zira felt her mouth run dry as her eyes fluttered shut going dark. Her body fell unconscious hitting the ground no longer moving or fighting back falling into a deep slumber. Holding the three in their arms, Xandria stared at the clowns who were carrying them a frown appearing on her face. 

"Lock them up, who knows how long they'll be out for," Xandria ordered, staring at the three. Nodding their heads, the clowns moved around her heading inside. Watching the clown carrying Zira pass by, Xandria stared at the state she was in seeing how disoriented and vulnerable she looked not having a clue what was happening. 

'In this world Zira, it's everyone for themselves,' Xandria thought, following them into the tent a blank look on her face. 

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