Chapter Four

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My father mentioned celestial angels and devils to me a few times describing them as some of the strongest creatures in the world. He said that they possessed a godly-like power, one that many yearned to attain and possess themselves. Their strengths and skills are so great that people would do anything to have even a fraction of their might. Many believed they were legends, but those who witnessed the creatures were always left in both awe and envy. He would tell me about all of the angels and devils he met and their names always had some sort of meaning to them. He drew me pictures of the times he saw a celestial use their magic. I didn't have the heart to tell him how bad at drawing he was, but it's the thought that counts and at least he was good at storytelling. 

Standing in the middle of the open field, the four stared out an overwhelming feeling consuming them as they stared out at the marines that surrounded them, each armed with all sorts of weapons. The sound of their footsteps and the clanking of their armor filled their ears as they were cornered into a circle no exit being given to them. Zira stood with the devil, her heart racing with anticipation and fear as she looked at the numerous marines around them ready to fight. Her mind raced with thoughts of what to do unable to think of a clear plan, each leading to their death. 

Despite the fear that coursed through her, she refused to lose, staying focused and prepared for whatever was to come.  Glancing at the other two that had arrived, Zira's eyes drifted to the girl who was standing next to her. She had an expression filled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty, making it clear that this looked to be one of her first major fights. She lacked a weapon only adding to the air of vulnerability surrounding her. 

Standing next to her, a male was seen with fresh cuts on his face from being thrown out the window. In his hands a gun remained aimed at the marines, ready to be fired as soon as one of them charged at him. He stood tall, his face stoic and unemotional, displaying no signs of fear or hesitation, a fierce look in his eyes that sent shivers down her spine much different to the girl standing next to him. 

'It's an unfair fight,' Zira thought, frowning at the sight. Feeling the devil next to her growing weaker by the second, he could barely hold himself up his energy draining quickly. He took a shaky breath, "You can't fight them, there's over a thousand guards here. You stand no chance, just go while you have the chance."

"I'm not leaving you," Zira growled, holding her sword out, "We're in this together."

"You know how to fight with a sword?" Ryuk wondered, looking at the girl who wield the sword. Zira nodded, "I know the basics, but it's not enough to face all of the marines around us." 

"That's a devil, what about his powers?" The girl asked, speaking up with a nervous tone. Zira shook her head, "He's been poisoned."

"Dammit," The girl panicked. Running a hand through her short brown hair, the sight of some bleached pieces was seen lighting up her green eyes. Ryuk signed, gripping his weapon, "Then we fight."

"Are you crazy?!" The girl snapped, looking at him with widened eyes. The devil muttered, his eyes half-lidded, "I have a little mana left but it won't be much, just enough to give you guys the advantage."

"You're going to kill yourself if you do that," Zira gasped, widening her eyes. He smiled warmly at the girl his face paler than before, "You helped me so let me help you." 

Opening her mouth to stop him, Zira felt him pushing her back into the other two her eyes widened at the gesture. Reaching out for him, a rush of mana was felt throughout the area as their eyes shot over to the devil watching him raise his hands towards the dark purple sky above, filled with clouds and stars. 

Shocked expressions appeared on their faces as they stared at the devil memorized by his actions. Glancing to the side, Ryuk gulped when seeing the guards around them dropping one by one hitting the ground with a groan. Clattering against the ground, the sound of weapons falling and armor hitting the ground was heard causing them to freeze at the sight of all the marines around them down. A strong gust of wind was felt but the sound of silenced with the cacophony of noise that drowned out even the sound of the wind. 

"What is he doing?" The girl asked. Ryuk muttered, "He's taking the water from their bodies."

Standing perfectly still, Zira's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the devil, blue mana coming from his palm. Noticing his skin paling, his expression turned cold as the energy slipped from his body the more he continued to use his powers. Zira could see the fatigue setting in, the cost of his powers evident in his body, his strength slowly deteriorating. Pushing himself, the devil wined his veins turning a darkened color and his feathers falling from his wings. 

Feeling water droplets falling onto them, their eyes glanced up widening when their gazes landed on a water sphere taking shape in the air. A chill ran down her spine, as Zira stared at the both beautiful and ominous ball that remained above her. They could only watch helplessly as it continued to grow, growing closer and closer towards them. He mumbled, "I... I can't hold it."

"He can't let that go!" The girl shouted, clinging to the boy beside her, "We'll drown!"

"You don't know how to swim?" Ryuk grumbled. She glared, "That's dense water from the human body, much thicker than normal ocean water! If that falls on us then we'll all drown." 

Listening to her words, Zira turned toward the devil her eyes widened as she saw his mana flickering short-circuiting not having enough power to continue. Without hesitation, Zira stumbled forward, raising her hand up and holding his wrist her other hand holding his body refusing to let him call. Wrapping her arms around the drained devil, she supported him as best as she could.  Zira whispered, "You got this, just stay focused."

Hissing out in pain, he nodded in acknowledgment, he felt the pain coursing through his body the poison eating within him. Holding his mana up, his hands trembled his body strained from so much energy being used. Zira gulped, when feeling his body getting colder, a chill sensation that sent a shiver down her spine. He was pushing himself to the limit, but soon the two would collapse and everything would be taken out from the water above them. 

Looking at the two who stared not sure what to do, Zira felt her heart race as a large gust of wind blew around them. Screaming over the wind, Zira held the devil up the wind blowing his black hair out of his face and showing off his maroon eyes that glimmered in the moonlight. Zira frowned, shouting at the two of them, "You two go, we'll be fine."

"You sure?" The girl whispered, fear crossing her face. Nodding his head at her words, Ryuk picked the girl up and threw her over his shoulder, sliding the gun into his back pocket. Ryuk scoffed, "You heard her, we're leaving."

"Put me down, I can run myself!" She snapped, pounding on his back. Ignoring her protests, Ryyuk pushed through the crowd of fallen marines, determined to save the two of them. Zira watched them go, her eyes fluttering as her legs burned with pain as she supported the devil in her eyes. Tears began to stream down his face from the pain, it becoming unbearable now. Seeing the fear and exhaustion in his eyes, she felt a pang of sympathy and helplessness wash over her. They were left alone, the odds stacked overwhelmingly against them. 

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, his mana fully dying out. Zira smiled, cupping his face, "You did your best." With those words falling from her lips, the two of them felt the water fall down over them taking them out in one quick motion. Filling the marine base, water began to destroy buildings left and right drowning the two and the marines that were on the ground. 

Leaning over the shattered window of the creature's room, Xandria looked down at the devil her ruby eyes glowing in the dark room as the lights flickered shutting off. Her gaze stared down at the two watching them float throughout the flood. She took note of his featherless wings and his limp body knowing what had happened to him. 

Taking a deep breath, Xandria watched the water splash around taking buildings out, drenching everything around them. Staring as it cascaded into the town nearby a sour feeling filled her mouth as memories flashed in her mind. Looking out at the chaos unfolding before her, the sounds of screams and cries were heard as she frowned, an annoyed look on her face. The buildings were crumbling, and the sound of debris falling and crashing to the ground echoed in the air. Xandria grumbled, "You're lucky your brother would kick my ass if he knew I let your power die."

Flicking her wrist, the sight of her mana being used was a dark red color that appeared as dark magic swirled around her fingertips. Xandria conjured a gust of wind and pulled the two soaked individuals out of the water, depositing them a safe distance away from the disaster. Placed them on a random broken piece of wood that had fallen from one of the buildings letting them float around. 

Turning away from them, she headed out of the exit feeling the building she was in falling apart her eyes shining a dangerous color. Glancing back at them, she signed, shaking her head as she rushed out of the building memories of her past repeating in her mind. Stepping out through one of the windows, she took off into the air her black wings flapping in the moonlight. 

Feeling the breeze on her brown skin, her eyes shot open as her body threw her forward gasping for air. Water coughed out of her mouth as she clutched her chest her almond-brown eyes wide and filled with horror. Shooting her head around, her eyes landed on the vast sea that surrounded her darkness enveloping it. Taking heavy breaths, Zira tangled her hands into her hair trying to calm her thoughts her breathing irregular and strangled strands of her braids falling forward over her face. 

The cold breeze from the water whispered against her skin, sending chills down her spine causing the faint hair on her arm to stand alongside he goosebumps that formed. She shivered, looking around a disoriented and uncertain look on her face not remembering what had happened. Memories flooded her mind as she gasped, covering her mouth realizing that her home was ruined and that all of those marines that were around her were now dead all because of what she did. 

Then, the realization hit her, she should have been dead, that she should have died from the water that fell on her, and...

Tears pricked the corner of her eyes as she shot her head behind her landing on the devil that lay on the makeshift wooden raft. His breathing was faint and short causing her to frown as she moved over to him sitting beside him. Placing a hand on his face, she felt his cold skin that was colder than before the life from his body slipping quickly. 

"Wake up please," Zira begged her voice cracking as she spoke. Placing a hand on his chest, she felt the damp clothing underneath her fingers as she shook him attempting to wake him. Feeling her tears fall down her face and land on his pale form, a choked sob escaped her lips as his pulse disappeared. 

Sobbing at the sight of the devil, she rested her head on the devil's chest her hand moving down to his picking it up and intertwining their fingers. She cried, listening for the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat, but all she could hear was an eerie silence, his heart no longer beating. The missing sound was like a punch to her gut, leaving her feeling helpless and destroyed knowing that she wasn't able to save him. Zira whispered, "No... I said I would save you. You can't die."

Crying into his cold chest, Zira gripped his hand her head resting where his heart was just wishing to hear it beat once. Tears stained his already damp shirt as her makeup smeared down her face, dark streaks trickling down. Zira sniffled, "Please..."

Suddenly, Zira gasped when feeling a hand on her head and the fingers interwined with hers moving and holding her hang back. Gasping at the feeling, she looked up as she was pulled closer to him her eyes staring into the devil's maroon eyes, which looked dull and lifeless, but a smirk adored his face. He muttered, "Who got you crying like that?"

Seeing him awake and holding her softly, a spark of hope ignited within her as she stared into his eyes a smile forming on her face. Reaching up, she cupped his face watching his grin grow wider the hand that once rested on her head moving and wiping the tears off of her face. Zira mumbled to him, leaning into his touch, "We did it."

"You did it," He smiled, talking in a low tone. Zira shook her head, "You're here aren't you? I said I would save you."

"You did, but this seems to be my last stop," He stated, a pained expression crossing his face. Widening her eyes, Zira looked down at his arms seeing the black veins that painted his pale skin her throat running dry at the sight. Zira widened her eyes, shaking her head not wanting to believe his words, "No, you're going to be fine... I'll find a cure!"

"There is no cure," He stated, his maroon eyes half-lidded. Zira sniffled, sobbing into his palm, "Please..."

"Promise me something Zira," He remarked, caressing her face and pushing some of her braids out of her face. Smiling at the sight, he stared at her seeing her teary almond brown eyes that were placed with her long lashes, teardrops collecting in them. Crying at his words, his scarred thumb wiped her tears away, his touch comforting even in his weakened state. 

"Don't leave me..." She whispered, shutting her eyes as she leaned into his palm. Feeling a new warmth that was different from his cold form, her eyes opened staring down at him her almond brown eyes meeting his maroon ones. He murmured, his pale lips cracking, "Go to the celestial kingdom and save the celestial powers." 

Widening her eyes at his words, her mind raced with thoughts seeing the content look on his face that was filled with hope much different from the look he had when she first met him. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she stared at him with a nervous look as her mind tried to wrap around his words. Zira spoke softly, "Only those with celestial powers can enter."

"I know," He smirked, chuckling as his other hand left hers. Moving up over his heart, his dark blue mana sign was seen causing her to stare deeply not sure what he was doing. He whispered, "I, Kavish Van, give the water celestial to the person I've formed a connection with." 

Opening her mouth, a gust of wind was felt silencing her words as she watched the devil's eyes fluttered shut. A bright light formed around them glowing through the ocean lighting the way for them. Screaming out his name, he hummed, sitting up with a hissing pain cupping her face. Zira stuttered out, "What are you..."

Cutting her off, he smashed his chapped lips onto hers causing her eyes to widen but slowly fluttered close as she kissed him back. Tears fell down her face as the two shared the sweet moment, holding each other in their arms. Clutching his body close, she held him tears falling onto the wooden platform as she felt his body growing lighter, slowly fading away. Her heart ached at the sight, her eyes opened as he pulled away, sadness enveloping his gaze. 

"No..." Zira cried, her bottom lip quivering. He smiled, taking her hand and holding it again, "Promise me..." Meeting his gaze, Zira nodded her head a determined look in her eyes as she let out a shaky breath. His body faded away, blending in with the ocean around them that glowed a bright blue color. The water swirled and rippled, feeling the bond being formed connecting the two. Zira whispered, "I promise to go to the celestial kingdoms and bring you with me."

"Thank you."

With those final words being spoken, she felt his body fading away fully her sobs being heard throughout the ocean. Dropping her head onto the wooden platform, she choked on her cries as she rested her head on the spot where he once laid. The glow in the ocean grew brightly until parting, mirroring her eternal sadness and grief. 

Frustration and anger bubbled inside of her, as she slammed her palm into the piece of wood she was floating on causing it to rock back and forth in the ocean. Letting out a loud scream, she echoed through the open sea her voice cracking. Various emotions rushed through her body as she repeated the promise she made refusing to let his name go in vain. 

"I'm going to find the celestial kingdoms!" She shouted, her eyes lighting under the moonlight that was raised above her. Screaming up into the night sky, the stars hung above her all staring down at the girl who was grieving the loss of the devil. 

"You know shouting in the middle of an ocean won't get you far kid." 

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