Chapter Six

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My father would share tales of meeting the members of various devil tribes, describing their villagers and how they were close everyone was with each other always welcoming those with warm open arms. Every devil tribe he had come across was friendly, always expressing compassion and hospitality to him even though he was a stranger. The cook on his crew would make meals for me from all of the tribes they had visited wanting me to have a dip into their culture even if I hadn't been there myself. I promised myself years ago, that when I met a devil tribe I would learn their culture and return to my father and his crew to share the stories and make a meal for them just like they did for me.

Cheering and laughter could be heard throughout, some high-pitched and chilling others low and ominous. Zira's vision cleared her almond-brown eyes slowly opened as she was greeted by the sight of various people being ushered toward seats. Her mind was foggy as she tried to form thoughts her sight landing on the people being brought in with gloomy looks written on their faces. 

The sound of changing and laughter filled the air, creating an eerie atmosphere that sent chills down her spine and goosebumps to form on her skin. Her mind struggled to wrap around what was happening her awareness returning in small fragments. Hearing the sound of a scream, her eyes shot open, everything coming back to her as her eyes widened in shock. Her surroundings came into focus and her gaze landed on the red and yellow tent from before, everything coming back all of her memories recollected. 

Attempting to spring out of her seat, a sense of dread washed over her face when her gaze landed on the metal chains binding her to her seat. Cold metal chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles, restraining her movement with a strong grip, holding her down. She yanked on them listening to the noise that rang in her ears a scared look on her face. 

"Dammit," Zira cursed under her breath. Freaking out, Zira turned to her side landing on the two others who were beginning to wake up in the same state she was in a few minutes ago. Puzzled expressions appeared on their faces as they looked around wondering what was happening. Ryuk muttered, shaking his head of its sleepy state, "Where the hell are we?"

"Xandria sold us to this place," Zira stated, her tone cracking as it ran dry deprived of water. Darice gasped, shaking with a terrified look on her face, "Are they going to kill us? They're a devil tribe, what if they're some clan that's trying to sacrifice us." 

"More like put us to work," Ryuk exclaimed, shaking his chains with a frown on his face. All around lights shined in their faces causing their eyes to burn from being shut for so long. Watching them dim, the room plunged into a vast darkness all of the people now in their seats remaining quiet. 

Confused at what was happening, the three glanced at each other worried looks on their faces. Appearing in front of them, a bright light was flashed in the middle of the tent flaring to life, its luminescence cutting through the surrounding shadows. Drawing their gaze toward the center, the three watched as smoke faded in and appeared around the circle. Hearing a loud crack, the smoke disappeared revealing a man with raven black hair was seen with it tied back into two messy space buns. 

Twirling to look at the crowd, the crowd clapped fear etched onto all of their faces causing a nervous look to grow on Zira's face. Freezing when he stopped spinning, he stopped right in front of the three of them flashing his crimson-red eyes that shimmered through the dark room. He wore a white button-up with some black slacks and a red blazer that was adorned with gold pieces that glowed in the bright light. Poking out of the blazer, two black wings were seen extended out as he moved. 

"Welcome one and all to the Prometheus Devil show," He greeted, bowing to all of the guests in the crowd a twisted grin on his face. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Zira took note of the fear in all of the guest's eyes while others were dull not a single ounce of emotion on their faces. Darcie whispered, "I thought all of the citizens were gone?"

"I'm not sure, but we need to figure something out soon," Zira muttered, struggling against her chains. Prometheus grinned, snapping his finger a small spark igniting, "Tonight everyone is a special night, as two of our good members will be departing from us so before they leave they're here to give us a good show for all of you. Introducing the devil duo, Meona and Cosmo!"

Clapping at the calls of their names, a loud boom was heard as two devils burst into the tent, their wings flapping powerfully as they hovered above everyone. The entrance immediately caught everyone's eyes, the figures moving around with ease and skill moving effortlessly. The two work masks over their faces that hide their identities only allowing their eyes to be seen. The sight of the devils performing, their bodies moving with a combination of grace and power, created a captivating display for the guests. 

Watching them perform, the devils danced in the air their wings containing silver jewels that lit up within the lights. The first devil flew around spinning in the air with dirty blonde hair that was tied back into a ponytail showing its long length. She had memorized green eyes that were a forest color, her gaze intensified under the performance lights. She flew to the middle of the rink, twirling in the air with her hands extended a white mana sign appearing as light snowflakes began to cascade down upon the crowd. The snowy substance mingled with the dim lighting, casting a magical aura over the scene and adding a touch of enchantment to the already captivating performance. 

"People are enjoying this?" Ryuk grumbled, leaning back in his seat. Zira shook her head, her gaze stuck on the devil before the,  "They're being forced to, look over there one of the workers is holding a sign."

Glancing over to the side, his dark orbs landed on a clown holding wooden signs in front of the crowd of terrified guests. He changed the signs his hands moving quickly and precisely as he ordered the crowd to follow the instructions on the signs. As the signs changed, the guests were quick to follow the order their faces contorting into smiles, applauding the performance. 

"Fucking strange," Ryuk commented. Turning to look back at the devil, his eyes widened when a second devil appeared in front of them shocking the three. The devil had all sorts of emotions in his eyes that shimmered with a golden glow. Extending his wings, the devil caught their attention all of their eyes now on him and his quick movement. 

Circling the tent, the devil snapped his fingers soft glitter of light appeared from his golden mana sign that created shimmering particles. The spectacle was both mesmerizing and slightly overwhelming, as the flashes of light and movement created a frenzied atmosphere. Wincing from the bright lights, Zira stared at the devil seeing his ash brown hair that was swept back revealing his golden orbs that contained small hints of brown. 

Flying around the tent a few more times, the two devils shot for the rink landing beside the ringmaster who had a prod look on his face. Ending their performance, the two devils waved their hands to the crowd, grinning ear to ear. Raising a hand to the air, the two devils summoned their mana signs one last time allowing small particles to fall onto the crowd before giving a final bow. 

"Of course with the parting of our fellow crew members, we will also be getting three new members. Ones that no one has ever seen before," Prometheus shouted. Widening their eyes at his words, Zira glanced over at the sniper who had the same confused expression on his face when hearing the words from the ringmaster. Suddenly, a bright light was blasted onto them causing all three to flinch from the light flashing in their eyes. Zira growled, "Of course, that's what she sold us as."

"Give a round of applause to our new-" The ringmaster started, extending his hands to the three of them. Cutting him off, a loud applause was heard echoing through the space, drowning out all of the other sounds. The nose filled the air, sending chills down everyone's spines, creating a chilling feeling. Zira glanced to the side, catching sight of the nervous looks coming from all of the guests as the sight of tall fearful shadow walked toward them. 

Letting out a boisterous laugh, everyone turned their gazes landing on Xandria who grinned mischievously walking into the tent. Leaning on the bleachers, she had a menacing look on her face staring into the rink her ruby eyes shining brightly as she enjoyed the show being played. Xandria pushed off the bleachers and walked to the rink, stepping over the railing with ease and heading over to the ringmaster whose expression faltered.

"Great show as always and I hate to cut it short, but we really need to get going," Xandria signed, clapping her hands together, "It's time we finish and seal this deal." 

"You really couldn't have waited till after the show?" Prometheus growled. Xandria shrugged, "I'm busy devil, I got bounties to collect and tribes to destroy. You know the deal." 

"A devil's deal is a devil's deal," Prometheus muttered, holding his hand out. Reaching into the back of her pocket smoothly, Xandria retrieved the paper handing it over to the devil's waiting hands. Passing it over, a sinister grin spread across her face, as she crossed her arms amused with the deal. Prometheus laughed, running a hand through some of the black hair that fell over his face, "Didn't think you had it in you Xandria, but looks like you pulled through in the end. Your friends are free to go."

"And what about my ship? Is it still here?" Xandria questioned, the grin falling from her face. Prometheus rolled his eyes, "At the docks ready to go, just like you requested."

"Good, pleasure doing business with you," Xandria nodded, glancing at the two that stood beside the man. Nodding her head, Xandria gave the go for the two to head off freeing them from the devil's control. Turning to walk away, the sound of her footsteps echoed passing by the three who watched with angered looks. Smirking at the sight, Xandria waved as if she hadn't just sold their lives to the man before them. Zira snapped, attempting to stand as the sound of her chains rattled, "You fucking traitor!"

"Awe that's not nice to say," Xandria grinned, turning to walk onto the bleachers. Stepping up, Xandria stood in front of her leaning over allowing the girl to get a good look at her ruby eyes. A hint of mischief was seen a treacherous feeling being felt from the girl. Xandria hummed, "Sorry it had to end like this, but I needed my crew back and it was the only way."

"Go to hell," Ryuk remarked, glaring at the girl. Xandria snickered, "Jokes on the three of you, you're already there." Without thinking, Zira reached out with her chains grabbing her shirt and yanking her forward getting in her face. Widening her eyes, the grin fell off of Xandria's face as the sound of the two devils was heard ready to step in if needed too. Xandria chuckled, gaining her composure back, "No need Meona, we're done here." 

Zira growled, gripping onto her shirt and getting in her face, "You're going to regret this."

"Am I because who is in chains right now?" Xandria stated, placing a hand over the one that was on her shirt. Watching with a shocked expression, Darcie shook her head standing up and rising to her feet the best she could with the chains. Having an expression of corner and unease, she stood between the two refusing to let a fight break out. Darcie gulped, feeling the tension in the air, "We shouldn't cause any trouble Zira, who knows what that man is capable of."

Directing her gaze toward the ringmaster noting the cold expression on his face, Zira released the devil allowing her to fix the collar of her shirt. Feeling a shiver running down her spine, Zira gulped mixed emotions being felt within her, her stomach tossing and turning at the thought of what was going to happen to them. Despite the star-struck performance, the ringmaster's demeanor hinted at darker secrets lurking beneath the surface, his gaze representing a silent warning for the three. 

Shaking her head, Zira took a deep breath, trying to calm herself refusing to meet the devil's eyes knowing she would be looking down at her. As she exhaled, she slumped back into her seat, her body tense, trying to think of a way to get them out of there. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, filling the air with an expectant silence. Xandria scoffed, "That's what I thought."

Without another word, Xandria turned stepping off of the bleachers not looking back at the three once. Followed by the two devil performers whose eyes had threatening looks that made Zira's blood run cold. The three took off flying out of the tent and to their ship that was waiting for them at the docks. Without exchanging any further words, the group boarded the vessel, their steps firm and purposeful. 

Taking a deep breath, Zira tried to calm herself down her emotions getting the better of her as he heart raced with the thought of being tied down to the man in the middle of the rink. Her anger fueled the more she thought about it, but her thoughts were cut off by her form being lifted off of the ground. The sudden movement caught her off guard, but her focus shifted as she, along with the two others, was carried towards the rink.

 Zira snapped, "Get your hands off of me!"

"Feisty one, Xandria was right, you'll fit right in," Prometheus remarked, holding the scroll in his hands. Zira huffed, getting in his face and spitting at him, "I refuse to be a part of your sick fucking crew."

Hissing at her behavior, the man lunged back, wiping the spit off of his face a disgusted look on his face from her repulsive behavior. His face twisted into one of anger and annoyance as he turned and stomped off clutching the scroll in his hands. Prometheus glared at the girl, "You better watch it, girl. If this map were to have gotten destroyed I would have killed you and your friends on sight. This map is one of the most prized possessions in the world."

"That's why it's indestructible," Darcie added, "It wouldn't have mattered if her spit had fallen on the scroll the paper wouldn't have reacted nor would the ink have smeared. The devil who created it made sure nothing could happen to it and that it would be able to withstand anything, that's why it's lived for so long and still looks brand new."

"Well, aren't you a little smartie pants," Prometheus grumbled, mocking the girl in front of him. Darice shrugged, a smirk growing on her face, "This smartie pants can also tell that scroll is a fake."

"What?" Prometheus widened his eyes. Zira's eyes widened landing on the girl beside her, catching the smirk playing on her pastel lips, her emerald green eyes filled with amusement. A sense of satisfaction washed over Zira and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth enjoying the scene playing out in front of her. Growling out in frustration, Prometheus clenched the scroll in his hands turning to scream at his crew, shouting out demands. 

"Bring me a bucket of water!" He bellowed, his voice filled with urgency and irritation. Swallowing the lumps in their throats, the crew members glanced at each other before nodding their heads and rushing around to gather what he'd requested. They hurried to finish his request, retrieving the bucket filled with water not wanting to face the consequences. 

"If you're lying to me girl I'm going to gut you in front of all of these people and force them to watch you bleed out," Prometheus threatened, pointing at the crowd of people who felt chills running down their spines from his words. Darcie rolled her eyes, an annoyed look on her face, "I'm not lying, I studied the map for years and had plans to retrieve it. When dumped in water normal paper would disintegrate, unlike the scroll which was created for those to travel on see being being made from a special paper and ink."

Moving swiftly, the crew members quickly gathered a large bucket of water their steps were quick and planned not wanting to upset their captain. Setting the bucket down in front of Prometheus, he held the scroll tightly, dipping the corners of the paper into the water waiting for the results. its edges were submerged in the water causing the man's breath to get caught in his throat. 

Removing the scroll from the water, he held the scroll up waiting for it to remain but disbelief crossed his face instead. He widened his eyes staring at the damp piece of paper that slowly began disappearing before his eyes, shriveling away. But as he watched, the once-solid parchment began to dissolve, vanishing into nothingness before his very eyes. Ryuk smiled at the sight, "Well that's something."

"Xandria!" Prometheus screamed, kicking the bucket over causing the water to spill out all over the rink. Everyone gasped, flinching at his loud scream that made a fearful look appear on all of their faces. He shouted, "Fine her and the other devils and bring them to me!" 

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