Chapter Two

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My father was constantly traveling, having seen many corners and islands of the world. He would often tell me tales and stories of his adventures. One story that stuck with me was the one about various devils and angels he'd encountered during his journies. He said his favrotie was a celestial angel who could control nature. He confessed that the angel was his first love. As he recalled their time together, his eyes would light up with various emotions that were full of nostaligia. He described how the nature angel could manipulate the very frabic of the world, shaping all sorts of landscapres and creat stunning vistas with a mere flick of her wrist. He said their love bloomed in a realm where trees danced and flowers sand under her command. However, he never revealed the fate of his first love, leaving me to wonder what happened to the rest of their untold chapters and where my mom fell
in their romance story. 

The cold stone halls of the marine base echoed with the sound of footsteps and the distant hum of machinery. It seemed endless. The air felt heavy with a cold, institutional ambiance, the area filled with the smell of filfth mingling wiith the sterile scene of steel and concrete. The building had no windows and few lights that only added to the oppressive atmoshpere. Every step she took felt like an eternity, dragging on like a unstoppable march towards an unknown fate. 

As Zira followed the guards through the corridors, the sound of criminsals were heard laughing and shouting, creating an unsettling chours of cheers and taunts as she walked past. Their jeers rattled her nerves, making each step she took feel heavier than the last. Her heart pounded in her chest against her ribcage as she tried to block out their words. The guards remained stoic, seemingly unbothered by the hostile atmosphere that surronded them. 

Stoppig at the wooden desk that remained in the direct middle of the prison, her gaze flickered up seenig a tall man sitting before her. His uniform was rumpled, tie loosened and his hair a disarray as if he had been working tirelessly for days on end. There was ahint of exhaustions in his eyes, yet a keen intellect shone throuhg as they made eye contact. He glared at her a look of disgust crossing his face, having seen countless individuals like her pass before him. 

"Boss all of the cells are full," He started, "Where should we put her?"

"Hm, her crime wasn't severe," The man before her stated. Feeling her heart skip a beat at his words, the man stood tall, his smirk growing wider as he took note of her hopeful look. Seeing the spark in her eyes, his gaze didn't soften. Instead, it darkened and grew with enjoyment as if he was amused by her optimism. he leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving hers, studying her like a speciment meant to be in a cage. The silence between them was palpable, and the distant clamor of the prisoners seemed to melt into the background. He hummed, "Put her with the devil."

Widening her eyes, her heart sank at his words, her body shaking with fear as she opened her mouth too object and snap at the man. But her words were cut off by the marines firm grip on her arm, yanking her to teh side with a harsh tug. The sudden movement took her by surprise causing her to choke on her words that got stuck in her throat. The tall man grinned, leaning on his desk watching her be dragged of the sense of hope she felt once ago not tarnished and destoryed. He chuckled sitting back down in his chair, crossing one leg over the other, watching the scene unfold with an air of detached amusement.

The atmosphere grew gloomier as the marines escorted Zira down the prision corridors her footsteps echoing as she moved. The lights flickered around them, casting an eeire shadow over the walls. The single flickering light at the end of the hall sent chills down her spine as it remained as the onyl source of light, a dim glow casting a forebiding aura over the scene. The air was thick with tension, and the distant sounds of prisoners faded into a faint murmur, as if even the prison itself was holding its breath in anticipation.

Gulping at hte sight of the long cell that was built in the back of the hall hidden away in the shadows seperated from all of the others. The marine flung the metal door open, the hunges creaking in protest, the sound reverbrating through the prison. The room was surronded in shadows, the dim light not doing justice to the terrifying cell. Zira stumbled as she was thrown inside, causing her to collapse to the cold, concrete ground. The sound of the cell door was heard slamming shut behind her filling throughout the cramped space, the finality of the sound sending a shiver down her spine.

Crashing to the ground, Zira winced her whole body shivering from the cold contact, her hands splaying out in front of her catching her fall. She looked up at the marines who were locking the door, sealing her in the dimly lit cell concealing  her fate. With a sense od dread, she pushed herself up into a sitting positon, her hands and body trembling as she took in the bleak area. 

Turning her head, Zira scanned the cell her gaze settling on the far end where the unmistakable outline of a figure became clearer as the light flickered. A chill ran up her spine, her arms growins with goosebumps. She couldn't make out any details, but the presence of the figure was undeiable. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him, an overbearing sense of unease settling wiithin her. Zira inched back toward the opposite end of the cell, her heart racing with each movement until her back pressed against the chilling metal bars. 

Her eyes remained on the figure who opened his eyes revealing two flowing maroon eyes that peirced through the darkness like a beacon. The sight sent a shiver down her spine, a lump caught in her throat as she tried to take a deep breath. The figure stared with unblinking eyes, its intentions unknown, adding to the mounting fear that gripped her.

"Who are you?" He asked with a rough voice. Zira gulped, "You're a devil..."

"One of many," He hummed, walking forward revealing the rest of his face. Flickering above him, the sight of his face was seen his features coming into view, revealing pale skine that seemd to glow int he small amount of light. He had dark maroon eyes, cold and chilling. The figure's presense was haunting, his gaze pinning her in place, studying her every move. The silence in the cell was deafening, the only sound being her own breathing and her heart pounding. Black haired adored his face matching the shade of his wings that hung low on his back, feathers were missing causing her eyes to widen. Zira whispered, "You're dying."

"Yes and no," He signed, moving back to the shadows. Plopping back down on the cold, hard stone slab, he began to hum a soft, luring tune. The melody rung through the cramp cell, its haunting tone adding to the surreal atmosphere. The figures gaze remained fixated on the stone ceiling above, as if lost in though his maroon eyes softening. Zira stared, watching his evert move with a mix of trepidation and fascination. He signed, "My body is dying but my power will still remain."

"You're a celestial devil," Zira stated, slowly pushing herself up in the cell, "From the water tribe, I'm sorry for what happened to your people."

"You know your devil history, most people don't," He remarked, resting his hands underneath his head using them as a makeshift pillow, "We're seen as monsters with powers that can be used and wielded."

"My father taught me a lot about them when he traveled to the main kingdom," Zira mumbled, "Angels as well. Your wings are losing feathers which is a common sign that you're dying."

"Those assholes did it," He revealed, a bitter tone laced into his words, "They killed my body slowly wanting to collect my power and use it to their advantage."

"How long do you have?" Zira asked. He huffed, "A few hours, maybe minutes. The poison they used doesn't take that long to kick in. A few days and you're dead."

"What about your power?" Zira whispered with widened eyes. He shrugged, "Nothing I can do, I can barely even summon a drop of water which sucks because this is the last night of the celestial moon." 

"The celestial moon is tonight?" Zira titled her head. He nodded, "The only way a celestial power can be passed on is with a celestial moon, once night hits they're going to come and take me to this banquet. Then, they'll strip my powers and kill me just like all of the other devils and angels."

"You're just going to let them take your powers?" Zira frowned. He scoffed, sitting up and meeting her gaze, "There's nothing else for me to do, too weak to escape or fight back."

Her soft brown orbs lingered on his marron eyes, studying the pain and despair that was within them. His eyes were dull, lacking any flicker of hope. He accepted his fate, the hollow expression on his face speaking volumes of the harsh years he's suffered. Despite the fear that still gripped her heart, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the figure. Zira stepped forward, "I'll help you escape."

"You're a kid, what the hell are you going to do," He snickered, leaning back placing his broken wings against the brick wall. Zira scoffed at his words, reaching up into her hair pulling a metal hair pin out, letting her braids fall and cascade over her shoulders. He watched her with curiosity, his eyes drifting from her face down to the pin that was in her hands. Widening his eyes, he sat her watching her twirl the pin in her hands slowly moving to the door. Working on the lock, the sound of the lock unlocking was heard causing a smirk to cross her face as she swung the door open. 

"You coming or are you waiting for your death sentence?" Zira exclaimed. He stood, "You're stupid for helping a devil, you know that."

"We do stupid things at the moment and face the consequences later," Zira stated, grabbing his hand, "This way, there are fewer guards on the east exit." Hearing the sound of the prison coming alive, the sound of criminals begging to be released their desperate cries filling the air. With urgnecy, the two moved heading out of their cell, the sound of the commotion outside increasing in volume. 

Right as the two escaped, the marine from before stood up walking down the hall wondering what all of the commotion was about. He paid no attention to the hands of the desperate criminals who reached out, desperately attempting to grasp his shirt. His gaze remained fixed and stern as he passed by, the prisoners' pleading cries for help falling on deaf ears. There was a grim determination in his stride, his focus solely on the opened cell in front of him.

"Pitiful," He snarled, turning towards the walkie he had in his hands, "Number sixteen escaped, put the whole base on lockdown."

Slamming the doors to the hall opened, the marines inside flinched when seeing the head admiral of the base. A tall, muscular man was seen entering the room, his face painted with annoyance as he dragged his feet towards his office. Heading toward the room, he had tired eyes each step feeling heavier than the last. 

With a swift motion, the man entered his office stomping toward the desk and swiping his arm across it, sending papers and items flying to the floor with an large crash. He grumbled under his breath about the mess, frustation evidence in his tone, as he stared at the mess he had just created. A sense of confusion and wariness washed over him as his eyes flickered up to his chair.  He growled, stepping back, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Awe you remember me," She grinned, spinning around in the chair. Sprawled out in his chair with a bright grin filled with confidence, she crossed her arms her eyes filled with excitment. Her fingers, twsited the golden lockeet around her neck, the chain dangling from her slender fingers. She fixed her gaze on him, studuing his expression with an intense look in her eyes, showing no fear toward the man. He snapped, "Xandria..."

"Arzhel," Xandria smirked, "I couldn't help but notice that my reward was never given to me, especially after I sent two devils to retrieve it. So considering you were too stubborn to give it to them, I came here myself. Now where the fuck is my money."

"What money?" Arzhel grumbled. Xandria shot up, slamming a dagger into his desk, "The money you owe me for fucking killing that angel tribe."

"It was a small tribe, not much of a bounty," He scoffed, at her words. Xandria growled, her gaze filled with anger, "I slaughtered three thousand angels, I demand my money be given to me."

"You also sunk five marine ships and killed three admirals," He stated, "You're money went to their funerals."

"Fuck them they were whiny bastards who didn't even know how to aim, I want my money Arzhel!" Xandria shouted, jabbing her finger into his chest. About to shoot down her words, he was interrupted as the lights in the room suddenly turned a dark red, casting an ominous glow. His eyes widened in surprose, his wrods dying on his lips as he glanced back toward the girl a shiver traveling down his spine. Darting back to the girl in his chair, her expression now even more sinister than before, the red light casting harsh shadows on her face. 

Acting swiftly, the marine reached for his gun, trembiling as he pulled it out and aimed it at the devil, but as he fired his weapon he was met with an empty chair. Within one second, she had vansihed into thin air, leaving no trace of her presence. The sound of the gunshot echoed in the room, but the target had vanished without a trace. 

"Dammit," He muttered. His gaze fell upon his desk once more, and the sight of a dagger caught his eye. It rested on the wood surface, a small piece of paper caught between the blade. As his eyes focused on the picture, his heart skipped a beat and his face paled, recognizing the image of his son, an expression of deep concern and fear etched across his features. 

With a frustrated gesture, the man slammed his hand on the walkie, his whold desk shaking in the process. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and fear for what the devil might do. The announcement echoed throughout the building, the sound of his voice catching the attention of everyone present.

"Attention all personnel," his voice boomed, "We have a level five security breach. Repeat, level five security breach. Lockdown protocol immediately. Bounty hunter Xandria is on the loose, make sure she doesn't escape!" 

His voice rung throughout the halls, annocunign the news of the breach, right as Zira and the devil sprinted through the corridors, their footsteps pounding against the floor. The urgency in the man's voice was clear and they knew they didn't have much time to waste. Racing forward, their hearts pumped with adrenaline through them as they tried to get to safety before the lockdown was initiated.

He grumbled, "A deadly devil known for her massacres of angel tribes. We need to stay clear of her, no one knows what she's capable of."

"That came from the main office meaning she's in the east wing, we need to go the other way," Zira said, turning around, "The marines will all be heading there to capture her, which screws us over. The north wing has an underground water system, we can get you out of here through there." 

Nodding in agreement, the two changed their course, wanting to avoid the marine and the bounty hunter who now raomed the prision. They waved through the corridors, their steps light and quick as they attempted to evade any potential pursuers. The sense of urgency was thick in the air, the sound of footsteps close behind them serving as a constant reminder of the danger they were in.

Searching through the scrolls, the sight of the emerald-eyed girl was seen as she was now no longer in her uniform and was changed into casual attire. With a swift motion, the girl tied her light brown hair into a neat and small ponytail, then commenced her sifting through the various documents. She seemed to be intently seeking out a particular piece of paper, her hands moving rapidly as she sorted through the stacks. "Bounty hunter Xandria is on the loose, make sure she doesn't escape!"

"Dammit," She cursed, speeding up her search not wanting to get caught. Reaching the heavy stone door, her eyes lit up at the sight of the keycard sitting by it. However, her hope turned to concern as she felt her pocket and realized the keycard was not where it was supposed to be. She widened her eyes, "Shit where did it go?"

"Looking for this?" Xandria smirked, holding the keycard. Quickly turning around, the girl's expression changed to dismay as she laid eyes on a devil, holding the very keycard she had been seeking. Her face paled at the realization, and she froze in place. With confident strides, Xandria approached the door and scanned the keycard on the keypad. As the door unlocked, she nonchalantly tucked the card back into her pocket. Seemingly unfazed by the situation, she walked inside. Xandria looked back, a grin crossing her face, "You coming?"

"For fucks sake," She mumbled, following the girl into the room. 

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