Enter of The Power of Lightning

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Last Time: 

Blake and Tori are laughing when Blake's morpher goes off. He tells Tori not to strain herself. Will she listen to him? Or will she follow her destiny to go and join her male comrades in battle and near death? Keep reading to find out.

This time:

Blake rushes out of her room and makes sure no one sees him he quickly takes off to the the battle scene after ninja streaking there. He was surprised to see what was in front of him. He saw Tori and Hunter on the battlefield morphed and fighting of the foot soldiers. Later the power of lightning strikes where the rangers are currently standing, revealing two more rangers. Everyone was shocked to see the lightning emblem of their ranger suits. The two of them jumped into the the battle scene just when Tori went one-on-one with the Silver Lightning Ranger and the ranger understood everyone of her moves. Tori was shocked at how this mysterious ranger understood her moves even though she was not a Wind Ninja. Tori had let her guard down and the ranger had found an opening and she hit her there. There was pain flowing through her body as she had de-morphed from her ranger suit and into her civilian uniform and she realized that she had been injured by the ranger where she had been electrocuted earlier by the phony Sensei Kanoi. She was finding it difficult to breathe, as she was trying to get up she saw Hunter in the same condition as her as he was struck down by the Black Lightning Ranger. She got up to her feet but she struggled to keep her balance as the silver ranger was coming back to strike her when she saw the familiar face she had left around 3 years ago. It was her sister Tori Hanson, her older sister Katie was expelled from the Wind Ninja Academy when Sensei had challenged her to a battle and he found out that she has the power of lightning and it was too risky for her to stay in Wind Academy, so he sent her to the Lightning Academy. The following conversation had been initiated between them-

Silver- Tori?

Tori- Yeah how do you know my name?

(At that the Silver Ranger signalled to the Black Ranger to leave and let them get healed when they battle them again next time. The Black Ranger nodded and they said the following words-)

Silver/Black- We will see you again next time Rangers. Get your energy back and we will battle again next time. Blue and Crimson you got lucky this time that we did not finish you off this time, next time you will not be so lucky.

They left in silver and black ninja streaks.

The others run over to Hunter and Tori who are lying on the ground barely being able to breathe and bleeding from several different places. Cam went and checked their pulse and it was getting fainter by the minute. Tori was barely managing to get words out of her mouth when Blake ran over to her.

Tori-(gasping for breath) Blake the (coughs) Silver Lightning Ranger (coughs again) is my sister. (Tears were streaming down her face and it was drying the blood from her nose and the many cuts near her lip and mouth) Please do (gasping for air) not destroy her. She is probably under the Robbers' Head mind control. ( Blake looks at he love of his life as she was losing her life minute by minute) Do whatever (coughs) you have to get her out of the mind control because she would not hurt anyone unless she was forced to. 


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the last part of killing Tori but she will be resurrected towards the end. Stay tuned to find out what the Lightning Rangers' do.

Bye guys

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