BELL ◇ My Idol Girlfriend

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"She's so amazing!", your best friend said as loud as he can so you can hear him.

"I know!", you shouted out your answer and continued to cheer for the white haired girl singing on stage with her band.

She looked down at the crowd and her eyes immediately landed on you. She gave you a smile and a wink, making the males and females cheer and squeal in happiness around you. You smiled as you continued watching Bell White, your favorite singer and girlfriend.

Yes, you're a fan dating a well-known idol. Your relationship has been a secret for almost a year and you never went out in public with Bell because for sure, one of her fans will notice her and if they see you with her, rumors about Bell's "mystery boyfriend" would be spread around. Your dates are usually at Bell's or your house. You two didn't mind as long as you are together.


Aftr the concert, you went backstage and to Bell's dressing room. The guards let you in easily because of Bell. She ordered them earlier to let you in. You knocked on the door of her dressing room and waited for a response.

"Hang on!", you heard her footsteps coming closer to the door.

The door opened and she quickly pulled you inside before closing the door and locking it. You and Bell laughed together as you twirled her around, happy that you were finally alone. The two of you sat down on the white couch on the right side of her dressing room, laughing and panting. You looked around and saw tons and tons of gifts from fans, making you smile proudly.

"Well, what did you think?", she asked.

You looked back at her, "Huh?"

"What did you think about the concert? Did I do well? Did I dance funny? Did my voice crack?"

You chuckled and held her hand, "No, you did fine, baby. Amazing, actually."

She smiled at your answer before leaning in to give your lips a quick peck. You bit your lower lip as the feeling of Bell's lips still lingered on your own. You pulled her and made her sit top of you, making her squeak in surprise. Her knees were on either sides of your body and her hands on your chest and gripping the fabric of your shirt. Your own hand was cupping her cheek while the other was on her hip.

The two of you leaned in and shared a gentle yet passionate kiss, one of Bell's hands going to the back of your head and tugging on your (hair color) hair, making you groan. You decided to deepen the kiss by licking her bottom lip then taking it between your teeth, gently nibbling on it. She softly moaned and opened her mouth to give you access, wide enough for your tongue to slip in.

You swallowed her whimpers and moans while she tugged on your hair harder, the feeling of your tongues rubbing against each other. You twirled your tongue around hers and slid your hand down to her lower back. Bell squeezed your shoulders and pulled away, leaving a small string of saliva connecting your tongues that quickly broke.

"(First Name)...we can't do this here.", she panted.

"I really missed you though...", you pouted.

Bell bit her lower lip before saying, "Later at your house, OK?"

You gave her once last peck before nodding, "Fine."

~The next day~

"(Nickname)...", you hear Bell said as she poked your cheek.

You woke up with a groan and looked the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was already 8:24 am. You looked down at your girlfriend and noticed the child like pout on her face as she looked back at you. She poked your cheek once more before bopping you on the nose.

"Good morning, baby~", you said in a husky tone.

"It's not a good morning, mister."

"Hmm? Why not?"

"You were too rough on me last night, you dick."

You chuckled, "Oh, haha. Sorry~"

You pressed your lips against her forehead, making her blush.

"My whole body is sore..."

You let out a tired laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you.", you smiled before pulling her on top of you.

She squeaked at your sudden actions and blushed harder. She looked at you with wide eyes while you smirked smugly at her. She poked both of your cheeks with her index fingers.

"How are you going to take care of me if you're just going to stay in bed?"

"'re right."

Bell quickly got off of you while you stood up, grabbing your tight black boxers from the floor and slipping them on. You handed Bell her underwear and your shirt, watching her put it on.

"Oi, don't watch me."

"Sorry, can't help it.", you said before turning around.

She quickly slipped her panties and the shirt on before telling you that it's OK to look. You turned around and went to the other side of the bed, carrying her bridal style before walking out of the room.

"You're really light.", you commented.


"Yeah, you should eat more."

"I know, but you know I can't gain weight. My manager will kill me if I do.", she said.

"Tch, you're really making me worried.", you frowned deeply.

"I'm sorry, but I have to obey orders. Being an idol is hard you know."

You carried her to the kitchen where you sat her down on the dining table. You kissed her forehead before preparing breakfast for the two of you. She watched you with love and admiration in her eyes, thinking how it was really sweet of you to be concerned for her well-being.


"You know, a fan asked me if I'm dating someone.", she said out of nowhere, making you choke on your food.

You quickly dranked a glass of water before speaking, "R-Really?"


"What did you say?"

"I told them that it was personal information.", she smiled.

Her smile faded away when she saw how gloomy you got. She reached across the table and held your hand.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't think I can keep this relationship a secret any longer..."

"But (First Name), you know about that-"

"I know, you're an idol and you aren't supposed to date a fan."

"I'm sorry, (First Name). I..."

"It's OK, baby. I understand.", you smiled a little.

Bell stood up and wobbled towards you, leaning on the table to keep her balance. She hugged you from behind and placed a kiss on your neck.

"Thank you for understanding and...don't worry, we'll go public one day."




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