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"So how are we going to split it?"

Jimin laughed out loud as he pulled his face mask back over his mouth, heart feeling light and free as he thought about the fact that he had just over a billion won stuffed into the once empty backpack he had carried in with him.

"What do you mean split?" Jimin chuckled, looking over at Jungkook as the younger hopped out of the window Jimin broke earlier. "Your reward is being alive right now."

"You aren't being serious." Jungkook deadpanned, waiting for Jimin to climb out after him. "Are you telling me that your stingy ass can't even spare me a couple million won?" His lips were pulled into a frown, following after the older after Jimin began to walk in front of him. "Jimin."

"What?" Jimin finally turned around, pulling his hood off and allowing his hair to flail around slightly in the breeze. "I told you this was a big boy job. Why would a big boy like me want to share with a baby like you?"

"I'm not a baby." Jungkook hissed. "You couldn't be getting arrogant outside like this if it wasn't for me disabling the cameras. You'd think that after being a 'big boy' thief for so long you'd at least know how to cut a damn wire."

"Baby's gonna throw a tantrum because I won't share?" Jimin teased, slipping one of the straps of the backpack off of his shoulder so that he could unzip one of the zippers. "Want me to give you an allowance for being a good boy?"

"Would you stop mocking me?" Jungkook seethed, nearly on his wits end as Jimin pressed every single one of his buttons with his condescending remarks. "You look about twenty years old at most, that's not nearly enough of an age gap to be calling me a 'baby'"

Jimin snickered, pulling quite a few wads of bills out of the biggest pocket of the backpack. He was actually kind of glad now that he kept the younger around, getting quite the kick out of his annoyance.

"I'm twenty three, try again." Jimin smirked, tossing the money in Jungkook's direction. With the amount that was currently in his bag, this wouldn't even make a dent. "Alright there's your allowance kid, don't come crying to me when you spend it all."

Jungkook caught the one of the bundles of bills, yelping softly as he dropped a few. He quickly picked them up, shoving them into his own bag that was thrown haphazardly over his shoulder. He kept one in his hands though, filing through the bills and smiling as he realized he had a million won between his fingertips. He wouldn't mind getting a bit more than what was in his bag, but knew that Jimin would be reluctant to cough up more of his money.

"But I will say..." Jimin sighed, zipping his backpack back up and slinging it over his other shoulder once more. "You were kind of helpful, despite bing a tad bit of a cry baby at the beginning."

Jungkook stared at him incredulously. His hair whipped in the wind as a gust of cold wind blew by, stray hairs framing his offended expression.

"I had a gun to my head! You were going to kill me! I was terrified, no shit was I going to tear up a bit." He scoffed, not very keen on the older's personality.

"Yeah but if you're going to be the tough guy thief that you seem to want to be, you can't show emotion. Shows that you're weak, makes me care less about killing you." Jimin sighed, tugging off his gloves and stuffing them into his jacket pocket.

"I.. Alright." Jungkook sighed, a frown still present on his face. "So what now? You still want me around or do you want me to hit the road?"

Jimin thought for a moment, Jungkook watching as the moonlight illuminated his unnaturally coloured hair.

"You're inexperienced, untrained, don't know how to fight back, and definitely don't have the proper weapons. Me taking you in is going to look like a charity case." Jimin frowned, yawning softly as the late night hours began to take a toll on his body. "I... I don't want to babysit Jungkook, and that isn't just another stab at your age. I take care of myself, and myself only. If you can't take care of yourself I'm not going to come running to your aid."

"I know I seem like I can't do anything, but if you give me a chance I can! You're the person behind most of the robberies in Busan right? The police think it's more than one person, but it's you isn't it?" Jungkook asked, Jimin's face settling back into the cold expression he had gotten used to.

"I'm up here," Jimin raised his right hand above his head. "You're down there," He pointed to the ground with his left hand. "It took me quite a while to get up to where I am, and you working with me right off the bat would be skipping all of the steps I had to take to get to the top." Jungkook gulped, nodding and waiting for Jimin to continue. "As well as that, if you slip up and fall from the top, there's the risk that you could drag me down with you."

"I wouldn't-"

"You can't predict your future mistakes." Jimin scoffed, narrowing his eyes at Jungkook. "You know what? Sure, work with me. But you better not even think about even stealing a chocolate bar before you let me teach you a few things."

"Teach me?" Jungkook asked, feeling stupid for asking after the condescending look the older shot at him. "Like training?"

"What ever words make you feel most badass." Jimin shrugged. "I'm just not working with you on anything if you don't even know how to defend yourself. Walking into a bank with a tiny dagger like that?" He gestured to Jungkook's knife, laughing softly. "Unless you're skilled in close range combat, I'd suggest something like this." He tapped his gun softly.

"I took taekwondo when I was ten." The younger offered, Jimin looking impressed for a moment before he narrowed his eyes.

"When did you stop taking it?" He asked, Jungkook averting his eyes when he was asked the question.

"When I was ten." He mumbled, Jimin sighing and rubbing his temples; wondering  if the younger's seeming tech savviness was worth the effort he'd have to put into teaching him what to do, and what not to.

"How good are you with technology and the sort?" Jimin finally asked, hoping that the younger's answer wouldn't stress him out even more. "If all you really did was cut a wire, I might take back my offer."

Jungkook smiled.

"No, I just said that because you were pissing me off." He laughed softly, a smirk on his lips as he watched Jimin's facial expression turn annoyed. "As you said, and external damage to the cameras would've set off an alarm - wires count." Jimin really wanted to kick himself for not thinking of that. "Anyway, I had to get into their server and crack the login block which allowed me access to their digital directory of all the cameras in the building - which I then shut off. Wiping them clean was just a matter of transferring the video files over."

He smiled sheepishly, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. "Easy."

Jimin couldn't help but look impressed, considering that was the emotion he was feeling. He quickly collected himself, but let a small smile stay on his lips.

"Alright, show off." Jimin chuckled, relieved that the kid had at least something going for him. "So like, what's the limit? Theoretically , if I needed you to, could you stream the surveillance camera footage from a building I ask for?"

"Depends on the building." Jungkook shrugged. "But most likely, even if they have some sort of firewall I can get probably work past it if I try hard enough."

Jimin hummed in approval, the small smile still tugging at his lips.

"How do you feel about being the brains of the operation?" He asked, Jungkook's eyes lighting up at the question.

"Does that mean that I don't have to go though your 'training'?" The younger asked, Jimin rolling his eyes.

"You're insane if you think I'm going to let you work with me before you even know how to land a solid punch." He sighed, chuckling as Jungkook took on a defensive expression once more.

"I know how to throw a punch, I'm not stupid." He scoffed, adjusting the collar of his shirt and frowning.

"Yeah?" Jimin laughed, walking a few steps closer to him. "Punch me, wherever you think would do the most damage. I won't fight back, promise." His eyes had a mischievous glint in them, silently daring Jungkook to follow through with his words.

Jungkook panicked for a moment, realizing that this was the one moment he had to prove to Jimin that he wasn't just the weak little kid that the older seemed to think he was. He gulped as he raised his hand, attempting not to let Jimin's smirk deter his confidence as he swung his fist towards the older.

His knuckles cracked off of the older male's jaw, Jimin's head whipping to the side at the impact as a small grunt leaving his lips. A few drops of saliva flew from his lips, glittering in the moonlight.

Jungkook's knuckles stung, but adrenaline coursed through his veins, masking the pain under a veil of energy.

He really just punched him.

Jungkook watched in awe as Jimin grimaced, bringing his hand up to his jaw and squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.

"Not bad." He finally mumbled, rubbing his jaw soothingly. "Maybe you not as weak as I thought you were, just inexperienced." He sighed, meeting the younger's gaze once more. "If you're serious about this, meet me tomorrow. The park about a block from here, eight am sharp."

Jungkook couldn't help but sputter at the time Jimin gave him.

"That's like, four hours from now." He pointed out, knowing that he was probably just going to end up staying up for the remainder of the night.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, reaching down and pulling back the sleeve of his hoodie so that he could read his watch. When he read the time, he chuckled when he realized the younger boy was right.

"I guess it is." He laughed. "This is your first test then. Dedication."

the plot outline for this book is wildin
also here's a doodle that I did from this chapter hehe

- Charlie :)

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