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7k already??? y'all are too kind <3

It had been a few days since Jimin and Jungkook had gone to the jewelry store.

Though the older male should have spent this time coming up with a detailed plan as to how they were going to execute the heist - he hadn't. It was nearly concerning to him, that he was so distracted from the task at hand, but he just couldn't help it with the state that his mind was in at the moment.

Everything had been going fairly well up until then. Despite high tensions at first and a few speed bumps along the way, Jungkook had actually become someone that Jimin really couldn't say he minded being around. He was street smart, and very adjustable, which made him a perfect fit to be the partner that Jimin hadn't even been looking for.

He became less and less irritating to Jimin the longer they knew each other and Jimin had slowly found himself actually caring about the younger boy's well being. Jimin was excited to see what he could do, what he was capable of.

And he was just about to, until a wrench got thrown right into the gears of his plan.

He wasn't supposed to think of Jungkook as anything other than a partner. Jimin hadn't even ever thought about what would happen if he did beforehand, not considering it as something to ever happen.

But it did. And very suddenly, at that.

There were hardly any accurate words to describe what he had felt when his eyes lay on Jungkook in a suit for the first time. Jimin couldn't even remember the last time that he had genuinely felt his heart jump when he looked at someone, and so the feeling was foreign and startling.

He felt so childish, embarrassed that a mere glance from Jungkook had his palms sweaty and his breath stopping.

Why, did his heart have to do this to him?

He couldn't have Jungkook, in a relationship or any other way - it just wasn't something he had ever accounted for. With the lifestyle that he lived, and the risks he took, Jimin had come to terms with the fact that romance wasn't something he had the time for.

He couldn't risk having somebody he loved be hurt by the decisions he made, and so he chose to love nobody.

This was how it had been for as long as Jimin could remember, which was why the feelings that Jungkook had uncovered were extremely troubling.

He shouldn't feel anything other than camaraderie towards Jungkook, but he felt so much more - and it was terrifying. It only got worse the more he thought about it, because maybe it wasn't as sudden as he once assumed. What if these emotions had just slowly been building up, and seeing Jungkook dressed so elegantly was the tipping point?

The longer he pondered it, the more it made his head hurt.

Jimin was genuinely thankful when he was interrupted from his thoughts by a knock on his front door. He had been lost in thought for god knows how long, tiring out his mind with thoughts of Jungkook.

Jimin groaned softly, pushing himself off of the couch he had been sat on for most of the day. There wasn't any light coming through the curtains anymore, and when Jimin looked at the clock he was surprised to see that it was just past two in the morning.

He raised an eyebrow and looked over to his front door. Yoongi was home, so who could be here?

He crouched down, reaching under the couch and grabbing his gun, before tucking it into his waistband and walking over to the door slowly. Jimin and Yoongi never got many visitors, especially this late at night, and so he couldn't help but be on edge.

Jimin slowly made his way over his front door, the room illuminated only by the lamp on the table beside the couch.

He leaned up onto his tiptoes once he got to his front door, looking through the peep hold to see who could be needing him so late at night.

He was shocked to see it was Jungkook - the person he wanted to see the least and most at the moment.

It was raining quite hard, and the younger boy was soaked, leaning up against Jimin's doorway and holding his arm as his teeth chattered. The older male's eyes widened upon noticing the blood around Jungkook's mouth, and he immediately found himself setting his gun down on the table behind him, before unlocking the door and swinging it open.

"Oh thank god." Jungkook's voice was raspy, expression extremely relieved as he set his gaze upon Jimin standing in the door way.

Jungkook was completely soaked, his hair sticking to his forehead and causing droplets of water to stream down his face. The collar of his t-shirt was ripped, and a bloody nose had dripped down his face - the crimson hue swirling within the trails of raindrops. His knuckles were red and swollen, his right hand having far more damage done to it.

"What the hell happened?" Jimin asked incredulously, helping the younger male though the doorway and into his house. He shut the door behind them once Jungkook was inside, wrapping his around around him gently to help the brunette through the living room and to his bedroom. They were leaving a trail of water behind them as they walked, but Jimin couldn't find himself caring that much right then.

"I got jumped by some kids that I stole from awhile ago." Jungkook mumbled, his voice strained as he leaned against Jimin for support. His sniffled softly, wincing at the pain in his nose. "They wanted their stuff back, and I told them that I had sold it a long time ago - which was true."

Jimin sighed, pushing open his bedroom door and flicking the light on and guiding Jungkook inside. "They obviously didn't like that, so they all just fuckin' went after me." The younger male finished, letting Jimin lead him into the attached bathroom.

"Not looking so good on your record that you're getting caught already." Jimin spoke, half joking, and half serious. He flicked the bathroom light on as well, letting Jungkook lean against the wall and letting go of him. "How many people were there?"

"Three, I think?" Jungkook shrugged, wiping his nose and accidentally smearing blood across his face. "I won, though. If that counts for anything."

"I'd be surprised if you didn't." Jimin returned, smiling at Jungkook and tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "You beat me, after all."

This made Jungkook crack a small smile, and he met Jimin's gaze. His hair was still dripping wet, drops of water still running down his face and falling onto the tile floor. The black T-shirt that he wore clung to his skin, sticking to and accentuating what was beneath it.

And Jimin knew right then, that he was screwed. Because Jungkook didn't just look breathtaking in a suit, all dressed up and adorned in jewelry - he looked just as stunning right then. Soaked, nose blooded, knuckles bruised, Jungkook still caused Jimin's heart to swell when they locked eyes.

"That feels like forever ago now." Jungkook sighed softly, pushing his wet hair off of his forehead. He licked a spot of blood off of his lips, shifting his lip piercing as he did so. "I'm surprised I've made it this far with you, to be honest."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, leaning against the bathroom counter and trying his best to ignore his heart thudding in his chest.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, watching as Jungkook shrugged and looked down to his shoes.

"I feel like I'm actually someone, to you." Jungkook couldn't face Jimin as he spoke, keeping his gaze trained on the floor. "I'm not just an annoying kid who you got stuck training. I never expected to be anything more than that, and so I'm grateful, I guess."

Jungkook shuffled his feet, breathing out shakily before speaking his next words. He had felt nervous talking to Jimin from the beginning, but this was a different kind of anxiety.

He wasn't scared that Jimin was going to be angry, just embarrassed by the words he was speaking. "Taehyung's door was locked, and so I really couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Besides him, you're the only person I really have to rely on." Finally, he looked up to make eye contact with Jimin once more. "And so thank you, for giving me a chance."

Whatever walls Jimin had built up around him were crumbling down, because Jungkook's words struck his heart and the look in his eyes made it ache.

It was so scary, but so incredible at the same time. Jimin had multiple viable love interests in his time, but none of them were able to even make a crack in his cold exterior. Jungkook though, the boy who he had met by chance, did it with ease.

The longer Jungkook stood in front of him, and the more they spoke - the less and less guarded his heart became.

"Chances aren't something I often like to take." Jimin spoke softly, brushing a few strands out of his eyes. Jungkook watched him, curious brown eyes observing the older male's every move. "You're the only time I haven't regretted it."

The bathroom they stood in felt like it had gotten smaller. Like the walls had moved and pushed them closer to each other. Jimin could hear as Jungkook took in a shaky breath, and the air around them was thick with tension they didn't even know was building up.

Jungkook smoothed his thumb over his sore knuckles, trying to decode whatever emotion it was that swam within Jimin's eyes.

It was incredible to him, how much Jimin's features could change when he let himself relax. A hardened, cold, gaze had turned into brown eyes that Jungkook could get lost in - warm and welcoming. A frown used to be common on Jimin's face, but not anymore - eyes crinkling up and dimples barely hidden as he attempted to keep back a smile.

And though Jungkook was slowly getting colder and colder, rainwater creating a puddle under his soaked sneakers - his heart had never felt warmer.

I'm actually so hyped I've been able to keep this update schedule goin for so long!! thank you for all the support lovelies <33

- Charlie :)

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