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Jungkook's brain really didn't know how to process the situation he was in.

After calming down Taehyung he told him that although he wasn't saying how he got it, most of the money was to pay off the entirety of a debt he had hanging over his head - so he really didn't get to keep a lot of the money anyway.

This eased Taehyung's mind enough for them to forget about the money for the next few hours, choosing to stuff it back into Jungkook's backpack and throwing under his bed.

Jimin had specified to meet him at eight in the morning, even though they didn't even finish the robbery until we'll past three am. Jungkook decided not to go to bed because of this and his nervousness, so instead he found himself spending his morning smoking what Taehyung had given him permission to. He did so until about seven am, then stretching out his arms and reaching into his pocket to place a couple bills on the table to cover what he had smoked.

Taehyung was passed out on the couch, phone laying on his chest and still playing the last video he was watching before he inevitably dosed off. Jungkook remembered shutting the phone off before leaving, hoping to save its battery for his friend.

After that, he left out the front door. Which left him here.

High, sleep deprived, and anxious, leaning up against a fence and picking at his already bitten nails as he waited for Jimin.

He let out a yawn, warm breath creating a fog in the cold morning air. Jungkook was beginning to contemplate whether or not he should have even come here. For all he knew, Jimin was coming here to kill him, not help him.

Jungkook groaned out of frustration, biting his bottom lip and tugging at the piercing there. He just had to get himself into this situation didn't he? He just had to steal from one of his old friends, and end up here.

Before meeting Taehyung, Jungkook became acquainted with Namjoon. A man that quickly became someone Jungkook would drop off the face of the earth to avoid. It began as a mutual friendship, but ended with a lot of stolen drugs and a debt that Jungkook could never pay upfront. Combined with the interest that Namjoon kept adding onto his price - there honestly wasn't much else to say when it came to the matter of why Jungkook decided to do what he did.

He always wanted to clean up his own messes, and so he found a way out of that one too (even though it was fairly ridiculous that he actually went through with it).

"You made it, I'm genuinely surprised."

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts quickly, a familiar voice ringing through the otherwise quiet morning atmosphere. It was Jimin, looking much less intimidating than he did only five hours ago.

His silvery grey hair was no longer covered by a black beanie, whipping in the wind as a breeze blew a couple strands off of his forehead. He was dressed quite casually; black sneakers, grey sweatpants, and a black pullover hoodie. Along his jawline was a blue and purple bruise, only barely creeping up to his cheek. Jungkook couldn't help but notice now that the older man was shorter than him as well.

He raised an amused eyebrow. This was the guy he robbed a bank with last night? He looked harmless, really.

"'Fuck are you looking at me like that for?" Jimin quipped, eyes hardening into a glare as he observed Jungkook's expression. Jungkook's smile immediately dropped, quickly remembering what the dynamic was like between them. No matter how harmless he may look now, he was still the person who held Jungkook's life in his hands a few hours ago.

Jungkook shrugged, looking to the side to avert his gaze.

"Don't look like how I'd expect you to." He answered shortly, having to hold back another smile as he watched Jimin sputter in response to what he said. He was clearly offended.

"Sorry to disappoint, I guess?" Jimin was definitely already itrritated, and Jungkook had hardly even spoken a sentence to him. Sure, he was scared of the man who stood in front of him, but he really doubted Jimin would bring his gun out in broad daylight, and so Jungkook quickly found himself relaxing more.

Jimin took a few steps forwards, a couple fallen leaves crunching under his sneakers as he did so. "Nonetheless, you're still here. Do you want me to train you, or not?"

Jungkook thought for a moment, the metal fence behind him creaking as he leaned further onto it. He pictured Taehyung in his mind, lecturing him about doing stupid stuff that could get him killed. He tapped his chin.

If he was going to be a thief though, the safest route would be to learn from an experienced one right?

Jungkook smiled, deciding that he was definitely correct in that assumption, before nodding in response to Jimin's question.

"Why not?" He replied. "I think I would be kind of stupid to say no to an offer like this?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, you would be." He responded. "Because it's either this or I shoot you."

Jungkook's tensed up. Fuck. He kept forgetting about that. Talk about not judging a book by its cover, because Jimin's baby-like face did not match his words at all - causing Jungkook to forget about his hidden dangerous side quickly and often.

"So if I said no," He began carefully, looking to meet Jimin's gaze. His eyes were cold, not giving Jungkook even a hint to what emotion he may be feeling. "Would you have killed me right here?"

Jimin laughed out loud, the loud noise causing Jungkook to startle by accident.

"Right here?" The older male chuckled, shaking out his hair before shoving his hands in his pockets. "God no, do you see how many windows are facing us?"

It was only then that Jungkook took the time to look around. Jimin was right, there were quite a few apartment buildings that you could definitely watch the two of them out of. "I'd probably have said something along the lines of 'that's too bad, wanna grab a coffee?' and then I would walk you over there,"

Jimin pointed over across the park, where there was a deserted alleyway formed by the back of an apartment building and a wooden fence. "And that is where I would have killed you."

Maybe it was the fact that Jimin had it all planned out that had Jungkook's blood running cold. Maybe it was the way that the older male talked about killing him like it was just another thing on his to-do list. Whatever it was, it had Jungkook's face twisting into an expression of horror and disbelief as he continued to look over at the alleyway then back at Jimin.

"There we go!" Jimin grinned. "That's the face I was looking for when I walked up to you, not the cocky one you had on instead."

Jungkook watched as Jimin smiled, outstretching his arm towards Jungkook for a handshake. "I've never had a partner before really, so don't disappoint me."

The younger male nodded, reaching out and grabbing Jimin's hand with his own. His hands were smaller, but they were rough with callouses and scars.

"What if I do?" Jungkook couldn't help but ask, even though he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

Jimin squeezed Jungkook's hand harder, before shaking it once.


it's finally starting to get warm where I live thank GOD

- Charlie :)

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