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After getting inspector's permission, Ishwari and Shikhar came to meet Arjun in the jail, he was in a corner with his knees up to his chest and head resting leaning to the wall behind him. His eyes flashed regret, cheeks were drenched in tears. The duo looked at him and then at each other and again at him, the constable unlocked his cell which he barely registered as he was lost in thoughts. "Arjun," Shikhar spoke and he lifted his head to look at him, he wiped his tears and stood up on his feet and walked to them as they walked inside.

He folded his hands before them. "I know whatever I did can't be forgotten or forgiven, I did so much bad to Dev, I am really sorry, please ask him to forgive me as well," he said. "We really do not know the reason behind your sudden change of behavior towards Dev when you yourself once protected him to such an extent that you couldn't bear a single scratch on him Arjun, even when he wasn't your own son but my and Shikhar’s son, but you looked after him, you raised him and Alia both, I have recalled everything now, we never married, did we? We didn't, then why did you pretend to be my husband? My children's father? And that I was an adoptive mother to Dev?" Ishwari said with a questionable gaze.

"I can't believe it Arjun, I am shocked, you protected Dev in my absence, you asked him to call you dad in front of everyone but buddy in loneliness, but over the time he got habitual of calling you dad, didn't your heart prick even a little to hurt the same child who you once loved so much Arjun?" he asked with sadness.

Arjun sighed closing his eyes fighting back tears. "Shikhar, you are the only father those children should have, not me, maybe, maybe that's why I was declared infertile by the doctors because I didn't deserve to be a father at all," he said shocking the duo. "What? What are you saying? Preeta was bearing your child only," Ishwari asked. "That's what shocked me Ishwari, I don't know how but, she got pregnant with my child. When I first met you Ishwari, you had got into a very bad accident, you were pregnant with Alia and you were a mother to Dev, the car in which you were was badly damaged, it had fallen down the cliff, but you and Dev survived, and Alia too," he told her shocking her, she looked at Shikhar, he nodded, she looked back at Arjun.


Arjun's car stopped at a cliff where many people were gathered, he got down to see what's going on and saw the car badly crushed. He called the rescue team and the cops. They arrived, the car was pulled out, opened up and it was seen that Ishwari was injured along with Shikhar. The ambulance was also called and the duo was rushed to the hospital.

A person among the crowd was carrying Dev who was just four years old, as he had fallen out of the car, he was easily rescued, he was given to Arjun who took care of him. Even he accompanied Ishwari and Shikhar to the hospital with Dev. After treating Ishwari and Shikhar, the doctor came out, Arjun rushed to him with Dev in his arms. "Doctor, those people?" he asked. "The woman is unconscious but she will gain her senses in a short while, plus she's pregnant, her baby is also okay, the man is seriously injured, he's critical, can't say much about him, he would be under observation for the next twenty four hours, if he gains senses before that, then he would be okay, excuse me," informed the doctor and walked past him.

Arjun looked at Dev in his arms and adjusted him. "Kiddo, what's your name?" Arjun asked. "Dev," he replied. "Oh, Dev, nice name, okay listen to me, your mumma and papa are sleeping. You will have to be with me till they wake up, so whatever you need, you tell me, okay?" Arjun asked, Dev smiled. "Okay," he said.

"Are you hungry?" Arjun asked. "Umm yes a little," he answered. "Okay, let's go," Arjun said and took him to the cafeteria of the hospital and ordered something for him. And when the food arrived, Arjun fed him as he was unable to eat on his own. Like this, their bond was beginning to form.

Fb end.

"So was Shikhar in coma till now?" Ishwari asked and he nodded. "Yes, he came back only sometime back," Arjun replied, Ishwari looked at Shikhar emotionally. Shikhar smiled at her sadly. "Dev had heard me saying that I am not his father, and when I explained the truth to him that he shouldn't tell you, he understood like a mature person, I know I shouldn't have told him, but I did, don't know why, maybe because I wouldn't have wanted to keep him in darkness, so he used to call me buddy in loneliness but in front of everyone, I was still his dad, and as time passed by, he stopped calling me buddy completely and called me dad only. How lucky I was that first my destiny gave me two kids, God made me a father of two children who I accepted whole heartedly, then I even got a child of my own but the child isn't living with my name," he said.

"But then, when you loved Dev and Alia so much, how could you do all that to Dev?" Ishwari asked. Arjun chuckled sadly. "It was my twin brother Avinash because of who it all started, who was happily married to Priya bhabhi and when she was pregnant with his child, behind her back he had an affair with the student of the college where he was working as a teacher, the girl's name was Maya, he spent time with her, poor girl lost her body to him, she didn't even know that he was married, even Priya bhabhi didn't know that what's going on behind her back. Maya was an orphan who's mother got betrayed by her father and then committed suicide so all she had was her maternal grandmother. Once Maya visited him at his house and saw his wife not even knowing about it and asked him that he didn't tell that there's a guest at his house, she was talking about Priya bhabhi as a guest while he introduced Maya as guest to Priya bhabhi and then introduced Priya bhabhi as his wife to Maya breaking her heart. Maya asked him to leave Priya bhabhi and marry her, she was so much in love with him thinking he too loves her and that he's married forcefully to Priya bhabhi. Avinash refused saying she's pregnant with his child and that she's not going anywhere. Maya wanted Avinash badly. In his absence, she once visited Priya bhabhi and tried to kill her, but Avinash came on time and saved her, Maya became mentally unstable and was admitted to mental asylum and according to court orders, she was to be imprisoned for an attempt to murder. Her poor grandmother died daily seeing her granddaughter's condition like that, who was her only family. She could not take it anymore and died, one day Maya also died not being able to take the treatment anymore. After knowing the truth, Priya bhabhi also couldn't take it anymore and had a miscarriage and then dumped Avinash who's own mental condition too worsened, he got angry over everything, he lost his job, his house, everything, and he didn't even want me to have anything, but he didn't know that Ishwari isn't my wife for real nor the children are mine, but as I had taken responsibility of them, I had to protect them. I admitted him in mental health clinic but he kept escaping. When Dev got to know about the affair and took money, he had got to know and as he had my face, he began torturing him by kidnapping him. Yes he was the one to kidnap him, but second time, in the hospital, it was me who took him when Alia witnessed me and attacked me in self defense, yes I did try to make her unconscious just so that I can protect Dev and Alia both, but then I took away Dev only, I did come back to take Alia and to protect her, but everyone were present, so I didn't come. I knew you all can protect her, but then I only took Alia with me, the one who attacked you Ishwari, it was him, he only tried killing you, but you were rescued, I had a fight with Avinash that day," Arjun said, Ishwari and Shikhar were saddened after knowing the truth.


Arjun returned home sometime later when he had gone to buy some food and when he came back, he was met with a drastic sight. He saw Avinash with a bloody knife. "This blood? Knife? What did you do? What did you do I asked? Alia? Did you anything to her?" he asked in a shock and ran to her room and opened her room slightly and heard shower sound. He went inside and heard faint humming sound and so he was relieved and returned and saw Avinash trying to escape so he caught her. "Who's blood is this? Tell me," he asked grabbing Avinash from behind.

"I killed your wife Ishwari! So? What would you do?" Avinash asked and Arjun slapped him. "How dare you? How dare you to first kidnap Dev and then kill Ishwari? I won't spare you," he said and called mental asylum people once again and they took him away but he wasn't ready to reveal about Dev so Arjun himself decided to find Dev. Arjun had almost reached Dev but once again Avinash ran away from the mental asylum and while finding Avinash, the people misunderstood Arjun as Avinash and captivated him. Like this Avinash tortured Dev by retching his throat making him drink excessive alcohol, injuring him with glass bottle, tried making him eat forcefully to which Dev always refused, poor Dev never knew that the one who's torturing him isn't Arjun but Avinash and so he started hating Arjun.

Arjun escaped from the mental asylum and started finding Dev being worried for him and saw Avinash and followed him to where he had captivated Dev but Dev was unconscious and so he didn't saw that they were twins. Avinash hit Arjun and escaped with Dev. To get rid of Arjun, Avinash hypnotized Arjun and made him think that he's Arjun as well as Avinash and that he needs to torture Dev.

The day when Dev was rescued, it was Arjun only who got arrested, Arjun was torturing Dev because he thought of himself as Avinash under the effect of hypnotism. Only when the police arrived, he came into senses that he's Arjun.

Fb end.

"You had to go through so much? You saved Dev but later it was you who tortured him because you were hypnotized. Means you're innocent," Ishwari said. "Yes, you're innocent, then we should bail you," Shikhar said. "But even if it was unknowingly, I have tortured Dev, I deserve it," he said.

"You don't. Once Dev comes to know about it, he would forgive you, even Alia would forgive you, you're a golden hearted person, even after having no relation with me, you did so much, you're an angel. We would bail you out, you should be free," Shikhar said. "Thank you, but how would you prove?" Arjun said. "We won't, Avinash would," Shikhar said. "How?" Arjun asked. "He hypnotized you, we would do the same, we would take help of a hypnotherapist, he would get the truth out, we would record it," Shikhar said. Arjun smiled. "Before that, please bring Alia and Dev because I want to meet them, I raised them as my own children, I love them, they were the ones who called me papa when I was declared infertile," he said. "Sure, but remember you're not infertile, and that you are a Guardian angel to my children who never let them feel the emptiness of a father," Shikhar said and Arjun smiled thankfully.


Karan and Preeta walked to the doctor's office after being called. After the greetings took place, they settled. "Doctor, I am myself a gynecologist, years ago I had my sperm count checked, and it wasn't enough, some days ago I got it checked again, but it was enough and normal, and I was taking treatment but then I got tired and dropped it off. When I wasn't taking treatment, how can it be possible?" Karan asked as Preeta clutched his hand trying to give him courage. "Maybe you were always fertile, you would have been declared infertile maybe because your results would have got exchanged with that of someone else. Then you began the treatment and getting tired and dropping it is a good sign, I mean, when you didn't need that treatment at all and if even then you would have taken it, it would have messed up things for you, but you stopped, everything is fine," the doctor said.

Karan looked at Preeta who blinked her eyes in assurance and turned her gaze to the doctor. "Is there any way that we can know who was it with who the results got exchanged?" she asked. "Sorry but, so many years have passed by, its quite difficult. Anyways, you should be happy, you can have kids," the doctor said, the duo left from there, Preeta held his bicep while he walked completely lost.

"Karan, what's the need to be completely lost now? Please, don't be upset. This is the moment of happiness," she said. They stepped out of the hospital and sat in the car. "Preeta, I am happy, but, I am just saying that this is God's sign, Sonakshi was never meant to be mine, that's why this fake news separated us, but even her child is taken care of by me. Means you're a lucky charm to me. All this happened only after you came, I am already a father to two children, but soon a third child would also come, our child," Karan said, she smiled.

He fastened his seatbelt and drove off. Back at home, later, Karan was going through Facebook when he saw photos of Sonakshi and Rudra. Seeing the dates, he realized that Sonakshi and Rudra were together even before their divorce happened. Preeta came to him. "You know who's the culprit behind all of the conspiracy that I got proved as infertile? See this, Rudra and Sonakshi both were together even before my and Sonakshi's divorce happened, means one of them was the culprit," Karan said and Preeta got shocked. "Now its only one person who can tell us about all of it, Sonakshi is dead, its only Rudra," she said and they held hands determined to teach him a lesson.

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