9~Regained Memory

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"What is this?" she asked and got out the photographs. "Preeta, relax Preeta," he said. She began closing her eyes feeling dizzy again and went unconscious on the floor. "Preeta!" he exclaimed worriedly and rushed to her taking her in his arms. He picked her up carefully and placed her on the bed. He took some water in his hands from the jug and splashed it over her eyes. She opened her eyes and sat up holding her head. Many flashbacks ran in his mind and suddenly she startled. "Pihu?" she said in a panic. "Preeta, don't worry, Pihu is safe," Karan said.

She looked up at him and smiled. He got surprised as she touched his face and caressed him lovingly. "Karan, we both are married, we both love each other, we are husband wife, Pihu is our child, I remember everything Karan, I remember everything," she said with tears and smile. He smiled emotionally and they shared a hug while crying happily. "I am so glad you recalled everything, I was craving for you and your hug, Pihu would be so happy, in fact everyone would be happy," he said. They released the hug, she cupped his face.

"I am sorry Karan, I forgot you, the most important person in my life after Srishti and maa, my shape shifting eagle, sorry Karan," she said and he shook his head. "You didn't forget purposefully, it was destiny, don't worry, now everything is fine, you are also safe and Pihu is also safe," he said, she nodded tearfully. "Preeta, what exactly happened the day when Pihu was invited to her friend's birthday party? What happened afterwards? We heard Pihu was kidnapped, you saved her, then when you both were coming back, the car met with an accident, but when you both returned, you both were okay besides for your memory loss,"he said.

"Sonakshi got Pihu kidnapped Karan," she said. "Oh, then what happened?" he asked. "After some incidents, I could finally reach the place where Pihu was captivated, I fought with the goons for her, I was about to go to her but then someone hit me on my head with a glass bottle," she told him.


Preeta walked inside the factory where Pihu was kept. Goons walked over to her. Bravely, she picked the stick from the floor meanwhile the goon pointed a gun at her while laughing. "Where is my daughter?" she asked with rage. "Where are my money?" he asked.

"First you tell where is my daughter? Where is she? Pihuuuu!" she called out for her. Pihu heard her. "Mumma," she called back. Preeta began to go look for her but the veiled lady who was none other than Sonakshi, picked a glass bottle and hit it over her head. Preeta screamed in pain as blood oozed out of her head. She fell on the floor while the goons giggled. Sonakshi began to go to the place Pihu was but then Preeta held her foot.

"Sonakshi, Sonakshi you?" she asked recognizing her and then the goon hit her over her head with a gun, she yelped in pain and went unconscious. Sonakshi sighed in relief and stood up. On the other side, Pihu begged the kidnapper to untie her, he already was willing to free her but that she could escape only after Preeta comes there. But now that Preeta had arrived, he untied her and took her outside. Her gaze went on Preeta and she pointed at her. "Mumma, leave me I want to go to mumma," she said and he put her down, Pihu ran to Preeta.

She held her face by her tiny hands and tried waking her up. "Uhh mumma, mumma wake up, mumma Preeta mumma, mumma wake up, mumma wake up, mumma, mumma," Pihu said emotionally. "God this girl, I feel like beating her up now," Sonakshi muttered under her breathe with rage and took steps towards Pihu, grabbed her tiny arm and pushed her, her head collided into drum and she got injured and began to cry calling out for Preeta. "Mumma, mumma," she said holding her head. Preeta gained consciousness. "Pihu," she said emotionally and began to stand up.

The goon got hold over her, she got angry and pushed him away and rushed to Pihu and made her stand. "Pihu, now your mumma is with you, nothing will happen to you now," she said consoling her and then she saw the wound on her forehead. "How did you get hurt?" Preeta asked while crying badly hiding her face in her chest, even Pihu cried with her. But then Preeta composed herself and wiped Pihu's tears. "Now nothing more would happen to you, we would go home, nothing will happen Pihu," she comforted her and suddenly Sonakshi grabbed Pihu's arm again.

"Aray, hey you, leave my daughter, leave her," Preeta said but Sonakshi snatched Pihu and picked her up. She began to approach her but the goon again got hold over her, Preeta pushed him again. "Pihu," she said and rushed to Sonakshi trying again and again to get Pihu but in vain. She took a step back and sighed. "Who the hell are you and how much more will you injure my daughter? How much more? You have so much guts that you will separate a child from her mother? Please give me back my daughter, you will separate my child from me, you have much guts, right? So then why have you hidden your face by this veil? Why don't you remove it and show me your face?" she asked angrily.

"See mumma, I will remove her veil, I removed it," Pihu said removing her veil and Preeta got shocked to see Sonakshi. "Sonakshi you?" she asked in a dazs. Sonakshi looked at Pihu angrily. "Sonakshi aunty?" Pihu said in a shock. "Now you're gone," she said and threw Pihu in the air. Preeta got shocked but then caught her just on time while Pihu panicked.

Preeta hugged Pihu while crying badly as to what might have happened if she wouldn't have been able to catch her on time. She composed herself and wiped Pihu's tears and adjusted her in her arms. "Nothing will happen to you Pihu now that your mother is here, no one can do anything to you," Preeta said staring at Sonakshi angrily who gazed back at her with the same rage. "Why did you kidnap Pihu? And for what?" Preeta asked her.

"Because I want Karan, when the daughter is mine, so technically her father is also mine, father's relatives are also mine so then who are you and why are you here?" Sonakshi asked. "For getting all of this, you kidnapped my daughter and hurt her so much? So much hatred for my daughter? Now I don't even think that Pihu is your daughter," Preeta said as tears made way through her eyes once again.
"Oh just shut up, the ones who have it all are the ones like you who can be so emotional and talk emotionally but I have nothing," Sonakshi said angrily. "You have nothing? You had nothing Sonakshi, you got into an accident, we kept you in Luthra house, we took care of you, did so much hospitality, gave you a family and you are saying you have nothing? Now see Pihu, how mumma would take you from here, that too alive, no one would do anything to you,"Preeta said. "Now you see what may happen Preeta, the whole Luthra family will accept me," Sonakshi told her.

"Oh just shut up," Preeta said angrily. "You shut up, and you listen to me, they will accept me, and they will kick you out, and then the whole game would reverse, your place in that house would be mine, even your husband and in laws would be mine," Sonakshi told her pointing a gun at her and Pihu. Preeta saw her standing on her dupatta and pulled her dupatta making Sonakshi fall and snatched the gun from her.

"Now do you know how much strength a mother has, don't you dare to move, it will just take me a second, I would shoot you...," her voice trailed off as she saw Pihu had lost her senses and had gone unconscious. "Pihu, what happen beta?" she asked in a panic but then saw Sonakshi trying to approach Pihu. "Hey! Don't come close to me... Hey you! Leave my child," she said to Sonakshi and then to the person among the gang(who helped Pihu escape) who was picking Pihu. "I am giving her to you only," he said and picked Pihu. "Monu what are you doing?" Sonakshi asked angrily. "If I don't give Pihu to her, she will shoot," Monu said and gave Pihu to Preeta who pointed gun at all of them.

"Hey, don't come close, don't you dare do this mistake, before going I may tell you Sonakshi that you're the world's worst mother, eww, you are a stain on mother's name," she said and transformed into serpent and grabbed Sonakshi in her tail which she couldn't do earlier as Pihu could've got scared.

She threw Sonakshi here and there by her tail and she grew weak. She left her and Sonakshi fell on the floor, she was near to losing her senses. "Now you know who m I, so don't you dare do the mistake of coming closer to me, as Pihu is the daughter of a shape shifting serpent and a shape shifting eagle Karan, I will kill you if you come near me," Preeta said and ran outside with Pihu and sat in the car with her.

She drove off as soon as possible and halted the car at the hospital and rushed inside with Pihu. "My daughter has fainted, is any pediatrician here?" she asked. "Yes, nurse, show her to Dr Bindu's cabin," said the receptionist and Preeta left with Pihu following the nurse. As they reached the cabin, Preeta lied Pihu on the stretcher and took off her shoes rubbing her feet by her hands trying to keep her as warm as possible. Without waiting for doctor, she herself applied band aid on Pihu's wound.

Doctor arrived. "Pihu," she said as if she knew Pihu. "Doctor, my daughter fainted," Preeta said in a panic. "Don't worry, she just fainted because she grew nervous," said the doctor. "Doctor, how do you know so much about Pihu?" Preeta asked. "Because I know her mother very well, she used to run a NGO, I was the one to be called for her delivery, Pihu's mother died giving her birth, since then I have been searching for Pihu as to where is she, how is she, who is she with, because I also don't love her less than a mother, and I am happy that she got a mother like you, I have seen the love you have for her," said the doctor.

"But doctor, I personally know Pihu's mother, she's alive," Preeta said. "No, that's not true, I got to know someone changed her birth certificate and the other details, I told you just now that I have been searching for her, but now I am relieved to see her fine with a loving mother," she said while attaching cannula to Pihu's hand for the drip. "Oh, please take care of her till I return," Preeta said and left from there.

"Sonakshi has been lying all the while, neither her nor Karan are her biological parents, she used Pihu to get close to Karan but now her deeds would be unfolded," Preeta said to herself and exited the hospital and sat in her car driving off to her house. She halted the car and walked inside. Karan came to her. "Preeta? Pihu?" he asked. "She's fine, I want to tell something Karan, Pihu...," her voice trailed off as she fainted. Karan grew worried and got her till the couch. Others also surrounded her and he splashed water on her face.

She woke up and realized. "Listen, I will tell everything once I return, Pihu is alone, I just came to tell Pihu is fine, because my phone was dead," she said. "How did you get hurt Preeta?" Karan asked. "Karan I will tell everything, I am going to get Pihu," she said and rushed outside and once again sat in her car and drove off. She halted the car at the hospital and rushed inside to the ward where Pihu was. She saw her still unconscious. "Pihu, why is she still unconscious?" Preeta asked.

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