Chapter 25

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Fabien widened his eyes as he watched Lucian and Elise walk down the streets. He slowly followed from the park and was wary of the bag they were carrying. He remembered the things he heard in the hall and it never left his mind. Then you surely know what we have to do tonight. Take the rosary and the spellbook of divinity with you while you're at it. This may be the greatest incantation we ever had. But Fabien had no idea what that meant. He clenched his teeth as he stared at them from afar with stern eyes. He didn't want to look like a creep so he tried to act as naturally as possible as he walked their same path. Sometimes they disappeared in an alley.. and appeared on another street. That made Fabien almost gasp in shock but luckily he could follow their traits as fast as possible. It still left him surprised how fast they could move while Fabien tried his best to become a ninja... He knew that something was off with those two as soon as Lucian told him to stay away from the forest. But there is no way he would... He wanted to know what Lucian was after.

He never was the person to stalk someone... Fabien sighed as he rubbed his face. Incantation... Are you guys playing a prank? He asked himself as he followed them up into a dark alley.

Fabien's face almost looked exhausted from all the walking and he almost wanted to shout to them to wait up. But he kept on going until they reached a dark alleyway... It made Fabien's heartbeat insanely fast.

The boy stopped his trait as he looked in the pitch-black alleyway. Fabien's eyes went wide. He held his bag tighter as his face became insanely pale. His skin began to crawl up like a snake and he felt a cold shiver run down his spine. Something felt off... He felt the same aura in school... But this one felt stronger.

He watched Lucian and Elise disappear in the alley and instantly followed them in. The more he tried to follow them... The more suffocating it was to breathe. Fabien's face became paler with time.. He had no idea where he was as he looked around in confusion. It was bright daylight... But why did it feel like midnight?

He felt a weird surface underneath his shoes with a sinister sound echoing through his ears. He stopped for a moment as he realized that his footsteps became louder. The last thing he wanted was to get Elises and Lucian's attention. But he had a feeling that he was the only one in the dark alley now... Fabien's heart beat faster as he looked behind him. He didn't see a single trace of light where he came from. Even the sky looked like a dark hollow... When was he entering a cave?


He jumped up as soon as he heard a loud noise coming from the way he was headed. It sounded like someone closed a door. He gulped deeply as he thought of returning but... The curiosity got stronger. He Instantly continued walking in the direction where he was heading and the weird sound kept getting louder. Maybe he was stepping on metal? He couldn't see anything.

Out of nowhere, Fabien felt something hard as he crashed against a wall-like surface. It was cold and smelled like iron. He moaned in pain as he held his nose in agony. Luckily, he didn't hit the wall too hard. His heartbeat fast in confusion as he suddenly realized that he couldn't go further... Even Elise and Lucian were gone. But.. How is that possible?

He touched the hard surface and felt something which was hard as a knob... A doorknob? Fabien looked confused for a moment but didn't waste a second to try it out.

A fresh cold airbrushed along his skin as he saw the light which felt like an eternity to him. He widened his eyes as he stopped walking for a moment. What the hell was that?

A dark wormhole which led to a door and a room?

He opened it further as he quietly looked inside.

He made sure that he wasn't seen or anything but he couldn't help but sweat nervously. There was a strange air going around. Not because of the strange place itself... It looked like a cellar of some sort. He felt like he was standing in a high place.. Like the stairs, you would use to go further down the cellar. There was a grit where you could look down.

"So what are you planning?", he heard a deep voice ask and slightly twitched in surprise. He was sure that he closed the door as light as possible.

"You already know that. We will summon the highest of the circle right at this moment to get into a contract with the God of magic.", he heard another voice say. It was rough and calm but also gave him instant goosebumps. He knew who it belonged to. It was Lucians.

"Isn't it like... Impossible? I mean it's a Goddess we are talking about. How in the world are we supposed to bring her down on earth.", he heard the deep voice say again, as Fabien walked closer to the metal grit. His legs were trembling as he made sure not to show too much of his body. Just to the point of getting to see what was going down there.

He looked shocked. Fabien's heart started to tremble as soon as he saw a giant ass white circle on the ground. It looked like the pagan circle he would see on TVs. Like when the witches used it to summon something... But it had to be a joke.

"Don't ask silly questions and just help me with the spell circle. We only have one shot.", Lucian said, finishing to spray something on the ground. Looks like.. salt? He threw the bottle away as soon as he was done and a glass-like sound echoed through the room. Fabien hid away instantly.

He noticed other people standing there... It was the same people the boy saw in the forest. There were about 6 of them... Including an old man who was sitting on a red couch with a long wooden stick? It had a weird spiral-like form in the front.

Just what are they doing there? Are they Satanists?

"I don't want to know what will happen if we fuck up something here..", a spiky-haired boy said. He was the same dude he saw close to the river that day. He was confusingly young and had a light attitude.

"We won't. Master, I'll promise to bring back your power.", Lucian said, plainly as he looked over to the old man. Fabien watched them sternly as he asked himself who all these people were. FBI agents summoning some kind of fairy goddess? Ridiculous. They had a sinister aura around them. For some reason... Elise was there too. She was placing candles on each side of the stars. Fabien was on the verge of saying something but he had to keep it in.

"I appreciate the effort you put for me, my son... But it's the goddess we are talking about. There is always something she wants in return... What could we possibly give the holiness?", suddenly, the old man exclaimed, looking right into Lucian's direction. He didn't look too old and fragile but the way he acted was like he was on the verge of exhaustion.

"Don't worry about that. You guys are seriously thinking too much into it.", Lucian simply said, confident as ever. He walked closer to the circle until he stood before it with a straight posture.

"Now. Open the circle.", he said with a demanding voice. The spiky-haired guy nodded as he spilled the box of roses all over the circle. For some reason... These roses started to glow. Or was Fabian just being lunatic? He gripped the metal grit tighter in his hands as he moved close enough to see what was going on down there. The circle was right underneath him.

Lucian suddenly put his arm out, right over the circle as a strange aura revolved around him. For some reason, it got all windy all of a sudden as Fabien watched his hair strains move up and down.

"Goddess of light, Goddess of darkness, make me a wish. Give me your powers, light and strong, make me a wish and return to where you belong. Step before me, Vita!", Lucian suddenly exclaimed, loud as possible. Fabien widened his eyes as soon as he saw the circle glow bright blue to the point of almost blinding him. He gasped as he suddenly felt a weird energy and stumbled back in an instant. The boy grabbed his chest as his heart started to race in an unnatural way. But the thing that shocked him the most was the bright light that even reached to the ceiling, giving Fabien a proper look. It moved like a crazy tornado and was beautiful to the point of almost hypnotizing him. Fabien saw something unreal and dreamlike. He couldn't help but stare at it blankly as his legs became paralyzed.

What is that? What is happening!?

The cellar seemed like it was on the verge of exploding from the energy.

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