Chapter 26

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It was whirling like crazy in this small cellar. Fabien widened his eyes as he moved closer to the grit so he could look down. The tornado stopped and a calm breeze started to flow in the air. But the bright light didn't stop. He curiously looked down and saw something which almost took his breath away. His hands were trembling as he leaned against the grit.

He saw a person appearing in the center of the circle... More like floating. It looked like a fairy with long wavy hair and a body of blue light. It had curves and a slim figure which gave it off the assumption it would be a more mature female. A majestic female who reminded him of a goddess statue... But what would explain the excessive glow?

Fabien wasn't the only one shocked in the room. Everyone was, including the old man who stared at the beauty with wide and shocked eyes. They stepped back from the ring but except for Lucian.

"You took your time to summon me. I remember it was 10 years ago where I promised you to make a wish for what you and your brother did. Did you finally make up your mind? ", suddenly, the Goddess asked with a soft and melodic voice. It left everyone speechless. Lucian just smirked.

"I can wish anything I want, right?", he asked, calm as usual. She was quiet for a second as she raised her finger in a graceful way.

"Anything except returning the dead to life.", she said, moving closer to him.

"Can you return the ghouls back to normal?", Lucian asked, plainly. Everyone gasped in the room and the Goddess flinched for a second there.

"I must say, I'm not powerful enough.. to do that. Ghouls are a part of the dead-", she said, making Lucian sigh.

"I understand that. But I have a risky wish to make. Make anyone who steps into this circle overflow with magical powers instead.", he interrupted her. His voice was echoing through the wall and Fabien could hear a hint of hope in his voice. Still, he put a confident face on. Everyone went silent for a moment. Even the goddess didn't answer him straight away. She looked at him blankly. But Fabien could feel a weird vibe from her.

She began to smirk.

"That's really a risky wish to make. Normally, I would just lift a curse off of you or gift you love and properties.", she said, more casual than before. It seemed like she took a sudden interest in him as she surrounded him like a ghost.

"You are the Goddess of magic right? So I think it isn't much of a big difference if you return the magic powers for my teachers.", Lucian continued speaking, calm and plain as usual. His eyes were analyzing her every move as she grinned at him.

She finally stopped floating around him as she returned to the circle.

"I don't like that cocky smirk. But remember that I can't give you the exact powers of your teachers. You're asking a Goddess, me, to prosper you with the most powerful magic. Can he handle what I give him..?", she asked, tilting her head. Lucian glanced at his master for a while who still looked like he was in shock. He glanced back at her with a confident smile.

"I believe he does. He is the highest priest of the magic academy... Well, he was.", he said, disappointed.

Vita was silent for a second before giving him a satisfying smile.

"Then he should have it. It's a thank you gift from me, and I am willing to give you the specials of magic. He should tame it with his-", she was about to say but suddenly a weird aura corrupted. It was strong enough to make Fabien's knees go weak as he began to tighten his grip on the grit. The power was dubious that it almost was too familiar to him and everyone else. Out of nowhere, black cloud-shaped shadows appeared from the walls leaving everyone shocked.

"W-hats this..", the spiky-haired guy said, getting onto fighting pose like the rest. Fabien trembled as he watched the clouds quickly taking the shapes of sinister creatures one by one.

"Oh no..", Lucian exclaimed as he realized the darkness they were surrounded by.

"I knew I felt the presence of magic right there... It's so tasty.", a dark and amused voice exclaimed. Fabien was sure it came from these 'monsters' who had a sinister look of giant black gargoyles.

Everyone backed off from them and even the teacher was taken closer to the circle.

"Didn't you put a protection spell around it!?", Lucian said, summoning a giant golden spear out of nowhere? It had a glowing effect around it as he ducked down, about to attack them. Fabien widened his eyes as he thought he was in some kind of TV show as he saw everyone summoning something out of thin air.

"I did it! Do you think it works against these monsters of the abyss!? They always appear from some kind of random hole...", the spiky-haired guy said, holding guns out of nowhere.

One of these monsters jumped straight on the Goddess with a sinister and hungry look as he stuck his tongue out. But it couldn't touch it as the Goddess disappeared like a cloud.

"Vita!", Lucian shouted in vain as he saw the Goddess disappeared back into the ring. But he couldn't do anything about it as one of the monsters already started to launch the next jump.

"You have to be kidding me!", he shouted, annoyed. He blocked their claws with his spear. But it seemed like they were somehow on the same level as Lucian as the boy began to stagger.

He glanced back at the circle and saw the glowing light becoming stronger and stronger until it looked like a portal. It seemed like Vita still opened a pathway for them as she's never someone who would break their promise. It was like a call to make someone step into the circle quickly before it loses its glowing effect.

"Master, step into the circle!", Lucian shouted to the old man who was about to stay with him in the room. He put his stick down who had a light glowing effect and looked at Lucian with confusion.

Fabien was literally taken aback as he tried to run from the cellar. He saw enough and didn't want to stay any longer since the dark vibe almost made him collapse. He felt too much energy coming from different directions and the worst thing was the strange touch as if someone poked against his back.

It seemed like another hole opened right behind him. The Presence was stronger than ever. Fabien was sure it was the same presence he felt 4 years ago in the forest... Or in school.

"Looks like there is another little mouse peeping in..", the dark voice whispered. Fabien felt a shiver run down his skin as he instantly turned around. He stood up with every power he had as he looked deeply into the fierce eyes of the monster. It felt like his body was moving on its own as he backed off from the shock. The monster and he both widened their eyes as Fabien was suddenly floating into the air. Or rather said, falling as he lost balance.

"No way..", Fabien thought, his face all blank. The last thing he saw was the face of a black demon as he stumbled over the grid with his head pointed down.

It caught Lucian's attention as he suddenly realized the mysterious shape of a boy, almost falling from the roof. Everyone widened their eyes as they watched him fall right into the circle. But he didn't hit his head or die into a blood bath. No, he rather was sucked into the circle. The master widened their eyes in shock as he moved closer to it. Lucian followed as soon as he kicked the demon away from his Visage.

Fabien slowly opened his eyes as he found himself surrounded by a weird aura... A fiery warm atmosphere touched his skin which got hotter with every second. He couldn't believe it for a moment as he looked around in shock... There was nothing... Only a bright blue light which he was surrounded by and a feeling he was drowning in water. It became harder to breathe with every second as he saw the black light above him which looked like the hole he was falling from. He widened his eyes as he realized that he was pulled into something like a tornado.

"W-what is this..!?", he asked himself, panicking. He fidgeted around as he saw no ground underneath him.

Suddenly, another glowing light appeared in front of him. He came face to face with a beautiful woman.. A familiar woman. Her presence was furiously warm.

"Who are you..?", he heard her say. It took Fabian a while to realize that it was the same Goddess from before. His heart stopped beating as soon as he saw the fierce eyes staring holes into him. He felt the hot touch of her fingers as she took his face in her palms. Fabien couldn't flinch as it seemed like she laid his body completely paralyzed...

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