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"Riwon!" Sera startled the girl by appearing from behind the wall.

"Oh my.. I almost got a heart attack in the morning." Riwon patted her chest and she looked at Sera before both of them bursted into laughter.

They walked together to the class, seeing Maya with Sunghoon. Maya joined them after talking to her boyfriend. She took a seat beside Riwon even though Sera had offered her a seat in front of her. Maya side eyed Sera and continued to talk to Riwon like the girl was invisible there.

Maya dislikes Hwang Sera. Especially when the girl has a crush on her best friend's boyfriend but Riwon never knew about that. Jungwon didn't say anything about it because he didn't want to make her overthink and Maya was feeling suspicious when Sera became friends with Riwon.

What if she has something up her sleeves? But Maya couldn't say anything because she didn't want Riwon to find out about this. And Riwon would be suspicious of her if Maya told her to not be friends with Sera. As long as she keeps her eyes on Hwang Sera, then it's going to be okay.

At recess, Riwon went to her boyfriend's class to pick him up so that they could have lunch together. She wasn't bothered by Sera's presence.

"Um.. why is Sera here?" Jungwon whispered into her ears.

"Because she has no one else to eat with. If I didn't let her eat together with us then she would be alone by herself. Why? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Riwon placed the food tray on the table and turned to look at Sera who's just standing behind her, waiting to sit.

"No it's just, I want to be alone with you.."

"Aw, Jungwon. We can be alone after school, okay? For now, let's Sera eat with us." Riwon said before telling her to sit beside her.

"Okay" He smiled at Sera before continuing to eat his food.

Sera sat happily and ate with them too.

When Jungwon thought he could have a little date with Riwon, he's wrong. His jaw dropped when Riwon was waiting for him outside with Sera..

"Sera said she wanted to buy some materials for her studies so we're going to go with her. Uh.. if you don't want to, it's okay. You must be tired." Riwon said.

"No, no it's okay! Let's go!"


They were walking around in the bookstore when something caught Riwon's attention. She walked towards the shelf and looked at the melody pouch. Her eyes sparkled, staring at the cute pouch. But she gulped down her saliva seeing the price. Of course she couldn't afford it and if she can, she probably will save the money for something else that's more important than a cute pouch.

She sighed before going to find Sera. Jungwon was actually watching her all the time. When he saw her walking away without taking the pouch, he knew she didn't want to use up her money. "She could have just told me if she really wanted this" Jungwon took the melody pouch and went to the counter to pay for it.

After 10 minutes, Riwon came back with Sera. She let Sera pay for her things and she went to Jungwon. She holds his hand, closing the gaps as she places her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry.."

"Why are you apologising to me?" Jungwon caressed her hair.

"For this past week, I've been spending less time with you. I always told you it's because of Sera when I shouldn't use her as a reason. I'm really sorry. You know that you're more important than anything right? You're my top priority."

"How about your studies?"

"Hahaha! Hey! You can't compare yourself with my studies. Of course study is important because you love educated women. I will make sure when someone asks who's your girlfriend, you will proudly say 'my girlfriend is a doctor' .." Riwon said with both of her hands on her hip. She looked so proud when she said that.

"You're so cute! Don't worry, I'm not mad. I know you just want to be nice to Sera. My girlfriend is so kind"

Suddenly Sera came to them. They decided to eat ice cream before going back to each other's houses. Jungwon walked Riwon home. His right hand was holding the ice cream and his left hand was holding Riwon's hand.

They swing their hands while walking, playing around. They finally reached Riwon's house. Riwon wanted to enter the gate when Jungwon stopped her. He took out a plastic from his hand and gave it to Riwon. Riwon was confused but she still accepted the thing and when she looked inside the plastic, she gasped.

"Jungwon?! You bought this?"

"Yes, you love the Sanrio character, right? I saw you staring at the pouch but you didn't buy it so I bought it for you." Jungwon smiled innocently. He could predict Riwon would scold him like a mother and child because she didn't like him spending too much money on her.

But Riwon didn't scold him. She smiled, touching the soft pouch. "Thank you, Jungwon. I appreciate it."

She gave a peck at his cheek before entering the house. As soon as she entered the house, she was greeted by her mother sitting on the couch with a cold expression. Riwon ignored her and went straight to her room. But when she opened the door to her room, she noticed something's off. Like there's something missing..

She ran downstairs, standing in front of her mother. "Mom! Where's all my notebook?!"

"I thought you didn't use it anymore so I threw it away." She replied coldly.

"What? Mom, I saved lots of money to buy all the books for my studies. Why are you doing this to me?? You don't want to see your daughter passing the test?" Riwon let the tears of disappointment roll down her cheeks.

"If you listened to me and broke up with your boyfriend, then this wouldn't happen."

"Are you seriously using Jungwon as an excuse?"

"Oh gosh, Riwon! I want nothing but you to have a successful life. It's a waste of time to have a boyfriend now. I promise, you can get a boyfriend once you get into the university. Okay, sweetie?"

"Sweetie..? Are you that desperate? Because you never called me that." Riwon scoffed, walking away from there.

She went to the kitchen to get water to calm herself when she met with her sister, eating ramen at the dining table.

"Why is it so hard to follow mom's order? You know she's doing this for our best." She said while slurping the noodles.

"For our best? No. It's only for your best. You know what, I have enough with everyone in this house. You guys are selfish. You, Miwon, you only think about yourself. You get everything you want but I can't? You don't need to save up money because they spoiled you. What about me? I always think of others, always care for everyone in this house but all of you treated me like a shit. I fucking hate you—"

A slap landed on Riwon's cheek which made her fall to the floor. Miwon was shocked too. She looked at her father who looked so mad. Riwon held her cheek and turned to look at the one who slapped her. "Dad..?"

"I never teach you to disrespect your sister like that. That's what you think of us? Treating you like what? A shit? A trash? Ungrateful daughter. If we never cared for you, you would probably be living under a bridge or something."

"No, you don't understand! You don't understand! Shut up, Dad! It's different! If you really care for me, you will buy me a new phone like the Miwon too. I will get new clothes, not second hand clothes and things. If it's not that hard, why can't I receive the same treatment?

I know you guys care for me but it's unfair. The way you guys treat Miwon and me, it's different, it's unfair! Why do I need to listen to everyone when no one wants to listen to me?!"

Riwon had enough. She pushed her father, running to her room and locked the door behind. She grabbed a bag and opened her closet. "I'm not living in this house anymore. I can take care of myself," She put all her clothes inside the bag, zipping it.

After that, she went downstairs and saw her father waiting for her. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm going to live under the bridge?"

"Riwon, this isn't time for a joke," Miwon grabbed her wrist.

"Do I look like I have time for it too? Let go of me." She yanked her hand, glancing at her family for the last time before leaving the house.

"Hahaha.. did I just run away from home without bringing my wallet? Funny.. I'm not going back to that house. I will make them beg and cry for me to come back. Until then, I'm not going to see them. I'm a human too, I have feelings too. I don't understand them." Riwon leaned against the slide.

She's not planning to call her boyfriend. Not for now. She needs some space to be alone. Her eyes felt heavy. She tries to keep it open but she's slowly losing her consciousness and falls asleep in the playground.


She opened her eyes, feeling comfortable. It's so comfortable, like putting her head on a soft pillow. She moved a bit to continue her sleep when she just remembered she's not at home.

"Wah!" Riwon immediately got up and her forehead hit someone's face when she heard a groan from the person.

"My noseee!" A familiar voice whined. He rubbed his nose that's already red because of the impact.

"Junho.. what are you doing here?"

"Excuse me? I'm the one who should ask you that. Why are you sleeping here? Don't you have a home?"

"Yeah, I don't."

"Wait- what. I'm just kidding tho.. you ran away from home?"

"Hm," She nodded, sitting beside him.

"I'm not going to ask more but you should call your boyfriend. He will be worried if he finds out what the situation is right now." Junho recommended.

"But I don't want to become a burden to him.."

"Listen, Riwon. It will be better if you let Jungwon know. He will be mad if he finds out by himself that his girlfriend was sleeping in the playground alone. Call him," Junho pointed at the phone she's holding.

She sighed, "Fine"

Riwon tapped on Jungwon's number and a few seconds later, they could hear his voice. "Yesss, Riwon? Do you need anything, love?"

"Erm actually.. I'm at the playground near my house right now." Riwon hesitated whether to tell him the truth or not.

"What are you doing there? It's already night time. Are you with Maya? It's dangerous to be alone." As always, Jungwon showed how worried he was whenever his girlfriend was out.

"I ran away from home.."

"YOU WHAT? Wait- I'm coming right now! Don't end this call!" Jungwon shouted and she could hear his footsteps running.

Riwon just waited for her boyfriend to come and pick her up without ending the call. She looked around, feeling bored. "Oh what should I do now.." She pouted.

"Don't know. I'm going now. I don't want Jungwon to think I did something to you if he sees us together." Junho said before walking away.

As soon as he left the playground, Jungwon appeared. He was breathing heavily and looked around, searching for Riwon. When he spotted her, he immediately ran up to her and Riwon jumped to hug him.


"What happened? Why did you run away from home? Hm?" He asked and Riwon started to cry. She didn't want to think about it again.

"Aw, don't cry. Shh, it's okay. I'm not going to ask if you don't want to tell the reason. You must be cold right? Let's go to my house." Jungwon took off his jacket and wrapped it around her waist to cover her legs.

He bent down in front of her. "Hop on my shoulder."

"But I'm heavy"

"No, you're not. Hurry up" Jungwon carefully held her hands and wrapped them around his neck. He carried her legs and started walking back to his house.

"Have you eaten?"


"Is everything okay?"

"No.." Riwon replied tiredly. She hugged him tightly.

They finally reached Jungwon's house. Jungwon was startled when his mother was waiting for him at the door.

"Jungwon, why are you running out just like that? You made me worry," She knocked his head and Jungwon just laughed.

That's when she noticed a girl at her son's back. "Omg who is this??"

"Mom, don't be too loud. She's sleeping."

"Oh, okay," She whispered.

They went inside the house and Jungwon placed Riwon on the bed. He closed the door, that's when his mother hit him at the shoulder. "Who's daughter you bring home, Yang Jungwon??"

"She's my girlfriend, Riwon. The one I always told you."

"Oh my, the cutie Riwon? Finally I get to see her face!"

Jungwon looked at her mother that's too excited about his girlfriend. He just smiled.

"Why is she here?"

"Something happened at her house. I feel bad.. Can she sleep here for a few days, Mom?"

"Of course she can, just let her rest first."

"Alright, Mom" 

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