Dive Into Another World

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Edited 6/20/22.

A/N: This chapter contains implied sexual content.


Marshall leans against the doorway to the bedroom. His arms are crossed over his chest. Delicate fingers trace along the impressions of his bonding mark. His weight is displaced onto one foot, making one of his hips more pronounced than the other. Formfitting above-the-knee shorts hug his thighs, the rest of his body being completely bare. He listens to light snoring with a smile on his face.

Paul is snuggling with a recently occupied pillow. He's on his stomach with one leg kicked out from under the covers. His face is partially hidden behind his arm. Vibrant blue paints his caramel colored skin. The contouring of his muscles seem even more pronounced. Fading hickeys dot a majority of his exposed features. Golden eyes settle on the beautiful works of art going down the ridges of a long spine.

Marshall has half a mind to caress his lover's calm face, but ultimately decides against it. They were up late last night. And Paul deserves to rest after such an intense, emotional experience.

A quiet hum escapes the vampire when he finally turns away. He walks up the stairs with hushed footfalls and is greeted by a rising sun muted by tinted windows. The front door is pulled open. Warm, salty air wafts inside. He can hear distant screeching of birds. Aquamarine water appears slightly orange with the morning light reflecting off of its surface.

The entrance to the bungalow is left ajar. Slow footsteps make contact with dry wooden planks of the dock. Dainty feet submerge themselves in refreshing water. It rips a long sigh out of Marshall.

He leans back onto both hands. His head is propped against his shoulder. Golden eyes close in a slothful manner. The sun's rays are soaked up with glee. Crashing waves are amplified by the loss of sight. Random thoughts wander to the events that transpired last night.

Featherlight caresses of fingertips against wing tattoos. Delicate kisses down his chest to his navel. Teasing yet pleasant licks against his neck and bonding mark. Pleasurable heat that sprouted from the inside out. Belted out songs composed of moans, whines, and mewls. Breathless chants of names. Prideful confessions of adoration and love.

The slow, sensual pace of lovemaking was new; but it was addictive as soon as it started. Euphoric highs were sought after again and again. Hordes of butterflies flew freely in the stomach and chest. Brown eyes stole the show in terms of astonishing beauty.

Being emotionally and physically connected in such a way left Marshall gasping for air. Making love to Paul brought the vampire to life.

A single hand settles over his quiet heart. It still feels warm.

The position is held until the sound of a familiar boat engine hits his ears. The approaching scent of the kind mariner invades his senses. Marshall rests his elbows against his legs to convey a calm demeanor. He notices a second boat tied to the original one. A single raised eyebrow is given in response.

The mouthwatering scent of fresh fruit comes up with the closing distance between both males. It makes the vampire wonder if food is being brought over.

"Good morning, sir." The man takes a second to moor the boats. The second one is connected to a different section of the dock. "Where's your partner?"

"Good morning. And he's still sleeping. Long night."

"Ah, this place will do that to you- oh, here you are." He hands over a covered basket. "It's complimentary fruit from farmers on the mainland. Just some starfruit, mangoes, guava, and pineapple. A jar of freshly made orange juice is in there as well."

"I see, thank you. It smells quite nice."

"Good to hear. Our farmers take pride in their produce." The man laughs. "I'll be leaving this boat here for yourself and your partner if you'd like to get to the mainland for any excursions. Or if you just want to have a nice time on the water."

"What excursions would you recommend? We've never been here before, so we're not too sure on what to expect."

"There are a few nice things. You can go hiking; you could stop at some museums or the local church; you can go snorkeling or scuba diving. Really just depends on what you're in the mood for."

"Scuba diving sounds nice. I became certified a few years back and haven't been in awhile. I think my partner would enjoy it as well."

"If that's the case then take this." A small messenger bag is pulled out. He passes over a thin brochure. "I like to keep a few of those on hand for any newcomers. It has the information needed to schedule excursions- most of them allow same day booking. To my knowledge, scuba diving excursions can be private, so it'd just be yourself and your partner; plus the diving instructor."

Marshall skims over the brochure. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you again for breakfast."

"Pleasure's all mine. Now then, I'll leave you to it. Have a wonderful day!"

"You as well, my friend."

The two share a quick wave before the mariner drives away. Marshall sets the brochure on top of the covered fruits. He walks back inside, closing the door behind him.

He takes it upon himself to make a large breakfast. A fluffy sausage omelet is coupled with some leftover Paella. Fruits are cut up to make a small salad. A tall glass of orange juice completes the meal. Everything is set onto a wooden carrying tray. Marshall's careful in taking it downstairs.

It's good timing too because he catches Paul sitting up once getting back to the bedroom.

"My love?"

A quiet voice catches the shifter's attention. Tired eyes make their way over to the figure standing in the doorway. He offers a sleepy grin along with a lazy wave.

His hair is sticking up in multiple directions. The love bites on his body have faded more, but are still faintly present. Marshall smiles at the sight of them.

The vampire walks into the room and sets the tray down onto the nightstand. He takes a seat on the edge of the bed. His left hand takes hold of a larger one that's sitting atop the mattress. Another hand rakes through messy brunet hair. Paul leans into the touch with a light groan.

"Sleep well, darling?"

A single nod answers the question.

He's not much of a talker first thing in the morning, but Marshall doesn't really mind it. He knows the man enough to be able to carry a conversation on expressions and mannerisms alone.

"The nice boatman stopped by. He dropped off some fruit and juice. He also left a boat for us in case we wanted to go out onto the water, or go do something." A kiss is planted onto Paul's forehead. "He also gave me a brochure for excursions- said there's scuba diving we could do. Would you be interested in that?"

He nods again. It's paired with a widening smile.

"Okay, Tiger. While you eat and get settled, I'll make the arrangements. There's no need to rush though. You get up at your own pace."

Marshall offers a squeeze to the hand in his grasp before drawing back. The tray of food items is set onto the bed. He turns around to go back upstairs to make the arrangements for the day's excursion. A rough, scratchy voice stops him before he ascends the stairs.


He looks back. "Yes?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."


A few hours later, the couple find themselves looking out at the sea. A diving instructor is making small talk with the helmsman in the background. The boat is rocking in tandem with calm waves since the engine is off. Marshall is leaning against a metal ladder. Paul is sitting beside him with his legs dangling off of the side of the boat. Both have their sights set on the horizon. Fluffy clouds dot a bright sky, and the sun is shining. It isn't directly above them, so warm rays aren't as harsh as they could be.

When ready, the diving instructor helps the two with their equipment. Water weights, masks, oxygen tanks, and all other necessities are put on. Since Marshall is a certified diver, he's been given the okay to watch over how Paul is doing. Their instructor will lead them from afar. She'll still be close enough to guide them on where to go and what to touch; there'll just be enough added distance to give the couple some privacy.

Marshall is the first to dive into the water. His partner is next followed by the female instructor. She motions for everyone to submerge, and they do.

At first, the only thing around them are clear aquamarine waters. As they swim further down though, fish begin to appear. Small schools swim by. They see a few Forcepfish and Moorish Idols and the occasional Longfin Bannerfish. A couple of other larger species like the Tahitian Butterflyfish make appearances as well. Individual scales shine as different creatures swim around without a care in the world.

Marshall notices the diving instructor taking some photos with a water camera up ahead. Beside him, Paul is looking around with eyes full of wonder. Even submerged in water, the vampire can hear his mate's steady heartbeat and slow, calculated breathing. Tiny air bubbles fly toward the surface. A moment is taken to appreciate the beautiful scenery around them.

Continuing further down, the couple take in the sight of some marine plant life on the seafloor. Rocks are covered in small types of coral and anemone; a striped fish is seen peeking outside of one. Occasional sea urchins sit atop the surfaces of rocks and coral. Sea cucumbers are sitting dormant on the sand.

Marshall notices some particularly beautiful looking shells a short distance from the sea cucumbers. He motions toward the instructor to ask if he can grab one. She gives the okay. Paul is left to bask at the fish meandering around in order for the vampire to swim further down.

He's able to grab a tiny abandoned hermit crab shell and a smooth rock. Only the two smaller items are taken out of respect for a flourishing ecosystem.

The vampire knows if he takes anything larger, it could potentially disrupt a tranquil environment. He'd rather that not happen.

The keepsakes are placed into a pocket near his thigh. It's zipped shut to keep anything from getting lost.

Marshall turns his attention back up to Paul.

He's keeping himself afloat with small movements, and one arm is shifting around in the water. In front of him is a large Bluefin Trevally. It's an alluring silver with sections of blue in its scales. And the creature is letting Paul caress it.

Careful fingertips are running along the side of the fish as it simply sits there getting pet. Marshall doesn't move since he doesn't want to disturb the moment. He just looks on in surprise.

After the fish slips away, the couple make eye contact. They may not be able to make many facial expressions because of their breathing equipment, but joy can be seen clear as day in beautiful brown eyes.

The two rejoin and hold hands. They continue to follow behind the instructor toward a group of multiple other fish. Marshall almost gasps at the sensation of scales against his body when he's able to swim right through a school. Fish move to the side to let them pass, but other than that, the marine life continues on as if nothing is happening.

Golden irises look around to take in the different species in front of him. He jumps though, at the sensation of something hard pressing into his back. Turning around, the vampire comes face to face with a turtle swimming in his immediate vicinity. Marshall's eyes widen in surprise.

The instructor swims over. She motions for him to only touch the creature's shell. He reaches up with his free hand. As a test touch, he only pets the turtle with the tips of his fingers. After getting more comfortable, he allows for a hand to rest completely on top of the shell. Paul does so as well with his free hand.

The diving instructor does a little dance in excitement before taking a picture with her water camera.


Another hour passes before the group resurfaces. A vibrant blue sky has turned multiple shades of orange. A cooler breeze has picked up. Calm waves are still gentle.

Everyone gets back onto the boat. Constrictive sets of equipment are taken off, being set to the side. Marshall pushes wet hair out of his face. Water droplets glide down his jaw and ears. He can taste salt on his lips.

He catches Paul stretching out his muscles before taking residence on the edge of the boat. There's enough space for the vampire to join him.

A strong arm wraps around his shoulders. A chaste kiss is placed onto the crown of his head. He leans into a warm body with a sigh. Pleasant musk invades his senses.

Marshall glances upward to take in the sight of brown eyes illuminated by a setting sun. The orange hue makes the color look more like dark honey. He's caught off guard by a strong wave of complete adoration. It brings a smile to his face.

He places a kiss onto Paul's arm before looking out at the sea alongside him.

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