Alternative: The Polyamorous Route

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Note: Y'all...Y'ALL!!!! Pretty Boy really had the potential of being about a polyamorous relationship. I hadn't always considered it; but the concept did start forming the first time I had Paul and Brad interact in "Meeting the Not-Boyfriend". Then the idea started growing exponentially out of nowhere, and I legitimately found myself thinking about a storyline where Marsh, Paul, and Brad were all together in a polyamorous relationship by the time I completed "A Second Try". I backed out of doing so because Paul and Marshall's relationship was already established by this point. As was Brad's relationship with Yasmine.

But because I've thought so heavily about it, I figured I'd share a little bit of what was going on in my head when the Hale-Lahote-Romero ship set sail! 😂

Had I followed the polyamorous route, Marshall and Brad would've already been together at the beginning of the story. The off-screen plot still would've followed them meeting at the theater, but the diverging point would've been them dating a few months after first meeting. Roughly two years later, Marshall would've taken things further by marrying Brad and turning him into a vampire. Fast forward another two years, and a night out at a local club leads to Marshall and Brad getting a new toy to play with - that toy, of course, being Paul.

I knew I was going to do something different with their relationship since same sex imprint bonds weren't a thing in the original Twilight series. So, taking my own creative liberties, Paul would've imprinted on both vampires, and they would've wholeheartedly reciprocated it by opening up their vampiric mated bond.

I never dove too deep when it came to making a fully fleshed out plot with this route, but I did come up with an entire scene related to their very first interaction.

Have fun!


The easiest way to catch one's prey was to sit and observe, taking in the most minor of details in order to break down the highest of walls. Attentively listening was just as crucial, of course—seeing how most people, when comfortable with someone, would spill the contents of their hearts if they were probed at well enough. Flashing a warm smile coupled with a patient nod of the head made it easy to learn a stranger's deepest secrets, greatest lies, ugliest truths, and vilest habits. 

Getting such information was simple when occupying a place where people openly searched for companionship in those around them.

That was exactly why Brad and Marshall loved frequenting bars and clubs. Because the eager, desperate faces who made the mistakes of trying to get to know the couple only worked to turn themselves into a filling, satisfying dinner.

Vampires were cunning, crafty beings. They found great joy in procuring a meal that gave chase. However, taking in a human whose sole desire was to slowly squeeze themselves into an already close relationship had some perks too.

The main one? Seeing fear and dejection in their eyes when plans of breaking the two vampires apart severely backfired.

Marshall and Brad could be patient if it meant they were able to find the appropriate meal.

And with piercing eyes wandering around the room, they were further reminded why they were currently inhabiting a local LGBT nightclub known as Red Velvet.

Red Velvet was a large, multifloored establishment brimming with guests of all walks of life. An L-shaped bar with rows upon rows of fancy liquor sat in a far corner near a set of double doors leading to a hidden kitchen. High top chairs were kept a wide distance away from one of the main lounge areas. Circular black tables of varying sizes were accompanied by low light candles on their surfaces and comfortable purple couches for people to sit on. 

Passing a staircase and walking through a high archway led into a bigger room. Another bar was situated in the back, and a DJ booth was situated on the opposite wall. A rainbow of party lights basked everyone in a swarm of pink, red, blue, purple, and orange. An overhead disco ball added additional specks of vibrancy along the panels of a glowing, illuminated dance floor.

Marshall and Brad watched a sea of tipsy humans from afar. The couple were standing close together, chest to chest, with hands either resting on the other person's hips, arms, or shoulders. Both men were clad in silk button-up shirts with tight jeans and combat boots. Surrounding light put emphasis on a pair of matching wedding bands purposely kept on display for other people to see.

While Marshall and Brad weren't against flirting with people to make them lower their guard, they always made it clear that they were, in fact, together.

They were tethered in a way onlookers would never understand.

A hum of displeasure ripped Marshall's attention away from his duty of silently hunting. His gaze immediately locked onto the shorter male giving him a loose hug.

"Everything okay, beautiful?"

Brad turned to look up.

Eyes blackened by hunger met in an instant. 

Seeing a handsome face pulled together in genuine worry, he offered a sweet smile and a single nod. His soft lips glided across Marshall's cheek to spread tiny kisses along the skin close to his mouth.

A gentle nudge of the head allowed their lips to meet for a real kiss.

A hand traveled upward to cup Marshall's jaw.

He responded to the gesture by allowing his fingers to thread into longer, smooth curls. Brad's head was cradled with great delicacy, and he was pulled closer for a more passionate embrace.

When they separated, eyelashes fluttered apart to take in each other's warm expressions.

Brad leaned forward to rest his head over a silent heart. "Perdóname, mi amor. I didn't mean to make you worry. I'm just a little...frustrated tonight. Not really finding anything of value in the crowd right now."

"You don't have to apologize," Marshall answered, shaking his head. "I get what you mean, though. There aren't any scents standing out to me either. While I'd have no issues in tearing into every single person in here, I know it wouldn't be that great of a meal for you."

"Mm. Agreed."

A nonchalant shrug was given. "It's fine. We can wait for a little longer to see if anyone of substance shows up. If there isn't anything good within the next thirty minutes, we can just cut our losses and go vegetarian tonight."

Brad grimaced. "Um, ew, first of all. Second, you hate going vegetarian more than I do."

"I know, but the night is young. Having a fulfilling dinner is kind of secondary to me right now. My first priority is getting back home so we can get back in bed. I want nothing more than to spoil you, darling. Especially if you're not able to feed to your heart's desire."

"Oh, yeah?" Brad raised himself on his toes to brush his nose against Marshall's. "You'd do anything I told you?"

"Without question."

" if I asked you, right now, to get me something to eat?"

"Point me in whatever direction you want. I'll have your meal kneeling at your feet within seconds."

"I know you would, sweetheart." Brad chuckled, pressing another kiss to his husband's lips. "To be completely honest, though, the only person who could truly appeal to me while sitting on their knees is you."

"I'd do more than just sit, honey."

Marshall flipped their position so Brad was now against the wall. The former pressed himself against the latter, uncaring if anyone around them noticed their actions. 

A gentle blow against Brad's pierced ear made him let out a shaky exhale.

A deep voice speaking directly to him made his knees feel weak.

"I'd worship you. Love you. Reveal myself to let you know that everything I have is for you. I'd put forth my body in the barest nature to prove how much every aspect of my very being exists for the sole purpose of pleasing you." 

Marshall's tone became darker and heavier the more he spoke. His words were territorial. His presence all encompassing. Moving down to press a series of indulgent bites against his lover's presented neck only solidified how brutally honest his statements were.

He'd always been greedy when it came to anything he held dear.

Brad, of course, claimed the spot of being most important.

Both men had the idea of saying "fuck it" so they could have some real fun at home, hunger be damned.

But an instinctual, drawn out inhale made their heads dart toward the room's entryway.

A Quileute shapeshifter had just arrived.

Their signature stench of wet dog wasn't as pungent as the couple anticipated because it was overridden by something else.

Something much...sweeter. Much more robust.

A scent that became more addictive the longer it permeated.

The owner of such a divine fragrance turned out to be a man. His tan complexion and dark brunet hair were expected, though, the sharp angle of his jaw was certainly easy on the eyes.

His overall form was broad. Veins pressed against the skin of his lax hands. His large stature was heightened as he held his head high and with mighty authority. Defined muscular structures pressed against his clothes, leaving little to the imagination when it came to wondering what he looked like without any layers on.

In simple terminology: the man was stunning.

So much so, Marshall found himself salivating at the prospect of getting a taste in any way possible.

He paused when having such a wildly inappropriate, overtly sexual intrusive thought.

Hands grabbing at his shirt proved he wasn't the only one.

Both vampires glanced at each other before zeroing in on their target again.

Having sensed he was being stared at, his head swiveled until he caught sight of the couple.

Then, without truly knowing why, the world came to a standstill.

With eyes rich with a color akin to smoked honey- something hidden in the man's gaze- witnessing his beauty by catching a glimpse of his entire face- the whole ordeal proved to be absolutely enthralling.

Their stare down only lasted for a few seconds. The wolf glanced away to collect himself.

His reddening cheeks weren't hidden fast enough. And the sudden change of his heartbeat couldn't be controlled either.

Marshall and Brad faced each other completely, a deep seated hunger rising with every second.

Marshall clenched his jaw in an attempt to calm down. "What do you think?"

A slight nibble of the lower lip was a clear answer—seeing how it was a gesture presented to him whenever sweet, playful moments were overpowered by raw, unhinged lust.

Still, he wanted to be sure.

"You want him as well."

His question was posed more as a knowing statement, yet Brad nodded either way.

"I don't mean for his blood. I know we both desire to get a taste in that regard. I mean for his body."

"I'm fully aware of what you meant, mi amor. My answer is still yes."

Pleased by hearing the confession, Marshall put forth a teasing smirk. "Well then, let's change course, shall we? We can go hunting for blood tomorrow. Tonight, however...I want you to follow my lead. Think you can do that for me, guapo?"

Brad shivered at receiving an affectionate pet name in Spanish. "Anything for you, cariño."

"Mm. That's my good boy."

Hand in hand, the couple found themselves abandoning their post at the corner of the room. They, instead, set their sights on the fancy bar where a plethora of seats were still left open. Mr. Shapeshifter had settled in between two empty spots with his hands folded on the glowing glass tabletop in front of him.

He continued to sneak peeks while trying to play his searching off as discreet.

There was no startled response when two hands gently settled on his back with separate bodies doing the same on either side of him.

"Hi there, handsome. You're looking a little lonely over here," Marshall started.

"Could you use some company for the evening? Promise we won't bite," Brad finished.

"Oh really? Bit of a shame. Leaving marks is part of the fun." Mr. Shapeshifter's amused chuckle showed how he was well aware of who, or what, exactly was crowding his space. "Sure thing. I was just about to order a shot."

"Let's make it a round, yeah?"

Taking their seats, Brad flagged down a bartender to put in a drink order.

"Really? Considering the whole, y'know... I figured alcohol was off the table."

Marshall offered up a charming smile as he made eye contact with the man to his left. "It's not that the taste is great. What makes drinking so nice is the burn. The heat that travels all the way down to your stomach before spreading to the rest of your body. Feeling that type of fuzzy is a pretty pleasant experience, don't you think..?"

"Paul Lahote. And, yeah, I agree..."

"Marshall Romero. My lovely husband's name is Brad."

"Husband? Wow, I've never been approached by a married couple before."

Brad's laugh made both men look in his direction. "That's the part you're surprised about? Not the whole vampy-leech thing?"

"Eh. You guys are hot. I can look past it." Paul shrugged. "What about the shifter-wolfy thing? Doesn't bother you at all?"

"Eh. You're pretty hot. We can look past it."


Paul's face had a slight red tinge to it, amplifying his physical appearance by giving it a color which suited him well.  Both of his arms were occupied by two vampires who had their limbs snaked around his own, huddling close together. Such a close vicinity made it possible for the smell of wet dog to blend into that of sweet copper. With additional smells of apple, vanilla, and bergamot on top of everything, the mixture of fragrances all bundled into something quite reminiscent of a forest. Like...the aroma pine trees gave off after it rained. Sweet, earthy, and refreshing.

Laughter on all sides was mixed into a conversation about videogames where having teammates was more likely to cause chaos than ease the minor annoyance of getting specific tasks done. That topic branched off into a recollection of Brad and Marshall playing one of their favorite co-op cooking games called Overcooked; and how they're physically incapable of playing without busting out their best obnoxious chef personas when hilarious mistakes were made in the kitchen. Following up with his own story, Paul talked about how one of his pack mates attempted to make macaroni and cheese during a past sleepover and ended up almost burning down the house because he forgot a basic, vital ingredient.  

"He didn't add water?" Brad asked, legitimately surprised.

"What the fuck did he think was going to happen?" Marshall laughed. "How did he think the noodles were going to cook?"

Paul shook his head at the fond memory. "Macaroni Magic. His words, not mine."

The trio were about to continue sharing more entertaining stories until a bartender informed them that last call would be in five minutes.

Knowing the establishment well, everyone was aware how Red Velvet would close for the night roughly twenty to thirty minutes after.

Brad raised his arms up in the air to stretch out his back. "It's already two in the morning? Mm- sucks. This has been a lot of fun."

"Who said the fun has to stop here?"

Marshall glanced in another direction to hide his delighted expression. His plan all along was to butter Paul up to the point of making him admit how much he liked hanging out with both vampires. It was pretty clear he found the pair attractive, but whether they took him home was, above all else, his choice.

Because as much as they wanted to invite Paul into their home, into their bed, he was going to be the one to get the ball rolling.

"You sure you're not just saying that because you're drunk?" Marshall asked to be certain.

"Allow me to spill a little secret to you two, okay?" Paul leaned closer, his expression becoming more mischievous. "Shapeshifters can't get drunk. We may get a little tipsy from time to time, but our body temps are high enough to burn off the alcohol within a couple of minutes. So, to clarify, I'm as sober as can be. On top top of that, I'm wide awake and am more than ready to keep playing this little game we've got going on."

Marshall and Brad weren't subtle in mentally undressing their new date. Hungry eyes raked over his body, taking in every mouthwatering detail to burn it into their memories. Their grips also tightened around him, accidentally revealing how much his words were awakening other desires.

A low growl reverberated through Paul's chest, making his body vibrate.

It was the last thing to shatter all need to hold themselves back.

"Our place is nearby."

"Ten minutes walking distance."

Paul nodded in the direction of the exit sign. "Hop in my truck and we can make it in less than five."

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