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Part one. Chapter one.

Arriving in New Rome


Piper had not expected to be greeted by an exploding statue. She had just been rehearsing her lines by the mast when BOOM! it just appeared behind Annabeth.

"Unacceptable !" The statue shrieked.

Apparently he had exploded into existence, right there on the deck. Sulfurous yellow smoke rolled off his shoulders. Cinders popped around his curly hair. From the waist down, he was nothing but a square marble pedestal. From the waist up, he was a muscular human figure in a carved toga.

"I will not have weapons inside the Pomerian Line !" he announced in a fussy teacher voice. "I certainly will not have Greeks !"

Piper's attention went to Jason as it often did when he was around. He looked so good with his blond hair and fine features. He came over from where he had been at the front of the ship and shot Annabeth a look that said, I've got this.

"Terminus," he said. "It's me. Jason Grace."

"Oh, I remember you, Jason !" Terminus grumbled. "It's bad enough you saved a traitor from execution last year. And now, you consort with the enemies of Rome ! I thought you had better sense than that !"

Piper blinked. Jason saved a traitor from execution ? What ? He never mentioned that.

One look at him told her that he didn't appreciate the comment but jumped over it to the main point. "But they're not enemies—"

"That's right," Piper decided to jump in. She had charmspeak after all. "We just want to talk. If we could—"

"Ha !" snapped the statue. "Don't try that charmspeak on me, young lady. And put down that dagger before I slap it out of your hands !"

Piper glanced at her bronze dagger. She'd forgotten she was holding it. "Um...okay. But how would you slap it ? You don't have any arms."

She only noticed Jason shaking his head at her once she's said it. A look of annoyed defeat and exasperation came onto his face as he rubbed at his temple and pulled a face when Terminus yelled, "Impertinence !"

There was a sharp POP and a flash of yellow. Piper yelped and dropped the dagger, which was now smoking and sparking. It was as if it had burned her.

"What is it with you and young girls around you always being so impertinent ?" Terminus glared at Jason.

"We were seven !" Jason defended whatever it was he was defending.

Piper looked at her boyfriend with mild confusion. What did Terminus mean by young girls ? What young girls ?

The statue humphed at him. "Lucky for you I've just been through a battle," Terminus announced. "If I were at full strength, I would've blasted this flying monstrosity out of the sky already !"

That's when Leo jumped in and started defending his ship like she was his wife. Piper tuned him out. She loved Leo Valdez like a brother but there was only so much ship talk she could take and the last few months when she was with him, it was all she heard about.

Instead, she looked over the railing at the camp under them. Jason had described Camp Jupiter in great detail as his memories slowly returned. But the sight before them was better than anything she had imagined. Ringed by the Oakland Hills, the valley was at least twice the size of Camp Half-Blood. A small river snaked around one side and curled toward the center like a capital letter G, emptying into a sparkling blue lake.

Directly below the ship, nestled at the edge of the lake, the city of New Rome gleamed in the sunlight. She recognized landmarks Jason had talked about with such passion that it had scared Piper that he would leave her—the hippodrome, the coliseum, the temples and parks, the neighborhood of Seven Hills with its winding streets, colorful villas, and flowering gardens.

There was evidence of the Romans' recent battle with an army of monsters. The dome was cracked open on a building she guessed was the Senate House. The forum's broad plaza was pitted with craters. Some fountains and statues were in ruins.

Dozens of kids in togas were streaming out of the Senate House to get a better view of the Argo II. More Romans emerged from the shops and cafés, gawking and pointing as the ship descended.

About half a mile to the west, where the horns were blowing, a Roman fort stood on a hill. It looked just like the illustrations Piper had seen in military history books that she had read as research for one of her dad's movies—with a defensive trench lined with spikes, high walls, and watchtowers armed with scorpion ballistae. Inside, perfect rows of white barracks lined the main road—the Via Principalis.

A column of demigods emerged from the gates, their armor and spears glinting as they hurried toward the city. In the midst of their ranks was an actual war elephant.

"Right !" Piper snapped out of her observation and back to her friends when Jason interrupted whatever argument had been going on. "Anyway, Terminus, we're here on a mission of peace. We'd love permission to land so we can—"

"Impossible !" the god squeaked. "Lay down your weapons and surrender ! Leave my city immediately !"

"Which is it ?" Leo asked. "Surrender, or leave ?"

"Both !" Terminus said while Jason looked ready to dive off the ship next to her. Piper couldn't help but feel like he seemed much more annoyed and impatient than he ever had before. "Surrender, then leave. I am slapping your face for asking such a stupid question, you ridiculous boy ! Do you feel that ?"

"Wow." Leo studied Terminus with professional interest. "You're wound up pretty tight. You got any gears in there that need loosening ? I could take a look."

He exchanged the Wii controller he had been holding for a screwdriver from his magic tool belt and tapped the statue's pedestal.

"Stop that !" Terminus insisted. Another small explosion made Leo drop his screwdriver. "Weapons are not allowed on Roman soil inside the Pomerian Line."

"The what ?" Piper asked. She was pretty sure she just heard Terminus mention dogs but that made no sense whatsoever.

"City limits," Jason translated.

"And this entire ship is a weapon !" Terminus said. "You cannot land !"

"Leo, stop the ship," Annabeth suddenly ordered. When Piper looked at her friend, she found the blonde staring down into the valley.

"What ?"

"You heard me. Keep us right where we are."

Leo pulled out his controller and yanked it upward. All ninety oars froze in place. The ship stopped sinking.

"Terminus," Annabeth said, "there's no rule against hovering over New Rome, is there ?"

The statue frowned. "Well, no..."

"We can keep the ship aloft," Annabeth said. "We'll use a rope ladder to reach the forum. That way, the ship won't be on Roman soil. Not technically."

The statue seemed to ponder this. Maybe he was scratching his chin with imaginary hands.

"I like technicalities," he admitted. "Still..."

"All our weapons will stay aboard the ship," Annabeth promised. "I assume the Romans—even those reinforcements marching toward us—will also have to honor your rules inside the Pomerian Line if you tell them to ?"

"Of course !" Terminus said. "Do I look like I tolerate rule breakers ? Not one word, Jason Grace !"

"I didn't say anything !" The boy defended.

"Uh, Annabeth..." Leo spoke up much to Piper's annoyance. She wanted to know what was up. What were Jason and Terminus talking about ? "You sure this is a good idea ?"

"It'll be fine," Annabeth promised. "No one will be armed. We can talk in peace. Terminus will make sure each side obeys the rules." She looked at the marble statue. "Do we have an agreement ?"

Terminus sniffed. "I suppose. For now. You may climb down your ladder to New Rome, daughter of Athena. Please try not to destroy my town."


A sea of hastily assembled demigods parted for them as they walked through the forum. Some looked tense, some nervous. Some were bandaged from their recent battle with the giants, but no one was armed. No one attacked.

Entire families had gathered to see the newcomers. Piper saw couples with babies, toddlers clinging to their parents' legs, even some elderly folks in a combination of Roman robes and modern clothes.

Piper was amazed. Jason had mentioned that in Camp Jupiter, it was possible to retire into the city and even go to college and study before settling down. Where Camp Half-Blood was made of kids and teens, this place was an entire multigenerational community.

The daughter of Aphrodite wondered if Jason would want to retire in the city with her one day. It was beautiful with the smells from the bakeries, the gurgling fountains, the flowers blooming in the gardens. The architecture consisted of gilded marble columns, dazzling mosaics, monumental arches, and terraced villas. They could go in walks together while sipping hot chocolate. They could go shopping in the stores. There were so many options.

She was still in her daydreams when the demigods made way for a girl in full Roman armor and a purple cape. Dark hair tumbled across her shoulders. Her eyes were as black as obsidian.


Jason had described her well. That sent a pang through Piper again. Her boyfriend said they had just been friends. But looking at her, she was so impressive.

You could tell she was the leader. Medals decorated her armor. She carried herself with such confidence the other demigods backed away and averted their gaze. She looked so brave and courageous. One look in Jason's direction and she looked like she wanted to run over and hug him but she held back. She steeled her nerve and turned to Annabeth.

The two girls considered each other. Piper stood behind Annabeth, trying to ignore the Romans who murmured Jason's name, staring at him in awe. It was like they were trying to tell her that he was theirs and not hers. Like he belonged to Rome.

The praetor Reyna straightened. She turned toward Jason.

"Jason Grace, my former colleague..." She spoke the word colleague like it was a dangerous thing and like it wasn't the word she wanted to use. "I welcome you home. And these, your friends—"

She was interrupted by Annabeth surging forward. A guy in a purple cloak rushed toward her at the same time. This must have been Percy. The crowd tensed. Some reached for swords that weren't there.

The couple threw their arms around each other. Then, they kissed. It was short but definitely not for the view of others. Not that Piper could blame them. They had been separated from each other for so long and if Percy loved Annabeth a fraction as much as she loved him, it must have been hell for him too once his memories returned.

Percy pulled away and studied her face. "Gods, I never thought—"

Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the stone pavement. Romans cried out. Some surged forward, but Reyna shouted, "Hold ! Stand down !"

Annabeth put her knee on Percy's chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat. "If you ever leave me again," Piper heard her friend say, "I swear to all the gods—"

Percy had the nerve to laugh. "Consider me warned," he said. "I missed you, too."

Annabeth rose and helped him to his feet.

Jason cleared his throat. "So, yeah....It's good to be back."

He and Reyna shared a look as if they had done it thousands of times before. Piper almost saw the girl smile at him. Jason smiled back before turning to look at them. He introduced Piper first which made her feel warm and happy. She mattered to him. Then he introduced Leo, who grinned and flashed a peace sign.

"And this is Annabeth," Jason said. "Uh, normally she doesn't judo-flip people."

Reyna's eyes sparkled. "You sure you're not a Roman, Annabeth ? Or an Amazon ?"

Annabeth held out her hand. "I only attack my boyfriend like that," she promised. "Pleased to meet you."

Reyna clasped her hand firmly. Percy rubbed at his ribs, chuckling. "Mal's gonna love you."

"Mal ?" Annabeth wondered.

"A friend of mine," Percy waved off. "She loves hitting me."

"Oh stop whining, you bitch," a voice drawled. "If you can't take the hits, you're weaker than I thought."

"It's not the hits, it's your fucking wolf claws," Percy rolled his eyes as he turned back and let everyone see who he was talking to.

Piper sucked in a breath. This girl was absolutely gorgeous. She looked as if every part of her body were carefully sculpted, every freckles and line of her face carefully painted. Even the scars that peeked out of her clothes looked good, as though they were there to add to her beauty. A modern day Galatea. Her hair was dark and luscious, left open over her shoulders. Her lips were painted to match the deep red sundress she was wearing. Small flowers dotted the fabric. A leather jacket hugged slim shoulders and she stood ankle boots with a slight heel.

The girl looked down at her blood red nails as she stopped next to Percy before shooting him a deadpan look. "I was raised by wolves and a sociopath."

Reyna cleared her throat. The girl perked up. "Are you sick ? Is it fatal ?"

"No. So...no."

She rolled her eyes. "Great."

Piper gaped. How could anyone say that to somebody ? Wish they were fatally sick and then be disappointed when they weren't ? The daughter of Aphrodite looked at her boyfriend but Jason wasn't paying attention. She was looking at the new girl with...concern ? Why was he concerned about someone like this ?

Reyna was unfazed by the interruption so she looked back at to Annabeth. "It seems we have a lot to discuss. Centurions !"

A few of the Roman campers hustled forward—apparently the senior officers. Two more kids appeared at Percy's side. One was burly Asian guy with the buzz cut was about fifteen. He was cute in a sort of oversized-cuddly-panda-bear way. He seemed to be standing close to the girl in red. The other one to join was a girl. She was younger, maybe fourteen, with amber eyes and chocolate skin and long curly hair. A cavalry helmet was tucked under her arm. She kept glancing towards Piper and Leo though, frowning like she recognized one of them and the memory was painful. Piper had never met her before in her life, so it was probably Leo.

Meanwhile, Reyna was giving orders to her officers. "...tell the legion to stand down. Dakota, alert the spirits in the kitchen. Tell them to prepare a welcome feast. And, Octavian—"

"You're letting these intruders into the camp ?" A tall guy with stringy blond hair elbowed his way forward. "Reyna, the security risks—"

"We're not taking them to the camp, Octavian." Reyna flashed him a stern look. "We'll eat here, in the forum."

"Oh, much better," Octavian grumbled. He seemed to be the only one who didn't defer to Reyna as his superior, despite the fact that he was scrawny and pale and for some reason had three teddy bears hanging from his belt. "You want us to relax in the shadow of their warship."

"These are our guests." Reyna clipped off every word. "We will welcome them, and we will talk to them. As augur, you should burn an offering to thank the gods for bringing Jason back to us safely."

"Good idea," Percy put in. "Go burn your bears, Octavian."

The girl in red—Mal, Percy had called her—smirked. Reyna looked like she was trying not to smile, her and Jason sharing another look before she said. "You have my orders. Go."

The officers dispersed. Octavian shot Percy a look of absolute loathing. Then he gave Annabeth a suspicious once-over and stalked away.

Percy slipped his hand into Annabeth's. "Don't worry about Octavian," he said. "Most of the Romans are good people—like Frank and Hazel here, and Reyna. And Aris. We'll be fine."

"Don't lie to your girlfriend, Jackson," the girl in red rolled her eyes. "You know I'm not a good person."

"You're better than Octavian."

"Everyone is better than Octavian. Even Gracie over there," she pointed to Jason like his presence was the most inconvenient and annoying thing in the world.

Jason sent her an unbothered smile. "Good to see you too, Aris."

"Yeah. It was great without you here so...uh, fuck you for coming back."

"Hey !" Piper couldn't help but cut in. "Don't talk to him like that !"

"Or what ?"

"Don't worry, Pipes. Insulting me is Aris' way of showing she cares," Jason smirked at her. He raised a challenging eyebrow.

Aris smiled sweetly and gritted out, "I will claw your face off."

Piper and Annabeth shared a wide eyed look. How was nobody else bothered by this girl threatening Jason ? Percy rolled her eyes. "No, you won't."

"Keep telling what to do and I'll claw yours off too."

"I'll hide behind Frank."

"Try and use my brother as a shield," she glared.

"Ari..." the Frank kid warned.

"Come on," the girl, Hazel, said. It was almost maternal, as if she were the older one. "They just got here."

"No, they got here..." she grabbed Frank's wrist and checked his watch, "...seven minutes ago which means my obligation to be nice ended six minutes ago."

"What happened to your leg ?" Jason asked, nodding to the long gash that went from her left knee till inside her boot.

He had made his way to Reyna's side with his arms crossed over his chest. It was only then that he uncrossed them and casually draped an arm around her. Reyna leaned against him too, welcoming the short hug now that the officers were gone.

Aris (was that her name finally ?) glanced down before shrugging. "I got it on the quest."

"You went on a quest ?"

"Oh don't get your hopes up, Gracie," she rolled her eyes. "Your absence didn't suddenly make me turn over a new leaf."

"Wouldn't dream of that," Jason drawled.

"Well someone finally got a brain." She scoffed before looking at Percy and Frank. "I'll see you guys," she started walking backwards.

"Where do you think you're going ?" Percy demanded.

"It's rude to ask that."

"Right because you care so much about being rude," Percy commented sarcastically.

Aris sent him a tight smile. "If you must you know. Away from him," she pointed at Jason.

And she turned and walked away.

Frank sighed. "I got her," he told everyone before taking off after the young woman.

Silence reigned for a beat.

"Well, it's nice to see that Thea hasn't changed."

Reyna hit Jason on the chest. "She already spends half her time plotting your murder. Don't give her a reason to go through with it because we both know she will murder you if she hears you call her that."

"That's why I waited until after she left."

"Jason," the girl sent him a look.

Piper watched, flabbergasted. Nobody else seemed too surprised. If anything, Hazel was smiling at the interaction as if this was normal.

Jason sighed. "I don't care how much of a bad person she thinks she is now, Rey. Our Thea's still there."

"I hope you're right."

Reyna leaned against Jason for a minute longer, her arm around his waist. She then pulled back and slapped him. Everyone gaped and blinked. Jason flexed his jaw and touched his cheek before looking at Reyna again. "That was for leaving me to deal with these animals on my own."

"Sorry," he winced. "But in my defence, I didn't ask to be magically kidnapped and have my memories stolen."

Reyna let out a deep breath before shaking her head at him. "I missed you, you idiot."

"I missed you too. Well, as soon as I got my memories back, I mean."

That made Reyna crack a small smile before nodding behind her towards where the lunch pavilion was being set up. "Let's talk, and we can have a proper reunion."

Pari Speaks !

Whoo ! Here is the first chapter of Mark of Athena. I really wanted to get to the Jason and Aris part of this story and it would have taken way too long if I wrote all of Son of Neptune which for the most part would have been pointless.

Also, Jason and Reyna have been altered slightly because I hate that their friendship was just lost the way it was. And Jason has more of a personality because he deserves it.

Also, Piper will come across as insecure and whiny because she is insecure and whiny, at least in her relationship. And in this, she will realise that she likes girls earlier than canon so there's that struggle too. And Aris doesn't exactly help with her constant comments.

Also, Aris, guys. The first thing has to say to Jason is, "you're better than Octavian but I hate you." At least, she hates Octavian more.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed ! Bye !


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