Chapter 3: They are our Coaches?! Hare-chi and Cub-chi

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A/N: Konnichiwa, I know it is a funny chapter title but endure with it please! Well anyway. Tanoshimu Minna-san! HAPPY LUCKY GO!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not PRAD

Chapter 3: They are our Coaches?! Hare-chi and Cub-chi

"Aino, a unique Prism Star who can't perform, makes her debut"said someone. "Hmmm..How interesting"said someone. Then his eye flashed.

"You there!"he said.

Then two small creatures came and did a dance with their pom poms.

"I'll leave those two to you"he said while laughing.

"Understood"said the two.

At Lovely Crown

"Special lessons?"said Aino and Rizu.

"Yes, Since you've both had your Prism Show debut, you need to be able to dance professionally"said Kurumi

"We can't have you, who debuted as the Prism Star who can't perform, actually living up to her title and being unable to perform"said Jin to Aino.

"That's because I was forced to debut"retorted Aino.

"Anyhow, you two will be taking Pretty Top's special lessons together from now on"said Kurumi.

"Together?"said Rizu. "Aino is still an amateur. She needs someone she can look up to. You understand, right?"said Kurumi.

"Yes"said Rizu happily.

"And for that purpose, we have recruited a specialist. Make way to the lesson room"said Jin.

Then the two went inside the lesson room.

They saw a giant man holding a stick.

"I just recently joined Lovely Crown. I am Hatsune Aino!"said Aino. "Watashi wa Ayuzawa Rizu desu"said Rizu. "Please take care of us"said the two while bowing.

Then the two looked up and saw that they didn't say anything yet.

"You're our coach, right?"asked Rizu.

"Who are you talking to?"asked a stuffed animal.

"WAAHHHH!!"said the two as they were freaked out.

"Th-Th-The stuffed animal spoke?!"said Rizu.


"You're a teacher?!"said Aino as she rubbed her butt. "Then....who is he?"asked Rizu pointing to a man.

"Ah, him? He is Yoshiro. He's the manager of this place"said Puffin-sensei.

"The name's Yoshiro"said Yoshiro

"I see, the manager"said Rizu. "He's literally giving me a shoulder to lean on. Wow, that was good!"said Puffin-sensei. "But I didn't expect my teacher to be a stuffed animal!"said Aino excited.


"You're not?"said Rizu surprised. "To clarify, I'm not your teacher but your teacher's teacher. Which means, I'm your great teacher"said Puffin-sensei.

"Then who's teaching our lessons?"said Aino. "These two!"said Puffin-sensei as he threw two stuffed animals.

"These?"said Aino. But when the two lifted their heads, they were gone. "Huh? He dissapeared"said Rizu as she looked with Aino. Then a bright light came.

"I am Aino's Pair Cheer Mascot, Hare-chi!"said Hare-chi.

"I am Rizu's Pair Cheer Mascot, Cub-chi!"said Cub-chi

"We're gonna be your coaches from now on. So, let's do our best. WWAAAHHH! Are you surprised that we have started talking all of a sudden"said Hare-chi. But when Hare-chi saw Aino, Aino just stared at her while she sweatdropped and the same happened to Cub-chi.

"YOU AREN'T SURPRISED AT ALL?!"shouted Hare-chi.

"Ah, Gomenasai. We figured it would be like this after seeing that penguin talk. Ne?"said Aino as she turned to Rizu.

"More importantly, I want to start the special lessons already"said Rizu.

"That's why we didn't want to come after Mr. Puffin!"said Hare-chi.

"It ruined the impact we were going to make on them"said Cub-chi.

"Now then, before we start our special lessons, I'll give you this!"said Hare-chi.

"Prism Card Trunk! You put the cards that you obtain in here and carry them around. It also includes the Sound Heart which helps you remember dance music and the pass card that only scholarship students get"explained Hare-chi.

"Wow! I can make so many styles with all these stones!"said Aino.

"There are different kinds of clothes embedded into these Cards and you can even make combinations with...."said Hare-chi as Aino imagined herself.

In Aino's Mind







"And finally, Star!"

"That's so happy lucky"said Aino.

"Listen to what I'm saying!"shouted Hare-chi while irritated.

"Mou! Just forget about that!"said Rizu.

"What's the first lesson? Jumping? Skating Or are we going to do some running to build stamina? I will do anything!"said Rizu confidently.

"Rizu is so hyped up"said Cub-chi

"Well then, let's start our lesson!"said Hare-chi.

"....Is what you said, but we're going home and why are you down there?"said Aino. "People will think I'm just a regular charm if I hang here"explained Hare-chi.

"Ah, matte!"said Hare-chi as Aino was about to go to the right. "Eh?"said Aino. "Turn left here, Aino"said Hare-chi. "Why? My house is to the right"said Aino confused. "From now on, you are forbidden to turn right, Aino"said Hare-chi. "Forbidden from turning right?! You mean I can't go right at all?! But then I can't go home!"said Aino. "If you go all the way around, you'll be able to"explained Hare-chi. "Why do I have to?"asked Aino. "This is your special lesson"said Hare-chi. "This is my special lesson?"said Aino as she went to the left. "Is this really my special lesson?"said Aino complaining.

At Hatsune Residence

"Tadaima"said Aino a she went past her family.

In Aino's Bedroom

"I finally made it at home"said Aino plopping herself on her chair.

"The road I usually take down only takes about 20 minutes, but that tool me 2 WHOLE HOURS!"said Aino.

"Okay! Now then, this is the next lesson"said Hare-chi as she gave the paper to Aino.

"What is this?"said Aino. "Stand up comedy written by Hare-chi? This is the lesson?!"said Aino as she read it.

"This is Aino's...."said Aino.

"And Hare-chi's..."said Hare-chi.

"Stand-up comedy!"said the both of them.

"Prism Jump! Now, will contestant Hare-cho be able to do that jump today?"said Aino.

"First, lather up by moving both hand up and down with vigor! And them wash it all off in one go! Prism Jump!"said Hare-chi as she did a style when you wash your hair in a bathtub.

"That isn't a jump! That's shampoo!"said Aino.

"TOO SLOW!!!!"said Hare-chi as she hit Aino on the face.

"Eh?"said Aino.

"You were too slow with the jab!"said Hare-chi.

"I-It's easier said than done!"said Aino while rubbing her nose.

"It's not funny if you do it like that!!!"said Hare-chi getting angry.

"I'm not trying to make people laugh"said Aino as she sweatdropped.

"We'll start over from the beginning!"said Hare-cho as her eyes were beginning to fire up.

In the Living Room

"What's Aino doing"said Hiyoshi. "Who knows? But Aino does seem to have a lot on her hands lately"said Yudai. "A lot on her hands?"said Hiyoshi confused again.

"Yeah, a lot on her hands"said Yuri. "Yep, Sis has a lot on her hands!"said Yuki. "What do you mean by a lot on her hands?"asked Hiyoshi.

"Saa, Aino's already at that age"said Yudai. "At that age?"said Hiyoshi totally confused. "Oh yeah!"said Otome while Hiyoshi turned to her.

"I had a lot on my hands back then. I found someone I liked....but I wasn't able to confess so I kept on tossing turning in bed"said Otome as she blushed a bit. "Someone you liked?!"said Hiyoshi as he was thinking to see Aino upstairs. "Love does make a woman act a little weird"said Otome still blushing. "Koi?"said Hiyoshi as he decided to ho upstairs.

Hiyoshi went upstairs and Yudai, Yuri & Yuki followed him.

In Aino's Bedroom

The 4 of them silently opened the door.

"First, lather moving both hands up and down with vigor! Then you use hot water to get rid of the bubbles all at once! Prism Jump"said Hare-chi while Hiyoshi, Yudai, Yuri and Yuki were looking at Aino if there is anything strange happening to her.

"That isn't a jump! That's shampoo!"said Aino.

"TOO SLOW!!!"shouted Hare-chi as she hit her on the face again.

Then the 4 of them closed the door and went downstairs.

In the Living Room

Otome was eating a biscuit until she saw the 4 of them.

"How was Aino?"asked Otome.

She looked at them and saw they were crying.

"Let's leave her alone for a while"said Hiyoshi.

"Huh?"said Otome confused as she took a bite from the biscuit she was eating.

At a Chinese Restaurant

"I wonder why we have to meet here for the next lesson...."wondered Aino.

"Gomen, Aino"said Rizu while yawning. "Rizu-chan"said Aino. "I overslept because Cub-chi made me work too hard yesterday"explained Rizu. "It wasn't work! It was a lesson!"said Cub-chi. "Hmph"said Rizu while looking at Cub-chi.

"So, you had a hard time as well"said Aino. "Look at this"said Rizu as she got a book. "A coloring book?"said Aino. "I did them them all in one night "explained Rizu as she flipped the pages. "Rizu really did her best"said Cub-chi.

"So, what's today lesson?"asked Rizu. "For today's lesson.....we'll have you help here!"said Hare-chi.

The two of them looked at the restaurant and had a question mark over their heads. Then they did their work. Aino as a waitress while Rizu is the cook.

"Hey, where's my ramen?!"


"Sure!"shouted Aino. "How is this a lesson?"said Aino while holding a bowl of ramen. "You'll spill the soup if you don't concentrate"whispered Hare-chi.

"Over here!"

"Mapo tofu!"

"Hai"said Aino.

"Where are my harusame noodles?"


"That customer over there is calling for you"said Hare-chi.

"Chili Shrimp and eight-treasure tofu!"

"Ah, sure"said Aino as she wrote down on her writing pad.

"Large Seafood fried rice"


"I'll have crab fried rice"

Aino was carrying some food.

"Is it ready yet?"

"Over here!"

"Hai, please wait!"said Aino.

Aino got her handkerchief and wiped all the sweat off her face.

"Will this really help our performance in the Prism Show?!"said Aino to herself.

"What part of this is a lesson?!"said Rizu frying some food.

"Here's your mixed yakisoba!"

"Your Large seafood fried rice!"

"And the ramen goes......"

"Aino, bring the ramen here"said someone. "Over there?"said Aino as she turned. "Wait, Aino?"said Aino wondering how he knows her until she saw his face.

"Jin-san!"said Aino coming to his table.

"It looks like you are doing your best, Aino"said Jin. "I am but....I am at my limit"said Aino. "How can you progress if you are so weak?!"said Hare-chi. "Hare-chi's right. These challenges will definitely help you in times to come"said Jin. "I hope so"said Aino until she realized the ramen. "Sorry to make you wait. Here's your ramen"said Aino.

"Aino, look carefully at this ramen"said Jin as he pointed to the ramen. Aino looked at the ramen. "The golden seed that floats on the 3000-year spring....In due time, becomes a large tree which guides the youth. Do you understand?"said Jin. "Huh?"said Aino as she looked at the ramen.

"Hmmmmmm"said Rizu getting impatient. "Rizu-chan"called Aino. "Jin-san returned this ramen"said Aino. "Jin-san?!"said Rizu.

"The golden seed that floats on the 3000-year spring..... He said something like that"said Aino imitating Jin.

"What does that mean?"said Rizu. "Rizu, look carefully at this ramen"said Cub-chi as Rizu looked at the ramen. "Do you see anything missing?"said Hare-chi. "Hmmmm"said Rizu until Aino said something to her.

"Ah, you forgot to put the corn!"said Aino. "Corn?"said Rizu. "Look, you put corn on top of the ramen to add some yellow"explained Aino. "Oh yeah!"said Rizu. Rizu went to get some corn and putted a few in the ramen.

"How's this?"asked Rizu. "It's perfect, Rizu-chan! Here's your ramen!"said Aino as she gave the ramen to Jin. Then Rizu looked at the corn.

At Lovely Crown

"Now then, today concludes the first week of the special lessons. You two worked really hard!"said Hare-chi

"Now you'll have a test in front of everyone using what you've learned"explained Hare-chi.

"A test?"asked Rizu. "Why do you mean?"asked Aino. "For the Prism Show of course!"said Hare-chi. "Eh?! For the Prism Show?! We haven't even practiced once! It's impossible!"said Aino. "Come on, hurry up and start the test"said Cub-chi.

"Huhuhuhu! I wonder if they've improved"said Puffin-sensei. "I'm looking forward to it"said Kurumi. "Ganbatte"said Jin.

"B-But..."said Aino. "I'll do it!"said Rizu. Then the both of them went to the world of prism shows.

"Welcome to the world of Prism Shows!"said Ai. "Now then, I'll have you show me the results of your special training"said Ai. "Rizu-chan"called Ai.


"Could you pick out a costume for practice?"asked Ai. "Eh?! That would be Aino's speciality!"said Rizu as she pushed Aino in front of her. "Maybe its a little too early for you Rizu-chan. Well, go ahead Aino-chan"said Ai.


"This and this!"said Aino as she picked the correct cards. "Here you go!"said Aino as she passed the cards.

"Let's start then!"said Ai as she put the cards into place. Then a bright light appeared again.

Aino was wearing a pink vest with ruffles and a heart on the left side, pint pants and black shoes while Rizu had a yellow vest with blue stars, a necklace, light blue pants and orange shoes.

"I get really pumped up after a change of clothes! Happy Lucky!"said Aino. "Why wonderful styles! A little daring, but nice and tidy"said Ai. "Here's a question for Rizu-chan!"said Ai. "Hai?"said Rizu.

"If you were able to wear Aino-chan's clothes outside, adding a fashionable accent, what would you add?"said Ai.

"Eh?! Eto......"said Rizu as she looked at Aino's clothes. "Do your best"said Cub-chi.

"An accent for going outside"thought Rizu. "Let's see the results of your training"said Puffin-sensei. "Do your best!!!"shouted Hare-chi and Cub-chi.

"An accent...."thought Rizu. "Colors?"thought Rizu until the ramen came into her mind. "Ah, corn!"said Rizu. "This!"said Rizu as she handed the card to Ai. Then Aino got on the stand and was wearing the parka Rizu got.

"Ah, Kawaii!"said Aino. "You pass!!! You het a high score for accounting for the color balance and for picking a parka, which easily adapt if the weather changes!"said Ai.

"Yatta!!!"said Rizu. "The coloring book and the corn were lessons to help you with color balance and hue"explained Cub-chi. "Sokka"said Rizu. "Still, you really did your best!"cried Cub-chi. "Your crying again?"said Rizu.

"B-But, corn...."said Aino while crying.

The Skating Rink

"Now then, it's Aino-chan's turn"said Puffin-sensei. "Aino-chan, I'll have you show us some dancing!"said Puffin-sensei. "Dancing? I'm not confident...."said Aino.

"It's okay! Even I did well. You do your best too!"said Rizu. "O-Okay"said Aino. "Start the music"said Hare-chi. Jin pressed the play button of the sound heart.

Then Aino saw that she wasn't falling and was wondering. "A re? I feel like my balance has been better than before"thought Aino. Aino did some tricks on the rink.

"Her movements....."said Rizu shocked. "Aino..... When did she learn such quick turns?"asked Kurumi. "It looks like the ramen worked"said Hare-chi. "Ramen?"said Rizu as she looked at Hare-chi.

"The things that Aino learned from working at that restaurant were, sharp movements and balance"explained Jin. "Carrying ramen to customers without spilling it, leads to nice and smooth movements"explained Hare-chi.

"Now, Aino! Do a spin!"said Puffin-sensei. "Spin? I've never tried a spin! And I don't even know which way to start spinning"thought Aino. "From now on, you are forbidden to turn right, Aino"said Hare-chi as Aino remembered it. "Oh yeah! That lesson! Okay! Hidari da"thought Aino as she spinned to the left.

"Sugoi!"said Rizu. "It seems like the lessons worked"said Jin.


Aino ended the jump with a wink. Puffin-sensei nodded. "Good! You pass!"said Puffin-sensei. "Yatta! I did it!"said Aino. "You did it"said Hare-chi and Cub-chi.

In the office

"Still, I never knew a lesson like that could make me better at spinning"said Aino. "Lesson like that? How rude!"said Hare-chi. Everyone laughed.

"Now that you mention it, you did a lesson on jabs, ne?"asked Rizu. "Yeah, it was really hard"said Aino. "I would love to see that!"said Jin.

"N-No way! It's embarrasinf"said Aino while blushing. "A re? What was the purpose of that lesson?"said Aino. "Ah, that was just so I could prepare for a party"said Hare-chi while rubbing the back of her head. "Eh?"said Aino.

"We were just training for a stand-up bit"said Hare-chi. "Which means.... the Prism Show....."said Aino getting angrier. "Had nothing to do with it! But Aino has quite a talent for it!"said Hare-chi. "Hahaha! Uh, ha"said Hare-chi as she saw Aino getting angry. "Hare-chi!!!!!"shouted Aino.

Dream continues.......

A/N: Hey Minna-san. Gomenasai for not updating for a long time. I will try to publish the next chapter as quick as I can. Well, Stay toon for next chapter!


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