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I am so sorry for leaving y'all on that cliffhanger, but everyone deserves a Christmas break.

Besides, you know me, I wouldn't end a story with angst 😉.

Finally, you just get some good ol' platonic/familial fluff this chapter. Gotta slow the pace down somehow.

Enjoy this shorter chapter for now!



It has been one month and two days ever since I met up with Jay. I feel pathetic for even counting.

We haven't talked since then.

At first, I was somewhat hopeful, thinking that the next day I would get a message like "hey, something came up!" I would've accepted that, I would've understood.

But nothing.

I felt embarrassed to admit it at first, but after two weeks of my mood being ruined, I decided to tell Sky about the whole thing. She was sympathetic, but she ultimately convinced me to stop thinking about it. I never ended up reaching out, and that was it.

I wasn't so sure about Kai, what with the whole 'not talking to boys' thing he had when we were younger. Mum would always tell me that he was just in his 'big brother phase', but I feel that more now than ever before.

In conclusion, no boy talk with Kai until I'm married.

"You okay?" the brother in question asks me, pulling the blanket further over me on the couch.

"Yup, just thinking about things," I scoot closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder as our eyes study the laptop screen.

"Like college?" he says, adjusting the laptop on his lap. As he scrolls down to the pictures, a smile lights up on his face. "NSU doesn't seem so bad."

"It's literally the best one in Ninjago City, of course it doesn't seem so bad."

"Yeah, but you know... It's not one of those snobby ones that have uniforms and all that," he says, then looks at me sternly. "You'll get in as long as you have good grades."

I groan. "Shut up, I will..."

"In that case..." He gets up from the couch. "I have something to give you before the others get here."

I suddenly remember that we're supposed to be having guests in a few minutes, but I don't get to process it before Kai shoves a small box in my hands.

As I open it, my eyes well up with tears.

It's a necklace, one that I am all too familiar with.

I still remember Mum's reaction to when Dad gave it to her. She always loved the sea, I mean, that's where their wedding took place.

So, Dad bought her that necklace for her birthday. I thought it had been lost in the accident when they died, but... apparently not.

I smile as I study it, from it's thin, silver chain to the circular, blue gem in the middle, one whose shades of blue reminded me of waves.

My grin grows wider as I look up at Kai, jumping to hug him tightly.

"Saunders told me that it was about time we got these back," he said. "I thought it'd be a nice prom gift for you."

At the mention of prom, I can't help but feel a bit sad. I mean, sure, I was planning to hang out with Sky, but I wouldn't have minded going with a special someone, as our teachers call it. But the worst thing is, I do have a special someone.

Well, did.

"I was thinking of giving Skylor her gift at prom, but I think that I'll keep it as a graduation gift instead," he chuckles to himself, and it is only then that I realise he's holding another box in his hands.

"You're coming to prom with us?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What, you don't want your big bro at your prom?" he says with a cocky smile as he points at himself. "Anyone under 21 is allowed, so guess where this 20-year-old will be going in one week."

And here is the other thing that I didn't want to be reminded of; it's in one week.

Since it's prom and not homecoming, the principal decided to host it a week earlier this year. Considering it's the middle of May now (at least I think so, I've lost count at this point), we'll still have a few weeks left to study for finals.

So much time has passed so quickly since this trimester began, it feels surreal to think that it's almost ending.

Still, I'm left with one question in my mind. "So... what's Sky's gift?" I ask.

He smirks, opening the box to reveal a golden ring inside. The ruby in the middle is quite small (that was the only thing our father could afford, after all) but it's still just as beautiful as I remember it.

"Good thing they didn't carve their initials on it," he says, studying the engagement ring more closely. "I just want it to be passed down, I guess."

"I'm so proud of you." My voice barely above a whisper, I hug him.

He kisses my forehead and hugs me back. "Right back at ya."

As we pull away, the doorbell rings, and Kai sloppily hides the box in his jeans' pocket.

"Okay, they're here. Don't tell her about any of this, got it?"

I roll my eyes and smile. "Gotcha."

I get up and open the door, welcoming our guests inside.

One by one, Lloyd, Pix, Sel, and Sky walk in until our small living room is basically full.

After we say our casual hellos, we all spread across the couch as Kai boots up our PrimeStation (still can't believe they named a console after this game) and boots up Prime Empire.

Pix plays on her laptop, Sky on my laptop, Sel on her phone, and Kai and Lloyd play on the TV.

As for me, well, I haven't been in the mood to play ever since what happened with Jay.

My eyes glance over to Seliel's screen, whose avatar is smoking a cigarette, much like her.

She notices my glances and smirks. "Want one?" she asks and offers me one.

Before I can respond, Kai takes it from her, looking her dead in the eye. "Absolutely not," he says sternly.

Her smirk grows wider as she simply blows smoke on his face, to which we all can't help but laugh.

"Sky, tell your prom date not to be such a party pooper," Seliel says, but Sky only rolls her eyes.

"I'd rather have a party pooper than no date," Sky laughs.

"Please, I scored Brookstone's number. I'm settled for prom already."

"How so?"

"Well, when he comes by my dad's bakery to buy cake every other day, you get a few extra chances," she jokes, but her laugh is interrupted by kissing noises.

"Looks like you're going to make some sweet music together," Lloyd continues with the smooching noises and she hits him with a pillow.

Between our laughter and them killing each other in the game, Pixal turns to face me from the floor.

"What about you, Nya?"

"What about me what?"

"She means a date, genius," Seliel shouts from the other side of the couch. "She wants to know if you've found anyone to b..."

When she catches Kai's glare, she retaliates.

"...be dance partners with," she finishes her sentence lamely, and Kai is finally pleased.

Well, he doesn't have to approve of all of my friends.

I turn to Pixal again. "Nope, no one."

"Hey, you don't have to go with anyone," Lloyd tells me, his eyes glued to the TV. "We can go as single buds, we don't need any smooch partners to have fun."

"I agree with blondie for once," Kai says, ruffling his hair. "No smooch partners until graduation."

"Boo, party pooper," Seliel says mockingly under her breath, and I can't help but laugh.

"Focus on helping me slay this Minotaur and leave the mockery for later," Kai shoots back as both their gazes turn back to the game.

Soon enough, everything quiets down, and as the others play, I take the chance to look at my phone.

A couple of notifications pop up (mostly from Prime Empire being like "hey, come spend your money on our game!"), but one notification catches my eye in particular.

Once I see who the sender of the message is, I drop my phone.

"Dude, ouch," Sky says as she rubs her head, taking the phone and looking at the screen.

I quickly snatch it away from her, but it's already too late.

Now I now how it feels when Gordon drops his phone, I guess.

She doesn't say anything, instead, she grabs her phone and begins to text me.

ScarlettSky: Don't answer him, you're better than this

I bite my lip and contemplate my choices. Even though his message was nothing but a mere hello, I still feel the urge to text him. Part of me wants to at least yell at him for what he did, but another part of me wants to just forget about the whole thing.

Unfortunately, Sky is my latter part.

ScarlettSky: He literally stood you up Nya, a lame apology won't do it

I look at my conversation with Jay again, seeing more messages coming in.

SuperstarRockinJay: I'm really, really sorry. I can't really explain much, but I'm not going to be around the city soon.

SuperstarRockinJay: I know that I took like a month to text you, and I'm sorry, but I'm running away anyway, so...

Running away? What's that supposed to mean?

SuperstarRockinJay: I don't know. I just hope you can forgive me someday. Or block me, that works too if it makes you feel any better.

I wonder how someone can even blabber that much through text. I get butterflies just seeing his messages pop up again, but I also know that it's not easy to forgive him.

Sky gives me a warning glance, but once she sees me typing, she sighs and returns to the game.

I contemplate my words, hesitating to hit send.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

DazzlingJamminNya: are you sure about running away? Maybe I can help?

I don't even know why I'm offering at this point, but I don't deny that I still care.

I get no response for a few seconds, but when I do, my heart skips a beat.

SuperstarRockinJay: I'm sorry Nya, but I've made up my mind. I just texted to apologise, that's all.

As if I'm gonna stop at an apology.

I'm going to come find him.

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