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y/n POV

yoongi gave me the address to kim namjoon's house. yoongi called his driver to take me and i bid him goodbye. in the casual black toyota, the driver doesn't speak to me. the car ride to namjoon's house takes twenty minutes and i had fallen asleep. when we arrived i was welcomed by a white picket fence and a modern stone structure of a house. of course it's eco-friendly, namjoon's parents research global warming as a side job. the lawn contained rows of solar panels and the roof also was covered by solar panels.

when i enter i'm face to face with jeon jungkook who shows off his famous bunny smile. i probably looked like mess, face flaky from stress and dryness, clothes crumpled from running, and hair ecstatic because i didn't straighten it. i hurriedly bow to jungkook without a word, i know i have to be serious; i need a good nights rest, a shower would be nice, maybe some food...

"hello y/n, you must be tired, do you want some water and a meal?" seokjin kindly says. they're all sitting in the living room, the leather couches lined the walls and a massive TV is placed on a wooden drawer. my prayers have been answered so i just nod and smile gratefully. i'm scared to sit on the expensive looking couches, i'm sure i look dirty.

"please sit." jungkook says. i sit away from the boys across the room on a chair that's wooden.

"oh not there y/n-ssi that's our time out chair for the younger kids." seokjin's eyes turn to jungkook then jimin then taehyung. they blush out of embarrassment. i just nod and sit on the leather couch by jung hoseok.

"now back to business, so you know where the prince is?" namjoon asks.

"my guardians have him." i say, my voice coming out hoarse. seokjin comes with cold water and a plate of kimchi fried rice and fruits. i drink the cold water, i despise cold water but i didn't want to be rude.

"shouldn't we go now? we don't even know if they killed him already" jimin asks, he's all dressed up in combat boots and a leather jacket.

"i'm sure they have him hostage." i speak softly. "they basically almost killed me when i became suspicious. we can't go now, we have to wait until they leave the house."

they all seem to agree as it's quiet while i eat the kimchi fried rice and bite into my apple, making a loud crunch in the living room. i grab my phone out from my pocket and it says 1:33am.

"follow me to your bedroom y/n." jimin speaks. i follow him to what appears to be his own bedroom. the walls are a light blue, a king sized bed with black covers and white pillows. a fluffy brown blanket, a computer on a desk with many CDs placed about, i'm guessing video games.

"we don't have spare rooms but i have a pull out couch-bed when hoseok hyung gets scared at night." jimin explains. "you'll sleep on my bed, i'll sleep on the couch." he then chuckles nervously. he opens a drawer and pulls out a towel. "the bathroom is behind that door (which is by the bed)."

"thank you jimin-ssi." i say quietly not making eye contact as i make my way to the bathroom with my bag that has my extra clothes.

after a steamy shower and using jimin's shampoos and body wash, i smelled good which surprised me. i thought i would smell like a boy, like a masculine smell or an axe/old spice smell. i instead smelled like flowers, my favorite scent. jimin is playing on his phone as i stepped out wearing black sweatpants and a oversized white t-shirt, i had made sure to wear a sports bra under, i'm not about to expose myself especially with a boy and i in the same room.

jimin looks up and stares at me for a while as i do my night routine for my face, which was just moisturizer. i take pills for acne and had gotten treatment a long time ago first year of high school so my acne is minimal. i climb into the covers and say goodnight to jimin who just hums in response.

taehyung POV

there are no windows so i don't know what time it is, the shouts and scampering of foot steps from above i have not heard since last night. or i assume it was night. sana and suzy continued to abuse me- the two of them take turns during the day to tie me up and "pleasure" me. never once, however, have they forced me to have sex with them. or have they forced me to lay my hands on them as they were always tied up. "it's their duty" sana and suzy had said, to make me feel loved, that i didn't need y/n when i could have them. jongsuk never appeared in front of me, it was no surprise when i heard from the guards outside that the man has multiple wives, suzy being the main one though. sana is just included in this plan because she has a grudge against the wang family, plus she's obsessed with me.

when the two women weren't "playing" with me i was free to roam around the room and take showers in the bathroom, which didn't have a window either. the thought of escaping through the toilet came through my mind but it was just silly as there's no way i could fit. i had become that desperate to escape.


after hours of laying on the bed the sound of voices has been mute for a long time, i started to think. if there's no windows and there's no air-conditioners, there must be vents somewhere. i started to turn the room upside down, trying to find some kind of air vent system. i moved the bed to the other side of the room, i pushed the drawers away from the wall, i looked behind the desk. until i looked at the wall, a painting covered it. i removed the painting from its mantle and met a rush of fresh air from a vent, big enough for me to squeeze into to. only problem was it's closed off by bars, i need a screw driver. i groan in frustration as i put everything back in place.

a couple minutes after i'm done cleaning jongsuk angrily slams the door open and for a moment i caught a glimpse of stone staircases. he walked to me and slapped me across the face and then hit my stomach with what appeared to be a wooden pole. i got down on my knees and pant heavily, the pain raised to my head sending my brain banging against my skull.

"trying to escape now are we? just so you know sana and suzy's minions are looking all over for y/n, in a matter of hours your princess will face to face with you. and we will slowly kill her... right in front of you." jongsuk places the pole under my chin and raises my head to look at him.

"you're a prince? you're so pathetic." he scoffs as he turns around to leave.

i bring my knees to my chest and lay on the cold ground, it helped the burning in my stomach but not my heart.

y/n POV

i wake up and it's 8am, i'm an early riser and the first thing i see is jimin sleeping soundly next to me. his plump lips are open slightly and he has a book open face down across his chest.

he's not too close to me so i wasn't too startled. i rise to sit up and run my fingers through my hair. i make my way to the bathroom and wash my wash my face then moisturize. i don't hear anyone up yet so i decide to go to the kitchen. i open the fridge and there are many take out boxes, containing pizza, fried rice, egg rolls, and steak. i quickly take out the pans and olive oil and salt. i plan to mix all of these ingredients to repurpose them, this breakfast will be a thank you to the boys for letting me spend the night.

i finish at 9am as the first customer, jung hoseok descends the spiral staircase to the second floor.

"something smells good!" he chimes. of course he's a morning person. hoseok sits at a chair on the dining table and eats the steak i had redone so everyone has the same amount. i also cute up some fruit and make apple juice. we're going to have a long day ahead of us, i hope the boys have as much energy as i do.

at 10am everyone is sitting down eating breakfast while i just sit and watch them as i drink my apple juice.

"not eating?" jungkook looks at me with his cheeks full, now he really looks like a bunny.

"i'll wait for all of you to be done." i say.

"don't tell me you're going to eat the left overs?" seokjin asks. i guess i made it obvious.

"m-my guardians always made me eat the leftovers." i say softly.

"that won't do!" seokjin says as he gets me a fresh plate and makes an egg and bacon sandwich for me. when he's done places it in front of me, eyes expecting me to eat it. i just stare at it, suddenly feeling emotional. "thank you." i say and smile then i took a bite, the warm feeling spreading through my body. "it's delicious." i compliment seokjin who just smiles at me like a proud mother. a-a proud mother? i don't even know what that looks or feels like i guess this is the closest it'll be, then i suddenly get emotional again at the thought of comparing seokjin to a mother.

"we've gotten intel sana has been gone frequently from her palace since a week ago, y/n do you think she's also a suspect?" namjoon asks.

"we're still eating namjoon!" jimin whines.

"n-no it's okay, and she's obsessed with the prince i wouldn't be surprised if she has something to do with his disappearance as well." i say to which they all nod in acknowledgment.

"lets just storm into that house and wreck it apart until we find the prince!" jungkook raises his voice, his hyungs look surprised. the youngest has never been this so riled up.

"we can't do that. the house has many secrets and passages i do not know if we can find the prince in time between breaking in and looking through the many rooms." i say.

"you lived there! you must have found something!" jungkook says and i can tell he's frustrated but so am i.

"i have explored, quite a lot, but the rooms i discovered would only be storage. there's no way suzy and jongsuk would place the prince in there because there's windows it must somewhere with none, i think it's underground." i say.

"then there's only way." namjoon stands from his seat.

"we need a spy."

flashback, narrator POV

"y/n, i'm your father, please just cuddle with me, i'll read you a bedtime story!" jongsuk chimes at five year old y/n who's backed up into the corner of her pastel pink wall.

"i-i keep having nightmares..." she says quietly, almost whispering but it's more of a whimper.

"you have me to comfort you." jongsuk tries to soothe her.

"y-you're in my nightmare, you're not my dad." she rejects the hand jongsuk holds out to her. he's beginning to get angry.

"i'll stay with you tonight, i'll protect you." he tries to reason with her.

"w-will you really?" y/n asks.

"yes, i will protect you from the monsters." jongsuk's voice is higher and this appeals to y/n more as she scoots to her "father" and climbs onto the bed. jongsuk gets under the covers with her and reads her the Little Red Riding Hood. when y/n had fallen asleep jongsuk stares at the young girl's face, skin so fair, lashes long and features well defined for her age. jongsuk leans to give y/n a peck on the forehead, the feeling made his cold heart turn warm and thoughts he shouldn't be having came into his mind.

just how long does he have to wait?

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